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Plant Dis ; 84(9): 1047, 2000 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30832016


Garlic mustard (Alliaria officinalis) is a common weed species associated with woodland borders, hedge rows, and suburban gardens. Garlic mustard plants expressing foliar symptoms of leaf mosaic and vein banding were collected from Franklin and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio. Analysis of symptomatic tissue using viral-associated double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis on 5% polyacrylamide gels and stained with ethidium bromide resulted in the production of a banding profile (four dsRNA bands with molecular weights of 2.6, 2.0, 1.5, and 0.7 × 106 daltons) similar to that of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) (1). Symptomatic tissue suspected of being infected with CMV was analyzed with an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) employing commercially produced antiserum (Agdia Inc.) against the common strain of CMV antiserum confirmed the presence of CMV. Nonsymptomatic tissue reacted negatively to CMV. This is the first report of CMV in garlic mustard in Ohio. Due to the extensive range of this weed and the wide host range of CMV in ornamental and food-plant species, garlic mustard could serve as an alternate host for CMV in many commercially important plant species. Reference: (1) T. J. Morris et al. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 1:27-30, 1983.

Plant Dis ; 81(10): 1214, 1997 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30861717


Creeping bugleweed (Ajuga reptans L.) is a perennial ornamental commonly grown as a ground cover in temperate climates. Commercial samples of the A. reptans cultivars Royalty, var. Atropurpurea Bronze, Bronze Beauty, and Burgundy Glow showing mosaic and ringspot symptoms were tested for the presence of virus infection by direct antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and viral-associated double-stranded (ds) RNA analysis. Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) was detected by ELISA and dsRNA analysis in symptomatic samples of all cultivars tested. ELISA values were considered positive if the absorbance values were twice the negative control. Negative control values were established with asymptomatic tissue of the cv. Bronze Beauty. Tobacco streak ilarvirus (TSV) was detected only by ELISA in symptomatic samples of all cultivars except Royalty. No dsRNA suggestive of TSV was detected. Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) was detected by ELISA and dsRNA analysis in symptomatic samples of all cultivars tested except Royalty and var. Atropurpurea Bronze. dsRNA analysis also indicated the presence of a low molecular weight, possible satellite (sat) RNA associated with all symptomatic and asymptomatic Royalty and var. Atropurpurea Bronze plants tested. Northern (RNA) blot analysis with a digoxigenin-labeled full-length clone of the (S) CARNA-5 (-) CMV satRNA (ATCC no. 45124) confirmed that the low molecular weight RNA associated with the Royalty and var. Atropurpurea Bronze cultivars was indeed CMV satRNA. Only AMV has been previously reported in A. reptans in the United States (1). This is the first report of CMV and its satRNA, as well as TSV, in A. reptans in the United States. Reference: (1) W. T. Schroeder and R. Provvidenti. Plant Dis. Rep. 56:285, 1972.

Plant Dis ; 81(11): 1331, 1997 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30861746


Eryngium amethystinum (amethyst sea holly) is a herbaceous plant commonly grown as an ornamental perennial in U.S.D.A. hardiness zones 3 to 8. The plant thrives in dry areas with infertile soils and the flowers are often used in dried floral arrangements. Canna spp. (Canna), soft perennials (U.S.D.A. zone 9 and above), are becoming popular flowering plants because of their bright flowers and spectacular foliage. There are a variety of species that fall under the heading Canna spp., of which the most popular are C. glauca, C. indica, C. edulis, and C. iridiflora. Hybrids of Aquilegia (garden columbine), a hardy perennial (U.S.D.A. zones 3 to 9), flower in late spring through early summer. The genus is made up of a wide variety of cultivars. E. amethystinum exhibiting severe mosaic, yellowing, and stunting, along with Canna plants exhibiting severe stunting, chlorotic and distorted foliage, and mosaic, and garden columbine plants exhibiting stunting, leaf curl, chlorosis, and mosaic, collected from commercial plantings throughout the central Ohio area, were analyzed for the presence of virus infection with viral-associated, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis. dsRNA analysis resulted in a banding profile typical of that seen with members of the cucumovirus family of plant viruses. Plants positive for cucumovurus-like dsRNA were tested with a direct antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA results confirmed the presence of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in all symptomatic plants tested. No evidence of dsRNA or CMV was found in any of the asymptomatic plants tested. Because all of these hosts are common in the perennial garden, they could serve as a reservoir host of CMV for other plants in the garden. This is the first report of CMV in E. amethystinum, Canna spp., and Aquilegia hybrids in Ohio.

Plant Dis ; 81(11): 1333, 1997 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30861751


Adiantum pedatum (maidenhair fern) is a fern commonly used in landscapes and interiorscapes for its attractive foliage. A. pedatum is quite hardy and under conditions of good soil fertility it can become highly intrusive if left unchecked. Maidenhair fern showing symptoms associated with possible virus infection were collected from the Chadwick Arboretum on the campus of The Ohio State University, Columbus. The leaves of the affected plants were slightly malformed such that the pinnules were arranged irregularly at the pinna. The sequence of the pinnae on the rachis and the general appearance of the rachis were distorted. Overall, the symptoms observed were not as severe as those described by Nienhaus et al. on other species of ferns (1). Viral-associated double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis was used to analyze tissue from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants for evidence of virus infection. Results of dsRNA analysis gave evidence of a possible cucumovirus. There was no evidence of dsRNA in the asymptomatic tissue. Symptomatic tissue was subsequently tested for cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) with a direct antibody sandwich, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA results were positive for CMV in symptomatic tissue and negative for CMV in asymptomatic tissue. This is the first report of a virus associated with a disease in A. pedatum. Reference: (1) F. Nienhaus et al. Z. Pflanzenkrankh. Pflanzenschutz 9:533, 1974.