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Am J Primatol ; 86(4): e23590, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38124676


We review the evidence that long-tailed macaques are at risk of extinction and find that papers supporting this argument present no data supporting a hypothesized decline in abundance. These papers contain numerous misrepresentations of the published literature. Long-tailed macaques thrive in human-altered habitats, are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as an invasive species of concern, and have shown the ability to increase by 7%-10% per year from low numbers, making the probability of extinction very low.

Macaca fascicularis , Animales , Especies en Peligro de Extinción
Sci Total Environ ; 854: 158591, 2023 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36089015


Salmon is a nutritious and popular food among consumers predominantly in wealthy countries around the world. Since the mid-1990s farmed salmon production has exceeded wild salmon harvest, and is now 80 % of total global salmon supply. The environmental impacts of farmed salmon are frequently discussed and consumers are faced with a multitude of choices even after deciding to have salmon for dinner: species, production method, origin, product form. We present life cycle impacts of fresh and frozen salmon products, originating in purse seine fisheries for pink salmon and gill net fisheries for sockeye salmon in Alaska, when sold on markets in Europe and the United States. Norwegian salmon products are then modelled to the same markets in fresh and frozen form, based on literature data. Impact categories included were greenhouse gas emissions, marine eutrophication, marine ecotoxicity and land use. A fish in, fish out ratio is also calculated and differences in content of nutrients and contaminants described. Frozen products from wild sockeye and pink salmon had the lowest emissions in both markets. For consumers in the U.S. and Europe, wild salmon products have 46-86 % and 12-71 % lower greenhouse gas emissions than farmed Norwegian salmon, respectively, depending on species and product form. Farmed salmon also had higher land use, marine ecotoxic and eutrophying emissions and fish in, fish out ratio. Important differences exist in nutritional and contaminant content between the three types of salmon production. Improvement options as well as an optimized supply chain are modelled showing greenhouse gas reduction opportunities of 40-50 % also for the best performing chains. Results can be used as a baseline for improved data collection and emission reductions. Recommendations for consumers, industry and policymakers who can facilitate and even drive development towards more sustainable salmon products are provided.

Gases de Efecto Invernadero , Salmón , Animales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Alimentos Marinos , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Acuicultura
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(2)2022 01 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34983873


Bottom trawling is widespread globally and impacts seabed habitats. However, risks from trawling remain unquantified at large scales in most regions. We address these issues by synthesizing evidence on the impacts of different trawl-gear types, seabed recovery rates, and spatial distributions of trawling intensity in a quantitative indicator of biotic status (relative amount of pretrawling biota) for sedimentary habitats, where most bottom-trawling occurs, in 24 regions worldwide. Regional average status relative to an untrawled state (=1) was high (>0.9) in 15 regions, but <0.7 in three (European) regions and only 0.25 in the Adriatic Sea. Across all regions, 66% of seabed area was not trawled (status = 1), 1.5% was depleted (status = 0), and 93% had status > 0.8. These assessments are first order, based on parameters estimated with uncertainty from meta-analyses; we recommend regional analyses to refine parameters for local specificity. Nevertheless, our results are sufficiently robust to highlight regions needing more effective management to reduce exploitation and improve stock sustainability and seabed environmental status-while also showing seabed status was high (>0.95) in regions where catches of trawled fish stocks meet accepted benchmarks for sustainable exploitation, demonstrating that environmental benefits accrue from effective fisheries management. Furthermore, regional seabed status was related to the proportional area swept by trawling, enabling preliminary predictions of regional status when only the total amount of trawling is known. This research advances seascape-scale understanding of trawl impacts in regions around the world, enables quantitative assessment of sustainability risks, and facilitates implementation of an ecosystem approach to trawl fisheries management globally.

Biota , Ecosistema , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Peces , Geografía , Sedimentos Geológicos , Júpiter , Océanos y Mares , Dinámica Poblacional
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(4)2022 01 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35058364


While there have been recent improvements in reducing bycatch in many fisheries, bycatch remains a threat for numerous species around the globe. Static spatial and temporal closures are used in many places as a tool to reduce bycatch. However, their effectiveness in achieving this goal is uncertain, particularly for highly mobile species. We evaluated evidence for the effects of temporal, static, and dynamic area closures on the bycatch and target catch of 15 fisheries around the world. Assuming perfect knowledge of where the catch and bycatch occurs and a closure of 30% of the fishing area, we found that dynamic area closures could reduce bycatch by an average of 57% without sacrificing catch of target species, compared to 16% reductions in bycatch achievable by static closures. The degree of bycatch reduction achievable for a certain quantity of target catch was related to the correlation in space and time between target and bycatch species. If the correlation was high, it was harder to find an area to reduce bycatch without sacrificing catch of target species. If the goal of spatial closures is to reduce bycatch, our results suggest that dynamic management provides substantially better outcomes than classic static marine area closures. The use of dynamic ocean management might be difficult to implement and enforce in many regions. Nevertheless, dynamic approaches will be increasingly valuable as climate change drives species and fisheries into new habitats or extended ranges, altering species-fishery interactions and underscoring the need for more responsive and flexible regulatory mechanisms.

Explotaciones Pesqueras , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Oceanografía
Conserv Biol ; 35(6): 1861-1870, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34190357


Marine protected areas (MPAs) cover 3-7% of the world's ocean, and international organizations call for 30% coverage by 2030. Although numerous studies show that MPAs produce conservation benefits inside their borders, many MPAs are also justified on the grounds that they confer conservation benefits to the connected populations that span beyond their borders. A network of MPAs covering roughly 20% of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary was established in 2003, with a goal of providing regional conservation and fishery benefits. We used a spatially explicit bioeconomic simulation model and a Bayesian difference-in-difference regression to examine the conditions under which MPAs can provide population-level conservation benefits inside and outside their borders and to assess evidence of those benefits in the Channel Islands. As of 2017, we estimated that biomass densities of targeted fin-fish had a median value 81% higher (90% credible interval: 23-148) inside the Channel Island MPAs than outside. However, we found no clear effect of these MPAs on mean total biomass densities at the population level: estimated median effect was -7% (90% credible interval: -31 to 23) from 2015 to 2017. Our simulation model showed that effect sizes of MPAs of <30% were likely to be difficult to detect (even when they were present); smaller effect sizes (which are likely to be common) were even harder to detect. Clearly, communicating expectations and uncertainties around MPAs is critical to ensuring that MPAs are effective. We provide a novel assessment of the population-level effects of a large MPA network across many different species of targeted fin-fish, and our results offer guidance for communities charged with monitoring and adapting MPAs.

Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) cubren entre 3-7% de los océanos del planeta y las organizaciones internacionales piden una cobertura del 30% para el 2030. Aunque numerosos estudios muestran que las AMPs producen beneficios de conservación dentro de sus límites, muchas de estas áreas también están justificadas por otorgarles beneficios de conservación a las poblaciones conectadas que abarcan más allá de sus fronteras. Una red de AMPs que cubre aproximadamente el 20% del Santuario Marino Nacional de las Islas del Canal fue establecida en 2003 con el objetivo de proporcionar beneficios para la conservación y las pesquerías regionales. Usamos un modelo de simulación bioeconómica espacialmente explícito y una regresión bayesiana de diferencia-en-diferencia para examinar las condiciones bajo las que las AMPs pueden proporcionar beneficios de conservación a nivel poblacional dentro y fuera de sus límites y para evaluar las evidencias de esos beneficios en las Islas del Canal. Hasta el 2017, estimamos que la densidad de la biomasa de los peces focalizados tuvo un valor medio de 81% (90% intervalo creíble 23-148) dentro de las AMPs de las Islas del Canal que fuera de ellas. Sin embargo, no encontramos un efecto claro de estas AMPs sobre la densidad de biomasa total promedio a nivel poblacional; el efecto medio estimado fue de -7% (90% intervalo creíble -31 - 23) entre 2015 y 2017. Nuestro modelo de simulación mostró que los tamaños del efecto de las AMPs menores al 30% tenían mayor probabilidad de ser difíciles de detectar (incluso cuando estaban presentes); los tamaños de efecto más pequeños (que es probable que sean comunes) fueron incluso más difíciles de detectar. Claramente, es muy importante comunicar las expectativas e incertidumbres en torno a las AMPs para asegurar que éstas sean efectivas. Proporcionamos una evaluación novedosa de los efectos a nivel poblacional de una red extensa de AMPs para muchas especies de peces focalizados y nuestros resultados ofrecen una guía para las comunidades encargadas de monitorear y adaptar las AMPs.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Animales , Teorema de Bayes , Peces
Conserv Biol ; 35(5): 1540-1551, 2021 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33899227


Forage fish-small, low trophic level, pelagic fish such as herrings, sardines, and anchovies-are important prey species in marine ecosystems and also support large commercial fisheries. In many parts of the world, forage fish fisheries are managed using precautionary principles that target catch limits below the maximum sustainable yield. However, there are increasing calls to further limit forage fish catch to safeguard their fish, seabird, and marine mammal predators. The effectiveness of these extra-precautionary regulations, which assume that increasing prey abundance increases predator productivity, are under debate. In this study, we used prey-linked population models to measure the influence of forage fish abundance on the population growth rates of 45 marine predator populations representing 32 fish, seabird, and mammal species from 5 regions around the world. We used simulated data to confirm the ability of the statistical model to accurately detect prey influences under varying levels of influence strength and process variability. Our results indicate that predator productivity was rarely influenced by the abundance of their forage fish prey. Only 6 predator populations (13% of the total) were positively influenced by increasing prey abundance and the model exhibited high power to detect prey influences when they existed. These results suggest that additional limitation of forage fish harvest to levels well below sustainable yields would rarely result in detectable increases in marine predator populations.

Evaluación de los Efectos de la Abundancia de Peces Forrajeros sobre los Depredadores Marinos Resumen Los peces forrajeros-peces pequeños, pelágicos y de bajo nivel trófico como el arenque, las sardinas y las anchoas-son especies presa importantes en los ecosistemas marinos y además mantienen a grandes pesquerías comerciales. En muchas partes del mundo, las pesquerías de los peces forrajeros son manejadas mediante el uso de principios precautorios que se enfocan en los límites de captura por debajo de la producción máxima sostenible. Sin embargo, cada vez hay más peticiones para incrementar la limitación de la captura de peces forrajeros para salvaguardar a las especies depredadoras de peces, aves y mamíferos marinos asociadas a estos peces. La efectividad de estas regulaciones, que están basadas en el supuesto de que al incrementar la abundancia de presas incrementa la productividad de los depredadores, está en debate. Usamos modelos poblacionales vinculados a la presa para medir la influencia de la abundancia de los peces forrajeros sobre las tasas de crecimiento poblacional de 45 poblaciones de depredadores marinos (28 peces, 10 aves marinas y 7 mamíferos) en cinco regiones alrededor del mundo. Usamos datos simulados para confirmar la habilidad del modelo estadístico para detectar certeramente las influencias de la presa bajo niveles variantes de fuerza de influencia y de proceso de variabilidad. La productividad del depredador rara vez afectó a la abundancia de su presa forrajera. Sólo seis poblaciones de depredadores (13% del total) estuvieron afectadas positivamente por la creciente abundancia de la presa y el modelo exhibió un poder alto para detectar las influencias de la presa cuando estuvieron presentes. Estos resultados sugieren que las limitaciones sobre la pesca de peces forrajeros a niveles muy por debajo de la productividad sostenible pocas veces resultarían en incrementos detectables en las poblaciones de depredadores marinos.

Ecosistema , Cadena Alimentaria , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Peces , Conducta Predatoria
J Environ Manage ; 279: 111715, 2021 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33387866


Fishing cooperatives around the world have increasingly taken on co-management of commercial fisheries in recent decades, with generally positive results in meeting management targets and increasing economic value. To better understand which commercial fisheries or fleets are likely to form cooperative associations in the future, we utilized a database of management and fleet-level attributes for 106 fisheries-mainly industrial fisheries from the United States, New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom-to develop a predictive model. We considered two alternative definitions of cooperatives: a legal, operational definition that classified 51 of the fisheries as cooperatives, and a more stringent proactive definition that classified 35 of the fisheries as cooperatives. Random forest classification analyses showed that cooperatives of both types were most likely to form in fisheries with greater boat cost, greater level of participation in industry associations, and in fisheries with bycatch limits; strong regional effects were also observed. Cross-validation prediction accuracy levels were high: using 10 predictor variables, 86% and 91% of fisheries were correctly classified under the operational and proactive cooperative definitions, respectively. These predictions suggest which fisheries may be next to create cooperative fishing associations or engage in more proactive arrangements within cooperatives. These results point to which regulatory reforms, such as flexible bycatch restrictions, could lead to more cooperative behavior in fisheries.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Canadá , Nueva Zelanda , Reino Unido
Ecol Evol ; 10(17): 9522-9531, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32953080


The use of high-throughput, low-density sequencing approaches has dramatically increased in recent years in studies of eco-evolutionary processes in wild populations and domestication in commercial aquaculture. Most of these studies focus on identifying panels of SNP loci for a single downstream application, whereas there have been few studies examining the trade-offs for selecting panels of markers for use in multiple applications. Here, we detail the use of a bioinformatic workflow for the development of a dual-purpose SNP panel for parentage and population assignment, which included identifying putative SNP loci, filtering for the most informative loci for the two tasks, designing effective multiplex PCR primers, optimizing the SNP panel for performance, and performing quality control steps for downstream applications. We applied this workflow to two adjacent Alaskan Sockeye Salmon populations and identified a GTseq panel of 142 SNP loci for parentage and 35 SNP loci for population assignment. Only 50-75 panel loci were necessary for >95% accurate parentage, whereas population assignment success, with all 172 panel loci, ranged from 93.9% to 96.2%. Finally, we discuss the trade-offs and complexities of the decision-making process that drives SNP panel development, optimization, and testing.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(4): 2218-2224, 2020 01 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31932439


Marine fish stocks are an important part of the world food system and are particularly important for many of the poorest people of the world. Most existing analyses suggest overfishing is increasing, and there is widespread concern that fish stocks are decreasing throughout most of the world. We assembled trends in abundance and harvest rate of stocks that are scientifically assessed, constituting half of the reported global marine fish catch. For these stocks, on average, abundance is increasing and is at proposed target levels. Compared with regions that are intensively managed, regions with less-developed fisheries management have, on average, 3-fold greater harvest rates and half the abundance as assessed stocks. Available evidence suggests that the regions without assessments of abundance have little fisheries management, and stocks are in poor shape. Increased application of area-appropriate fisheries science recommendations and management tools are still needed for sustaining fisheries in places where they are lacking.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Biomasa , Abastecimiento de Alimentos , Humanos
Ecol Appl ; 30(3): e02061, 2020 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31863535


Ecosystem-based management requires consideration of overlapping resource use between humans and other consumers. Pacific salmon are an important resource for both fisheries and populations of wildlife around the Pacific rim, including coastal brown bears (Ursus arctos); salmon consumption has been positively linked to bear density, body size, and reproductive rate. As a case study within the broader context of human-wildlife competition for food, we used 16-22 yr of empirical data in four different salmon-bearing systems in southwestern Alaska to explore the relationship between sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) availability and consumption by bears. We found a negative relationship between the annual biomass of salmon available to bears and the fraction of biomass consumed per fish, and a saturating relationship between salmon availability and the total annual biomass of salmon consumed by bears. Under modeled scenarios, bear consumption of salmon was predicted to increase only with dramatic (on the order of 50-100%) increases in prey availability. Even such large increases in salmon abundance were estimated to produce relatively modest increases in per capita salmon consumption by bears (2.4-4.8 kg·bear-1 ·d-1 , 15-59% of the estimated daily maximum per capita intake), in part because bears did not consume salmon entirely, especially when salmon were most available. Thus, while bears catching salmon in small streams may be limited by salmon harvest in some years, current management of the systems we studied is sufficient for bear populations to reach maximum salmon consumption every 2-4 yr. Consequently, allocating more salmon for brown bear conservation would unlikely result in an ecologically significant response for bears in these systems, though other ecosystem components might benefit. Our results highlight the need for documenting empirical relationships between prey abundance and consumption, particularly in systems with partial consumption, when evaluating the ecological response of managing prey resources for wildlife populations.

Ursidae , Alaska , Animales , Ecosistema , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Humanos , Ríos , Salmón
PLoS One ; 14(1): e0210843, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30629710


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056684.].

PLoS One ; 13(9): e0204258, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30235291


Many analyses of fishery recovery have demonstrated the potential biological and economic benefits of management reform, but few have compared these to the associated costs of management upgrades, which can be substantial. This study aims to determine if the projected economic benefits of management reform outweigh the increases in management costs required to achieve those benefits. To answer this question, we developed a database of country-level fisheries management costs and use those to estimate the country-level costs of management changes. We use this framework to compare estimates of future costs of management upgrades against their economic benefits in terms of profit. Results indicate that for most nations, including the top 25 fishing nations, management upgrades outweigh their associated costs. This result is robust to a number of alternative assumptions about costs. Results also suggest that stronger reforms such as rights-based management, although sometimes more expensive to implement, can lead to greater net economic benefits compared to alternatives.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Explotaciones Pesqueras/economía , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , Análisis Costo-Beneficio , Bases de Datos Factuales , Explotaciones Pesqueras/legislación & jurisprudencia
PLoS One ; 13(1): e0190467, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29381700


Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) was developed to move beyond single species management by incorporating ecosystem considerations for the sustainable utilization of marine resources. Due to the wide range of fishery characteristics, including different goals of fisheries management across regions and species, theoretical best practices for EBFM vary greatly. Here we highlight the lack of consensus in the interpretation of EBFM amongst professionals in marine science and its implementation. Fisheries policy-makers and managers, stock assessment scientists, conservationists, and ecologists had very different opinions on the degree to which certain management strategies would be considered EBFM. We then assess the variability of the implementation of EBFM, where we created a checklist of characteristics typifying EBFM and scored fisheries across different regions, species, ecosystems, and fishery size and capacity. Our assessments show fisheries are unlikely to meet all the criteria on the EBFM checklist. Consequentially, it is unnecessary for management to practice all the traits of EBFM, as some may be disparate from the ecosystem attributes or fishery goals. Instead, incorporating some ecosystem-based considerations to fisheries management that are context-specific is a more realistic and useful way for EBFM to occur in practice.

Ecosistema , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Peces
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(46): 12333-12337, 2017 11 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29078284


There is growing awareness of the need for fishery management policies that are robust to changing environmental, social, and economic pressures. Here we use conventional bioeconomic theory to demonstrate that inherent biological constraints combined with nonlinear supply-demand relationships can generate threshold effects due to harvesting. As a result, increases in overall demand due to human population growth or improvement in real income would be expected to induce critical transitions from high-yield/low-price fisheries to low-yield/high-price fisheries, generating severe strains on social and economic systems as well as compromising resource conservation goals. As a proof of concept, we show that key predictions of the critical transition hypothesis are borne out in oceanic fisheries (cod and pollock) that have experienced substantial increase in fishing pressure over the past 60 y. A hump-shaped relationship between price and historical harvest returns, well demonstrated in these empirical examples, is particularly diagnostic of fishery degradation. Fortunately, the same heuristic can also be used to identify reliable targets for fishery restoration yielding optimal bioeconomic returns while safely conserving resource abundance.

Comercio/tendencias , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/estadística & datos numéricos , Explotaciones Pesqueras/economía , Peces/fisiología , Modelos Estadísticos , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , Explotaciones Pesqueras/ética , Explotaciones Pesqueras/estadística & datos numéricos , Explotaciones Pesqueras/provisión & distribución , Humanos , Crecimiento Demográfico
Ecol Appl ; 27(7): 1985-2000, 2017 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28667790


Many rockfish species are long-lived and thought to be susceptible to being overfished. Hypotheses about the importance of older female rockfish to population persistence have led to arguments that marine reserves are needed to ensure the sustainability of rockfish populations. However, the implications of these hypotheses for rockfish population dynamics are still unclear. We modeled two mechanisms by which reducing the proportion of older fish in a population has been hypothesized to influence sustainability, and explored whether these mechanisms influenced mean population dynamics and recruitment variability. We explored whether populations with these mechanisms could be managed more sustainably with a marine reserve in addition to a constant fishing mortality rate (F) than with a constant F alone. Both hypotheses can be seen as portfolio effects whereby risk of recruitment failure is spread over a "portfolio" of maternal ages. First, we modeled a spawning window effect whereby mothers of different ages spawned in different times or locations (windows) with local environmental conditions. Second, we modeled an offspring size effect whereby older mothers produced larger offspring than younger mothers, where length of a starvation period over which offspring could survive increased with maternal age. Recruitment variability resulting from both models was 55-65% lower than for models without maternal age-related portfolio effects in the absence of fishing and increased with increases in Fs for both models. An offspring size effect caused lower output reproductive rates such that the specified reproductive rate input as a model parameter was no longer the realized rate measured as the reproductive rate observed in model results; this quirk is not addressed in previous analyses of offspring size effects. We conducted a standardization such that offspring size effect and control models had the same observed reproductive rates. A comparison of long-term catch, the probability of falling below a biomass threshold, and recruitment variability over a range of exploitation rates for models with an age-related portfolio effect showed no benefit of a marine reserve implemented in addition to a constant F (as compared to a constant F alone) for populations with sedentary adults and sedentary or mobile larvae.

Tamaño Corporal , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Peces/fisiología , Reproducción , Factores de Edad , Animales , Modelos Biológicos , Dinámica Poblacional , Procesos Estocásticos