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J Phys Chem A ; 124(39): 7869-7880, 2020 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32894948


α-Sb2O3 (senarmontite), ß-Sb2O3 (valentinite), and α-TeO2 (paratellurite) are compounds with pronounced stereochemically active Sb and Te lone pairs. The vibrational and lattice properties of each have been previously studied but often lead to incomplete or unreliable results due to modes being inactive in infrared or Raman spectroscopy. Here, we present a study of the relationship between bonding and lattice dynamics of these compounds. Mössbauer spectroscopy is used to study the structure of Sb in α-Sb2O3 and ß-Sb2O3, whereas the vibrational modes of Sb and Te for each oxide are investigated using nuclear inelastic scattering, and further information on O vibrational modes is obtained using inelastic neutron scattering. Additionally, vibrational frequencies obtained by density functional theory (DFT) calculations are compared with experimental results in order to assess the validity of the utilized functional. Good agreement was found between DFT-calculated and experimental density of phonon states with a 7% scaling factor. The Sb-O-Sb wagging mode of α-Sb2O3 whose frequency was not clear in most previous studies is experimentally observed for the first time at ∼340 cm-1. Softer lattice vibrational modes occur in orthorhombic ß-Sb2O3 compared to cubic α-Sb2O3, indicating that the antimony bonds are weakened upon transforming from the molecular α phase to the layer-chained ß structure. The resulting vibrational entropy increase of 0.45 ± 0.1 kB/Sb2O3 at 880 K accounts for about half of the α-ß transition entropy. The comparison of experimental and theoretical approaches presented here provides a detailed picture of the lattice dynamics in these oxides beyond the zone center and shows that the accuracy of DFT is sufficient for future calculations of similar material structures.

Nanoscale ; 8(2): 856-61, 2016 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26647996


The Sn specific densities of phonon states in the SnSe subunits of [(SnSe)1.04]m[MoSe2]n ferecrystals with (m,n) = (1,1), (4,1) and in bulk SnSe were derived from nuclear inelastic scattering by the (119)Sn Mössbauer resonance. Using different measurement configurations, phonons with polarization parallel and perpendicular to the ferecrystal plane were specifically probed. Vibrational properties and phonon spectral weight are found to strongly depend on the phonon polarization and layer count m. A highly peculiar feature of these ferecrystal densities of phonon states is the emergence of rather sharp high energy vibrational modes polarized perpendicular to the ferecrystal plane, which contrasts with usual findings in thin layered structures and nanostructured materials in general, and a depletion of modes with a gap appearing between acoustic and high energy modes. The spectral weight of these phonons depends on the overall SnSe content, m, but cannot be unambiguously attributed to SnSe-MoSe2 interfaces. Considering the low energy part of lattice dynamics, ferecrystals exhibit rather low average phonon group velocities as compared to the speed of sound in the long wavelength limit. For the (1,1) ferecrystal, this effect is most pronounced for vibrations polarized in the ferecrystal plane. Thus, an experimental microscopic origin for the vibrational and bonding anisotropy in subunits of ferecrystals is provided.

Inorg Chem ; 54(16): 7818-27, 2015 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26213290


The incongruently melting single-filled skutterudite InxCo4Sb12 is known as a promising bulk thermoelectric material. However, the products of current bulk syntheses contain always impurities of InSb, Sb, CoSb, or CoSb2, which prevent an unbiased determination of its thermoelectric properties. We report a new two-step synthesis of high-purity InxCo4Sb12 with nominal compositions x = 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, and 0.20 that separates the kieftite (CoSb3) formation from the topotactic filler insertion. This approach allows conducting the reactions at lower temperatures with shorter reaction times and circumventing the formation of impurity phases. The synthesis can be extended to other filled skutterudites. High-density (>98%) pellets for thermoelectric characterization were prepared by current-assisted short-time sintering. Sample homogeneity was demonstrated by potential and Seebeck microprobe measurements of the complete pellet surfaces. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction showed a purity of 99.9% product with traces (≤0.1%) of InSb in samples of nominal composition In0.18Co4Sb12 and In0.20Co4Sb12. Rietveld refinements revealed a linear correlation between the true In occupancy and the lattice parameter a. This allows the determination of the true In filling in skutterudites and predicting the In content of unknown AxCo4Sb12. The high purity of InxCo4Sb12 allowed studying the transport properties without bias from side phases. A figure of merit close to unity at 420 °C was obtained for a sample of a true composition of In0.160(2)Co4Sb12 (nominal composition In0.18Co4Sb12). The lower degree of In filling has a dramatic effect on the thermoelectric properties as demonstrated by the sample of nominal composition In0.20Co4Sb12. The presence of InSb in amounts of ∼0.1 vol% led to a substantially lower degree of interstitial site filling of 0.144, and the figure of merit zT decreased by 18%, which demonstrates the significance of the true filler atom content in skutterudite materials.

Inorg Chem ; 54(3): 850-9, 2015 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25354329


The synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic properties, and europium Mössbauer spectroscopy of the new members of the 9-4-9 Zintl family of Eu(9)Cd(4-x)CM(2+x-y)□(y)Sb(9) (CM = coinage metal: Au, Ag, and Cu) are reported. These compounds crystallize in the Ca(9)Mn(4)Bi(9) structure type (9-4-9) with the 4g interstitial site almost half-occupied by coinage metals; these are the first members in the 9-4-9 family where the interstitial positions are occupied by a monovalent metal. All previously known compounds with this structure type include divalent interstitials where these interstitials are typically the same as the transition metals in the anionic framework. Single-crystal magnetic susceptibility data indicate paramagnetic behavior for all three compounds with antiferromagnetic ordering below 10 K (at 100 Oe) that shifts to lower temperature (<7 K) by applying a 3 T magnetic field. (151)Eu Mössbauer spectra were collected on polycrystalline powder samples of Eu(9)Cd(4-x)CM(2+x-y)□(y)Sb(9) at 50 and 6.5 K in order to evaluate the valence of Eu cations. Although the Zintl formalism states that the five crystallographically distinct Eu sites in Eu(9)Cd(4-x)CM(2+x-y)□(y)Sb9 should bear Eu(2+), the Mössbauer spectral isomer shifts are clearly indicative of both 2+ and 3+ valence of the Eu cations with the Cu- and Au-containing compounds showing higher amounts of Eu(3+). This electronic configuration leads to an excess of negative charge in these compounds that contradicts the expected valence-precise requirement of Zintl phases. The spectra obtained at 6.5 K reveal magnetic ordering for both Eu(2+) and Eu(3+). The field dependence of Eu(2+) indicates two distinct magnetic sublattices, with higher and lower fields, and of a small field for Eu(3+). The site symmetry of the five Eu sites is not distinguishable from the Mössbauer data.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(47): 25701-9, 2014 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24848359


Silicon has several advantages when compared to other thermoelectric materials, but until recently it was not used for thermoelectric applications due to its high thermal conductivity, 156 W K(-1) m(-1) at room temperature. Nanostructuration as means to decrease thermal transport through enhanced phonon scattering has been a subject of many studies. In this work we have evaluated the effects of nanostructuration on the lattice dynamics of bulk nanocrystalline doped silicon. The samples were prepared by gas phase synthesis, followed by current and pressure assisted sintering. The heat capacity, density of phonons states, and elastic constants were measured, which all reveal a significant, ≈25%, reduction in the speed of sound. The samples present a significantly decreased lattice thermal conductivity, ≈25 W K(-1) m(-1), which, combined with a very high carrier mobility, results in a dimensionless figure of merit with a competitive value that peaks at ZT≈ 0.57 at 973 °C. Due to its easily scalable and extremely low-cost production process, nanocrystalline Si prepared by gas phase synthesis followed by sintering could become the material of choice for high temperature thermoelectric generators.