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J Vac Sci Technol A ; 38(6): 063208, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33281279


We report the results of a Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards interlaboratory study on the intensity scale calibration of x-ray photoelectron spectrometers using low-density polyethylene (LDPE) as an alternative material to gold, silver, and copper. An improved set of LDPE reference spectra, corrected for different instrument geometries using a quartz-monochromated Al Kα x-ray source, was developed using data provided by participants in this study. Using these new reference spectra, a transmission function was calculated for each dataset that participants provided. When compared to a similar calibration procedure using the NPL reference spectra for gold, the LDPE intensity calibration method achieves an absolute offset of ∼3.0% and a systematic deviation of ±6.5% on average across all participants. For spectra recorded at high pass energies (≥90 eV), values of absolute offset and systematic deviation are ∼5.8% and ±5.7%, respectively, whereas for spectra collected at lower pass energies (<90 eV), values of absolute offset and systematic deviation are ∼4.9% and ±8.8%, respectively; low pass energy spectra perform worse than the global average, in terms of systematic deviations, due to diminished count rates and signal-to-noise ratio. Differences in absolute offset are attributed to the surface roughness of the LDPE induced by sample preparation. We further assess the usability of LDPE as a secondary reference material and comment on its performance in the presence of issues such as variable dark noise, x-ray warm up times, inaccuracy at low count rates, and underlying spectrometer problems. In response to participant feedback and the results of the study, we provide an updated LDPE intensity calibration protocol to address the issues highlighted in the interlaboratory study. We also comment on the lack of implementation of a consistent and traceable intensity calibration method across the community of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) users and, therefore, propose a route to achieving this with the assistance of instrument manufacturers, metrology laboratories, and experts leading to an international standard for XPS intensity scale calibration.

Anal Sci ; 26(2): 267-72, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20145331


The structure of 3 nm and 15 nm diamond-like carbon films, grown on Si(001) by filtered cathodic arc, was studied by angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The ARXPS data was deconvolved by employing simultaneous-fitting, which allowed for a clear deconvolution of the Si 2p and C 1s spectra into their different chemical contributions. An analysis of the take-off angle dependence of the peak intensities allowed for an independent identification of the physical origin of the chemical species. It was shown that the C 1s peak at 283.3 eV and the Si 2p peak at 99.6 eV correspond to SiC, and that the C/Si interface of the 3 nm film consists of a stoichiometric approximately 1 nm SiC layer. To quantify the sp(3)-sp(2) ratio it was necessary to take into account not only their associated C 1s XPS-peak intensities, but also their take-off angle dependence. The thickness of the films obtained through ARXPS closely agrees with cross-sectional TEM images.