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Nanoscale ; 16(29): 13905-13914, 2024 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38973506


Quantum interference (QI) can strongly affect electric and thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions (MJs). So far, however, a limited number of experimental studies have explored the influence of QI on thermoelectric transport in MJs. To address this open point, we synthesized derivatives of meta-OPE3 with an electron-withdrawing nitro (-NO2) substituent or an electron-donating N,N-dimethyl amine (-NMe2) substituent, attached at two different positions of the central phenylene ring, and systematically studied the electrical conductance and thermopower of the corresponding gold-molecule-gold junctions. We show that (i) the electrical conductance of MJs depends weakly on the polarity of the substituents but strongly on the substitution position and (ii) MJs with the N,N-dimethyl amine group feature a higher thermopower than MJs with the nitro group. We also present calculations based on first principles, which explain these trends and show that the transport properties are highly sensitive to microscopic details in junctions, exhibiting destructive QI features.

Adv Mater ; : e2401662, 2024 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38749066


Integration of molecular switching units into complex electronic circuits is considered to be the next step toward the realization of novel logic and memory devices. This paper reports on an ordered 2D network of neighboring ternary switching units represented by triazatruxene (TAT) molecules organized in a honeycomb lattice on a Ag(111) surface. Using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, the bonding configurations of individual TAT molecules can be controlled, realizing up to 12 distinct states per molecule. The switching between those states shows a strong bias dependence ranging from tens of millivolts to volts. The low-bias switching behavior is explored in active units consisting of two and more interacting TAT molecules that are purposefully defined (programmed) by high-bias switching within the honeycomb lattice. Within such a unit the low-bias switching can be triggered and accessed by single-point measurements on a single TAT molecule, demonstrating up to 9 and 19 distinguishable states in a dyad and a tetrad of coupled molecules, respectively. High experimental control over the desired state, owing to bias-dependent hierarchical switching and pronounced switching directionality, as well as full reversibility, make this system particularly appealing, paving the way to design complex molecule-based memory systems.

Nanoscale ; 16(22): 10751-10759, 2024 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38747099


Break-junction techniques provide the possibility to study electric and thermoelectric properties of single-molecule junctions in great detail. These techniques rely on the same principle of controllably breaking metallic contacts in order to create single-molecule junctions, whilst keeping track of the junction's conductance. Here, we compare results from mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) and scanning tunneling microscope (STM) methods, while characterizing conductance properties of the same novel mechanosensitive para- and meta-connected naphtalenophane compounds. In addition, thermopower measurements are carried out for both compounds using the STM break junction (STM-BJ) technique. For the conductance experiments, the same data processing using a clustering analysis is performed. We obtain to a large extent similar results for both methods, although values of conductance and stretching lengths for the STM-BJ technique are slightly larger in comparison with the MCBJ. STM-BJ thermopower experiments show similar Seebeck coefficients for both compounds. An increase in the Seebeck coefficient is revealed, whilst the conductance decreases, after which it saturates at around 10 µV K-1. This phenomenon is studied theoretically using a tight binding model. It shows that changes of molecule-electrode electronic couplings combined with shifts of the resonance energies explain the correlated behavior of conductance and Seebeck coefficient.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(43): 23541-23555, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874166


Molecular junctions offer significant potential for enhancing thermoelectric power generation. Quantum interference effects and associated sharp features in electron transmission are expected to enable the tuning and enhancement of thermoelectric properties in molecular junctions. To systematically explore the effect of quantum interferences, we designed and synthesized two new classes of porphyrins, P1 and P2, with two methylthio anchoring groups in the 2,13- and 2,12-positions, respectively, and their Zn complexes, Zn-P1 and Zn-P2. Past theory suggests that P1 and Zn-P1 feature destructive quantum interference in single-molecule junctions with gold electrodes and may thus show high thermopower, while P2 and Zn-P2 do not. Our detailed experimental single-molecule break-junction studies of conductance and thermopower, the latter being the first ever performed on porphyrin molecular junctions, revealed that the electrical conductance of the P1 and Zn-P1 junctions is relatively close, and the same holds for P2 and Zn-P2, while there is a 6 times reduction in the electrical conductance between P1 and P2 type junctions. Further, we observed that the thermopower of P1 junctions is slightly larger than for P2 junctions, while Zn-P1 junctions show the largest thermopower and Zn-P2 junctions show the lowest. We relate the experimental results to quantum transport theory using first-principles approaches. While the conductance of P1 and Zn-P1 junctions is robustly predicted to be larger than those of P2 and Zn-P2, computed thermopowers depend sensitively on the level of theory and the single-molecule junction geometry. However, the predicted large difference in conductance and thermopower values between Zn-P1 and Zn-P2 derivatives, suggested in previous model calculations, is not supported by our experimental and theoretical findings.

J Chem Phys ; 159(2)2023 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37435941


Single molecules can be used as miniaturized functional electronic components, when contacted by macroscopic electrodes. Mechanosensitivity describes a change in conductance for a certain change in electrode separation and is a desirable feature for applications such as ultrasensitive stress sensors. We combine methods of artificial intelligence with high-level simulations based on electronic structure theory to construct optimized mechanosensitive molecules from predefined, modular molecular building blocks. In this way, we overcome time-consuming, inefficient trial-and-error cycles in molecular design. We unveil the black box machinery usually connected to methods of artificial intelligence by presenting all-important evolutionary processes. We identify the general features that characterize well-performing molecules and point out the crucial role of spacer groups for increased mechanosensitivity. Our genetic algorithm provides a powerful way to search chemical space and to identify the most promising molecular candidates.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(20): 6859-6890, 2023 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37382508


TURBOMOLE is a highly optimized software suite for large-scale quantum-chemical and materials science simulations of molecules, clusters, extended systems, and periodic solids. TURBOMOLE uses Gaussian basis sets and has been designed with robust and fast quantum-chemical applications in mind, ranging from homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis to inorganic and organic chemistry and various types of spectroscopy, light-matter interactions, and biochemistry. This Perspective briefly surveys TURBOMOLE's functionality and highlights recent developments that have taken place between 2020 and 2023, comprising new electronic structure methods for molecules and solids, previously unavailable molecular properties, embedding, and molecular dynamics approaches. Select features under development are reviewed to illustrate the continuous growth of the program suite, including nuclear electronic orbital methods, Hartree-Fock-based adiabatic connection models, simplified time-dependent density functional theory, relativistic effects and magnetic properties, and multiscale modeling of optical properties.

Nanoscale ; 15(11): 5305-5316, 2023 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811332


The ability to predict the conductive behaviour of molecules, connected to macroscopic electrodes, represents a crucial prerequisite for the design of nanoscale electronic devices. In this work, we investigate whether the notion of a negative relation between conductance and aromaticity (the so-called NRCA rule) also pertains to quasi-aromatic and metallaaromatic chelates derived from dibenzoylmethane (DBM) and Lewis acids (LAs) that either do or do not contribute two extra dπ electrons to the central resonance-stabilised ß-ketoenolate binding pocket. We therefore synthesised a family of methylthio-functionalised DBM coordination compounds and subjected them, along with their truly aromatic terphenyl and 4,6-diphenylpyrimidine congeners, to scanning tunneling microscope break-junction (STM-BJ) experiments on gold nanoelectrodes. All molecules share the common motif of three π-conjugated, six-membered, planar rings with a meta-configuration at the central ring. According to our results, their molecular conductances fall within a factor of ca. 9 in an ordering aromatic < metallaaromatic < quasi-aromatic. The experimental trends are rationalised by quantum transport calculations based on density functional theory (DFT).

Chem Sci ; 13(27): 8017-8024, 2022 Jul 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35919422


Intra- and intermolecular interactions are dominating chemical processes, and their concerted interplay enables complex nonequilibrium states like life. While the responsible basic forces are typically investigated spectroscopically, a conductance measurement to probe and control these interactions in a single molecule far out of equilibrium is reported here. Specifically, by separating macroscopic metal electrodes, two π-conjugated, bridge-connected porphyrin decks are peeled off on one side, but compressed on the other side due to the covalent mechanical fixation. We observe that the conductance response shows an exceptional exponential rise by two orders of magnitude in individual breaking events during the stretching. Theoretical studies atomistically explain the measured conductance behavior by a mechanically activated increase in through-bond transport and a simultaneous strengthening of through-space coupling. Our results not only reveal the various interacting intramolecular transport channels in a molecular set of levers, but also the molecules' potential to serve as molecular electro-mechanical sensors and switches.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(9): 11919-11926, 2022 Mar 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35225596


The complex behavior of the simplest atomic-scale conductors indicates that the electrode structure itself is significant in the design of future nanoscale devices. In this study, the structural asymmetry of metallic atomic contacts formed between two macroscopic Au electrodes at room temperature was investigated. Characteristic signatures of the structural asymmetries were detected by fast current-voltage (I-V) measurements with a time resolution of approximately 100 µs. Statistical analysis of more than 300,000 I-V curves obtained from more than 1000 contact-stretching processes demonstrates that the current rectification properties are correlated with the conductance of the nanocontacts. A substantial suppression of the variation in current rectification was observed for the atomic contacts with integer multiples of the conductance quantum. Statistical analysis of the time-resolved I-V curves revealed that the current rectification variations increased significantly from 500 µs onward before the breakage of the atomic contacts. Ab initio atomistic simulations of the stretching processes and corresponding I-V characteristics confirmed the magnitude of the rectification and related it to the structural asymmetries in the breakdown process of the junctions. Overall, we provide a better understanding of the interplay between geometric and electronic structures at atomically defined metal-metal interfaces by probing charge transport properties in extremely sensitive nanocontacts.

Nanoscale ; 14(3): 984-992, 2022 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34989747


The possibility to study quantum interference phenomena at ambient conditions is an appealing feature of molecular electronics. By connecting two porphyrins in a cofacial cyclophane, we create an attractive platform for mechanically controlling electric transport through the intramolecular extent of π-orbital overlap of the porphyrins facing each other and through the angle of xanthene bridges with regard to the porphyrin planes. We analyze theoretically the evolution of molecular configurations in the pulling process and the corresponding changes in electric conduction by combining density functional theory (DFT) with Landauer scattering theory of phase-coherent elastic transport. Predicted conductances during the stretching process show order of magnitude variations caused by two robust destructive quantum interference features that span through the whole electronic gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Mechanically-controlled break junction (MCBJ) experiments at room temperature verify the mechanosensitive response of the molecular junctions. During the continuous stretching of the molecule, they show conductance variations of up to 1.5 orders of magnitude over single breaking events. Uncommon triple- and quadruple-frequency responses are observed in periodic electrode modulation experiments with amplitudes of up to 10 Å. This further confirms the theoretically predicted double transmission dips caused by the spatial and energetic rearrangement of molecular orbitals, with contributions from both through-space and through-bond transport.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(34): 13944-13951, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34424713


Quantum interference (QI) of electron waves passing through a single-molecule junction provides a powerful means to influence its electrical properties. Here, we investigate the correlation between substitution pattern, conductance, and mechanosensitivity in [2.2]paracyclophane (PCP)-based molecular wires in a mechanically controlled break junction experiment. The effect of the meta versus para connectivity in both the central PCP core and the phenyl ring connecting the terminal anchoring group is studied. We find that the meta-phenyl-anchored PCP yields such low conductance levels that molecular features cannot be resolved; in the case of para-phenyl-coupled anchoring, however, large variations in conductance values for modulations of the electrode separation occur for the pseudo-para-coupled PCP core, while this mechanosensitivity is absent for the pseudo-meta-PCP core. The experimental findings are interpreted in terms of QI effects between molecular frontier orbitals by theoretical calculations based on density functional theory and the Landauer formalism.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 12(48): 53841-53851, 2020 Dec 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33213136


We investigated the transport properties of the single layer and bulk copper(I) 4-hydroxythiophenolate (Cu(SC6H4OH)) coordination polymers and their analogues Cu(SeC6H4OH) and Cu(TeC6H4OH) on the basis of density functional calculations. We found that the bulk phases show superior power factors when compared with single-layer phases. This performance is comparable to the reported best organic thermoelectric candidates p-type poly(3.4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and n-type poly[Kx(Ni-ett)] (ett = ethylenetetrathiolate). The non-parabolic conduction band minimum of Cu(SeC6H4OH) along the x direction can decouple the transport quantities, Seebeck coefficient, and electrical conductivity to achieve the highest power factor among all the candidates.

Nano Lett ; 20(8): 5773-5778, 2020 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32589039


We study voltage-induced conductance changes of Pb, Au, Al, and Cu atomic contacts. The experiments are performed in vacuum at low temperature using mechanically controllable break junctions. We determine switching histograms, i.e., distribution functions of switching voltages and switching currents, as a function of the conductance. We observe a clear material dependence: Au reveals the highest and almost conductance-independent switching voltage, while Al has the lowest with a pronounced dependence on the conductance. The theoretical study uses density functional theory and a generalized Langevin equation considering the pumping of particular phonon modes. We identify a runaway voltage as the threshold at which the pumping destabilizes the atomic arrangement. We find qualitative agreement between the average switching voltage and the runaway voltage regarding the material and conductance dependence and contact-to-contact variation of the average characteristic voltages, suggesting that the phonon pumping is a relevant mechanism driving the rearrangements in the experimental contacts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(15): 156803, 2020 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357030


Quantum fluctuations are imprinted with valuable information about transport processes. Experimental access to this information is possible, but challenging. We introduce the dynamical Coulomb blockade (DCB) as a local probe for fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and show that it provides information about the conduction channels. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the DCB disappears in a single-channel junction with increasing transmission following the Fano factor, analogous to what happens with shot noise. Furthermore we demonstrate local differences in the DCB expected from changes in the conduction channel configuration. Our experimental results are complemented by ab initio transport calculations that elucidate the microscopic nature of the conduction channels in our atomic-scale contacts. We conclude that probing the DCB by STM provides a technique complementary to shot noise measurements for locally resolving quantum transport characteristics.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(11): 6370-6375, 2020 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32140689


The electric field is an important parameter to vary in a single-molecule experiment, because it can directly affect the charge distribution around the molecule. Yet, performing such an experiment with a well-defined electric field for a model chemical reaction at an interface has proven to be extremely difficult. Here, by combining a graphene field-effect transistor and a gate-tunable scanning tunneling microscope (STM), we reveal how this strategy enables the intramolecular H atom transfer of a metal-free macrocycle to be controlled with an external field. Experiments and theory both elucidate how the energetic barrier to tautomerization decreases with increasing electric field. The consistency between the two results demonstrates the potential in using electric fields to engineer molecular switching mechanisms that are ubiquitous in nanoscale electronic devices.

Nano Lett ; 20(3): 1647-1653, 2020 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32078334


Strong many-body interactions in two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors give rise to efficient exciton-exciton annihilation (EEA). This process is expected to result in the generation of unbound high energy carriers. Here, we report an unconventional photoresponse of van der Waals heterostructure devices resulting from efficient EEA. Our heterostructures, which consist of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD), hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and few-layer graphene, exhibit photocurrent when photoexcited carriers possess sufficient energy to overcome the high energy barrier of hBN. Interestingly, we find that the device exhibits moderate photocurrent quantum efficiency even when the semiconducting TMD layer is excited at its ground exciton resonance despite the high exciton binding energy and large transport barrier. Using ab initio calculations, we show that EEA yields highly energetic electrons and holes with unevenly distributed energies depending on the scattering condition. Our findings highlight the dominant role of EEA in determining the photoresponse of 2D semiconductor optoelectronic devices.

Adv Mater ; 32(12): e1907390, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32064673


The switching behavior of surface-supported molecular units excited by current, light, or mechanical forces is determined by the shape of the adsorption potential. The ability to tailor the energy landscape in which a molecule resides at a surface gives the possibility of imposing a desired response, which is of paramount importance for the realization of molecular electronic units. Here, by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, a triazatruxene (TAT) molecule on Ag(111) is studied, which shows a switching behavior characterized by transitions of the molecule between three states, and which is attributed to three energetically degenerate bonding configurations. Upon tunneling current injection, the system can be excited and continuously driven, showing a switching directionality close to 100%. Two surface enantiomers of TAT show opposite switching directions pointing at the chirality of the energy landscape of the adsorption potential as a key ingredient for directional switching. Further, it is shown that by tuning the tunneling parameters, the symmetry of the adsorption potential can be controllably adjusted, leading to a suppression of the directionality or an inversion of the switching direction. The findings represent a molecule-surface model system exhibiting unprecedented control of the shape of its adsorption potential.

J Chem Phys ; 151(8): 084111, 2019 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31470723


We derive a new estimate for two-electron repulsion integrals (ERIs), when evaluated within a local atomic basis set. It is based on the multipole expansion and provides a rigorous upper bound of an ERI for well-separated charge distributions. The scheme is generally applicable in any formalism that uses ERIs. We employ it here to screen for potentially negligible contributions in the calculation of the Fock exchange matrix. Using Gaussian basis functions, we show that the estimate allows us to accelerate the construction of the exchange matrix by up to a factor of two without introducing further approximations.

Nature ; 572(7771): 628-633, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31315129


Single-molecule junctions have been extensively used to probe properties as diverse as electrical conduction1-3, light emission4, thermoelectric energy conversion5,6, quantum interference7,8, heat dissipation9,10 and electronic noise11 at atomic and molecular scales. However, a key quantity of current interest-the thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions-has not yet been directly experimentally determined, owing to the challenge of detecting minute heat currents at the picowatt level. Here we show that picowatt-resolution scanning probes previously developed to study the thermal conductance of single-metal-atom junctions12, when used in conjunction with a time-averaging measurement scheme to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, also allow quantification of the much lower thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions. Our experiments on prototypical Au-alkanedithiol-Au junctions containing two to ten carbon atoms confirm that thermal conductance is to a first approximation independent of molecular length, consistent with detailed ab initio simulations. We anticipate that our approach will enable systematic exploration of thermal transport in many other one-dimensional systems, such as short molecules and polymer chains, for which computational predictions of thermal conductance13-16 have remained experimentally inaccessible.

J Chem Phys ; 150(17): 174705, 2019 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31067872


Motivated by a recent experiment [C. Guo et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113, 10785 (2016)], we carry out a theoretical study of electron transport through peptide-based single-molecule junctions. We analyze the pristine hepta-alanine and its functionalizations with a single tryptophan unit, which is placed in three different locations along the backbone. Contrary to expectations from the experiment on self-assembled monolayers, we find that insertion of tryptophan does not raise the electrical conductance and that the resulting peptides instead remain insulating in the framework of a coherent transport picture. The poor performance of these molecules as conductors can be ascribed to the strongly off-resonant transport and low electrode-molecule coupling of the frontier orbitals. Although the introduction of tryptophan increases the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the peptides in the gas phase, the new HOMO states are localized on the tryptophan unit and therefore essentially do not contribute to coherent charge transport.

Oligopéptidos/química , Triptófano/química , Teoría Funcional de la Densidad , Conductividad Eléctrica , Modelos Químicos , Estructura Molecular