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Tree Physiol ; 21(5): 299-308, 2001 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11262921


We investigated key factors controlling mass and energy exchange by a young (6-year-old) ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) plantation on the west side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and an old-growth ponderosa pine forest (mix of 45- and 250-year-old trees) on the east side of the Cascade Mountains, from June through September 1997. At both sites, we operated eddy covariance systems above the canopy to measure net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor, and made concurrent meteorological and ecophysiological measurements. Our objective was to understand and compare the controls on ecosystem processes in these two forests. Precipitation is much higher in the young plantation than in the old-growth forest (1660 versus 550 mm year-1), although both forests experienced decreasing soil water availability and increasing vapor pressure deficits (D) as the summer of 1997 progressed. As a result, drought stress increased at both sites during this period, and changes in D strongly influenced ecosystem conductance and net carbon uptake. Ecosystem conductance for a given D was higher in the young pine plantation than in the old-growth forest, but decreased dramatically following several days of high D in late summer, possibly because of xylem cavitation. Net CO2 exchange generally decreased with conductance at both sites, although values were roughly twice as high at the young site. Simulations with the 3-PG model, which included the effect of tree age on fluxes, suggest that, during the fall through spring period, milder temperatures and ample water availability at the young site provide better conditions for photosynthesis than at the old pine site. Thus, over the long-term, the young site can carry more leaf area, and the climatic conditions between fall and spring offset the more severe limitations imposed by summer drought.

California , Dióxido de Carbono/fisiología , Desastres , Ecosistema , Oregon , Pinus ponderosa , Estaciones del Año , Agua/fisiología
Tree Physiol ; 21(5): 337-44, 2001 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11262925


To gain insight into the limitations imposed by a typical Mediterranean-climate summer drought on the uptake of carbon and ozone in the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) ecosystem, we compared diurnal trends in leaf physiology of young trees in a watered and a control plot located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA, USA (Blodgett Forest, 38 degrees 53' N, 120 degrees 37' W, 1315 m elevation). Predawn water potential of trees in the watered plot remained above -0.3 MPa throughout the growing season, whereas it dropped in the control plot from -0.24 to -0.52 MPa between late May and mid-August. Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of trees in the watered plot were relatively insensitive to atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD), whereas gas exchange of trees in the control plot varied with changes in soil water, VPD and temperature. Although the 1998 growing season was abnormally wet, we saw a pronounced drought effect at the control site. Over the 2 months following the onset of watering, carbon and ozone uptake were measured on three days at widely spaced intervals. Carbon uptake per unit leaf area by 1-year-old foliage of trees in the control plot was 39, 35 and 30% less, respectively, than in the watered plot, and estimated ozone deposition per unit leaf area (ozone concentration times stomatal conductance) was 36, 46 and 41% less.

California , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Desastres , Ecosistema , Ozono/metabolismo , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , Pinus ponderosa , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Estaciones del Año
Tree Physiol ; 16(9): 747-55, 1996 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14871681


Stomatal conductance in trees is related to both foliar carbon-isotope abundance and stem hydraulic properties. By combining these relationships, I hypothesized that carbon-isotope abundance in foliage should vary with limitations to water movement through supporting branches. I sampled Douglas-fir branches (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) from six sites across a climate gradient in Oregon, USA for foliar carbon-isotope abundance and stem hydraulic properties. I used a forest growth model to quantify climate-induced stomatal limitations, expressed as reduced potential transpiration, across the gradient. Foliar stable carbon-isotope abundance showed a strong inverse relationship with branch specific conductivity (hydraulic conductivity per unit functional sapwood area) and leaf-specific conductivity (hydraulic conductivity per unit leaf area). Foliar stable carbon-isotope abundance was correlated with modeled reductions in potential transpiration; however, the inclusion of leaf-specific conductivity improved the correlation by more than 30%. Combined, leaf-specific conductivity and climate-induced stomatal constraints explained 84% of the variation in foliar isotope abundance in 1994 foliage. This model was confirmed on foliage classes 1990-1993.

Tree Physiol ; 15(10): 657-63, 1995 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14965999


The natural abundance of stable carbon isotopes in the annual rings of forest trees is used as a tracer of environmental changes such as climate and atmospheric pollution. Although tree-ring delta(13)C varies by about 2 per thousand from year to year, variability within the foliage can be as high as 6 per thousand. Recent studies have shown that branch length affects stomatal response, which influences the integrated foliar delta(13)C signal. To improve the ability of delta(13)C to predict climate differences, we examined the relationship between branch length and foliar delta(13)C in Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco from four sites across a steep climate gradient in Oregon. The transect spanned the boundary between the ranges of the coastal variety, P. menziesii var. menziesii (three sites), and the Rocky Mountain variety, P. menziesii var. glauca (one site). At the most maritime site, branch length explained 76% of within-site variation of 5 per thousand, whereas at the harshest site, branch length accounted for only 15% of this variation. We considered the possibility that cavitation in the water-conducting xylem obscures the branch length effect in the harsher climates. Cavitation, as measured by dye perfusion, was most extensive at sites where the branch length effect in the coastal variety was weakest. Trees at the site with the most substantial cavitation displayed seasonal xylem refilling. Branch length standardization significantly improved the relationship between delta(13)C and climate. With standardization to constant length, delta(13)C values were significantly related to the degree that climatic variables, as modeled with a forest growth simulation model, constrain transpiration (R(2) = 0.69, P < 0.0001). Without standardization, the R(2) was 0.27. We conclude that sampling standard length branches or tree rings from trees of similar shape and size is desirable when seeking correlations between isotopic composition and climate.