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Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1298302, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38550290


RNA editing is a post-transcriptional process that challenges the central dogma of molecular biology by modifying RNA sequences, introducing nucleotide changes at specific sites, and generating functional diversity beyond the genomic code, especially when it concerns organellar transcripts. In plants, this phenomenon is widespread, but its extent varies significantly among species and organellar genomes. Among land plants, the heterosporous lycophytes (i.e., Isoetes and Selaginella) stand out for their exceptionally high numbers of RNA-editing sites, despite their morphological stasis and ancient lineage. In this study, we explore the complete set of organellar protein-coding genes in the aquatic plant group Isoetes, providing a detailed analysis of RNA editing in both the mitochondrial and plastid genomes. Our findings reveal a remarkable abundance of RNA editing, particularly in the mitochondrial genome, with thousands of editing sites identified. Interestingly, the majority of these edits result in non-silent substitutions, suggesting a role in fine-tuning protein structure and function. Furthermore, we observe a consistent trend of increased hydrophobicity in membrane-bound proteins, supporting the notion that RNA editing may confer a selective advantage by preserving gene functionality in Isoetes. The conservation of highly edited RNA sequences over millions of years underscores the evolutionary significance of RNA editing. Additionally, the study sheds light on the dynamic nature of RNA editing, with shared editing sites reflecting common ancestry whereas exclusive edits matching more recent radiation events within the genus. This work advances our understanding of the intricate interplay between RNA editing, adaptation, and evolution in land plants and highlights the unique genomic features of Isoetes, providing a foundation for further investigations into the functional consequences of RNA editing in this enigmatic plant lineage.

Ecol Evol ; 11(15): 10119-10132, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34367563


The quillwort Isoëtes cangae is a critically endangered species occurring in a single lake in Serra dos Carajás, Eastern Amazon. Low genetic diversity and small effective population sizes (N e) are expected for narrow endemic species (NES). Conservation biology studies centered in a single species show some limitations, but they are still useful considering the limited time and resources available for protection of species at risk of extinction. Here, we evaluated the genetic diversity, population structure, N e, and minimum viable population (MVP) of I. cangae to provide information for effective conservation programs. Our analyses were based on 55 individuals collected from the Amendoim Lake and 35,638 neutral SNPs. Our results indicated a single panmictic population, moderate levels of genetic diversity, and N e in the order of thousands, contrasting the expected for NES. Negative FIS values were also found, suggesting that I. cangae is not under risk of inbreeding depression. Our findings imply that I. cangae contains enough genetic diversity to ensure evolutionary potential and that all individuals should be treated as one demographic unit. These results provide essential information to optimize ex situ conservation efforts and genetic diversity monitoring, which are currently applied to guide I. cangae conservation plans.