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Materials (Basel) ; 15(14)2022 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35888529


A promising method of obtaining mineral fiber fillers for dry building mixtures is the processing of waste that comes from the production of technogenic fibrous materials (TFM). The novelty of the work lies in the fact that, for the first time, basalt production wastes were studied not only as reinforcing components, but also as binder ones involved in concrete structure formation. The purpose of the article is to study the physical and mechanical properties of waste technogenic fibrous materials as additives for optimizing the composition of raw concrete mixes. To assess the possibility of using wastes from the complex processing of TFM that were ground for 5 and 10 min as an active mineral additive to concrete, their chemical, mineralogical, and granulometric compositions, as well as the microstructure and physical and mechanical characteristics of the created concretes, were studied. It is established that the grinding of TFM for 10 min leads to the grinding of not only fibers, but also pellets, the fragments of which are noticeable in the total mass of the substance. The presence of quartz in the amorphous phase of TFM makes it possible to synthesize low-basic calcium silicate hydrates in a targeted manner. At 90 days age, at 10-20% of the content of TFM, the strength indicators increase (above 40 MPa), and at 30% of the additive content, they approach the values of the control composition without additives (above 35 MPa). For all ages, the ratio of flexural and compressive strengths is at the level of 0.2, which characterizes a high reinforcing effect. Analysis of the results suggests the possibility of using waste milled for 10 min as an active mineral additive, as well as to give better formability to the mixture and its micro-reinforcement to obtain fiber-reinforced concrete.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(7)2022 Mar 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35407694


Lime materials are in great demand for the restoration of the walls of historical buildings. However, lime coatings have insufficient resistance during operation. The purpose of this work was the modification of lime mortars with silicic acid sol in order to obtain more durable crystalline materials for construction purposes. A technology has been developed for obtaining a silica-containing additive, which consists in passing a liquid glass solution with a density of 1.053 kg/m3 through a cationic column and obtaining a silicic acid sol with a pH of 3-4 and a charge of (-) 0.053 V. The regeneration time and the amount of sol have been determined. Regularities of change in the radius of particles of silicic acid sol depending on age are determined. It is established that at an early age (up to 5 days), the radius of sol particles can be determined in accordance with the Rayleigh equation, and at a later age, in accordance with the Heller equation. The results of the calculation show that at the age of 1-5 days, the radius of the sol particles is 17.1-17.9 nm, and then the particles become coarser and the particle radius is 131.2-143 nm at the age of 19 days. The work of adhesion of silicic acid sol to lime and the heat of wetting are estimated. It is shown that the work of adhesion of water to lime is 28.9 erg/cm2, and that of the sol is 32.8 erg/cm2. The amount of heat Q released when lime is wetted with SiO2 sol is 15.0 kJ/kg, and when lime is wetted with water, it is 10.6 kJ/kg.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(7)2022 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35407873


This paper presents studies on the possibility of utilization of technogenic waste from the metallurgical industry by the method of complex processing in order to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment of the region with the example of the zinc silicate-magnetite-carbon system. The selected sample of clinker dump from welting was subjected to chemical and scanning electron microscopic analyses and thermodynamic modeling. Thermodynamic studies were carried out in the temperature range 1600-2200 K and pressure p = 0.1 MPa, modeling the process of electric melting of clinker from welting in an arc furnace using the software application Astra 4 developed at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russian Federation). As a result of the thermodynamic modeling, the optimal temperature range was established, which was 1800-1900 K. Thermodynamic studies established that it is possible to drive away zinc from the system under study by 99-100% in the entire temperature range under study. The maximum degree of silicon extraction (αSi) in the alloy is up to 69.44% at T = 1900 K, and the degree of iron extraction (αFe) in the alloy is up to 99.996%. In particular, it was determined and proved that clinker waste from welting can act as a secondary technogenic raw material when it is processed as a mono mixture to produce iron silicides with a silicon content of 18 to 28%.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(6)2022 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35329586


Waste is available in an abundant form and goes to landfill without any use, creating threats to the environment. Recent and past studies have used different types of waste to stabilize soil and reduce environmental impacts. However, there is a lack of studies on the combined use of marble dust, rice-husk ash, and saw dust in expansive shale soil. The current study tries to overcome such a gap in the literature, studying the effect of marble dust, rice-husk ash, and saw dust on expansive shale's compaction characteristics and permeability properties. According to unified soil classification and the AAHTO classification system, the geotechnical properties of natural soil are classified as clay of high plasticity (CH) and A-7-5. Several tests are performed in the laboratory to investigate the compaction characteristics and permeability properties of expansive shale. Moreover, permeability apparatus is used to investigate the permeability properties of soil. In addition, due to the accuracy of the apparatus, the conventional apparatus has been partly modified. The experimental results show that the addition of waste to the soil has significantly improved soil stabilization, increasing permeability and decreasing plasticity indexes. In addition, there is a gradual decrease in the dry density of soil and an increase in the permeability of stabilized soil. Based on the outcomes of the current study, it claims and concludes that these waste materials can be used as soil stabilizers or modifiers, instead of being dumped in landfill, which will provide a green, friendly, and sustainable environment. The current study recommends that future researchers use various wastes in the concrete and soil to improve their compaction and mechanical properties.

IUCrJ ; 8(Pt 1): 124-130, 2021 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33520248


X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) is a routine technique to study slow dynamics in complex systems at storage-ring sources. Achieving nanosecond time resolution with the conventional XPCS technique is, however, still an experimentally challenging task requiring fast detectors and sufficient photon flux. Here, the result of a nanosecond XPCS study of fast colloidal dynamics is shown by employing an adaptive gain integrating pixel detector (AGIPD) operated at frame rates of the intrinsic pulse structure of the storage ring. Correlation functions from single-pulse speckle patterns with the shortest correlation time of 192 ns have been calculated. These studies provide an important step towards routine fast XPCS studies at storage rings.

Struct Dyn ; 6(6): 064702, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31832488


The new European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (European XFEL) is the first X-ray free-electron laser capable of delivering intense X-ray pulses with a megahertz interpulse spacing in a wavelength range suitable for atomic resolution structure determination. An outstanding but crucial question is whether the use of a pulse repetition rate nearly four orders of magnitude higher than previously possible results in unwanted structural changes due to either radiation damage or systematic effects on data quality. Here, separate structures from the first and subsequent pulses in the European XFEL pulse train were determined, showing that there is essentially no difference between structures determined from different pulses under currently available operating conditions at the European XFEL.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 1): 74-82, 2019 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30655470


The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is an X-ray imager, custom designed for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL). It is a fast, low-noise integrating detector, with an adaptive gain amplifier per pixel. This has an equivalent noise of less than 1 keV when detecting single photons and, when switched into another gain state, a dynamic range of more than 104 photons of 12 keV. In burst mode the system is able to store 352 images while running at up to 6.5 MHz, which is compatible with the 4.5 MHz frame rate at the European XFEL. The AGIPD system was installed and commissioned in August 2017, and successfully used for the first experiments at the Single Particles, Clusters and Biomolecules (SPB) experimental station at the European XFEL since September 2017. This paper describes the principal components and performance parameters of the system.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(1): 111-7, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26698052


With the increased brilliance of state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation sources and the advent of free-electron lasers (FELs) enabling revolutionary science with EUV to X-ray photons comes an urgent need for suitable photon imaging detectors. Requirements include high frame rates, very large dynamic range, single-photon sensitivity with low probability of false positives and (multi)-megapixels. At DESY, one ongoing development project - in collaboration with RAL/STFC, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Diamond, and Pohang Accelerator Laboratory - is the CMOS-based soft X-ray imager PERCIVAL. PERCIVAL is a monolithic active-pixel sensor back-thinned to access its primary energy range of 250 eV to 1 keV with target efficiencies above 90%. According to preliminary specifications, the roughly 10 cm × 10 cm, 3.5k × 3.7k monolithic sensor will operate at frame rates up to 120 Hz (commensurate with most FELs) and use multiple gains within 27 µm pixels to measure 1 to ∼100000 (500 eV) simultaneously arriving photons. DESY is also leading the development of the AGIPD, a high-speed detector based on hybrid pixel technology intended for use at the European XFEL. This system is being developed in collaboration with PSI, University of Hamburg, and University of Bonn. The AGIPD allows single-pulse imaging at 4.5 MHz frame rate into a 352-frame buffer, with a dynamic range allowing single-photon detection and detection of more than 10000 photons at 12.4 keV in the same image. Modules of 65k pixels each are configured to make up (multi)megapixel cameras. This review describes the AGIPD and the PERCIVAL concepts and systems, including some recent results and a summary of their current status. It also gives a short overview over other FEL-relevant developments where the Photon Science Detector Group at DESY is involved.