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J. nurs. health ; 14(1): 1424268, abr.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1554251


Objetivo: descrever a capacidade de cuidado familiar em paliação na atenção domiciliar. Métodos: estudo descritivo desenvolvido em São Luís, Maranhão, com 112 cuidadores familiares de pacientes em paliação. A coleta de dados foi realizada de fevereiro a maio de 2021 utilizando instrumento contendo variáveis sociodemográficas e Escala Capacidade paraCuidar em Paliativos com análise por Escala Likert. Resultados: maioria dos cuidadores são mulheres (91,07%), adultas (83,03%), pardas (62,5%), solteiras (50%) com ensino médio (51,79%). A análise da escala revelou 34,82% dos cuidadores precisam trabalhar as informações sobre a doença do familiar e aprender lidar com situações difícil,64,29 % indicam a carência em relação ao medo e impotência, e82,14% necessitam atenção quanto a capacidade física e psicológica para cuidar. Conclusão: a capacidade melhor avaliada é a de dimensão prática. As dimensões, emocional e autocuidado, necessitam de intervenção profissional para melhora do ato de cuidar.

Objective: to describe the capacity for family care in palliation in home care. Methods:descriptive study developed in São Luís, Maranhão, with 112 family caregivers of patients undergoing palliation. Data collection was carried out from February to May 2021 using an instrument containing sociodemographic variables and the Capacity for Palliative Care Scale with analysis using Likert Scale. Results: most caregivers are women (91.07%), adults (83.03%), mixed race (62.5%), single (50%) and with high school education (51.79%). Analysis of the scale revealed that 34.82% of caregivers need to work on the information about the family member's illness and learn to deal with difficult situations, 64.29% indicate a need for fear and impotence, and 82.14% need attention their physical and psychological capacity to care. Conclusion:the best evaluated ability is the practical dimension. The emotional and self-care dimensions require professional intervention to improve the act of caring.

Objetivo:describir la capacidad de cuidado familiar en paliativo domiciliarios. Métodos:estudio descriptivo desarrollado en São Luís, Maranhão, 112 cuidadores familiares de pacientes en paliación. La recolección de datos se realizó de febrero a mayo de 2021 mediante un instrumento que contiene variables sociodemográficas y la Escala de Capacidad en Cuidados Paliativos con análisis mediante Escala Likert. Resultados:la mayoría de los cuidadores son mujeres (91,07%), adultos (83,03%), mestizos (62,5%), solteros (50%) y estudios secundarios (51,79%). El análisis de la escala reveló que el 34,82% de los cuidadores necesita trabajar la información sobre la enfermedad del familiar y aprender a lidiar con situaciones difíciles, el 64,29% indica necesidad de miedo e impotencia y el 82,14% necesita atención al físico y capacidad psicológica para cuidar. Conclusión:la habilidad mejor evaluada es la dimensión práctica. La dimensión emocional y de autocuidado requieren intervención profesional para mejorar el acto decuidar.

Cuidadores , Cuidados Paliativos , Atención Domiciliaria de Salud
Ecol Evol ; 13(11): e10159, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034328


Eelgrass supports diverse benthic communities that ensure a variety of ecosystem functions. To better understand the ecological processes that shape community composition in eelgrass at local and regional scales, taxonomic and functional α- and ß-diversity were quantified for communities inhabiting five meadows in France. The extent to which environmental factors affected local and regional benthic communities was quantified by considering their direct and indirect effects (through morphological traits of eelgrass) using piecewise structural equation modeling (pSEM). Communities supported by eelgrass had higher species abundances, as well as taxonomic and functional diversity compared to nearby bare sediments. No significant differences were found between communities from the center relative to the edges of meadows, indicating that both habitats provide similar benefits to biodiversity. The presence of a few abundant species and traits suggests moderate levels of habitat filtering and close associations of certain species with eelgrass. Nevertheless, high turnover of a large number of rare species and traits was observed among meadows, resulting in meadows being characterized by their own distinct communities. High turnover indicates that much of the community is not specific to eelgrass, but rather reflects local species pools. pSEM showed that spatial variation in community composition (ß-diversity) was primarily affected by environmental conditions, with temperature, current velocity, and tidal amplitude being the most significant explanatory variables. Local richness and abundance (α-diversity) were affected by both environment and morphological traits. Importantly, morphological traits of Zostera marina were also influenced by environmental conditions, revealing cascading effects of the environment on assemblages. In sum, the environment exerted large effects on community structure at both regional and local scales, while plant traits were only pertinent in explaining local diversity. This complex interplay of processes acting at multiple scales with indirect effects should be accounted for in conservation efforts that target the protection of biodiversity.

Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 16(9)2023 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37765143


Mycobacteria cause tuberculosis and other serious diseases. Understanding their mechanisms of resistance to our immune system and exploring novel drugs are critical strategies to combat infections. A bibliometric analysis was performed to identify publication trends and critical research areas in the field of the antimicrobial activity of desferrioxamine. A total of twenty-four publications on the topic, from 2012 to 2023, were retrieved from databases including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Embase, using specific keywords. The quality of the publications was assessed using impact and productivity metrics, with an average annual publication rate of 2.1 articles. The United States emerged as the most productive country, with medicine (23.4%, 11 publications) and biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology (21.3%, 10 publications) as the top research fields. The five most cited publications accounted for 672 citations, with a relatively low h-index (11:11). In conclusion, there has been a lack of publications on this topic in the last decade. The United States dominates production and publication in this area, and there appears to be limited exchange of knowledge, ideas, and technology within the field. Therefore, fostering international cooperation through funding is essential to facilitate further research and development of desferrioxamine-related studies.

Ecology ; 104(1): e3852, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053857


Advancing functional ecology depends fundamentally on the availability of data on reproductive traits, including those from tropical plants, which have been historically underrepresented in global trait databases. Although some valuable databases have been created recently, they are mainly restricted to temperate areas and vegetative traits such as leaf and wood traits. Here, we present Rock n' Seeds, a database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation, recognized as outstanding centers of diversity and endemism. Data were compiled through a systematic literature search, resulting in 103 publications from which seed functional traits were extracted. The database includes information on 16 functional traits for 383 taxa from 148 genera, 50 families, and 25 orders. These 16 traits include two dispersal, six production, four morphological, two biophysical, and two germination traits-the major axes of the seed ecological spectrum. The database also provides raw data for 48 germination experiments, for a total of 10,187 records for 281 taxa. Germination experiments in the database assessed the effect of a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors on germination and different dormancy-breaking treatments. Notably, 8255 of these records include daily germination counts. This input will facilitate synthesizing germination data and using this database for a myriad of ecological questions. Given the variety of seed traits and the extensive germination information made available by this database, we expect it to be a valuable resource advancing comparative functional ecology and guiding seed-based restoration and biodiversity conservation in tropical megadiverse ecosystems. There are no copyright restrictions on the data; please cite this paper when using the current data in publications; also the authors would appreciate notification of how the data are used in publications.

O avanço da ecologia funcional depende fundamentalmente da disponibilidade de dados sobre traços reprodutivos, incluindo dados de plantas tropicais, que têm sido historicamente subrepresentados em bancos de dados de traços funcionais globais. Embora alguns bancos de dados valiosos tenham sido criados recentemente, eles são restritos principalmente a áreas temperadas e a traços vegetativos, como traços de folhas e madeira. Neste artigo apresentamos Rock n' Seeds, um banco de dados de traços funcionais de sementes e experimentos de germinação de vegetações associadas a afloramentos rochosos do Brasil, os quais são reconhecidos como centros notáveis de diversidade e endemismo. Os dados foram compilados através de uma revisão sistemática na literatura, resultando em 103 publicações das quais foram extraídos os traços funcionais das sementes. O banco de dados inclui informações de 16 traços funcionais para 383 taxa de 148 gêneros, 50 famílias e 25 ordens. Estes dezesseis traços incluem dois traços de dispersão, seis de produção, quatro morfológicos, dois biofísicos e dois germinativos; os eixos principais do espectro ecológico da semente. O banco de dados também fornece os dados brutos para 48 experimentos de germinação para um total de 10.187 registros para 281 taxa. Os experimentos de germinação no banco de dados avaliaram o efeito de uma ampla gama de fatores abióticos e bióticos sobre a germinação e diferentes tratamentos de quebra de dormência. Particularmente, 8.255 desses registros incluem a contagem diária da germinação. Estas informações facilitarão a síntese de dados de germinação e a utilização deste banco de dados para uma grande variedade de questões ecológicas. Dada a variedade de traços das sementes e as amplas informações sobre germinação disponibilizadas por este banco de dados, esperamos que ele seja um recurso valioso para o avanço da ecologia funcional comparativa e para orientar a restauração baseada em sementes e a conservação da biodiversidade em ecossistemas tropicais megadiversos. Não há restrições de direitos autorais sobre os dados; favor citar este artigo ao utilizar os dados nas publicações e os autores agradeceriam uma notificação de como os dados são utilizados nas publicações.

El avance de la ecología funcional depende fundamentalmente de la disponibilidad de datos sobre rasgos reproductivos-incluyendo los de las plantas tropicales-los cuales han estado poco representados en las bases de datos globales de rasgos. Aunque recientemente se han creado algunas bases de datos valiosas, estas se encuentran restringidas principalmente a las zonas templadas y a los rasgos vegetativos, como los de las hojas y la madera. En este artículo presentamos Rock n' Seeds, una base de datos de rasgos funcionales de semillas y experimentos de germinación de la vegetación asociada a afloramientos rocosos de Brasil, los cuales son destacados centros de diversidad y endemismo. Los datos se recopilaron mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática, que dio como resultado 103 publicaciones de las que se extrajeron los rasgos funcionales de las semillas. La base de datos incluye información de dieciséis rasgos funcionales para 383 taxones de 148 géneros, 50 familias y 25 órdenes. Estos rasgos incluyen dos rasgos de dispersión, seis de producción, cuatro morfológicos, dos biofísicos y dos de germinación; siendo estos los principales ejes del espectro ecológico de las semillas. La base de datos también proporciona los datos brutos de 48 experimentos de germinación, para un total de 10.187 registros de 281 taxones. Dichos experimentos de germinación evaluaron el efecto de una amplia gama de factores abióticos y bióticos sobre la germinación y de diferentes tratamientos para romper la dormancia. En particular, 8.255 de estos registros cuentan con conteos diarios de germinación. Esto facilitará la síntesis de los datos de germinación y el uso de esta base de datos para una gran diversidad de preguntas ecológicas. Dada la variedad de rasgos de las semillas y la amplia información sobre germinación que ofrece esta base de datos, esperamos que sea un recurso valioso para el avance de la ecología funcional comparativa y para orientar la restauración basada en semillas y la conservación de la biodiversidad en ecosistemas tropicales megadiversos. No hay restricciones de derechos de autor sobre los datos; se solicita citar este documento cuando se utilicen los datos en publicaciones y los autores agradecerán ser notificados sobre cómo se utilizan los datos en las publicaciones.

Ecosistema , Germinación , Humanos , Brasil , Semillas , Plantas
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 54(5): 297, 2022 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36103092


This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional and bioeconomic potential of rehydrated ground grain corn silage (RGGCS), at different storage times associated with proportions of concentrates for better starch utilization by lambs. Forty Dorper-Santa Inês crossbred lambs were used, with an average body weight of 24 ± 3.9 kg, and an average age of 90 days. The lambs were feedlot for 63 days in experiment design completely randomized, with eight repetitions and five experimental diets: Diet 1: 850 g/kg concentrate including dry ground corn; diet 2: 850 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days; diet 3: 650 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 90 days; diet 4: 650 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days; diet 5: 850 g/kg concentrate including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days. As roughage, silage corn whole plant. Starch intake was higher (P < 0.05) with the dry ground corn diet; however, digestibility was lower (P < 0.05) for most nutrients compared to the RGGCS diet. A smaller amount of starch in the feces of animals that received the RGGCS diet was found. A diet with 850 g/kg of concentrate, including RGGCS ensiled for 45 days, generates higher net income, increases nutrient intake, and could be an alternative during the fluctuation of corn prices.

Ensilaje , Zea mays , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Animales , Animales , Digestión , Grano Comestible , Ovinos , Oveja Doméstica , Ensilaje/análisis , Almidón
Rev Bras Enferm ; 75(4): e20210260, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35239839


OBJECTIVES: to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical variables related to the adherence to self-care activities in people with diabetes mellitus type 2. METHODS: quantitative, cross-sectional study, carried out with 270 people with diabetes from December 2019 to October 2020, in São Luís, Maranhão. RESULTS: the adherence to self-care was greater when it comes to medications (Md=7.0) and foot care (Md= 6.0), but lower in regard to blood sugar testing (Md=1.0), exercise (Md=2,0), and diet (general) (Md=4.0). The variables age group (p=0.007), educational level (p=0.015), body mass index (p=0.035), complications with diabetes (p=0.009), and nutritional follow-up (p=0.000) had associations with self-care activities. CONCLUSIONS: identifying the factors related to the adherence to self-care was found to be essential to strengthen the line of care in chronic diseases and to direct educational actions, aiming to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Autocuidado , Estudios Transversales , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamiento farmacológico , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Ejercicio Físico , Humanos , Calidad de Vida
Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(4): e20210260, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1360869


ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical variables related to the adherence to self-care activities in people with diabetes mellitus type 2. Methods: quantitative, cross-sectional study, carried out with 270 people with diabetes from December 2019 to October 2020, in São Luís, Maranhão. Results: the adherence to self-care was greater when it comes to medications (Md=7.0) and foot care (Md= 6.0), but lower in regard to blood sugar testing (Md=1.0), exercise (Md=2,0), and diet (general) (Md=4.0). The variables age group (p=0.007), educational level (p=0.015), body mass index (p=0.035), complications with diabetes (p=0.009), and nutritional follow-up (p=0.000) had associations with self-care activities. Conclusions: identifying the factors related to the adherence to self-care was found to be essential to strengthen the line of care in chronic diseases and to direct educational actions, aiming to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.

RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar variables sociodemográficas y clínicas relacionadas a la adhesión a actividades de autocuidado en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado con 270 personas con diabetes, entre diciembre de 2019 y octubre de 2020, en São Luís, Maranhão. Resultados: hubo adhesión más favorable al autocuidado cuanto al uso del medicamento (Md=7,0) y cuidados con los pies (Md= 6,0) y adhesión menos deseable cuanto al monitoreo de la glucemia (Md=1,0), práctica de actividad física (Md=2,0) y alimentación general (Md=4,0). Las variables franja etaria (p=0,007), escolaridad (p=0,015), índice de masa corporal (p=0,035), complicación del diabetes (p=0,009) y acompañamiento nutricional (p=0,000) presentaron relación con las actividades de autocuidado. Conclusiones: la identificación de factores relacionados a la adhesión al autocuidado se mostró esencial para el fortalecimiento de la línea de cuidados en enfermedades crónicas y direccionamiento de acciones educativas, visando mejorar la calidad de vida de personas con diabetes.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas relacionadas com a adesão às atividades de autocuidado em pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 270 pessoas com diabetes, entre dezembro de 2019 e outubro de 2020, em São Luís, Maranhão. Resultados: houve adesão mais favorável ao autocuidado quanto ao uso do medicamento (Md=7,0) e cuidados com os pés (Md= 6,0) e adesão menos desejável quanto à monitorização da glicemia (Md=1,0), prática da atividade física (Md=2,0) e alimentação geral (Md=4,0). As variáveis faixa etária (p=0,007), escolaridade (p=0,015), índice de massa corporal (p=0,035), complicação do diabetes (p=0,009) e acompanhamento nutricional (p=0,000) apresentaram associação com as atividades de autocuidado. Conclusões: a identificação dos fatores relacionados com a adesão ao autocuidado mostrou-se essencial para o fortalecimento da linha de cuidados em doenças crônicas e direcionamento das ações educativas, visando melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas com diabetes.

Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 55: e03754, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34287484


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the patient safety culture among intensive care nursing professionals. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in Intensive Care Units of a public hospital. Data collection was carried out from September to October 2017 with nursing professionals, using the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha, Pearson's Chi-Square or Fischer's Exact tests (5% significance level) were performed. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of a total of 163 nursing professionals. No strong areas were observed for patient safety. The dimensions "teamwork in the unit", "expectations and actions of the supervisor/manager for the promotion of patient safety" and "organizational learning and continuous improvement" had the highest rates of positive responses, whereas the dimensions "opening for communication" and "feedback and communication about the error" had the lowest percentages. The general degree of patient safety was considered very good 72 (47%) and underreporting of the events was observed, most of them were carried out by nurses. CONCLUSION: No dimension assessed was considered to be a strong area. However, most were shown to be potential areas for patient safety culture.

Atención de Enfermería , Seguridad del Paciente , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Cuidados Críticos , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Cultura Organizacional , Administración de la Seguridad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Mar Environ Res ; 169: 105344, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34015675


Data that can be used to monitor biodiversity through time are essential for conservation and management. The reef-forming worm, Sabellaria alveolata (L. 1767) is currently classed as 'Data Deficient' due to an imbalance in the spread of data on its distribution. Little is known about the distribution of this species around Ireland. Using data archaeology, we collated past and present distribution records and discovered that S. alveolata has a discontinuous distribution with large gaps between populations. Many regions lack data and should be targeted for sampling. Biodiversity surveys revealed that S. alveolata supported diverse epibiotic algal communities. Retrograding (declining) reefs supported greater infaunal diversity than prograding (growing) reefs or sand, suggesting that S. alveolata is a dynamic ecosystem engineer that has a lasting legacy effect. Similar research should be carried out for other Data Deficient species, habitats and regions. Such data are invaluable resources for management and conservation.

Alveolados , Poliquetos , Animales , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Arrecifes de Coral , Ecosistema , Irlanda
Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis ; 38(1): e2021005, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33867792


BACKGROUND: The six-minute walk test (6MWT) is a readily available tool used to evaluate functional capacity in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, it is often logistically challenging to perform in the context of a busy clinical practice. We sought to investigate if the 1MWT distance (1MWD) predicts the 6MWT distance (6MWD), and if an abbreviated walk could accurately predict outcomes in IPF patients. METHODS: Baseline demographics and pulmonary function testing of IPF patients evaluated at a tertiary referral center between 2010 and 2017 were collected. 6MWT variables at baseline as well as 1 and 6 minutes were collected. Time to death, lung transplantation, or most recent follow-up was ascertained. RESULTS: There were 177 patients, the majority of whom (80%) were male. The mean age was 67 ± 9 years and mean FVC was 64 ± 18% predicted. Forty eight (27%) patients used oxygen supplementation during the 6MWT. The median 6MWD was 366 meters (IQR: 268-471) while the median 1MWD was 65 meters (IQR: 46-81). Stratified by the median, 89 patients were "High Walkers" based on the 6MWD ≥ 366m (HW6) and 88 patients were "Low Walkers" (LW6). HW6 had a higher FVC% (70 ± 15 vs 57 ± 18, p= 0.001), higher DLCO% (45 ± 12 vs 34 ± 14, p= 0.001) and higher 1MWD (83 ± 28 vs 47 ± 16, m p= 0.001). Median transplant-free survival was better in HW6 vs LW6 (27 ± 16 vs 22 ± 18 months, log rank p= 0.018). There was a strong correlation between the 1MWD and the 6MWD (r= 0.91, Spearman's correlation, p < 0.0001). Also, the transplant-free survival curves stratified by 1MWD were very similar to the curves for 6MWD, showing a lower survival in the LW1 cohort (log rank p= 0.009). CONCLUSION: The 1MWD obtained during the first minute of a 6MWD shows a strong correlation to total 6MWD and retains its ability to predict transplant-free survival. 1MWT may serve as a practical substitute for the more cumbersome 6MWT. Our findings require further validation prospectively in larger cohorts of IPF patients.

Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 20: e50127, 2021. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1339643


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os estudos científicos desenvolvidos sobre a deficiência de vitamina D e a mortalidade por causa cardiovascular nas pessoas com doença renal crônica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir das bases de dados LILACS, Pub Med, Medline e na biblioteca eletrônica SciELO, utilizando os descritores deficiência de vitamina D, mortalidade cardiovascular e doença renal crônica, sendo selecionados 14 artigos para análise. Resultados: A partir da análise dos artigos selecionados, foi possível identificar que a deficiência de vitamina D e a mortalidade cardiovascular são condições muito frequentes em renais crônicos e, por isso, discutem-se hipóteses de que a correção desta deficiência pode exercer efeitos benéficos sobre a doença e mortalidade cardiovascular nessa população. Conclusão: Há uma intrínseca relação entre a carência de vitamina D e a mortalidade cardiovascular. Entretanto, ainda é discutível se a suplementação de vitamina D reduz a mortalidade cardiovascular nos doentes renais crônicos. Tal hipótese precisa ser testada em ensaios clínicos, ensejando a necessidade de se desenvolver mais pesquisas sobre o tema.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar los estudios científicos desarrollados sobre la deficiencia de vitamina D y la mortalidad por causa cardiovascular en las personas con enfermedad renal crónica. Método: se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura a partir de las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed, Medline yen la biblioteca electrónica SciELO, utilizando los descriptores deficiencia de vitamina D; mortalidad cardiovascular y enfermedad renal crónica, siendo seleccionados 14 artículos para el análisis. Resultados: a partir del análisis de los artículos seleccionados, fue posible identificar que la deficiencia de vitamina D y la mortalidad cardiovascular son condiciones muy frecuentes en enfermos renales crónicos y, por ello, se discuten hipótesis de que la corrección de esta deficiencia puede ejercer efectos benéficos sobre la enfermedad y mortalidad cardiovascular en esta población. Conclusión: hay una intrínseca relación entre la carencia de vitamina D y la mortalidad cardiovascular. Sin embargo, aúnes discutible si la suplementación de vitamina D reduce la mortalidad cardiovascular en los enfermos renales crónicos. Tal hipótesis necesita ser probada en ensayos clínicos, fomentando la necesidad de desarrollarse más investigaciones sobre el tema.

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze scientific studies that have addressed vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular mortality in people with chronic kidney disease. Method: This is an integrative literature review conducted through the LILACS, PubMed and Medline databases, and through the SciELO electronic library, using the 'vitamin D deficiency', 'cardiovascular mortality' and 'chronic kidney disease' descriptors, with 14 articles being selected for analysis. Results: By analyzing the selected articles, it was possible to identify that vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular mortality are very common conditions in chronic renal patients and, for this reason, there are hypotheses that correcting this deficiency may have beneficial effects on the disease and cardiovascular mortality in this population. Conclusion: There is an intrinsic relationship between vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular mortality. However, it is still debatable whether vitamin D supplementation reduces cardiovascular mortality in chronic renal patients. Such hypothesis needs to be tested in clinical trials, which gives cause for the need to develop further research on the theme.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Deficiencia de Vitamina D , Mortalidad , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica , Pacientes , Vitamina D , Vasos Sanguíneos , Enfermedad Crónica , Muerte
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 55: e03754, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287953


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a cultura de segurança do paciente entre profissionais de enfermagem da terapia intensiva. Método Estudo transversal realizado em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva de hospital público. A coleta de dados foi realizada de setembro a outubro de 2017 com profissionais de enfermagem, aplicando o questionário Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture . Foram realizados os testes Alpha de Cronbach, Qui-Quadrado de Pearson ou Exato de Fischer (nível de significância de 5%). Resultados A amostra final foi composta por 163 profissionais de enfermagem. Não foram observadas áreas fortes para a segurança do paciente. As dimensões "trabalho em equipe na unidade", "expectativas e ações do supervisor/chefia para a promoção da segurança do paciente" e "aprendizado organizacional e melhoria contínua" apresentaram os maiores índices de respostas positivas, enquanto as dimensões "abertura para comunicação" e "retorno das informações e da comunicação sobre o erro" obtiveram os menores percentuais. O grau geral de segurança do paciente foi considerado muito bom (72 = 47%) e observou-se subnotificação dos eventos, sendo a maioria realizada pelos enfermeiros. Conclusão Nenhuma dimensão avaliada foi considerada área forte, porém, a maioria mostrou-se como áreas em potenciais para a cultura de segurança do paciente.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar la cultura de seguridad del paciente entre los profesionales de enfermería de cuidados intensivos. Método Se trata de un estudio transversal realizado en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital público. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo con el Cuestionario Hospitalario sobre la Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente entre septiembre y octubre de 2017, con profesionales de enfermería. Se aplicaron las pruebas Alfa de Cronbach, Chi-cuadrado de Pearson o Exacta de Fischer (nivel de significación del 5%). Resultados La muestra final estaba compuesta por 163 profesionales de enfermería. No se observaron áreas fuertes en la seguridad del paciente. Las dimensiones "trabajo en equipo de la unidad", "expectativas y acciones del supervisor/liderazgo para promover la seguridad del paciente" y "aprendizaje organizativo y mejora continua" mostraron los índices más altos de respuestas positivas, mientras que las dimensiones "apertura a la comunicación" y "respuestas a la información ( feedback ) y comunicación sobre el error" obtuvieron los porcentajes más bajos. El nivel de seguridad general del paciente se consideró como muy bueno, 72 (47%), y se observó una infradeclaración de sucesos, la mayoría de los cuales realizados por los enfermeros. Conclusión Ninguna dimensión evaluada ha sido considerada un área fuerte; sin embargo, la mayoría se mostró como un área potencial para la cultura de seguridad del paciente.

ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the patient safety culture among intensive care nursing professionals. Method This is a cross-sectional study carried out in Intensive Care Units of a public hospital. Data collection was carried out from September to October 2017 with nursing professionals, using the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha, Pearson's Chi-Square or Fischer's Exact tests (5% significance level) were performed. Results The final sample consisted of a total of 163 nursing professionals. No strong areas were observed for patient safety. The dimensions "teamwork in the unit", "expectations and actions of the supervisor/manager for the promotion of patient safety" and "organizational learning and continuous improvement" had the highest rates of positive responses, whereas the dimensions "opening for communication" and "feedback and communication about the error" had the lowest percentages. The general degree of patient safety was considered very good 72 (47%) and underreporting of the events was observed, most of them were carried out by nurses. Conclusion No dimension assessed was considered to be a strong area. However, most were shown to be potential areas for patient safety culture.

Enfermería , Cultura Organizacional , Seguridad del Paciente , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
BMC Evol Biol ; 20(1): 100, 2020 08 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32778052


BACKGROUND: Under the threat of climate change populations can disperse, acclimatise or evolve in order to avoid fitness loss. In light of this, it is important to understand neutral gene flow patterns as a measure of dispersal potential, but also adaptive genetic variation as a measure of evolutionary potential. In order to assess genetic variation and how this relates to environment in the honeycomb worm (Sabellaria alveolata (L.)), a reef-building polychaete that supports high biodiversity, we carried out RAD sequencing using individuals from along its complete latitudinal range. Patterns of neutral population genetic structure were compared to larval dispersal as predicted by ocean circulation modelling, and outlier analyses and genotype-environment association tests were used to attempt to identify loci under selection in relation to local temperature data. RESULTS: We genotyped 482 filtered SNPs, from 68 individuals across nine sites, 27 of which were identified as outliers using BAYESCAN and ARLEQUIN. All outlier loci were potentially under balancing selection, despite previous evidence of local adaptation in the system. Limited gene flow was observed among reef-sites (FST = 0.28 ± 0.10), in line with the low dispersal potential identified by the larval dispersal models. The North Atlantic reef emerged as a distinct population and this was linked to high local larval retention and the effect of the North Atlantic Current on dispersal. CONCLUSIONS: As an isolated population, with limited potential for natural genetic or demographic augmentation from other reefs, the North Atlantic site warrants conservation attention in order to preserve not only this species, but above all the crucial functional ecological roles that are associated with their bioconstructions. Our study highlights the utility of using seascape genomics to identify populations of conservation concern.

Alveolados/genética , Genética de Población , Genómica , Adaptación Biológica , Animales , Arrecifes de Coral , Flujo Génico
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 12: 281-287, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1047844


Objetivo: investigar os fatores maternos e perinatais associados aos extremos da idade reprodutiva da mulher em São Luís, Maranhão. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em São Luís/MA, com população de 16.474 mães. Os dados foram coletados no Sinasc disponibilizado pela Secretaria Municipal. Utilizou-se o Teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson e calculou-se a Odds Ratio com nível de significância de α = 0.05. Resultados: verificou-se que as adolescentes apresentaram maior chance de nascimentos prematuros (OR=1,37; p< 0,001 mulheres com idade avançada apresentaram maior risco para baixo peso ao nascer (OR=1,22; p=0,022). Tanto as adolescentes (OR=2,09; p< 0,001) quanto as mães com idade avançada (OR=1,85; p<0,0011) possuem chances aumentadas para realizarem menos que seis consultas de pré-natal. Conclusão: os resultados perinatais, nascimento prematuro, baixo peso ao nascer e a realização de menos de seis consultas pré-natais são elevados nas gestações de adolescentes e mulheres em idade avançada

Objective: to investigate maternal and perinatal factors associated with extremes of women's reproductive age in São Luís, Maranhão. Method: this is a cross-sectional study conducted in São Luís/MA, with a population of 16,474 mothers. The data were collected in the Sinasc provided by the Municipal Health Secretariat. We used the Pearson Chi-square test and calculated the odds ratio with a significance level of α=0.05. Results: it was verified that the adolescents had a higher chance of preterm birth (OR=1.37; p<0,001); Women aged 35 years or older were at increased risk for low birth weight (OR=1.22; p=0.022). Both adolescents (OR=2.09; p<0,001) and older mothers (OR=1.85; p<0,001) have an increased chance to perform less than six prenatal visits. Conclusion: perinatal outcomes, preterm birth, low birth weight and fewer than six prenatal visits are frequent in the pregnancies of adolescents and women of advanced age

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Atención Prenatal , Edad Materna , Salud Materno-Infantil , Factores de Riesgo , Embarazo de Alto Riesgo , Atención Perinatal
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 12: 544-550, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1096958


Objetivo: estudo transversal quantitativo com objetivo de verificar a prevalência de comportamentos de risco à saúde em universitários. Método: amostra de cinquenta e dois (52) estagiários do último ano do curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma Universidade pública no nordeste do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Resultados: prevaleceu sexo feminino 39 (75%), média de idade 24,8 anos, cor branca 29 (55,7%), peso corporal normal 35 (67,3%) e sedentarismo 34 (65,4%), consumo de refrigerantes 25 (48%), frutas e verduras 23(44,2%), bebida alcóolica 42 (80,8%) e cigarros 21(40,4%). A maconha foi relatada por 13 (25%), além de outras substâncias 14 (26,9%); 44 (84,6%) declaram experiência sexual, início aos 17 anos 18 (34,6%), uso do preservativo masculino 20 (38,5%) e 16 (30,8%) relataram tristeza, 14 (26,9%) intenção de suicídio e 47 (90,4%) negaram ameaças ou agressão. Conclusão: os universitários apresentam comportamentos considerados de risco a saúde adotando atitudes e condutas prejudiciais

Objective: quantitative cross-sectional study in order to check the prevalence of health risk behaviors in college students. Method: sample of 52 (52) internes the last year of the degree course in nursing of a public University in the northeast of Brazil. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results: prevailed 39 (75%) female, average age 24.8 years, white 29 (55.7%), normal body weight 35 (67.3%) and sedentary 34 (65.4%), soft drink consumption 25 (48%), fruits and vegetables 23 (44.2%), liquor 42 (80.8%) and cigarettes 21 (40.4%). Cannabis was reported by 13 (25%), in addition to other substances 14 (26.9%), 44 (84.6%) declare sexual experience, home to 17 years 18 (34.6%), use of the male condom 20 (38.5%) and 16 (30.8%) reported sadness, 14 (26.9%) intention of suicide and 47 (90.4%) denied threats or aggression. Conclusion: the present College of health risk behaviors considered adopting attitudes and harmful conduct

Objetivo: estudio cuantitativo transversal para comprobar la prevalencia de comportamientos de riesgo de salud en estudiantes universitarios. Método: una muestra de 52 (52) interna del último año de la Licenciatura en enfermería de una universidad públicaen el noroeste de Brasil. Encuesta de comportamiento el riesgo de la juventud. Resultados: prevaleció 39 (75%) femenino, media edad 24,8 años, blanco 29 (55,7%), peso corporal normal 35 (67,3%) y 34 sedentarios (65.4%), consumo de bebida 25 (48%), frutas y verduras 23 (44,2%), licor 42 (80,8%) cigarrillos y 21 (40.4%). Cannabis fue reportado por 13 (25%), además de otras sustancias 14 (26.9%), 44 (84.6%) declarar la experiencia sexual, inicio a 17 años 18 (34.6%), uso del condón masculino 20 (38.5%) y 16 (30.8%) tristeza reportado, 14 (26.9%) intención de suicidio y 47 (90.4%) negó las amenazas o la agresión. Conclusion: el actual Colegio de comportamientos de riesgo de salud considera la adopción de actitudes y conductas nocivas

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Factores de Riesgo , Promoción de la Salud , Conducta Autodestructiva/prevención & control , Prevención de Enfermedades
PLoS One ; 14(3): e0213519, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30849101


Zooxanthellate corals live in symbiosis with phototrophic dinoflagellates of the family Symbiodiniaceae, enabling the host coral to dwell in shallow, nutrient-poor marine waters. The South Atlantic Ocean is characterized by low coral diversity with high levels of endemism. However, little is known about coral-dinoflagellate associations in the region. This study examined the diversity of Symbiodiniaceae associated with the scleractinian coral Favia gravida across its distributional range using the ITS-2 marker. This brooding coral endemic to the South Atlantic can be found across a wide range of latitudes and longitudes, including the Mid-Atlantic islands. Even though it occurs primarily in shallower environments, F. gravida is among the few coral species that live in habitats with extreme environmental conditions (high irradiance, temperature, and turbidity) such as very shallow tide pools. In the present study, we show that F. gravida exhibits some degree of flexibility in its symbiotic association with zooxanthellae across its range. F. gravida associates predominantly with Cladocopium C3 (ITS2 type Symbiodinium C3) but also with Symbiodinium A3, Symbiodinium linucheae (ITS2 type A4), Cladocopium C1, Cladocopium C130, and Fugacium F3. Symbiont diversity varied across biogeographic regions (Symbiodinium A3 and S. linucheae were found in the Tropical Eastern Atlantic, Cladocopium C1 in the Mid-Atlantic, and other subtypes in the Southwestern Atlantic) and was affected by local environmental conditions. In addition, Symbiodiniaceae diversity was highest in a southwestern Atlantic oceanic island (Rocas Atoll). Understanding the relationship between corals and their algal symbionts is critical in determining the factors that control the ecological niches of zooxanthellate corals and their symbionts, and identifying host-symbiont pairs that may be more resistant to environmental changes.

Antozoos , Arrecifes de Coral , Dinoflagelados/fisiología , Modelos Biológicos , Simbiosis/fisiología , Animales , Antozoos/microbiología , Antozoos/fisiología , Filogeografía
Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 12(9): 2500-2506, set. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-995933


Objetivo: compreender a cultura de segurança fundamentada nos conceitos discutidos na Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural e no Modelo Conceitual do Cuidado de Enfermagem Transcultural. Método: estudo reflexivo a partir da Dissertação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, intitulada "Cultura de segurança do paciente em terapia intensiva na perspectiva de profissionais de Enfermagem". Resultados: percebe-se a aproximação da Enfermagem transcultural na avaliação da cultura de segurança do paciente tendo em vista que ela deve ser baseada em uma comunicação eficaz e por práticas que envolvam as culturas dos gestores, organizações, profissionais de Enfermagem e pacientes sustentando o planejamento de ações e a necessidade de prevenção de erros e danos. Conclusão: os conceitos apresentados são perfeitamente apropriados no contexto da cultura de segurança por remeter à necessidade de considerar os aspectos culturais contribuindo, assim, para a prática do cuidado seguro.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Cultura Organizacional , Enfermería , Enfermería Transcultural , Administración de la Seguridad , Seguridad del Paciente , Asistencia Sanitaria Culturalmente Competente , Atención de Enfermería , Teoría de Enfermería
Fish Shellfish Immunol ; 60: 255-264, 2017 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27836724


Since 1997, populations of the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata suffer mass mortalities attributed to the bacterium Vibrio harveyi. These mortalities occur at the spawning season, when the abalone immune system is depressed, and when temperatures exceed 17 °C, leading to favorable conditions for V. harveyi proliferation. In order to identify mechanisms of disease resistance, experimental successive infections were carried out on two geographically distinct Brittany populations: one that has suffered recurrent mortalities (Saint-Malo) and one that has not been impacted by the disease (Molène). Furthermore, abalone surviving these two successive bacterial challenges and uninfected abalone were used for several post-infection analyses. The Saint-Malo population was found to be resistant to V. harveyi infection, with a survival rate of 95% compared to 51% for Molène. While in vitro quantification of phagocytosis by flow cytometry showed strong inhibition following the first infection, no inhibition of phagocytosis was observed following the second infection for Saint-Malo, suggesting an immune priming effect. Moreover, assays of phagocytosis of GFP-labelled V. harveyi performed two months post-infection show an inhibition of phagocytosis by extracellular products of V. harveyi for uninfected abalone, while no effect was observed for previously infected abalone from Saint-Malo, suggesting that the effects of immune priming may last upwards of two months. Detection of V. harveyi by qPCR showed that a significantly greater number of abalone from the susceptible population were positive for V. harveyi in the gills, indicating that portal of entry effectors may play a role in resistance to the disease. Collectively, these results suggest a potential synergistic effect of gills and hemolymph in the resistance of H. tuberculata against V. harveyi with an important involvement of the gills, the portal of entry of the bacteria.

Gastrópodos/inmunología , Gastrópodos/microbiología , Inmunidad Innata , Vibrio/fisiología , Animales , Branquias/inmunología , Hemolinfa/microbiología , Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa
Mol Ecol Resour ; 17(5): 1054-1071, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27889948


Scleractinian corals (i.e. hard corals) play a fundamental role in building and maintaining coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. Nevertheless, their phylogenies remain largely unresolved and little is known about dispersal and survival of their planktonic larval phase. The small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) is a commonly used gene for DNA barcoding in several metazoans, and small variable regions of SSU rRNA are widely adopted as barcode marker to investigate marine plankton community structure worldwide. Here, we provide a large sequence data set of the complete SSU rRNA gene from 298 specimens, representing all known extant reef coral families and a total of 106 genera. The secondary structure was extremely conserved within the order with few exceptions due to insertions or deletions occurring in the variable regions. Remarkable differences in SSU rRNA length and base composition were detected between and within acroporids (Acropora, Montipora, Isopora and Alveopora) compared to other corals. The V4 and V9 regions seem to be promising barcode loci because variation at commonly used barcode primer binding sites was extremely low, while their levels of divergence allowed families and genera to be distinguished. A time-calibrated phylogeny of Scleractinia is provided, and mutation rate heterogeneity is demonstrated across main lineages. The use of this data set as a valuable reference for investigating aspects of ecology, biology, molecular taxonomy and evolution of scleractinian corals is discussed.

Antozoos/clasificación , Antozoos/genética , Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico/métodos , Variación Genética , Animales , Análisis por Conglomerados , ADN Ribosómico/química , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Genes de ARNr , Conformación de Ácido Nucleico , Filogenia , ARN Ribosómico 18S/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN