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Nature ; 620(7975): 807-812, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37612395


The United Nations recently agreed to major expansions of global protected areas (PAs) to slow biodiversity declines1. However, although reserves often reduce habitat loss, their efficacy at preserving animal diversity and their influence on biodiversity in surrounding unprotected areas remain unclear2-5. Unregulated hunting can empty PAs of large animals6, illegal tree felling can degrade habitat quality7, and parks can simply displace disturbances such as logging and hunting to unprotected areas of the landscape8 (a phenomenon called leakage). Alternatively, well-functioning PAs could enhance animal diversity within reserves as well as in nearby unprotected sites9 (an effect called spillover). Here we test whether PAs across mega-diverse Southeast Asia contribute to vertebrate conservation inside and outside their boundaries. Reserves increased all facets of bird diversity. Large reserves were also associated with substantially enhanced mammal diversity in the adjacent unprotected landscape. Rather than PAs generating leakage that deteriorated ecological conditions elsewhere, our results are consistent with PAs inducing spillover that benefits biodiversity in surrounding areas. These findings support the United Nations goal of achieving 30% PA coverage by 2030 by demonstrating that PAs are associated with higher vertebrate diversity both inside their boundaries and in the broader landscape.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Objetivos , Clima Tropical , Naciones Unidas , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/tendencias , Mamíferos , Agricultura Forestal/legislación & jurisprudencia , Agricultura Forestal/métodos , Agricultura Forestal/tendencias
Science ; 379(6634): eadd2889, 2023 02 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36821678


Extinct in the Wild (EW) species are placed at the highest risk of extinction under the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, but the extent and variation in this risk have never been evaluated. Harnessing global databases of ex situ animal and plant holdings, we report on the perilous state of EW species. Most EW animal species-already compromised by their small number of founders-are maintained at population sizes far below the thresholds necessary to ensure demographic security. Most EW plant species depend on live propagation by a small number of botanic gardens, with a minority secured at seed bank institutions. Both extinctions and recoveries are possible fates for EW species. We urgently call for international effort to enable the latter.

Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Extinción Biológica , Jardines , Banco de Semillas , Animales , Plantas , Dinámica Poblacional
Conserv Biol ; 35(6): 1833-1849, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34289517


Recognizing the imperative to evaluate species recovery and conservation impact, in 2012 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for development of a "Green List of Species" (now the IUCN Green Status of Species). A draft Green Status framework for assessing species' progress toward recovery, published in 2018, proposed 2 separate but interlinked components: a standardized method (i.e., measurement against benchmarks of species' viability, functionality, and preimpact distribution) to determine current species recovery status (herein species recovery score) and application of that method to estimate past and potential future impacts of conservation based on 4 metrics (conservation legacy, conservation dependence, conservation gain, and recovery potential). We tested the framework with 181 species representing diverse taxa, life histories, biomes, and IUCN Red List categories (extinction risk). Based on the observed distribution of species' recovery scores, we propose the following species recovery categories: fully recovered, slightly depleted, moderately depleted, largely depleted, critically depleted, extinct in the wild, and indeterminate. Fifty-nine percent of tested species were considered largely or critically depleted. Although there was a negative relationship between extinction risk and species recovery score, variation was considerable. Some species in lower risk categories were assessed as farther from recovery than those at higher risk. This emphasizes that species recovery is conceptually different from extinction risk and reinforces the utility of the IUCN Green Status of Species to more fully understand species conservation status. Although extinction risk did not predict conservation legacy, conservation dependence, or conservation gain, it was positively correlated with recovery potential. Only 1.7% of tested species were categorized as zero across all 4 of these conservation impact metrics, indicating that conservation has, or will, play a role in improving or maintaining species status for the vast majority of these species. Based on our results, we devised an updated assessment framework that introduces the option of using a dynamic baseline to assess future impacts of conservation over the short term to avoid misleading results which were generated in a small number of cases, and redefines short term as 10 years to better align with conservation planning. These changes are reflected in the IUCN Green Status of Species Standard.

RESUMEN: Reconociendo que era imperativo evaluar la recuperación de especies y el impacto de la conservación, la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) convocó en 2012 al desarrollo de una "Lista Verde de Especies" (ahora el Estatus Verde de las Especies de la UICN). Un marco de referencia preliminar de una Lista Verde de Especies para evaluar el progreso de las especies hacia la recuperación, publicado en 2018, proponía 2 componentes separados pero interconectados: un método estandarizado (i.e., medición en relación con puntos de referencia de la viabilidad de especies, funcionalidad y distribución antes del impacto) para determinar el estatus de recuperación actual (puntuación de recuperación de la especie) y la aplicación de ese método para estimar impactos en el pasado y potenciales de conservación basados en 4 medidas (legado de conservación, dependencia de conservación, ganancia de conservación y potencial de recuperación). Probamos el marco de referencia con 181 especies representantes de diversos taxa, historias de vida, biomas, y categorías (riesgo de extinción) en la Lista Roja de la IUCN. Con base en la distribución observada de la puntuación de recuperación de las especies, proponemos las siguientes categorías de recuperación de la especie: totalmente recuperada, ligeramente mermada, moderadamente mermada, mayormente mermada, gravemente mermada, extinta en estado silvestre, e inderterminada. Cincuenta y nueve por ciento de las especies se consideraron mayormente o gravemente mermada. Aunque hubo una relación negativa entre el riesgo de extinción y la puntuación de recuperación de la especie, la variación fue considerable. Algunas especies en las categorías de riesgo bajas fueron evaluadas como más lejos de recuperarse que aquellas con alto riesgo. Esto enfatiza que la recuperación de especies es diferente conceptualmente al riesgo de extinción y refuerza la utilidad del Estado Verde de las Especies de la UICN para comprender integralmente el estatus de conservación de especies. Aunque el riesgo de extinción no predijo el legado de conservación, la dependencia de conservación o la ganancia de conservación, se correlacionó positivamente con la potencial de recuperación. Solo 1.7% de las especies probadas fue categorizado como cero en los 4 indicadores de impacto de la conservación, lo que indica que la conservación ha jugado, o jugará, un papel en la mejoría o mantenimiento del estatus de la especie la gran mayoría de ellas. Con base en nuestros resultados, diseñamos una versión actualizada del marco de referencia para la evaluación que introduce la opción de utilizar una línea de base dinámica para evaluar los impactos futuros de la conservación en el corto plazo y redefine corto plazo como 10 años.

Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Extinción Biológica , Animales , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Riesgo
Sci Data ; 7(1): 22, 2020 01 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31949168


The global wildlife trade network is a massive system that has been shown to threaten biodiversity, introduce non-native species and pathogens, and cause chronic animal welfare concerns. Despite its scale and impact, comprehensive characterization of the global wildlife trade is hampered by data that are limited in their temporal or taxonomic scope and detail. To help fill this gap, we present data on 15 years of the importation of wildlife and their derived products into the United States (2000-2014), originally collected by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. We curated and cleaned the data and added taxonomic information to improve data usability. These data include >2 million wildlife or wildlife product shipments, representing >60 biological classes and >3.2 billion live organisms. Further, the majority of species in the dataset are not currently reported on by CITES parties. These data will be broadly useful to both scientists and policymakers seeking to better understand the volume, sources, biological composition, and potential risks of the global wildlife trade.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Animales , Biodiversidad , Humanos , Especies Introducidas , Estados Unidos
Conserv Biol ; 34(3): 632-643, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31876054


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, a species extinction risk assessment tool, has been guiding conservation efforts for over 5 decades. It is widely assumed to have been instrumental in preventing species from moving closer to extinction and driving recoveries. However, the impact of the IUCN Red List in guiding conservation has not been evaluated. We conducted, transcribed, and coded interviews with experts who use the IUCN Red List across a range of sectors to understand how the list is used in conservation. We developed a theory of change to illustrate how and why change is expected to occur along causal pathways contributing to the long-term goal of the IUCN Red List and an evaluation framework with indicators for measuring the impact of the IUCN Red List in generating scientific knowledge, raising awareness among stakeholders, designating priority conservation sites, allocating funding and resources, influencing development of legislation and policy, and guiding targeted conservation action (key themes). Red-list assessments were the primary input leading to outputs (scientific knowledge, raised awareness), outcomes (better informed priority setting, access to funding and resource availability, improved legislation and policy), and impact (implemented conservation action leading to positive change) that have resulted in achievement of IUCN Red List goals. To explore feasibility of attributing the difference made by the IUCN Red List across themes, we studied increased scientific knowledge, raised awareness, access to funding and resource allocation, and increased conservation activity. The feasibility exploration showed increased scientific knowledge over time identified through positive trends in publications referring to the IUCN Red List in the literature; raised awareness of the list following high IUCN activity identified by peaks in online search activity; an increased proportion of conservation funding bodies requesting IUCN Red List status in the application process; and, based on interviews with Amphibian Specialist Group members, red-list assessments were essential in connecting relevant stakeholders and ensuring conservation action. Although we identified the IUCN Red List as a vital tool in global conservation efforts, it was challenging to measure specific impacts because of its ubiquitous nature. We are the first to identify the influence of the IUCN Red List on conservation.

Un Marco de Referencia para la Evaluación del Impacto de la Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas de la UICN Resumen La Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), una herramienta para la valoración del riesgo de extinción de las especies ha guiado los esfuerzos de conservación durante más de cinco décadas. A partir de esto, se ha asumido como generalidad que la lista ha sido determinante para prevenir que las especies se acerquen más a la extinción y para impulsar la recuperación de especies. Sin embargo, todavía no se ha evaluado el impacto que la Lista Roja de la UICN ha tenido en las directrices de la conservación. Realizamos, transcribimos y codificamos entrevistas con expertos que usan la Lista Roja de la UICN en una gama de sectores para así entender cómo se usa la lista para la conservación. Desarrollamos una teoría de cambio para ilustrar cómo y por qué se espera que ocurra un cambio en Atorno a las vías causales que contribuyen al objetivo de largo plazo que tiene la Lista Roja de la UICN. También formulamos un marco de trabajo con los indicadores necesarios para evaluar el impacto que tiene la Lista Roja de la UICN en la generación de conocimiento científico, la creación de conciencia entre los actores sociales, la designación de sitios prioritarios para la conservación, la asignación de fondos y recursos, la influencia sobre el desarrollo de la legislación y de las políticas, y la orientación de acciones de conservación enfocadas (temas clave). Las evaluaciones de la lista roja fueron los aportadores principales que derivaron en resultados (conocimiento científico, creación de conciencia), consecuencias (establecimiento de prioridades mejor informadas, acceso a financiamiento y disponibilidad de recursos, mejorías en la legislación y en la política) e impactos (acciones implementadas de conservación que derivaron en cambios positivos) que han resultado en la obtención de objetivos de la Lista Roja de la UICN. Para explorar la viabilidad de la atribución de la diferencia que genera la Lista Roja de la UICN en todos los temas clave estudiamos el incremento en el conocimiento científico, la conciencia generada, el acceso a financiamientos y la asignación de recursos, y el crecimiento en las acciones de conservación. Esta exploración de la viabilidad mostró un incremento con el tiempo del conocimiento científico, identificado por medio de tendencias positivas en las publicaciones de la literatura referidas a la Lista Roja de la UICN. También mostró una mayor conciencia por la lista tras una alta actividad de la UICN, la cual identificamos por medio de picos en la actividad de búsqueda en línea. Finalmente, la exploración arrojó una proporción crecida de organizaciones de financiamiento para la conservación que solicitaron el estado de la especie en la Lista Roja de la UICN durante el proceso de aplicación y, con base en entrevistas realizadas a miembros del Grupo Especialista en Anfibios, que las valoraciones de la lista roja fueron esenciales para conectar entre sí a los actores relevantes y para asegurar las acciones de conservación. Aunque identificamos que la Lista Roja de la UICN es una herramienta vital para los esfuerzos mundiales de conservación, fue todo un reto medir los impactos específicos debido a su naturaleza ubicua. Somos los primeros en identificar la influencia que tiene la Lista Roja de la UICN sobre la conservación.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Animales , Recolección de Datos , Extinción Biológica , Medición de Riesgo
Conserv Biol ; 32(5): 1128-1138, 2018 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29578251


Stopping declines in biodiversity is critically important, but it is only a first step toward achieving more ambitious conservation goals. The absence of an objective and practical definition of species recovery that is applicable across taxonomic groups leads to inconsistent targets in recovery plans and frustrates reporting and maximization of conservation impact. We devised a framework for comprehensively assessing species recovery and conservation success. We propose a definition of a fully recovered species that emphasizes viability, ecological functionality, and representation; and use counterfactual approaches to quantify degree of recovery. This allowed us to calculate a set of 4 conservation metrics that demonstrate impacts of conservation efforts to date (conservation legacy); identify dependence of a species on conservation actions (conservation dependence); quantify expected gains resulting from conservation action in the medium term (conservation gain); and specify requirements to achieve maximum plausible recovery over the long term (recovery potential). These metrics can incentivize the establishment and achievement of ambitious conservation targets. We illustrate their use by applying the framework to a vertebrate, an invertebrate, and a woody and an herbaceous plant. Our approach is a preliminary framework for an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Green List of Species, which was mandated by a resolution of IUCN members in 2012. Although there are several challenges in applying our proposed framework to a wide range of species, we believe its further development, implementation, and integration with the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species will help catalyze a positive and ambitious vision for conservation that will drive sustained conservation action.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Animales , Biodiversidad , Recolección de Datos , Vertebrados
PLoS One ; 11(8): e0160640, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27529491


Knowledge products comprise assessments of authoritative information supported by standards, governance, quality control, data, tools, and capacity building mechanisms. Considerable resources are dedicated to developing and maintaining knowledge products for biodiversity conservation, and they are widely used to inform policy and advise decision makers and practitioners. However, the financial cost of delivering this information is largely undocumented. We evaluated the costs and funding sources for developing and maintaining four global biodiversity and conservation knowledge products: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Protected Planet, and the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. These are secondary data sets, built on primary data collected by extensive networks of expert contributors worldwide. We estimate that US$160 million (range: US$116-204 million), plus 293 person-years of volunteer time (range: 278-308 person-years) valued at US$ 14 million (range US$12-16 million), were invested in these four knowledge products between 1979 and 2013. More than half of this financing was provided through philanthropy, and nearly three-quarters was spent on personnel costs. The estimated annual cost of maintaining data and platforms for three of these knowledge products (excluding the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems for which annual costs were not possible to estimate for 2013) is US$6.5 million in total (range: US$6.2-6.7 million). We estimated that an additional US$114 million will be needed to reach pre-defined baselines of data coverage for all the four knowledge products, and that once achieved, annual maintenance costs will be approximately US$12 million. These costs are much lower than those to maintain many other, similarly important, global knowledge products. Ensuring that biodiversity and conservation knowledge products are sufficiently up to date, comprehensive and accurate is fundamental to inform decision-making for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Thus, the development and implementation of plans for sustainable long-term financing for them is critical.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , Costos y Análisis de Costo , Internacionalidad , Bases de Datos Factuales
Conserv Biol ; 30(6): 1222-1232, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27112788


Although most often considered independently, subsistence hunting, domestic trade, and international trade as components of illegal wildlife use (IWU) may be spatially correlated. Understanding how and where subsistence and commercial uses may co-occur has important implications for the design and implementation of effective conservation actions. We analyzed patterns in the joint geographical distribution of illegal commercial and subsistence use of multiple wildlife species in Venezuela and evaluated whether available data were sufficient to provide accurate estimates of the magnitude, scope, and detectability of IWU. We compiled records of illegal subsistence hunting and trade from several sources and fitted a random-forest classification model to predict the spatial distribution of IWUs. From 1969 to 2014, 404 species and 8,340,921 specimens were involved in IWU, for a mean extraction rate of 185,354 individuals/year. Birds were the most speciose group involved (248 spp.), but reptiles had the highest extraction rates (126,414 individuals/year vs. 3,133 individuals/year for birds). Eighty-eight percent of international trade records spatially overlapped with domestic trade, especially in the north and along the coast but also in western inland areas. The distribution of domestic trade was broadly distributed along roads, suggesting that domestic trade does not depend on large markets in cities. Seventeen percent of domestic trade records overlapped with subsistence hunting, but the spatial distribution of this overlap covered a much larger area than between commercial uses. Domestic trade seems to respond to demand from rural more than urban communities. Our approach will be useful for understanding how IWU works at national scales in other parts of the world.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Animales , Aves , Humanos , Reptiles , Población Rural , Población Urbana
Univ. sci ; 21(1): 33-52, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-783693


The protection of the habitats used by juvenile sharks is a management strategy that has recently caught the attention of fishery biologists. In the present study, we evaluated the population of the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) from Los Roques Archipelago in order to identify the nursery area, describe the size composition, and examine the variation in nocturnal activity of the juvenile individuals. The data analysed came from three different sources: commercial shark fishery, tag-recapture sampling, and visual records. A total of 375 lemon sharks with total lengths between 55 and 281 cm were recorded during the study period. Overall data showed that the area occupied by juvenile lemon sharks was clearly partitioned into primary and secondary nurseries. Additionally, nighttime activity seemed to change according to the size of sharks in the primary nursery, suggesting a reduction of time activity overlapping among juveniles of distinct size/age. Results suggest that the strategy of utilization of the primary nurseries by the lemon shark may lead to important ecological benefits by reducing the competition, predation and natural mortality.

La protección de los hábitats utilizados por tiburones juveniles es una estrategia de manejo que ha capturado recientemente la atención de los biólogos de pesquerías. En el presente estudio se evaluó la población del tiburón limón (Negaprion brevirostris) del Archipiélago Los Roques con el fin de identificar su zona de cría, describir su composición de tamaño y examinar la variación en la actividad nocturna de los juveniles. Los datos analizados provienen de 3 fuentes distintas: pesquería comercial de tiburones, muestreo de captura-marcaje-recaptura y registros visuales. Durante el período de estudio se registró un total de 375 tiburones limón, con longitudes totales entre 55 y 281 cm. En general, los datos mostraron que el área ocupada por los tiburones limón estaba claramente dividida entre zonas de cría primarias y secundarias. Adicionalmente, la actividad nocturna parecía cambiar de acuerdo con el tamaño de los tiburones en la zona de cría primaria, lo cual sugiere una reducción de la coincidencia entre juveniles de distinto tamaño/edad. Los resultados sugieren que la estrategia de utilización de la zona de cría primaria por el tiburón limón puede conducir a importantes beneficios ecológicos por la reducción de competencia, predación y mortalidad natural.

A protecao dos habitats utilizados pelos tubaroes jovens é uma estratégia de manejo que recentemente tem chamado á atenção dos biólogos pesqueiros. No presente estudo avaliamos a populacao do tubarao limao (Negaprion brevirostris) no Arquipélago de Los Roques, com o propósito de identificar a área de berçário, descrever a composição de tamanhos, e examinar a variação da atividade noturna dos individuos jovens. Os dados analisados foram originados a partir de tres fontes diferentes: Foram analisados dados da pescaría comercial de tubaroes, trabalhos de marcação e recaptura, e registos visuais. Um total de 375 tubaroes limáo com comprimento total entre 55 e 281 cm foi registado durante o período de estudo. Os dados mostram que a zona ocupada pelos tubaroes limao jovens se encontra claramente dividida em áreas de berçários primaria e secundária. Adicionalmente, a atividade noturna dentro da área de berçário primaria pareceu mudar de acordo com o tamanho dos tubaroes, sugerindo uma separação desta atividade por grupos de idade. Os resultados sugerem que a estratégia de utilizacao da área de berçário primaria do tubarao limao poderia oferecer importantes benefícios ecológicos, como a reducao da competicao, predacao e mortalidade natural.

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 370(1662): 20140003, 2015 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25561664


The newly developed IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is part of a growing toolbox for assessing risks to biodiversity, which addresses ecosystems and their functioning. The Red List of Ecosystems standard allows systematic assessment of all freshwater, marine, terrestrial and subterranean ecosystem types in terms of their global risk of collapse. In addition, the Red List of Ecosystems categories and criteria provide a technical base for assessments of ecosystem status at the regional, national, or subnational level. While the Red List of Ecosystems criteria were designed to be widely applicable by scientists and practitioners, guidelines are needed to ensure they are implemented in a standardized manner to reduce epistemic uncertainties and allow robust comparisons among ecosystems and over time. We review the intended application of the Red List of Ecosystems assessment process, summarize 'best-practice' methods for ecosystem assessments and outline approaches to ensure operational rigour of assessments. The Red List of Ecosystems will inform priority setting for ecosystem types worldwide, and strengthen capacity to report on progress towards the Aichi Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity. When integrated with other IUCN knowledge products, such as the World Database of Protected Areas/Protected Planet, Key Biodiversity Areas and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the Red List of Ecosystems will contribute to providing the most complete global measure of the status of biodiversity yet achieved.

Clasificación/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Ecosistema , Especies en Peligro de Extinción/estadística & datos numéricos , Modelos Biológicos , Medición de Riesgo/métodos
Trends Ecol Evol ; 29(1): 15-22, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24332318


This paper presents the output of our fifth annual horizon-scanning exercise, which aims to identify topics that increasingly may affect conservation of biological diversity, but have yet to be widely considered. A team of professional horizon scanners, researchers, practitioners, and a journalist identified 15 topics which were identified via an iterative, Delphi-like process. The 15 topics include a carbon market induced financial crash, rapid geographic expansion of macroalgal cultivation, genetic control of invasive species, probiotic therapy for amphibians, and an emerging snake fungal disease.

Cambio Climático , Enfermedades Transmisibles/transmisión , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies Introducidas , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/tendencias
Rev Biol Trop ; 61(1): 89-110, 2013 Mar.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23894965


The development of efficient sampling protocols is an essential prerequisite to evaluate and identify priority conservation areas. There are f ew protocols for fauna inventory and monitoring in wide geographical scales for the tropics, where the complexity of communities and high biodiversity levels, make the implementation of efficient protocols more difficult. We proposed here a simple strategy to optimize the capture of dung beetles, applied to sampling with baited traps and generalizable to other sampling methods. We analyzed data from eight transects sampled between 2006-2008 withthe aim to develop an uniform sampling design, that allows to confidently estimate species richness, abundance and composition at wide geographical scales. We examined four characteristics of any sampling design that affect the effectiveness of the sampling effort: the number of traps, sampling duration, type and proportion of bait, and spatial arrangement of the traps along transects. We used species accumulation curves, rank-abundance plots, indicator species analysis, and multivariate correlograms. We captured 40 337 individuals (115 species/morphospecies of 23 genera). Most species were attracted by both dung and carrion, but two thirds had greater relative abundance in traps baited with human dung. Different aspects of the sampling design influenced each diversity attribute in different ways. To obtain reliable richness estimates, the number of traps was the most important aspect. Accurate abundance estimates were obtained when the sampling period was increased, while the spatial arrangement of traps was determinant to capture the species composition pattern. An optimum sampling strategy for accurate estimates of richness, abundance and diversity should: (1) set 50-70 traps to maximize the number of species detected, (2) get samples during 48-72 hours and set trap groups along the transect to reliably estimate species abundance, (3) set traps in groups of at least 10 traps to suitably record the local species composition, and (4) separate trap groups by a distance greater than 5-10km to avoid spatial autocorrelation. For the evaluation of other sampling protocols we recommend to, first, identify the elements of sampling design that could affect the sampled effort (the number of traps, sampling duration, type and proportion of bait) and their spatial distribution (spatial arrangement of the traps) and then, to evaluate how they affect richness, abundance and species composition estimates.

Escarabajos/clasificación , Animales , Biodiversidad , Entomología/métodos , Entomología/normas , Humanos , Densidad de Población , Venezuela