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J Food Sci Technol ; 59(8): 3312-3317, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35872735


Abstract: Rancid taste, pH, and TBARS are important quality parameters of food oxidation, analyzed in a time-consuming and destructive way. Non-destructive characterization of food can be achieved correlating this data with computational vision. Thus, the present study aimed to use RGB digital images to predict sensory rancid taste, pH, and TBARS results in fish burgers. A mobile obtained the digital images, in a controlled environment, and 768 grayscales were performed using RGB histograms. The pH, showed a peak at 21st day of storage, which PCA confirmed by isolating the 21st samples, corroborated by HCA grouping 21st day samples. PLS models from RGB digital images and sensory rancidity, pH and TBARS data, using mean center method and SIMPLS algorithm found models with > 0.97 R2. Thus, any digital image of this batch of burgers, inserted into the model to predict rancid taste, pH and TBARS has high confidence level of prediction.

J Food Sci Technol ; 58(1): 383-388, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33505083


In Brazil, 47% of the fish farming correspond to the tilapia species, and the main producers are the south and northeast regions. This work aimed at characterizing the amino acid profile of three fishes with the potential for rearing and diversification in Brazil and worldwide. The fishes grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), and catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were obtained from a rural property located in the city of Pato Branco, PR, Brazil, and analyzed regarding the amino acid composition through High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. The amino acid profile showed the presence of glutamic acid, followed by lysine, aspartic acid, and leucine as the most prominent amino acids for the three fishes. Among the studied species, the grass carp presented the highest content of essential amino acids, registering all values superior to the minimum recommendation standards determined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The disclosure of the significant nutritional value presented by these species consolidate their protein quality and expand possibilities to improve the fish farming and development of derivative products.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(7): e20200143, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133279


ABSTRACT: Salami tipo Italiáno ("Italian Salami") and Linguiça Colonial ("Colonial Sausage") are fermented sausages widely consumed in southern Brazil and commonly confused by consumers. Colonial sausages often characterized by greater diversity of physicochemical and sensory qualities, which often can weaken a product's identity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the description and discrimination of brands of Italian Salami and Colonial Sausage using the "check-all-that- apply" technique by consumers and in parallel to relate the sensory perception to the physicochemical qualities of the fermented sausages. Results revealed a lack of physicochemical and sensory standardization for the Colonial Sausage brands (traditional). Sensory evaluations were most effective for discriminating industrial and traditional sausages. Through the check-all-that apply technique, consumers described and discriminated the samples, and set a standard for better hedonic acceptance of fermented sausages.

RESUMO: Salame Tipo Italiano e Linguiça Colonial são embutidos fermentados largamente consumidos na região sul do Brasil e comumente confundidas pelos consumidores. Com caráter tradicional, a Linguiça Colonial é frequentemente caracterizada por apresentar maior diversidade nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais, o que muitas vezes pode vir ao desencontro do fortalecimento de uma identidade. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a descrição e a discriminação de Salame Tipo Italiano e de Linguiça Colonial por consumidores, por meio do uso da técnica Check all that apply; e de forma paralela relacionar a percepção sensorial às qualidades físico químicas dos embutidos fermentados. Os resultados revelaram falta de padronização físico-química e sensorial para as Linguiças Coloniais. As avaliações sensoriais foram mais eficazes para a discriminação dos embutidos fermentados. Os consumidores, por meio da técnica Check-all-that apply, descreveram e discrimnaram as amostras, além de definirem um padrão de melhor aceitação hedônica para embutidos fermentados.

J Food Sci Technol ; 56(9): 4036-4044, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31477975


Fish has a high nutritional value and its regular consumption is associated with lower probabilities of cardiovascular diseases. Brazilians are characterized as low fish consumers, and the fish odor significantly affects the consumer acceptance or rejection. Grass carp, catfish and pacu are three fishes with high potential of farming in the Southwestern region of Paraná, Brazil, and worldwide. The characterization of their odor profile using the Flash Profile technique is the focus of this study. With assessors selected for odor analysis, the assessment of samples of the three species of fish was carried out in two stages (1) generation of attributes using the Grid method and (2) evaluation of the fish samples, according to attributes individually selected, with 9 cm unstructured and anchored scales. The data was processed by using generalized procrustes analysis. A total of 19 selected assessors were able to recognize and describe the stimuli perceived by the different substances. The terminology surveyed revealed the term "fishy" as the most cited, followed by "pond water", "fat" and "rancid". Flash Profile provided a precise odor characterization and discrimination with quantitative differences among the fishes. Pacu was the species related to the terms earth, fat, plant, fridge and wood. Earth, viscera, putrid, fat, burnt oil, blood, fishy odor and acid characterized the catfish, related to the most negative descriptors. Grass carp was associated to the terms pond water, fishy odor, rancidity, fat and grass.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(11): 2092-2098, nov. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-654310


O pescado é uma fonte importante de proteína animal e, por ser um produto perecível, uma solução estratégica para superar a curta vida útil representada pelo pescado fresco seria a elaboração de empanados a base de pescado, produto com qualidade, conveniente e mais adequado à demanda do consumidor moderno. No Brasil, programas governamentais de merenda escolar vêm trazendo apoio a pesquisas para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos a base de pescado e que sejam de fácil aceitação para crianças em idade escolar. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi detectar os determinantes individuais do consumo de pescado com adolescentes em idade de 12 a 17 anos, visando à inserção de empanados de pescado na merenda escolar. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de 92 alunos de uma escola localizada no município de Rio Grande - RS, mediante aplicação de um questionário elaborado com perguntas a respeito de suas atitudes e preferências, consciência saudável, conveniência e fatores sociodemográficos. A análise dos resultados foi realizada com base na técnica multivariada da análise de discriminante, em que se buscou discriminar grupos formados em função da frequência de consumo de pescado (nunca consome pescado; uma vez ao mês; duas vezes ao mês; uma vez na semana; e mais de uma vez na semana). Os resultados permitiram concluir as variáveis melhores discriminantes da frequência de consumo de pescado definidas pelo teste de diferença de médias de Lambda Wilks' Parcial, que foram "gosta de pescado" (0,55) e "grau de escolaridade dos pais" (0,88). Os dois primeiros modelos discriminantes obtidos explicaram juntos 75% da variância para a frequência de consumo de pescado. A maioria dos indivíduos apresentou a ideia de que empanado não é saudável, mas que possuem o hábito de consumi-lo pelo menos de uma a duas vezes ao mês. O grupo que nunca consome pescado disse não gostar de pescado e 50% das observações registradas estão entre consumir empanado de uma vez ao mês a mais de uma vez na semana. Estes resultados indicaram um potencial de consumo de empanado de pescado por adolescentes, associado à necessidade de educação alimentar.

Fish products are an important source of animal protein and being perishable product, a strategic solution to overcome the short life represented by the fresh fish is the development of the breaded fish, a product of quality, convenient and better suited to the modern consumer demand. In Brazil, government programs for school meals have brought support for research to develop new products based on fish that are easily accepted by school children. In this sense, the objective was to detect individual determinants of fish consumption in adolescents aged 12-17 years, aiming the inclusion of breaded fish in school meal. Data was obtained from 92 students in a school located in Rio Grande - RS, by applying a questionnaire with questions about their attitudes and preferences, health consciousness, convenience and socio-demographic factors. The analysis was performed based on the technique of multivariate discriminant analysis, where one seeks to discriminate groups formed according to the frequency of fish consumption (never consumed fish; once a month, twice a month, once a week and more than once a week). The results led to the best discriminating variables in the frequency of fish consumption defined by the Partial Lambda Wilks' mean difference test which were "likes fish" (0.55) and "educational level of parents" (0.88). The first two discriminant models obtained explained 75% of the variance for the frequency of fish consumption. Most individuals presented the idea that breaded products are not healthy, but they had the habit of consuming them at least once or twice a month. The group that never consumed fish said to dislike fish and 50% of the observations are recorded between consuming breaded once a month to more than once a week. These results indicate a potential for breaded fish consumption by adolescents, associated with the need for nutrition education.