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Bull World Health Organ ; 102(5): 330-335, 2024 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38680468


Climate change poses significant risks to health and health systems, with the greatest impacts in low- and middle-income countries - which are least responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. The Conference of Parties 28 at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference led to agreement on the need for holistic and equitable financing approaches to address the climate and health crisis. This paper provides an overview of existing climate finance mechanisms - that is, multilateral funds, voluntary market-based mechanisms, taxes, microlevies and adaptive social protection. We discuss these approaches' potential use to promote health, generate additional health sector resources and enhance health system sustainability and resilience, and also explore implementation challenges. We suggest that public health practitioners, policy-makers and researchers seize the opportunity to leverage climate funding for better health and sustainable, climate-resilient health systems. Emphasizing the wider benefits of investing in health for the economy can help prioritize health within climate finance initiatives. Meaningful progress will require the global community acknowledging the underlying political economy challenges that have so far limited the potential of climate finance to address health goals. To address these challenges, we need to restructure financing institutions to empower communities at the frontline of the climate and health crisis and ensure their needs are met. Efforts from global and national level stakeholders should focus on mobilizing a wide range of funding sources, prioritizing co-design and accessibility of financing arrangements. These stakeholders should also invest in rigorous monitoring and evaluation of initiatives to ensure relevant health and well-being outcomes are addressed.

Le changement climatique fait peser des risques considérables sur la santé et les systèmes de santé, affectant principalement les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire ­ alors qu'ils contribuent le moins aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique de 2023, la 28e Conférence des Parties a abouti à un accord sur la nécessité d'adopter des approches de financement équitables et holistiques pour résoudre la crise climatique et sanitaire. Le présent document offre un aperçu des dispositifs de financement climatique existants ­ à savoir des fonds multilatéraux, des mécanismes de marché volontaires, des micro-taxes et une protection sociale adaptative. Nous évoquons la possibilité de recourir à ces approches en vue de promouvoir la santé, de générer des ressources supplémentaires pour le secteur de la santé et de renforcer la viabilité et la résilience des systèmes de santé; nous nous intéressons également aux défis que représente leur mise en œuvre. Nous suggérons que les professionnels de la santé publique, les responsables politiques et les chercheurs profitent de cette occasion pour obtenir des fonds climatiques afin d'améliorer la santé et de développer des systèmes de santé durables et adaptés au changement climatique. Souligner tout l'intérêt, pour l'économie, d'investir dans la santé peut aider à inscrire la santé en priorité dans les initiatives de financement climatique. Réaliser des progrès significatifs implique que la communauté internationale prenne conscience des enjeux sous-jacents en matière d'économie politique, enjeux qui ont jusqu'à présent limité le potentiel du financement climatique dans l'atteinte des objectifs de santé. Pour y remédier, nous devons restructurer les institutions financières afin d'accroître l'autonomie des communautés en première ligne face à la crise climatique et sanitaire, et de faire en sorte que leurs besoins soient satisfaits. Les efforts des parties prenantes à l'échelle nationale et mondiale doivent porter sur la mobilisation d'un large éventail de sources de financement, en mettant l'accent sur la conception conjointe et l'accessibilité des modalités financières. Ces parties prenantes doivent en outre investir dans un suivi étroit et une évaluation rigoureuse des initiatives pour veiller à obtenir des résultats pertinents en termes de santé et de bien-être.

El cambio climático plantea riesgos importantes para la salud y los sistemas sanitarios, con mayores impactos en los países de ingresos bajos y medios, que son los menos responsables de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La 28.ª Conferencia de las Partes en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2023 condujo a un acuerdo sobre la necesidad de enfoques de financiación holísticos y equitativos para abordar la crisis climática y sanitaria. Este documento ofrece una visión general de los mecanismos de financiación climática existentes, es decir, los fondos multilaterales, los mecanismos voluntarios basados en el mercado, los impuestos, los microimpuestos y la protección social adaptable. Analizamos el uso potencial de estos enfoques para promover la salud, generar recursos adicionales para el sector sanitario y mejorar la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de los sistemas sanitarios. Sugerimos que los profesionales de la salud pública, los responsables de formular las políticas y los investigadores aprovechen la oportunidad de utilizar la financiación climática para mejorar la salud y los sistemas sanitarios sostenibles y resilientes al cambio climático. Destacar los beneficios más amplios de invertir en salud para la economía puede ayudar a priorizar la salud dentro de las iniciativas de financiación climática. Para lograr avances significativos será necesario que la comunidad mundial reconozca los problemas de economía política subyacentes que hasta ahora han limitado el potencial de la financiación para abordar los objetivos de salud. Para superar estos desafíos, necesitamos reestructurar las instituciones financieras para empoderar a las comunidades que se encuentran en primera línea de la crisis climática y sanitaria y asegurar que se satisfacen sus necesidades. Los esfuerzos de las partes interesadas a nivel mundial y nacional deben centrarse en movilizar una gran variedad de fuentes de financiación y priorizar el diseño conjunto y la accesibilidad de los acuerdos de financiación. Estas partes interesadas también deben invertir en la supervisión y evaluación rigurosas de las iniciativas para garantizar que se abordan los resultados pertinentes en materia de salud y bienestar.

Cambio Climático , Salud Global , Cambio Climático/economía , Humanos , Atención a la Salud/economía , Atención a la Salud/organización & administración
Health Policy Plan ; 39(Supplement_1): i79-i92, 2024 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38253444


The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed the fragility of pre-crisis African health systems, in which too little was invested over the past decades. Yet, development assistance for health (DAH) more than doubled between 2000 and 2020, raising questions about the role and effectiveness of DAH in triggering and sustaining health systems investments. This paper analyses the inter-regional variations and trends of DAH in Africa in relation to some key indicators of health system financing and service delivery performance, examining (1) the trends of DAH in the five regional economic communities of Africa since 2000; (2) the relationship between DAH spending and health system performance indicators and (3) the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of aid substitution for domestic financing, policy-making and accountability. Africa is diverse and the health financing picture has evolved differently in its subregions. DAH represents 10% of total spending in Africa in 2020, but DAH benefitted Southern Africa significantly more than other regions over the past two decades. Results in terms of progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) are slightly associated with DAH. Overall, DAH may also have substituted for public domestic funding and undermined the formation of sustainable UHC financing models. As the COVID-19 crisis hit, DAH did not increase at the country level. We conclude that the current architecture of official development assistance (ODA) is no longer fit for purpose. It requires urgent transformation to place countries at the centre of its use. Domestic financing of public health institutions should be at the core of African social contracts. We call for a deliberate reassessment of ODA modalities, repurposing DAH on what it could sustainably finance. Finally, we call for a new transparent framework to monitor DAH that captures its contribution to building institutions and systems.

COVID-19 , Infecciones por Coronavirus , Humanos , Salud Pública , África , Financiación de la Atención de la Salud , COVID-19/epidemiología
BMJ Glob Health ; 8(Suppl 1)2023 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37188361


Essential packages of health services (EPHS) potentially contribute to universal health coverage (UHC) financing through several pathways. Generally, expectations on what an EPHS can achieve for health financing are high, yet stakeholders rarely spell out mechanisms to reach desired outcomes. This paper analyses how EPHS relate to the three health financing functions (revenue raising, risk pooling and purchasing) and to public financial management (PFM). Our review of country experiences found that using EPHS to directly leverage funds for health has rarely been effective. Indirectly, EPHS can translate into increased revenue through fiscal measures, including health taxes. Through improved dialogue with public finance authorities, health policy-makers can use EPHS or health benefit packages to communicate the value of additional public spending connected with UHC indicators. Overall, however, empirical evidence on EPHS contribution to resource mobilisation is still pending. EPHS development exercises have been more successful in advancing resource pooling across different schemes: EPHS can help comparing performance of coverage schemes, occasionally leading to harmonisation of UHC interventions and identifying gaps between health financing and service delivery. EPHS development and iterative revisions play an essential role in core strategic purchasing activities as countries develop their health technology assessment capacity. Ultimately, packages need to translate into adequate public financing appropriations through country health programme design, ensuring funding flows directly address obstacles to increased coverage.

Servicios de Salud , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud , Humanos , Política de Salud
Soc Sci Med ; 320: 115168, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36822716


Despite limited evidence of successful development and implementation of contributory health insurance and low and middle income countries, many countries are in the process implementing such schemes. This commentary summarizes all available evidence on the limitations of contributory health insurance including the lack of good theoretical underpinning and the considerable evidence of inequity and fragmentation created by such schemes. Moreover, the initiation of a contributory health insurance scheme has not been found to increase revenues to the health sector or help health countries achieve universal health coverage. Low and middle income countries can improve equity and efficiency of the health sector by replacing out-of-pocket spending with pre-paid pooling mechanisms, but that is best done through budget transfers and not by contributory insurance that links payment to sub-population entitlements.

Países en Desarrollo , Seguro de Salud , Humanos , Gastos en Salud , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud
BMJ Glob Health ; 8(Suppl 1)2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36657806


As countries progress towards universal health coverage (UHC), they frequently develop explicit packages of health services compatible with UHC goals. As part of the Disease Control Initiative 3 Country Translation project, a systematic survey instrument was developed and used to review the experience of five low-income and lower-middle-income countries-Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Somalia and Sudan-in estimating the cost of their proposed packages. The paper highlights the main results of the survey, providing information about how costing exercises were conducted and used and what country teams perceived to be the main challenges. Key messages are identified to facilitate similar exercises and improve their usefulness. Critical challenges to be addressed include inconsistent application of costing methods, measurement errors and data reliability issues, the lack of adequate capacity building, and the lack of integration between costing and budgeting. The paper formulates four recommendations to address these challenges: (1) developing more systematic guidance and standard ways to implement costing methodologies, particularly regarding the treatment of health systems-related common costs, (2) acknowledging ranges of uncertainty of costing results and integrating sensitivity analysis, (3) building long-term capacity at the local level and institutionalising the costing process in order to improve both reliability and policy relevance, and (4) closely linking costing exercises to public budgeting.

Formulación de Políticas , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Servicios de Salud , Etiopía
BMJ Glob Health ; 8(Suppl 1)2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36657810


Many countries are adopting essential packages of health services (EPHS) to implement universal health coverage (UHC), which are mostly financed and delivered by the public sector, while the potential role of the private health sector (PHS) remains untapped. Currently, many low-income and lower middle-income countries (LLMICs) have devised EPHS; however, guidance on translating these packages into quality, accessible and affordable services is limited. This paper explores the role of PHS in achieving UHC, identifies key concerns and presents the experience of the Diseases Control Priorities 3 Country Translation project in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Zanzibar. There are key challenges to engagement of the PHS, which include the complexity and heterogeneity of private providers, their operation in isolation of the health system, limitations of population coverage and equity when left to PHS's own choices, and higher overall cost of care for privately delivered services. Irrespective of the strategies employed to involve the PHS in delivering EPHS, it is necessary to identify private providers in terms of their characteristics and contribution, and their response to regulatory tools and incentives. Strategies for regulating private providers include better statutory control to prevent unlicensed practice, self-regulation by professional bodies to maintain standards of practice and accreditation of large private hospitals and chains. Potentially, purchasing delivery of essential services by engaging private providers can be an effective 'regulatory approach' to modify provider behaviour. Despite existing experience, more research is needed to better explore and operationalise the role of PHS in implementing EPHS in LLMICs.

Servicios de Salud , Sector Privado , Humanos , Sector Público , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud , Pakistán
Int J Health Policy Manag ; 10(5): 237-243, 2021 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32610720


The lack of capacity for governance of Ministries of Health (MoHs) is frequently advanced as an explanation for health systems failures in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). But do we understand what governance capacities MoHs should have? Existing frameworks have not fully captured the dynamic and contextually determined role of MoHs, and there are few frameworks that specifically define capacities for governance. We propose a multidimensional framework of capacities for governance by MoHs that encompasses both the "hard" (de jure, explicit and functional) and "soft" (de facto, tacit, and relational) dimensions of governance, and reflects the diversification of their mandates in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Four case studies illustrate different aspects of the framework. We hope that the framework will have multiple potential benefits including benchmarking MoH governance capacities, identifying and helping analyze capacity gaps, and guiding strategies to strengthen capacity.

Programas de Gobierno , Política de Salud , Humanos , Pobreza , Desarrollo Sostenible
Lancet Glob Health ; 8(11): e1372-e1379, 2020 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32918872


BACKGROUND: Since WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, more than 20 million cases have been reported, as of Aug 24, 2020. This study aimed to identify what the additional health-care costs of a strategic preparedness and response plan (SPRP) would be if current transmission levels are maintained in a status quo scenario, or under scenarios where transmission is increased or decreased by 50%. METHODS: The number of COVID-19 cases was projected for 73 low-income and middle-income countries for each of the three scenarios for both 4-week and 12-week timeframes, starting from June 26, 2020. An input-based approach was used to estimate the additional health-care costs associated with human resources, commodities, and capital inputs that would be accrued in implementing the SPRP. FINDINGS: The total cost estimate for the COVID-19 response in the status quo scenario was US$52·45 billion over 4 weeks, at $8·60 per capita. For the decreased or increased transmission scenarios, the totals were $33·08 billion and $61·92 billion, respectively. Costs would triple under the status quo and increased transmission scenarios at 12 weeks. The costs of the decreased transmission scenario over 12 weeks was equivalent to the cost of the status quo scenario at 4 weeks. By percentage of the overall cost, case management (54%), maintaining essential services (21%), rapid response and case investigation (14%), and infection prevention and control (9%) were the main cost drivers. INTERPRETATION: The sizeable costs of a COVID-19 response in the health sector will escalate, particularly if transmission increases. Instituting early and comprehensive measures to limit the further spread of the virus will conserve resources and sustain the response. FUNDING: WHO, and UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office.

Infecciones por Coronavirus/prevención & control , Países en Desarrollo , Costos de la Atención en Salud , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud/economía , Pandemias/prevención & control , Neumonía Viral/prevención & control , COVID-19 , Infecciones por Coronavirus/economía , Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología , Predicción , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Pandemias/economía , Neumonía Viral/economía , Neumonía Viral/epidemiología
Health Aff (Millwood) ; 39(5): 892-897, 2020 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32364862


An increasing interest in initiating and expanding social health insurance through labor taxes in low- and low-middle-income countries goes against available empirical evidence. This article builds on existing recommendations by leading health financing experts and summarizes recent research that makes the case against labor-tax financing of health care in low- and low-middle-income countries. We found very little evidence to justify the pursuit of labor-tax financing for health care in these countries and persistent evidence that such policies could lead to increased inequality and fragmentation of the health system. We recommend that countries considering such policies heed the evidence on labor-tax financing and seek alternative approaches to health financing: primarily using general taxes or, depending on the context, general taxes combined with adequately regulated insurance premiums.

Países en Desarrollo , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud , Financiación de la Atención de la Salud , Humanos , Seguro de Salud , Impuestos
Lancet Glob Health ; 8(5): e730-e736, 2020 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32353320


Intervention coverage-the proportion of the population with a health-care need who receive care-does not account for intervention quality and potentially overestimates health benefits of services provided to populations. Effective coverage introduces the dimension of quality of care to the measurement of intervention coverage. Many definitions and methodological approaches to measuring effective coverage have been developed, resulting in confusion over definition, calculation, interpretation, and monitoring of these measures. To develop a consensus on the definition and measurement of effective coverage for maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (MNCAHN), WHO and UNICEF convened a group of experts, the Effective Coverage Think Tank Group, to make recommendations for standardising the definition of effective coverage, measurement approaches for effective coverage, indicators of effective coverage in MNCAHN, and to develop future effective coverage research priorities. Via a series of consultations, the group recommended that effective coverage be defined as the proportion of a population in need of a service that resulted in a positive health outcome from the service. The proposed effective coverage measures and care cascade steps can be applied to further develop effective coverage measures across a broad range of MNCAHN services. Furthermore, advances in measurement of effective coverage could improve monitoring efforts towards the achievement of universal health coverage.

Salud/tendencias , Fenómenos Fisiológicos de la Nutrición , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Adolescente , Salud del Adolescente , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Adolescentes , Niño , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales Infantiles , Femenino , Predicción , Humanos , Salud del Lactante , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales del Lactante , Recién Nacido , Salud Materna , Fenómenos Fisiologicos Nutricionales Maternos , Embarazo , Calidad de la Atención de Salud
Health Syst Reform ; 5(4): 334-349, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31860402


"Global functions" of health cooperation refer to those activities that go beyond the boundaries of individual nations to address transnational issues. This paper begins by presenting a taxonomy of global functions and laying out the key value propositions of investing in such functions. Next, it examines the current funding flows to global functions and the estimated price tag, which is large. Given that existing financing mechanisms have not closed the gap, it then proposes a suite of options for directing additional funding to global functions and discusses the governance of this additional funding. These options are organized into resource mobilization mechanisms, pooling approaches, and strategic purchasing of global functions. Given its legitimacy, convening power, and role in setting global norms and standards, the World Health Organization (WHO) is uniquely placed among global health organizations to provide the overarching governance of global functions. Therefore, the paper includes an assessment of WHO's financial situation. Finally, the paper concludes with reflections on the future of aid for health and its role in supporting global functions. The concluding section also summarizes a set of key priorities in financing global functions for health.

Organización de la Financiación/métodos , Cooperación Internacional , Organización de la Financiación/normas , Salud Global/economía , Salud Global/normas , Prioridades en Salud , Humanos
Health Syst Reform ; 5(4): 366-381, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31860403


Safeguarding the continued existence of humanity requires building societies that cause minimal disruptions of the essential planetary systems that support life. While major successes have been achieved in improving health in recent decades, threats from the environment may undermine these gains, particularly among vulnerable populations and communities. In this article, we review the rationale for governments to invest in environmental Common Goods for Health (CGH) and identify functions that qualify as such, including interventions to improve air quality, develop sustainable food systems, preserve biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and encourage carbon sinks. Exploratory empirical analyses reveal that public spending on environmental goods does not crowd out public spending on health. Additionally, we find that improved governance is associated with better performance in environmental health outcomes, while the degrees of people's participation in the political system together with voice and accountability are positively associated with performance in ambient air quality and biodiversity/habitat. We provide a list of functions that should be prioritized by governments across different sectors, and present preliminary costing of environmental CGH. As shown by the costing estimates presented here, these actions need not be especially expensive. Indeed, they are potentially cost-saving. The paper concludes with case examples of national governments that have successfully prioritized and financed environmental CGH. Because societal preferences may vary across time, government leaders seeking to protect the health of future generations must look beyond electoral cycles to enact policies that protect the environment and finance environmental CGH.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , Financiación Gubernamental/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Salud Ambiental/economía , Salud Ambiental/normas , Programas de Gobierno/economía , Programas de Gobierno/tendencias , Humanos
Health Syst Reform ; 5(4): 293-306, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31860404


Common goods such as air, water, climate, and other resources shared by all humanity are under increasing pressure from growing population and advancing globalization of the world economy. Safeguarding these resources is generally considered a government responsibility, as common goods are vulnerable to market failure. However, governments do not always fulfill this role, and face many challenges in doing so. This observation-that governments only sometimes address common goods problems-informs the central question of this paper: when do governments act in support of common goods? We structure our inquiry using a framework derived from three theories of agenda setting, emphasizing problem perception, the role of actors and collective action patterns, strategies and policies, and catalyzing circumstances. We used a poll of experts to identify important common goods for health: disease surveillance, environmental protection, and accountability. We then chose four historical cases for analysis: the establishment of the Epidemic Intelligence Service in the US, transport planning in London, road safety in Argentina, and air quality control in urban India. Our analysis of the collective evidence of these cases suggests that decisions to advance government action on common goods require a concisely articulated problem, a well-defined strategy for addressing the problem, and leadership backed by at least a few important groups willing to cooperate. Our cases reveal a variety of collective action patterns, suggesting that there are many routes to success. We consider that the timing of an intervention in support of common goods depends on favorable circumstances, which can include a catalyzing event but does not necessarily require one.

Contaminación del Aire/efectos adversos , Vigilancia de la Población/métodos , Argentina , Programas de Gobierno/normas , Programas de Gobierno/tendencias , Humanos , India , Londres , Seguridad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Seguridad/normas , Justicia Social , Estados Unidos