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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(28): e2119942119, 2022 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35787036


We report results of low-temperature heat-capacity, magnetocaloric-effect, and neutron-diffraction measurements of TmVO4, an insulator that undergoes a continuous ferroquadrupolar phase transition associated with local partially filled 4f orbitals of the thulium (Tm[Formula: see text]) ions. The ferroquadrupolar transition, a realization of Ising nematicity, can be tuned to a quantum critical point by using a magnetic field oriented along the c axis of the tetragonal crystal lattice, which acts as an effective transverse field for the Ising-nematic order. In small magnetic fields, the thermal phase transition can be well described by using a semiclassical mean-field treatment of the transverse-field Ising model. However, in higher magnetic fields, closer to the field-tuned quantum phase transition, subtle deviations from this semiclassical behavior are observed, which are consistent with expectations of quantum fluctuations. Although the phase transition is driven by the local 4f degrees of freedom, the crystal lattice still plays a crucial role, both in terms of mediating the interactions between the local quadrupoles and in determining the critical scaling exponents, even though the phase transition itself can be described via mean field. In particular, bilinear coupling of the nematic order parameter to acoustic phonons changes the spatial and temporal fluctuations of the former in a fundamental way, resulting in different critical behavior of the nematic transverse-field Ising model, as compared to the usual case of the magnetic transverse-field Ising model. Our results establish TmVO4 as a model material and electronic nematicity as a paradigmatic example for quantum criticality in insulators.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(52): 33099-33106, 2020 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33318194


A crucial issue in cuprates is the extent and mechanism of the coupling of the lattice to the electrons and the superconductivity. Here we report Cu K edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements elucidating the internal quantum tunneling polaron (iqtp) component of the dynamical structure in two heavily overdoped superconducting cuprate compounds, tetragonal YSr2Cu2.75Mo0.25O7.54 with superconducting critical temperature, Tc = 84 K and hole density p = 0.3 to 0.5 per planar Cu, and the tetragonal phase of Sr2CuO3.3 with Tc = 95 K and p = 0.6. In YSr2Cu2.75Mo0.25O7.54 changes in the Cu-apical O two-site distribution reflect a sequential renormalization of the double-well potential of this site beginning at Tc, with the energy difference between the two minima increasing by ∼6 meV between Tc and 52 K. Sr2CuO3.3 undergoes a radically larger transformation at Tc, >1-Šdisplacements of the apical O atoms. The principal feature of the dynamical structure underlying these transformations is the strongly anharmonic oscillation of the apical O atoms in a double-well potential that results in the observation of two distinct O sites whose Cu-O distances indicate different bonding modes and valence-charge distributions. The coupling of the superconductivity to the iqtp that originates in this nonadiabatic coupling between the electrons and lattice demonstrates an important role for the dynamical structure whereby pairing occurs even in a system where displacements of the atoms that are part of the transition are sufficiently large to alter the Fermi surface. The synchronization and dynamic coherence of the iqtps resulting from the strong interactions within a crystal would be expected to influence this process.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(9): 4565-4570, 2020 Mar 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32060125


The local structure of the highly "overdoped" 95 K superconductor Sr2CuO3.3 determined by Cu K X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) at 62 K in magnetically oriented samples shows that 1) the magnetization is perpendicular to the c axis; 2) at these levels of precision the Cu sublattice is tetragonal in agreement with the crystal structure; the O sublattice has 3) continuous -Cu-O- chains that orient perpendicular to an applied magnetic field; 4) approximately half-filled -Cu-O- chains that orient parallel to this field; 5) a substantial number of apical O vacancies; 6) O ions at some apical positions with expanded Cu-O distances; and 7) interstitial positions that imply highly displaced Sr ions. These results contradict the universally accepted features of cuprates that require intact CuO2 planes, magnetization along the c axis, and a termination of the superconductivity when the excess charge on the CuO2 Cu ions exceeds 0.27. These radical differences in charge and structure demonstrate that this compound constitutes a separate class of Cu-O-based superconductors in which the superconductivity originates in a different, more complicated structural unit than CuO2 planes while retaining exceptionally high transition temperatures.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(9): 4559-4564, 2020 03 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32071213


A common characteristic of many "overdoped" cuprates prepared with high-pressure oxygen is Tc values ≥ 50 K that often exceed that of optimally doped parent compounds, despite O stoichiometries that place the materials at the edge or outside of the conventional boundary between superconducting and normal Fermi liquid states. X-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) measurements at 52 K on samples of high-pressure oxygen (HPO) YSr2Cu2.75Mo0.25O7.54, Tc = 84 K show that the Mo is in the (VI) valence in an unusually undistorted octahedral geometry with predominantly Mo neighbors that is consistent with its assigned substitution for Cu in the chain sites of the structure. Perturbations of the Cu environments are minimal, although the Cu X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) differs from that in other cuprates. The primary deviation from the crystal structure is therefore nanophase separation into Mo- and Cu-enriched domains. There are, however, indications that the dynamical attributes of the structure are altered relative to YBa2Cu3O7, including a shift of the Cu-apical O two-site distribution from the chain to the plane Cu sites. Another effect that would influence Tc is the possibility of multiple bands at the Fermi surface caused by the presence of the second phase and the lowering of the Fermi level.