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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 15193, 2024 07 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38956145


Birds maintain some of the highest body temperatures among endothermic animals. Often deemed a selective advantage for heat tolerance, high body temperatures also limits birds' thermal safety margin before reaching lethal levels. Recent modelling suggests that sustained effort in Arctic birds might be restricted at mild air temperatures, which may require reductions in activity to avoid overheating, with expected negative impacts on reproductive performance. We measured within-individual changes in body temperature in calm birds and then in response to an experimental increase in activity in an outdoor captive population of Arctic, cold-specialised snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis), exposed to naturally varying air temperatures (- 15 to 36 °C). Calm buntings exhibited a modal body temperature range from 39.9 to 42.6 °C. However, we detected a significant increase in body temperature within minutes of shifting calm birds to active flight, with strong evidence for a positive effect of air temperature on body temperature (slope = 0.04 °C/ °C). Importantly, by an ambient temperature of 9 °C, flying buntings were already generating body temperatures ≥ 45 °C, approaching the upper thermal limits of organismal performance (45-47 °C). With known limited evaporative heat dissipation capacities in these birds, our results support the recent prediction that free-living buntings operating at maximal sustainable rates will increasingly need to rely on behavioural thermoregulatory strategies to regulate body temperature, to the detriment of nestling growth and survival.

Frío , Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Regiones Árticas , Pájaros Cantores/fisiología , Regulación de la Temperatura Corporal/fisiología , Temperatura Corporal/fisiología , Cruzamiento , Reproducción/fisiología , Femenino , Masculino , Temperatura
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(26): e2319971121, 2024 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38885375


Many bird species commonly aggregate in flocks for reasons ranging from predator defense to navigation. Available evidence suggests that certain types of flocks-the V and echelon formations of large birds-may provide a benefit that reduces the aerodynamic cost of flight, whereas cluster flocks typical of smaller birds may increase flight costs. However, metabolic flight costs have not been directly measured in any of these group flight contexts [Zhang and Lauder, J. Exp. Biol. 226, jeb245617 (2023)]. Here, we measured the energetic benefits of flight in small groups of two or three birds and the requirements for realizing those benefits, using metabolic energy expenditure and flight position measurements from European Starlings flying in a wind tunnel. The starlings continuously varied their relative position during flights but adopted a V formation motif on average, with a modal spanwise and streamwise spacing of [0.81, 0.91] wingspans. As measured via CO2 production, flight costs for follower birds were significantly reduced compared to their individual solo flight benchmarks. However, followers with more positional variability with respect to leaders did less well, even increasing their costs above solo flight. Thus, we directly demonstrate energetic costs and benefits for group flight followers in an experimental context amenable to further investigation of the underlying aerodynamics, wake interactions, and bird characteristics that produce these metabolic effects.

Metabolismo Energético , Vuelo Animal , Estorninos , Animales , Vuelo Animal/fisiología , Metabolismo Energético/fisiología , Estorninos/fisiología , Estorninos/metabolismo , Aves/fisiología
J Exp Biol ; 227(6)2024 03 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38380522


Animals can cope with dehydration in a myriad of ways, both behaviorally and physiologically. The oxidation of protein produces more metabolic water per kilojoule than that of fat or carbohydrate, and it is well established that birds increase protein catabolism in response to high rates of water loss. However, the fate of amino acids mobilized in response to water restriction has not been explicitly determined. While protein catabolism releases bound water, we hypothesized that water-restricted birds would also oxidize the resulting amino acids, producing additional water as a product of oxidative phosphorylation. To test this, we fed captive house sparrows (Passer domesticus) 13C-labeled leucine for 9 weeks to label endogenous proteins. We conducted weekly trials during which we measured the physiological response to water restriction as changes in lean mass, fat mass, metabolism and the enrichment of 13C in exhaled CO2 (δ13Cbreath). If water-restricted birds catabolized proteins and oxidized the resulting amino acids, we expected to simultaneously observe greater lean mass loss and elevated δ13Cbreath relative to control birds. We found that water-restricted birds catabolized more lean tissue and also had enriched δ13Cbreath in response to water restriction, supporting our hypothesis. δ13Cbreath, however, varied with metabolic rate and the length of the water restriction period, suggesting that birds may spare protein when water balance can be achieved using other physiological strategies.

Aminoácidos , Gorriones , Animales , Aminoácidos/metabolismo , Agua/metabolismo , Gorriones/fisiología , Oxidación-Reducción
Ecol Evol ; 14(1): e10738, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38235410


Montane birds experience a range of challenges that may limit their breeding success, including nest predation and severe climactic conditions. The continuing effects of climate change are causing shifts in biotic and abiotic factors that may compound these threats to montane bird species. In northeastern montane forests, many bird species are shifting downslope, potentially as the result of increased precipitation and temperature at higher elevations. Although lower elevations might be more favorable in terms of climactic conditions, nest predation is higher at lower elevations. Thus, montane birds might be faced with the opposing pressures of adverse climactic conditions at higher elevations and increased predation at lower elevations. We monitored nests of Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) along an elevation gradient in the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire in 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2021 to examine the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on daily nest survival rate (DSR). Linear time explained the most variation of DSR in AICc model comparison, indicating that DSR decreases across the breeding season. Rain intensity (mm/h) had a weak negative effect on DSR, indicating that heavier rain per hour decreases Swainson's Thrush DSR. Moreover, we found some support for a negative interaction effect of elevation in conjunction with minimum daily temperature: DSR of Swainson's Thrush nests at low elevations (281 m) increased with increasing minimum daily temperatures and decreased at high elevations with increasing minimum daily temperatures. Our results suggest nesting survival of montane breeding birds may be at risk as heavier precipitation events become more frequent and intense due to the changing climate and raises the possibility that other passerine species could be at risk in this system.

J Anim Ecol ; 93(3): 294-306, 2024 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37970639


In temperate regions, the annual pattern of spring onset can be envisioned as a 'green wave' of emerging vegetation that moves across continents from low to high latitudes, signifying increasing food availability for consumers. Many herbivorous migrants 'surf' such resource waves, timing their movements to exploit peak vegetation resources in early spring. Although less well studied at the individual level, secondary consumers such as insectivorous songbirds can track vegetation phenology during migration as well. We hypothesized that four species of ground-foraging songbirds in eastern North America-two warblers and two thrushes-time their spring migrations to coincide with later phases of vegetation phenology, corresponding to increased arthropod prey, and predicted they would match their migration rate to the green wave but trail behind it rather than surfing its leading edge. We further hypothesized that the rate at which spring onset progresses across the continent influences bird migration rates, such that individuals adjust migration timing within North America to phenological conditions they experience en route. To test our hypotheses, we used a continent-wide automated radio telemetry network to track individual songbirds on spring migration between the U.S. Gulf Coast region and northern locations closer to their breeding grounds. We measured vegetation phenology using two metrics of spring onset, the spring index first leaf date and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), then calculated the rate and timing of spring onset relative to bird detections. All individuals arrived in the southeastern United States well after local spring onset. Counter to our expectations, we found that songbirds exhibited a 'catching up' pattern: Individuals migrated faster than the green wave of spring onset, effectively closing in on the start of spring as they approached breeding areas. While surfing of resource waves is a well-documented migration strategy for herbivorous waterfowl and ungulates, individual songbirds in our study migrated faster than the green wave and increasingly caught up to its leading edge en route. Consequently, songbirds experience a range of vegetation phenophases while migrating through North America, suggesting flexibility in their capacity to exploit variable resources in spring.

En las regiones templadas, el patrón anual de inicio de la primavera puede concebirse como una "ola verde" de vegetación emergente que se desplaza por los continentes desde las latitudes bajas a las altas, lo que significa una mayor disponibilidad de alimento para los consumidores. Muchos herbívoros migratorios "surfean" estas olas de recursos, programando sus movimientos para aprovechar los picos de vegetación a principios de primavera. Aunque menos estudiados a nivel de individuo, los consumidores secundarios, como las aves terrestres insectívoras, también pueden seguir la fenología de la vegetación durante la migración. Hipotetizamos es que cuatro especies de aves terrestres que se alimentan en el suelo en el este de Norteamérica - dos reinitas y dos zorzales - programan sus migraciones primaverales para que coincidan con las fases más tardías de la fenología de la vegetación, que se corresponden con un aumento de artrópodos, y predijimos que sincronizarian su ritmo de migración con la ola verde, pero que irían detrás de ella en lugar de surfear su borde delantero. También hipotetizamos que el ritmo al que avanza la primavera en el continente influye en las tasas de migración de las aves, de modo que los individuos ajustan la fecha de migración dentro de Norteamérica a las condiciones fenológicas que experimentan en ruta. Para comprobar nuestras hipótesis, utilizamos una red automatizada de radiotelemetría a escala continental para seguir individuos en su migración primaveral entre la región de la costa del Golfo de EEUU y las localidades septentrionales más cercanas a sus zonas de cría. Medimos la fenología de la vegetación utilizando dos métricas del inicio de la primavera, el índice de la fecha de la primera hoja primaveral y el índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada (NDVI), luego calculamos la tasa y el tiempo de la aparaciòn de la primavera relativo a las detecciones de aves. Todos los individuos llegaron al sureste de EEUU bastante después del inicio de la primavera local. Contrario a nuestras expectativas, descubrimos que las aves terrestres mostraron un patrón de Carrera para "ponerse al día": los individuos migraron frente a la ola verde del inicio de la primavera, acercándose efectivamente al inicio de la primavera a medida que llegaban a las zonas de cría. Mientras que el surfing de las olas de recursos es una estrategia migratoria bien documentada para las aves acuáticas herbívoras y los ungulados, los individuos de aves terrestres de nuestro estudio migraron más rápido que la ola verde y alcanzaron cada vez más el borde delantero en ruta. En consecuencia, las aves terrestres experimentan una serie de fases fenológicas de la vegetación mientras migran a través de Norteamérica, lo que sugiere flexibilidad en su capacidad para explotar recursos variables en primavera.

Pájaros Cantores , Humanos , Animales , Migración Animal , Fitomejoramiento , América del Norte , Estaciones del Año
J Exp Biol ; 227(1)2024 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38044822


In order to complete their energetically demanding journeys, migratory birds undergo a suite of physiological changes to prepare for long-duration endurance flight, including hyperphagia, fat deposition, reliance on fat as a fuel source, and flight muscle hypertrophy. In mammalian muscle, SLN is a small regulatory protein which binds to sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and uncouples Ca2+ transport from ATP hydrolysis, increasing energy consumption, heat production, and cytosolic Ca2+ transients that signal for mitochondrial biogenesis, fatigue resistance and a shift to fatty acid oxidation. Using a photoperiod manipulation of captive gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis), we investigated whether SLN may play a role in coordinating the development of the migratory phenotype. In response to long-day photostimulation, catbirds demonstrated migratory restlessness and significant body fat stores, alongside higher SLN transcription while SERCA2 remained constant. SLN transcription was strongly correlated with h-FABP and PGC1α transcription, as well as fat mass. However, SLN was not significantly correlated with HOAD or CD36 transcripts or measurements of SERCA activity, SR membrane Ca2+ leak, Ca2+ uptake rates, pumping efficiency or mitochondrial biogenesis. Therefore, SLN may be involved in the process of storing fat and shifting to fat as a fuel, but the mechanism of its involvement remains unclear.

Calcio , Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Calcio/metabolismo , ATPasas Transportadoras de Calcio del Retículo Sarcoplásmico/metabolismo , Proteínas Musculares , Proteolípidos/genética , Proteolípidos/metabolismo , Retículo Endoplásmico/metabolismo , Pájaros Cantores/metabolismo , Mamíferos/metabolismo
Physiol Rep ; 11(20): e15842, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37849053


Bird flight muscle can lose as much as 20% of its mass during a migratory flight due to protein catabolism, and catabolism can be further exacerbated under dehydrating conditions. However, the functional consequences of exercise and environment induced protein catabolism on muscle has not been examined. We hypothesized that prolonged flight would cause a decline in muscle mass, aerobic capacity, and contractile performance. This decline would be heightened for birds placed under dehydrating environmental conditions, which typically increases lean mass losses. Yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata) were exposed to dry or humid (12 or 80% relative humidity at 18°C) conditions for up to 6 h while at rest or undergoing flight. The pectoralis muscle was sampled after flight/rest or after 24 h of recovery, and contractile properties and enzymatic capacity for aerobic metabolism was measured. There was no change in lipid catabolism or force generation of the muscle due to flight or humidity, despite reductions in pectoralis dry mass immediately post-flight. However, there was a slowing of myosin-actin crossbridge kinetics under dry compared to humid conditions. Aerobic and contractile function is largely preserved after 6 h of exercise, suggesting that migratory birds preserve energy pathways and function in the muscle.

Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Pájaros Cantores/metabolismo , Humedad , Músculos
Physiol Genomics ; 55(11): 544-556, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37694280


Migratory songbirds undertake challenging journeys to reach their breeding grounds each spring. They accomplish these nonstop flapping feats of endurance through a suite of physiological changes, including the development of substantial fat stores and flight muscle hypertrophy and an increased capacity for fat catabolism. In addition, migratory birds may show large reductions in organ masses during flight, including the flight muscle and liver, which they must rapidly rebuild during their migratory stopover before replenishing their fat stores. However, the molecular basis of this capacity for rapid tissue remodeling and energetic output has not been thoroughly investigated. We performed RNA-sequencing analysis of the liver and pectoralis flight muscle of captive white-throated sparrows in experimentally photostimulated migratory and nonmigratory condition to explore the mechanisms of seasonal change to metabolism and tissue mass regulation that may facilitate these migratory journeys. Based on transcriptional changes, we propose that tissue-specific adjustments in preparation for migration may alleviate the damaging effects of long-duration activity, including a potential increase to the inflammatory response in the muscle. Furthermore, we hypothesize that seasonal hypertrophy balances satellite cell recruitment and apoptosis, while little evidence appeared in the transcriptome to support myostatin-, insulin-like growth factor 1-, and mammalian target of rapamycin-mediated pathways for muscle growth. These findings can encourage more targeted molecular studies on the unique integration of pathways that we find in the development of the migratory endurance phenotype in songbirds.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Migratory songbirds undergo significant physiological changes to accomplish their impressive migratory journeys. However, we have a limited understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying these changes. Here, we explore the transcriptomic changes to the flight muscle and liver of white-throated sparrows as they develop the migratory condition. We use these patterns to develop hypotheses about metabolic flexibility and tissue restructuring in preparation for migration.

Gorriones , Animales , Gorriones/genética , Gorriones/metabolismo , Transcriptoma/genética , Hígado , Músculos , Hipertrofia , Estaciones del Año , Mamíferos/genética
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(17): e2216016120, 2023 04 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37068245


During migration, long-distance migratory songbirds may fly nonstop for days, whereas shorter-distance migrants complete flights of 6 to 10 h. Fat is the primary fuel source, but protein is also assumed to provide a low, consistent amount of energy for flight. However, little is known about how the use of these fuel sources differs among bird species and in response to flight duration. Current models predict that birds can fly until fat stores are exhausted, with little consideration of protein's limits on flight range or duration. We captured two related migratory species-ultra long-distance blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata) and short-distance yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata)-during fall migration and flew them in a wind tunnel to examine differences in energy expenditure, overall fuel use, and fuel mixture. We measured fat and fat-free body mass before and after flight using quantitative magnetic resonance and calculated energy expenditure from body composition changes and doubly labeled water. Three blackpolls flew voluntarily for up to 28 h-the longest wind tunnel flight to date-and ended flights with substantial fat reserves but concave flight muscle, indicating that protein loss, rather than fat, may actually limit flight duration. Interestingly, while blackpolls had significantly lower mass-specific metabolic power in flight than that of yellow-rumped warblers and fuel use was remarkably similar in both species, with consistent fat use but exceptionally high rates of protein loss at the start of flight that declined exponentially over time. This suggests that protein may be a critical, dynamic, and often overlooked fuel for long-distance migratory birds.

Passeriformes , Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Pájaros Cantores/fisiología , Composición Corporal , Proteínas/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Migración Animal/fisiología , Vuelo Animal/fisiología
Am J Biol Anthropol ; 181(3): 379-391, 2023 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36896681


OBJECTIVES: We aim to test three questions regarding human eccrine sweat gland density, which is highly derived yet poorly understood. First, is variation in functional eccrine gland density ("FED") explained by childhood climate, suggesting phenotypic plasticity? Second, is variation in FED explained by genetic similarity (a proxy for "geographic ancestry"), implying divergent evolutionary pathways in this trait of ancestral populations? Third, what is the relationship between FED and sweat production? MATERIALS AND METHODS: To test questions one and two, we measured FED in 68 volunteers aged 18-39 with varied childhood climate regimes and geographic ancestries. To test question three, we compared sweat production to FED in our n = 68 sample. In addition, we examined the relationship between FED and whole-body sweat loss during cycling in warm conditions using a sample of eight heat-acclimated endurance athletes. RESULTS: Interindividual variation in six-site FED was more than twofold, ranging from 60.9 to 132.7 glands/cm2 . Variation in FED was best explained by body surface area and limb circumferences (negative associations) and poorly explained by childhood climatic conditions and genetic similarity. Pilocarpine-induced sweat production was unrelated to FED while whole-body sweat loss during cycling was significantly, though modestly, associated with FED. DISCUSSION: We hypothesize that gland-level phenotypic plasticity, rather than changes in eccrine gland density, was sufficient to permit thermal adaptation to novel environments as humans colonized the globe. Future research should measure effects of FED in dehydrated states and the relationship between FED and salt loss, and control for effects of microclimate to rule out phenotypic plasticity effects.

Glándulas Ecrinas , Sudoración , Humanos , Niño , Glándulas Ecrinas/metabolismo , Sudor , Pilocarpina/metabolismo
J Exp Biol ; 225(19)2022 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36200468


Migratory birds undergo seasonal changes to muscle biochemistry. Nonetheless, it is unclear to what extent these changes are attributable to the exercise of flight itself versus endogenous changes. Using starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) flying in a wind tunnel, we tested the effects of exercise training, a single bout of flight and dietary lipid composition on pectoralis muscle oxidative enzymes and lipid transporters. Starlings were either unexercised or trained over 2 weeks to fly in a wind tunnel and sampled either immediately following a long flight at the end of this training or after 2 days recovery from this flight. Additionally, they were divided into dietary groups that differed in dietary fatty acid composition (high polyunsaturates versus high monounsaturates) and amount of dietary antioxidant. Trained starlings had elevated (19%) carnitine palmitoyl transferase and elevated (11%) hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in pectoralis muscle compared with unexercised controls, but training alone had little effect on lipid transporters. Immediately following a long wind-tunnel flight, starling pectoralis had upregulated lipid transporter mRNA (heart-type fatty acid binding protein, H-FABP, 4.7-fold; fatty acid translocase, 1.9-fold; plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein, 1.6-fold), and upregulated H-FABP protein (68%). Dietary fatty acid composition and the amount of dietary antioxidants had no effect on muscle catabolic enzymes or lipid transporter expression. Our results demonstrate that birds undergo rapid upregulation of catabolic capacity that largely becomes available during flight itself, with minor effects due to training. These effects likely combine with endogenous seasonal changes to create the migratory phenotype observed in the wild.

Estorninos , Migración Animal/fisiología , Animales , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Carnitina/metabolismo , Coenzima A/metabolismo , Proteína 3 de Unión a Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Proteínas de Unión a Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Músculo Esquelético/metabolismo , Estrés Oxidativo , Oxidorreductasas/metabolismo , Músculos Pectorales/metabolismo , ARN Mensajero/genética , Estorninos/fisiología , Transferasas/metabolismo
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 11470, 2022 07 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35794224


Methylmercury (MeHg) is a global pollutant that can cause metabolic disruptions in animals and thereby potentially compromise the energetic capacity of birds for long-distance migration, but its effects on avian lipid metabolism pathways that support endurance flight and stopover refueling have never been studied. We tested the effects of short-term (14-d), environmentally relevant (0.5 ppm) dietary MeHg exposure on lipid metabolism markers in the pectoralis and livers of yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata) that were found in a previous study to have poorer flight endurance in a wind tunnel than untreated conspecifics. Compared to controls, MeHg-exposed birds displayed lower muscle aerobic and fatty acid oxidation capacity, but similar muscle glycolytic capacity, fatty acid transporter expression, and PPAR expression. Livers of exposed birds indicated elevated energy costs, lower fatty acid uptake capacity, and lower PPAR-γ expression. The lower muscle oxidative enzyme capacity of exposed birds likely contributed to their weaker endurance in the prior study, while the metabolic changes observed in the liver have potential to inhibit lipogenesis and stopover refueling. Our findings provide concerning evidence that fatty acid catabolism, synthesis, and storage pathways in birds can be dysregulated by only brief exposure to MeHg, with potentially significant consequences for migratory performance.

Mercurio , Compuestos de Metilmercurio , Pájaros Cantores , Animales , Ácidos Grasos , Metabolismo de los Lípidos , Hígado , PPAR gamma , Músculos Pectorales
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol ; 323(1): R98-R109, 2022 07 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35503523


Migratory birds seasonally increase fat stores and the capacity to use fat to fuel long-distance migratory flights. However, lean mass loss also occurs during migratory flights and, if adaptive, should exhibit seasonal changes in the capacity for protein metabolism. We conducted a photoperiod manipulation using captive white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) to investigate seasonal changes in protein metabolism between the nonmigratory "winter" condition and after exposure to a long-day "spring" photoperiod to stimulate the migratory condition. After photostimulation, birds in the migratory condition rapidly increased fat mass and activity of fat catabolism enzymes. Meanwhile, total lean mass did not change, but birds increased the activity of protein catabolism enzymes and lost more water and lean mass during water-restricted metabolic testing. These data suggest that more protein may be catabolized during migratory seasons, corresponding with more water loss. Counter to predictions, birds in the migratory condition also showed an approximately 30-fold increase in muscle expression of sarcolipin, which binds to sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and uncouples Ca2+ transport from ATP hydrolysis. Our documented changes to protein catabolism enzymes and whole animal lean mass dynamics may indicate that protein breakdown or increased protein turnover is adaptive during migration in songbirds.

Gorriones , Migración Animal/fisiología , Animales , Fotoperiodo , Estaciones del Año , Gorriones/fisiología , Agua/metabolismo
Front Physiol ; 12: 710026, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552501


Understanding physiological traits and ecological conditions that influence a species reliance on metabolic water is critical to creating accurate physiological models that can assess their ability to adapt to environmental perturbations (e.g., drought) that impact water availability. However, relatively few studies have examined variation in the sources of water animals use to maintain water balance, and even fewer have focused on the role of metabolic water. A key reason is methodological limitations. Here, we applied a new method that measures the triple oxygen isotopic composition of a single blood sample to estimate the contribution of metabolic water to the body water pool of three passerine species. This approach relies on Δ'17O, defined as the residual from the tight linear correlation that naturally exists between δ17O and δ18O values. Importantly, Δ'17O is relatively insensitive to key fractionation processes, such as Rayleigh distillation in the water cycle that have hindered previous isotope-based assessments of animal water balance. We evaluated the effects of changes in metabolic rate and water intake on Δ'17O values of captive rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) and two invertivorous passerine species in the genus Cinclodes from the field. As predicted, colder acclimation temperatures induced increases in metabolic rate, decreases in water intake, and increases in the contribution of metabolic water to the body water pool of Z. capensis, causing a consistent change in Δ'17O. Measurement of Δ'17O also provides an estimate of the δ18O composition of ingested pre-formed (drinking/food) water. Estimated δ18O values of drinking/food water for captive Z. capensis were ~ -11‰, which is consistent with that of tap water in Santiago, Chile. In contrast, δ18O values of drinking/food water ingested by wild-caught Cinclodes were similar to that of seawater, which is consistent with their reliance on marine resources. Our results confirm the utility of this method for quantifying the relative contribution of metabolic versus pre-formed drinking/food water to the body water pool in birds.

J Exp Biol ; 224(Pt Suppl 1)2021 02 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33627461


Evaporative heat dissipation is a key aspect of avian thermoregulation in hot environments. We quantified variation in avian thermoregulatory performance at high air temperatures (Ta) using published data on body temperature (Tb), evaporative water loss (EWL) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) measured under standardized conditions of very low humidity in 56 arid-zone species. Maximum Tb during acute heat exposure varied from 42.5±1.3°C in caprimulgids to 44.5±0.5°C in passerines. Among passerines, both maximum Tb and the difference between maximum and normothermic Tb decreased significantly with body mass (Mb). Scaling exponents for minimum thermoneutral EWL and maximum EWL were 0.825 and 0.801, respectively, even though evaporative scope (ratio of maximum to minimum EWL) varied widely among species. Upper critical limits of thermoneutrality (Tuc) varied by >20°C and maximum RMR during acute heat exposure scaled to Mb0.75 in both the overall data set and among passerines. The slope of RMR at Ta>Tuc increased significantly with Mb but was substantially higher among passerines, which rely on panting, compared with columbids, in which cutaneous evaporation predominates. Our analysis supports recent arguments that interspecific within-taxon variation in heat tolerance is functionally linked to evaporative scope and maximum ratios of evaporative heat loss (EHL) to metabolic heat production (MHP). We provide predictive equations for most variables related to avian heat tolerance. Metabolic costs of heat dissipation pathways, rather than capacity to increase EWL above baseline levels, appear to represent the major constraint on the upper limits of avian heat tolerance.

Termotolerancia , Temperatura Corporal , Regulación de la Temperatura Corporal , Calor , Filogenia , Pérdida Insensible de Agua
Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1943): 20202348, 2021 01 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33468011


Songbirds meet the extreme metabolic demands of migration by burning both stored fat and protein. However, catabolizing these endogenous tissues for energy leads to organ atrophy, and reductions in gastrointestinal tissue can be as great as 50% of the pre-flight mass. Remarkably, during stopover refuelling birds quickly regain digestive mass and performance. Aminopeptidase-N (APN) is a brush-border enzyme responsible for late-stage protein digestion and may critically assist tissue reconstruction during the stopover, thus compensating for reduced gut size. We hypothesized that birds recovering from a fast would differentially upregulate APN activity relative to disaccharidases to rapidly process and assimilate dietary protein into lean mass. We fasted 23 wild-caught migratory white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) for 48 h to mimic mass reductions experienced during migratory flight and measured intestinal APN activity before the fast, immediately after the fast, and during recovery at 24 h and 48 h post-fast. Total fat mass, lean mass and basal metabolic rate were measured daily. We show that fasted birds maintain APN activity through the fast, despite a 30% reduction in intestine mass, but during refuelling, APN activity increases nearly twofold over pre-fasted individuals. This suggests that dynamically regulating APN may be necessary for rapid protein reconstruction during the stopover.

Gorriones , Migración Animal , Animales , Composición Corporal , Antígenos CD13 , Proteínas en la Dieta
J Exp Biol ; 223(Pt 19)2020 10 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32778563


Migratory birds catabolize large quantities of protein during long flights, resulting in dramatic reductions in organ and muscle mass. One of the many hypotheses to explain this phenomenon is that decrease in lean mass is associated with reduced resting metabolism, saving energy after flight during refueling. However, the relationship between lean body mass and resting metabolic rate remains unclear. Furthermore, the coupling of lean mass with resting metabolic rate and with peak metabolic rate before and after long-duration flight have not previously been explored. We flew migratory yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata) in a wind tunnel under one of two humidity regimes to manipulate the rate of lean mass loss in flight, decoupling flight duration from total lean mass loss. Before and after long-duration flights, we measured resting and peak metabolism, and also measured fat mass and lean body mass using quantitative magnetic resonance. Flight duration ranged from 28 min to 600 min, and birds flying under dehydrating conditions lost more fat-free mass than those flying under humid conditions. After flight, there was a 14% reduction in resting metabolism but no change in peak metabolism. Interestingly, the reduction in resting metabolism was unrelated to flight duration or to change in fat-free body mass, indicating that protein metabolism in flight is unlikely to have evolved as an energy-saving measure to aid stopover refueling, but metabolic reduction itself is likely to be beneficial to migratory birds arriving in novel habitats.

Pájaros Cantores , Migración Animal , Animales , Composición Corporal , Metabolismo Energético , Vuelo Animal , Humedad , Proteínas/metabolismo , Pájaros Cantores/metabolismo
Horm Behav ; 124: 104776, 2020 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32439349


Migratory flight is energetically challenging, requiring alternating phases of fuel catabolism and fuel accumulation, accompanied by dramatic changes in body composition and behavior. Baseline corticosterone (CORT; the primary glucocorticoid in birds) is thought to underlie transitions between fuel catabolism during flight, fuel deposition during stopover, and the initiation of migratory flight. However, studies of CORT on stopover physiology and behavior remain disparate efforts, lacking the cohesion of a general hypothesis. Here we develop a Stopover-CORT hypothesis formalizing the relationships among CORT, body condition, and refueling rate in migratory birds. First we expect body mass to increase with triglycerides (TRIG) as birds refuel. Second, based on a synthesis of previous literature, we predict a U-shaped CORT curve over the course of stopover, postulating that elevated CORT at arrival is reactive, responding to poor body condition, while CORT elevation before departure is preparative, driving changes in behavior and body condition. We tested these predictions in Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) following a trans-Gulf flight during spring migration. We found baseline CORT was negatively correlated with body condition and TRIG, corresponding with our predictions for arriving and refueling-but not departing-birds. It is possible catbirds undergo regional habitat translocations rather than complete the entire stopover phase at our study site. We propose the Stopover-CORT hypothesis as a useful predictive framework for future studies of the mechanistic basis of stopover physiology. By studying the regulation of stopover refueling and departure, we may better understand physiological limitations to overall migration rate and improve assessments of habitat quality for refueling birds.

Migración Animal/fisiología , Composición Corporal/fisiología , Corticosterona/sangre , Ingestión de Alimentos/fisiología , Pájaros Cantores/fisiología , Animales , Ciencias Bioconductuales , Biomarcadores/sangre , Corticosterona/fisiología , Ecosistema , Metabolismo Energético/fisiología , Conducta Exploratoria/fisiología , Privación de Alimentos/fisiología , Modelos Biológicos , Estaciones del Año , Pájaros Cantores/sangre
Proc Biol Sci ; 286(1909): 20190859, 2019 08 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31455196


Migratory birds use protein as a fuel source during flight, but the mechanisms and benefits of protein catabolism during migration are poorly understood. The tissue-specific turnover rate hypothesis proposes that lean mass loss depends solely on the constitutive rate of protein degradation for a given tissue, and is therefore independent of metabolic rate or environmental stimuli. However, it has been demonstrated that environmental stressors such as humidity affect the rate of lean mass catabolism during flight, a finding that seemingly contradicts the tissue-specific turnover rate hypothesis. In order to resolve this, we placed migratory Swainson's thrushes in either high (HEWL) or low (LEWL) evaporative water loss conditions at rest and while undergoing simulated migratory flight at 8 m s-1 in a wind tunnel to test the impact of both environmental stressors and metabolic rate on the rate of protein breakdown. The total quantity and rate of lean mass loss was not different between flight and rest birds, but was affected by humidity condition, with HEWL losing significantly more lean mass. These results show that the rate of protein breakdown in migratory birds is independent of metabolic rate, but it can be augmented in response to environmental stressors.

Humedad , Pájaros Cantores/metabolismo , Migración Animal , Animales , Vuelo Animal
Environ Pollut ; 246: 790-796, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30623835


For most birds, energy efficiency and conservation are paramount to balancing the competing demands of self-maintenance, reproduction, and other demanding life history stages. Yet the ability to maximize energy output for behaviors like predator escape and migration is often also critical. Environmental perturbations that affect energy metabolism may therefore have important consequences for fitness and survival. Methylmercury (MeHg) is a global pollutant that has wide-ranging impacts on physiological systems, but its effects on the metabolism of birds and other vertebrates are poorly understood. We investigated dose-dependent effects of dietary MeHg on the body composition, basal and peak metabolic rates (BMR, PMR), and respiratory quotients (RQ) of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Dietary exposure levels (0.0, 0.1, or 0.6 ppm wet weight) were intended to reflect a range of mercury concentrations found in invertebrate prey of songbirds in areas contaminated by atmospheric deposition or point-source pollution. We found adiposity increased with MeHg exposure. BMR also increased with exposure while PMR decreased, together resulting in reduced metabolic scope in both MeHg-exposed treatments. There were differences in RQ among treatments that suggested a compromised ability of exposed birds to rapidly metabolize carbohydrates during exercise in a hop-hover wheel. The elevated BMR of exposed birds may have been due to energetic costs of depurating MeHg, whereas the reduced PMR could have been due to reduced oxygen carrying capacity and/or reduced glycolytic capacity. Our results suggest that environmentally relevant mercury exposure is capable of compromising the ability of songbirds to both budget and rapidly exert energy.

Exposición Dietética/efectos adversos , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales/efectos adversos , Contaminantes Ambientales/metabolismo , Pinzones/metabolismo , Compuestos de Metilmercurio/metabolismo , Reproducción/efectos de los fármacos , Animales