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Nano Lett ; 21(3): 1282-1287, 2021 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33497237


We study metal-insulator-semiconductor tunnel junctions where the metal electrode is a patterned gold layer, the insulator is a thin layer of Al2O3, and the semiconductor is p-type silicon. We observe light emission due to plasmon-assisted inelastic tunneling from the metal to the silicon valence band. The emission cutoff shifts to higher energies with increasing voltage, a clear signature of electrically driven plasmons. The cutoff energy exceeds the applied voltage, and a large fraction of the emission is above the threshold, ℏω > eV. We find that the emission spectrum manifests the Fermi-Dirac distribution of the electrons in the gold electrode. This distribution can be used to determine the effective electron temperature, Te, which is shown to have a linear dependence on the applied voltage. The strong correlation of Te with the plasmon energy serves as evidence that the mechanism for heating the electrons is plasmon decay at the source metal electrode.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(24): 246801, 2019 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31322402


We attempted to measure interference of the outer edge mode in the fractional quantum hall regime with an electronic Mach-zehnder interferometer. The visibility of the interferometer wore off as we approached ν_{B}=1 and the transmission of the quantum point contacts (QPCs) of the interferometer simultaneously developed a v=1/3 conductance plateau accompanied by shot noise. The appearance of shot noise on this plateau indicates the appearance of nontopological neutral modes resulting from edge reconstruction. We have confirmed the presence of upstream neutral modes measuring upstream noise emanating from the QPC. The lack of interference throughout the lowest Landau level was correlated with a proliferation of neutral modes.

Sci Rep ; 6: 37687, 2016 11 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27876859


We study magneto-transport properties of several amorphous Indium oxide nanowires of different widths. The wires show superconducting transition at zero magnetic field, but, there exist a finite resistance at the lowest temperature. The R(T) broadening was explained by available phase slip models. At low field, and far below the superconducting critical temperature, the wires with diameter equal to or less than 100 nm, show negative magnetoresistance (nMR). The magnitude of nMR and the crossover field are found to be dependent on both temperature and the cross-sectional area. We find that this intriguing behavior originates from the interplay between two field dependent contributions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(7): 1743-8, 2016 Feb 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26831071


Nonlinear charge transport in superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) Josephson junctions has a unique signature in the shuttled charge quantum between the two superconductors. In the zero-bias limit Cooper pairs, each with twice the electron charge, carry the Josephson current. An applied bias VSD leads to multiple Andreev reflections (MAR), which in the limit of weak tunneling probability should lead to integer multiples of the electron charge ne traversing the junction, with n integer larger than 2Δ/eVSD and Δ the superconducting order parameter. Exceptionally, just above the gap eVSD ≥ 2Δ, with Andreev reflections suppressed, one would expect the current to be carried by partitioned quasiparticles, each with energy-dependent charge, being a superposition of an electron and a hole. Using shot-noise measurements in an SIS junction induced in an InAs nanowire (with noise proportional to the partitioned charge), we first observed quantization of the partitioned charge q = e*/e = n, with n = 1-4, thus reaffirming the validity of our charge interpretation. Concentrating next on the bias region eVSD ~ 2Δ, we found a reproducible and clear dip in the extracted charge to q ~ 0.6, which, after excluding other possibilities, we attribute to the partitioned quasiparticle charge. Such dip is supported by numerical simulations of our SIS structure.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4067, 2014 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24905981


The fractional quantum Hall effect is a canonical example of topological phases. While electric currents flow downstream in edge modes, neutral edge modes, observed only in hole-conjugate states and in ν=5/2, flow upstream. It is believed that the latter transport results from multiple counter-propagating channels-mixed by disorder that is accompanied by Coulomb interaction. Here we report on sensitive shot noise measurements that reveal unexpected presence of neutral modes in non-hole-conjugate fractional states; however, not in the integer states. Furthermore, the incompressible bulk is also found to allow energy transport. While density reconstructions along the edge may account for the energy carrying edge modes, the origin of the bulk energy modes is unidentified. The proliferation of neutral modes changes drastically the accepted transport picture of the fractional quantum Hall effects. Their apparent ubiquitous presence may explain the lack of interference of fractional quasiparticles-preventing observation of fractional statistics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(16): 166801, 2014 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24815662


We report an observation, via sensitive shot noise measurements, of charge fractionalization of chiral edge electrons in the integer quantum Hall effect regime. Such fractionalization results solely from interchannel Coulomb interaction, leading electrons to decompose to excitations carrying fractional charges. The experiment was performed by guiding a partitioned current carrying edge channel in proximity to another unbiased edge channel, leading to shot noise in the unbiased edge channel without net current, which exhibited an unconventional dependence on the partitioning. The determination of the fractional excitations, as well as the relative velocities of the two original (prior to the interaction) channels, relied on a recent theory pertaining to this measurement. Our result exemplifies the correlated nature of multiple chiral edge channels in the integer quantum Hall effect regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(26): 266803, 2014 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25615371


It is well established that density reconstruction at the edge of a two-dimensional electron gas takes place for hole-conjugate states in the fractional quantum Hall effect (such as v=2/3, 3/5, etc.). Such reconstruction leads, after equilibration between counterpropagating edge channels, to a downstream chiral current edge mode accompanied by upstream chiral neutral modes (carrying energy without net charge). Short equilibration length prevented thus far observation of the counterpropagating current channels-the hallmark of density reconstruction. Here, we provide evidence for such nonequilibrated counterpropagating current channels, in short regions (l=4 µm and l=0.4 µm) of fractional filling v=2/3 and, unexpectedly, v=1/3, sandwiched between two regions of integer filling v=1. Rather than a two-terminal fractional conductance, the conductance exhibited a significant ascension towards unity quantum conductance (GQ=e(2)/h) at or near the fractional plateaus. We attribute this conductance rise to the presence of a nonequilibrated channel in the fractional short regions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(38): 15195-200, 2013 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23904485


The ability to assemble discrete nanowires (NWs) with nanoscale precision on a substrate is the key to their integration into circuits and other functional systems. We demonstrate a bottom-up approach for massively parallel deterministic assembly of discrete NWs based on surface-guided horizontal growth from nanopatterned catalyst. The guided growth and the catalyst nanopattern define the direction and length, and the position of each NW, respectively, both with unprecedented precision and yield, without the need for postgrowth assembly. We used these highly ordered NW arrays for the parallel production of hundreds of independently addressable single-NW field-effect transistors, showing up to 85% yield of working devices. Furthermore, we applied this approach for the integration of 14 discrete NWs into an electronic circuit operating as a three-bit address decoder. These results demonstrate the feasibility of massively parallel "self-integration" of NWs into electronic circuits and functional systems based on guided growth.

Electricidad , Nanotecnología/métodos , Nanocables/química , Semiconductores/tendencias
Nat Commun ; 3: 1165, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23132015


Entanglement is at the heart of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, where the non-locality is a necessary ingredient. Cooper pairs in superconductors can be split adiabatically, thus forming entangled electrons. Here, we fabricate such an electron splitter by contacting an aluminium superconductor strip at the centre of a suspended InAs nanowire. The nanowire is terminated at both ends with two normal metallic drains. Dividing each half of the nanowire by a gate-induced Coulomb blockaded quantum dot strongly impeds the flow of Cooper pairs due to the large charging energy, while still permitting passage of single electrons. We provide conclusive evidence of extremely high efficiency Cooper pair splitting via observing positive two-particle correlations of the conductance and the shot noise of the split electrons in the two opposite drains of the nanowire. Moreover, the actual charge of the injected quasiparticles is verified by shot noise measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(22): 226801, 2012 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003636


Counterpropagating (upstream) chiral neutral edge modes, which were predicted to be present in hole-conjugate states, were observed recently in a variety of fractional quantum Hall states (ν=2/3, ν=3/5, ν=8/3, and ν=5/2), by measuring the charge noise that resulted after partitioning the neutral mode by a constriction (denoted, as N→C). Particularly noticeable was the observation of such modes in the ν=5/2 fractional state--as it sheds light on the non-Abelian nature of the state's wave function. Yet, the nature of these unique, upstream, chargeless modes and the microscopic process in which they generate shot noise, are not understood. Here, we study the ubiquitous ν=2/3 state and report of two main observations: First, the nature of the neutral modes was tested by "colliding" two modes, emanating from two opposing sources, in a narrow constriction. The resultant charge noise was consistent with local heating of the partitioned quasiparticles. Second, partitioning of a downstream charge mode by a constriction gave birth to a dual process, namely, the appearance of an upstream neutral mode (C→N). In other words, splitting "hole conjugated" type quasiparticles will lead to an energy loss and decoherence, with energy carried away by neutral modes.

Nano Lett ; 10(9): 3439-45, 2010 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20695446


We report on observation of coherent electron transport in suspended high-quality InAs nanowire-based devices. The InAs nanowires were grown by low-temperature gold-assisted vapor-liquid-solid molecular-beam-epitaxy. The high quality of the nanowires was achieved by removing the typically found stacking faults and reducing possibility of Au incorporation. Minimizing substrate-induced scattering in the device was achieved by suspending the nanowires over predefined grooves. Coherent transport involving more than a single one-dimensional mode transport was observed in the experiment and manifested by Fabry-Perot conductance oscillations. The length of the Fabry-Perot interferometer, deduced from the period of the conductance oscillations, was found to be close to the physical length of the device. The high oscillations visibility imply nearly ballistic electron transport through the nanowire.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 107(12): 5276-81, 2010 Mar 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20212147


Interference of edge channels is expected to be a prominent tool for studying statistics of charged quasiparticles in the quantum Hall effect (QHE). We present here a detailed study of an electronic Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) operating in the QHE regime [C. Chamon, et al. (1997) Phys Rev B 55:2331-2334], with the phase of the interfering quasiparticles controlled by the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Our main finding is that Coulomb interactions among the electrons dominate the interference, even in a relatively large area FPI, leading to a strong dependence of the area enclosed by the interference loop on the magnetic field. In particular, for a composite edge structure, with a few independent edge channels propagating along the edge, interference of the outmost edge channel (belonging to the lowest Landau level) was insensitive to magnetic field-suggesting a constant enclosed flux. However, when any of the inner edge channels interfered, the enclosed flux decreased when the magnetic field increased. By intentionally varying the enclosed area with a biased metallic gate and observing the periodicity of the interference pattern, charges e (for integer filling factors) and e/3 (for a fractional filling factor) were found to be expelled from the FPI. Moreover, these observations provided also a novel way of detecting the charge of the interfering quasiparticles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(21): 216803, 2010 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231340


In many realizations of electron spin qubits the dominant source of decoherence is the fluctuating nuclear spin bath of the host material. The slowness of this bath lends itself to a promising mitigation strategy where the nuclear spin bath is prepared in a narrowed state with suppressed fluctuations. Here, this approach is realized for a two-electron spin qubit in a GaAs double quantum dot and a nearly tenfold increase in the inhomogeneous dephasing time T2* is demonstrated. Between subsequent measurements, the bath is prepared by using the qubit as a feedback loop that first measures its nuclear environment by coherent precession, and then polarizes it depending on the final state. This procedure results in a stable fixed point at a nonzero polarization gradient between the two dots, which enables fast universal qubit control.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(9): 096803, 2007 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17359185


Resonant tunneling through two identical potential barriers renders them transparent, as particle trajectories interfere coherently. Here we realize resonant tunneling in a quantum dot (QD), and show that detection of electron trajectories renders the dot nearly insulating. Measurements were made in the integer quantum Hall regime, with the tunneling electrons in an inner edge channel coupled to detector electrons in a neighboring outer channel, which was partitioned. Quantitative analysis indicates that just a few detector electrons completely dephase the QD.

Nature ; 436(7051): 677-80, 2005 Aug 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16079841


Electrical conduction through molecules depends critically on the delocalization of the molecular electronic orbitals and their connection to the metallic contacts. Thiolated (- SH) conjugated organic molecules are therefore considered good candidates for molecular conductors: in such molecules, the orbitals are delocalized throughout the molecular backbone, with substantial weight on the sulphur-metal bonds. However, their relatively small size, typically approximately 1 nm, calls for innovative approaches to realize a functioning single-molecule device. Here we report an approach for contacting a single molecule, and use it to study the effect of localizing groups within a conjugated molecule on the electrical conduction. Our method is based on synthesizing a dimer structure, consisting of two colloidal gold particles connected by a dithiolated short organic molecule, and electrostatically trapping it between two metal electrodes. We study the electrical conduction through three short organic molecules: 4,4'-biphenyldithiol (BPD), a fully conjugated molecule; bis-(4-mercaptophenyl)-ether (BPE), in which the conjugation is broken at the centre by an oxygen atom; and 1,4-benzenedimethanethiol (BDMT), in which the conjugation is broken near the contacts by a methylene group. We find that the oxygen in BPE and the methylene groups in BDMT both suppress the electrical conduction relative to that in BPD.

Science ; 305(5686): 980-3, 2004 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15310895


An outstanding question pertaining to the microscopic properties of the fractional quantum Hall effect is understanding the nature of the particles that participate in the localization but that do not contribute to electronic transport. By using a scanning single electron transistor, we imaged the individual localized states in the fractional quantum Hall regime and determined the charge of the localizing particles. Highlighting the symmetry between filling factors 1/3 and 2/3, our measurements show that quasi-particles with fractional charge e* = e/3 localize in space to submicrometer dimensions, where e is the electron charge.