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Plants (Basel) ; 12(8)2023 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37111865


Fruits from wild forest trees and shrubs represent a natural source of antioxidants against oxidative stress and a growing market for novel minor crops. This study presents a multifaceted approach which sets the basis for sustainable agronomic exploitation of selected Greek native germplasm of four traditional but neglected and underutilized forest fruit trees and shrubs, namely Amelanchier ovalis Medik., Cornus mas L., Rosa canina L., and Sambucus nigra L. The studied plant species are traditionally used in Greek ethnobotany but are currently neglected and underutilized in commercial terms, thus characterized as neglected and underutilized plant species (NUPs). The investigation includes new information on the evaluation of the ex situ cultivation of the Greek germplasm (three of the four focal NUPs), thus supplementing respective full datasets for their comparative evaluation based on four evaluation axes (documentation and molecular authentication of genotypes, phytochemical evaluation, asexual propagation via rooting of cuttings, and ex situ cultivation) after multi-year and multifaceted groundwork data previously acquired. Consecutively, the work includes feasibility and readiness timescale evaluation for the sustainable exploitation of each focal species based on existing literature and extant research experience. The feasibility for sustainable exploitation and readiness timescale evaluation results were very encouraging, showing high exploitation feasibility with an already achieved readiness timescale for R. canina and S. nigra, whereas C. mas and A. ovalis showed an achievable readiness in the short term. The comparative evaluation of the Greek native focal NUPs outlined the excellent potential of R. canina, S. nigra, and A. ovalis, and the high potential of C. mas. The results herein illustrate the very high fruit antioxidant potential (free radical scavenging activity) of all focal species, the diverse but effective asexual propagation capacity via cuttings at the species level, and summarize the results of a pilot cultivation trial set up in 2020 (still ongoing) outlining tree growth rates and the onset of fruit production among genotypes and species. Overall, the meta-analysis of previously published data in conjunction with new data generated herein may serve the sustainable exploitation of the studied NUPs.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(10)2022 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35631772


Wild-growing Cornelian cherries (Cornus mas L., Cornaceae) are well-known native fruits in Greece since ancient times that are still consumed locally nowadays. Modern research has highlighted the value of Cornelian cherries as functional food with exceptional health benefits on account of the fruits' biochemical profile. However, apart from local consumption directly from wild growing individuals, Greek native C. mas populations have not yet been investigated or sustainably utilized. A multifaceted evaluation was conducted herein including authorized collection-documentation, taxonomic identification, and molecular authentication (DNA barcoding), asexual propagation via cuttings and phytochemical evaluation (multiple antioxidant profiling) of neglected and underutilized Greek native C. mas germplasm sources. Successive botanical expeditions resulted in the collection of 18 samples of genotypes from distant C. mas populations across different natural habitats in Greece, most of which were DNA fingerprinted for the first time. Asexual propagation trials revealed high variability in rooting frequencies among Greek genotypes with low (<25%), average (25−50%), and adequate propagation potential (>50%) using external indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) hormone application on soft- or hard-wood cuttings. The comparative phytochemical evaluation of the studied Greek genotypes showed significant potential in terms of antioxidant activity (>80% radical scavenging activity in 13 genotypes), but with variable phenolic content (47.58−355.46 mg GAE/100 g), flavonoid content (0.15−0.86 mg CE/100 g), and vitamin C content (1−59 mg AAE/100 g). The collected material is currently maintained under ex situ conservation for long-term monitoring coupled with ongoing pilot cultivation trials. The pivotal data create for the first time a framework for the sustainable utilization of Greek native C. mas germplasm as a superfood with significant agronomic potential.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(12)2021 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34961105


Dogroses belong to a taxonomically difficult genus and family and represent important phytogenetic resources associated with high ornamental, pharmaceutical-cosmetic and nutritional values, thus suggesting a potentially high exploitation merit. Triggered by these prospects, wild-growing Rosa canina populations of Greece were selected for investigation and evaluation of their potential for integrated domestication. We collected ripe rosehips from Greek native wild-growing populations (samples from seven genotypes) for phytochemical analysis (total phenolics, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity and vitamin C content), leaf samples for DNA analysis using the ITS2 sequence (nine genotypes) and fresh soft-wood stem cuttings for propagation trials (seven genotypes). After evaluation of these materials, this study reports for the first-time distinct DNA-fingerprinted genotypes from Greece with interesting phytochemical profiles mainly in terms of Vitamic C content (up to 500.22 ± 0.15 mg of ascorbic acid equivalents/100 g of sample) as well as effective asexual propagation protocols for prioritized R. canina genotypes via cuttings. The latter highlights the importance of the levels of external hormone application (2000 ppm of indole-3-butyric acid), the effect of season (highly-effective spring trials) and genotype-specific differences in rooting capacities of the studied genotypes. All inclusive, this study offers new artificially selected material of Greek native R. canina with a consolidated identity and interesting phytochemical profile. These materials are currently under ex-situ conservation for further evaluation and characterization in pilot field studies, thus facilitating its sustainable exploitation for applications in the agro-alimentary, medicinal-cosmetic, and ornamental sectors.