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Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4238, 2021 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34244492


Data rates in optical fiber networks have increased exponentially over the past decades and core-networks are expected to operate in the peta-bit-per-second regime by 2030. As current single-mode fiber-based transmission systems are reaching their capacity limits, space-division multiplexing has been investigated as a means to increase the per-fiber capacity. Of all space-division multiplexing fibers proposed to date, multi-mode fibers have the highest spatial channel density, as signals traveling in orthogonal fiber modes share the same fiber-core. By combining a high mode-count multi-mode fiber with wideband wavelength-division multiplexing, we report a peta-bit-per-second class transmission demonstration in multi-mode fibers. This was enabled by combining three key technologies: a wideband optical comb-based transmitter to generate highly spectral efficient 64-quadrature-amplitude modulated signals between 1528 nm and 1610 nm wavelength, a broadband mode-multiplexer, based on multi-plane light conversion, and a 15-mode multi-mode fiber with optimized transmission characteristics for wideband operation.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5813, 2020 Nov 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33199708


Lossless linear wave propagation is symmetric in time, a principle which can be used to create time reversed waves. Such waves are special "pre-scattered" spatiotemporal fields, which propagate through a complex medium as if observing a scattering process in reverse, entering the medium as a complicated spatiotemporal field and arriving after propagation as a desired target field, such as a spatiotemporal focus. Time reversed waves have previously been demonstrated for relatively low frequency phenomena such as acoustics, water waves and microwaves. Many attempts have been made to extend these techniques into optics. However, the much higher frequencies of optics make for very different requirements. A fully time reversed wave is a volumetric field with arbitrary amplitude, phase and polarisation at every point in space and time. The creation of such fields has not previously been possible in optics. We demonstrate time reversed optical waves with a device capable of independently controlling all of light's classical degrees of freedom simultaneously. Such a class of ultrafast wavefront shaper is capable of generating a sequence of arbitrary 2D spatial/polarisation wavefronts at a bandwidth limited rate of 4.4 THz. This ability to manipulate the full field of an optical beam could be used to control both linear and nonlinear optical phenomena.

Opt Lett ; 45(21): 5913-5916, 2020 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33137034


Optical vector network analyzers (OVNAs) based on swept-wavelength interferometry are applied widely in optical metrology and sensing to measure the complex transfer functions of optical components, devices, and fibers. Phase noise from laser sweep nonlinearities degrades the measurement quality as the distance increases and limits the usage of the OVNA in characterizing systems with long impulse responses as required in space-division multiplexing links with a high mode count or in the presence of large modal differential group delay (DGD). In this Letter, we use a densely distributed broadband ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating array to directly measure the distortion due to phase noise at a 5-m increment up to 400 m and use this measured data to directly eliminate the distortion. We experimentally extend the measurement range of the swept-wavelength OVNA over 400 m and successfully characterize a 2-km six-mode multimode fiber link with an accumulated impulse response as wide as 20 ns.

Opt Lett ; 45(16): 4484-4487, 2020 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32797006


We report multi-level modulation in polarization-independent surface-normal electro-absorption modulators (SNEAMs). Four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-4) at a line rate of 44 Gb/s is demonstrated on a fully packaged SNEAM with a 30 µm active area diameter and a 14 GHz electro-optic bandwidth. High-capacity PAM-4 transmission at 112 and 160 Gb/s is demonstrated on an unpackaged SNEAM chip, with a 15 µm active area diameter and ultrawide electro-optic bandwidth (≫65GHz). Fiber transmission is investigated for direct detection link lengths up to 23 km at 44 Gb/s and 2 km at 112 and 160 Gb/s, the highest multi-level modulation rates achieved on a SNEAM.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1865, 2019 04 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31028257


Exploiting a particular wave property for a particular application necessitates components capable of discriminating in the basis of that property. While spectral or polarisation decomposition can be straightforward, spatial decomposition is inherently more difficult and few options exist regardless of wave type. Fourier decomposition by a lens is a rare simple example of a spatial decomposition of great practical importance and practical simplicity; a two-dimensional decomposition of a beam into its linear momentum components. Yet this is often not the most appropriate spatial basis. Previously, no device existed capable of a two-dimensional decomposition into orbital angular momentum components, or indeed any discrete basis, despite it being a fundamental property in many wave phenomena. We demonstrate an optical device capable of decomposing a beam into a Cartesian grid of identical Gaussian spots each containing a single Laguerre-Gaussian component, using just a spatial light modulator and mirror.

Opt Express ; 26(18): 24190-24239, 2018 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30184909


Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Optics Express, this paper reviews the evolution of optical fiber communication systems, and through a look at the previous 20 years attempts to extrapolate fiber-optic technology needs and potential solution paths over the coming 20 years. Well aware that 20-year extrapolations are inherently associated with great uncertainties, we still hope that taking a significantly longer-term view than most texts in this field will provide the reader with a broader perspective and will encourage the much needed out-of-the-box thinking to solve the very significant technology scaling problems ahead of us. Focusing on the optical transport and switching layer, we cover aspects of large-scale spatial multiplexing, massive opto-electronic arrays and holistic optics-electronics-DSP integration, as well as optical node architectures for switching and multiplexing of spatial and spectral superchannels.