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Front Microbiol ; 14: 1127606, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37362937


Introduction: Viruses generally cause disease, but some viruses may be beneficial as resident regulators of their hosts or host microbiomes. Plant-associated viruses can help plants survive by increasing stress tolerance or regulating endophytic communities. The goal of this study was to characterize endophytic virus communities in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) genotypes, including cultivated and wild species, to assess virome repertoires and detect novel viruses. Methods: DNA viral communities were characterized by shotgun sequencing of an enriched endosphere extract from leaves and roots or corm of 7 distinct Musa genotypes (M. balbisiana, Thai Black, M. textilis, M. sikkimensis, Dwarf Cavendish, Williams Hybrid, and FHIA-25 Hybrid). Results: Results showed abundant virus-like contigs up to 108,191 bp long with higher relative abundance in leaves than roots. Analyses predicted 733 phage species in 51 families, with little overlap in phage communities among plants. Phage diversity was higher in roots and in diploid wild hosts. Ackermanniviridae and Rhizobium phage were generally the most abundant taxa. A Rhizobium RR1-like phage related to a phage of an endophytic tumor-causing rhizobium was found, bearing a holin gene and a partial Shiga-like toxin gene, raising interest in its potential to regulate endophytic Rhizobiaceae. Klebsiella phages were of interest for possible protection against Fusarium wilt, and other phages were predicted with potential to regulate Erwinia, Pectobacterium, and Ralstonia-associated diseases. Although abundant phage-containing contigs were functionally annotated, revealing 1,038 predicted viral protein domains, gene repertoires showed high divergence from database sequences, suggesting novel phages in these banana cultivars. Plant DNA viruses included 56 species of Badnavirus and 26 additional non-Musa plant viruses with distributions that suggested a mixture of resident and transient plant DNA viruses in these samples. Discussion: Together, the disparate viral communities in these plants from a shared environment suggest hosts drive the composition of these virus communities. This study forms a first step in understanding the endophytic virome in this globally important food crop, which is currently threatened by fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases.

Environ Microbiome ; 18(1): 36, 2023 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37085932


BACKGROUND: Microbiomes are critical to plants, promoting growth, elevating stress tolerance, and expanding the plant's metabolic repertoire with novel defense pathways. However, generally microbiomes within plant tissues, which intimately interact with their hosts, remain poorly characterized. These endospheres have become a focus in banana (Musa spp.)-an important plant for study of microbiome-based disease protection. Banana is important to global food security, while also being critically threatened by pandemic diseases. Domestication and clonal propagation are thought to have depleted protective microbiomes, whereas wild relatives may hold promise for new microbiome-based biological controls. The goal was to compare metapangenomes enriched from 7 Musa genotypes, including wild and cultivated varieties grown in sympatry, to assess the host associations with root and leaf endosphere functional profiles. RESULTS: Density gradients successfully generated culture-free microbial enrichment, dominated by bacteria, with all together 24,325 species or strains distinguished, and 1.7 million metagenomic scaffolds harboring 559,108 predicted gene clusters. About 20% of sequence reads did not match any taxon databases and ~ 62% of gene clusters could not be annotated to function. Most taxa and gene clusters were unshared between Musa genotypes. Root and corm tissues had significantly richer endosphere communities that were significantly different from leaf communities. Agrobacterium and Rhizobium were the most abundant in all samples while Chitinophagia and Actinomycetia were more abundant in roots and Flavobacteria in leaves. At the bacterial strain level, there were > 2000 taxa unique to each of M. acuminata (AAA genotype) and M. balbisiana (B-genotype), with the latter 'wild' relatives having richer taxa and functions. Gene ontology functional enrichment showed core beneficial functions aligned with those of other plants but also many specialized prospective beneficial functions not reported previously. Some gene clusters with plant-protective functions showed signatures of phylosymbiosis, suggesting long-standing associations or heritable microbiomes in Musa. CONCLUSIONS: Metapangenomics revealed key taxa and protective functions that appeared to be driven by genotype, perhaps contributing to host resistance differences. The recovery of rich novel taxa and gene clusters provides a baseline dataset for future experiments in planta or in vivo bacterization or engineering of wild host endophytes.