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Nature ; 618(7964): 270-275, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37225995


The gravitational pressure in many astrophysical objects exceeds one gigabar (one billion atmospheres)1-3, creating extreme conditions where the distance between nuclei approaches the size of the K shell. This close proximity modifies these tightly bound states and, above a certain pressure, drives them into a delocalized state4. Both processes substantially affect the equation of state and radiation transport and, therefore, the structure and evolution of these objects. Still, our understanding of this transition is far from satisfactory and experimental data are sparse. Here we report on experiments that create and diagnose matter at pressures exceeding three gigabars at the National Ignition Facility5 where 184 laser beams imploded a beryllium shell. Bright X-ray flashes enable precision radiography and X-ray Thomson scattering that reveal both the macroscopic conditions and the microscopic states. The data show clear signs of quantum-degenerate electrons in states reaching 30 times compression, and a temperature of around two million kelvins. At the most extreme conditions, we observe strongly reduced elastic scattering, which mainly originates from K-shell electrons. We attribute this reduction to the onset of delocalization of the remaining K-shell electron. With this interpretation, the ion charge inferred from the scattering data agrees well with ab initio simulations, but it is significantly higher than widely used analytical models predict6.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(9): 097403, 2021 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34506197


We report on the study of electron kinetics induced by intense femtosecond (fs) laser excitation of electrons in the 5d band of Au. Changes in the electron system are observed from the temporal evolution of ac conductivity and conduction electron density. The results reveal an increase of electron thermalization time with excitation energy density, contrary to the Fermi-liquid behavior of the decrease of thermalization time associated with the heating of conduction electrons. This is attributed to the severe mitigation of photoexcitation by Auger decay. The study also uncovers the shortening of 5d hole lifetime with the increase of photoexcitation rates. These unique findings provide valuable insights for understanding electron kinetics under extreme nonequilibrium conditions.

Phys Rev E ; 101(2-1): 023204, 2020 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32168658


We report measurements of K-shell fluorescence lines induced by fast electrons in ramp-compressed Co targets. The fluorescence emission was stimulated by fast electrons generated through short-pulse laser-solid interaction with an Al target layer. Compression up to 2.1× solid density was achieved while maintaining temperatures well below the Fermi energy, effectively removing the thermal effects from consideration. We observed small but unambiguous redshifts in the Kß fluorescence line relative to unshifted Cu Kα. Redshifts up to 2.6 eV were found to increase with compression and to be consistent with predictions from self-consistent models based on density-functional theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(25): 255702, 2019 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31347873


We present laser-driven shock compression experiments on cryogenic liquid deuterium to 550 GPa along the principal Hugoniot and reflected-shock data up to 1 TPa. High-precision interferometric Doppler velocimetry and impedance-matching analysis were used to determine the compression accurately enough to reveal a significant difference as compared to state-of-the-art ab initio calculations and thus, no single equation of state model fully matches the principal Hugoniot of deuterium over the observed pressure range. In the molecular-to-atomic transition pressure range, models based on density functional theory calculations predict the maximum compression accurately. However, beyond 250 GPa along the principal Hugoniot, first-principles models exhibit a stiffer response than the experimental data. Similarly, above 500 GPa the reflected shock data show 5%-7% higher compression than predicted by all current models.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(2): 025001, 2018 Jul 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30085737


We have developed an experimental platform for the National Ignition Facility that uses spherically converging shock waves for absolute equation-of-state (EOS) measurements along the principal Hugoniot. In this Letter, we present one indirect-drive implosion experiment with a polystyrene sample that employs radiographic compression measurements over a range of shock pressures reaching up to 60 Mbar (6 TPa). This significantly exceeds previously published results obtained on the Nova laser [R. Cauble et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1248 (1998)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.80.1248] at a strongly improved precision, allowing us to discriminate between different EOS models. We find excellent agreement with Kohn-Sham density-functional-theory-based molecular dynamics simulations.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 7015, 2017 08 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28765571


Thermal conductivity is one of the most crucial physical properties of matter when it comes to understanding heat transport, hydrodynamic evolution, and energy balance in systems ranging from astrophysical objects to fusion plasmas. In the warm dense matter regime, experimental data are very scarce so that many theoretical models remain untested. Here we present the first thermal conductivity measurements of aluminum at 0.5-2.7 g/cc and 2-10 eV, using a recently developed platform of differential heating. A temperature gradient is induced in a Au/Al dual-layer target by proton heating, and subsequent heat flow from the hotter Au to the Al rear surface is detected by two simultaneous time-resolved diagnostics. A systematic data set allows for constraining both thermal conductivity and equation-of-state models. Simulations using Purgatorio model or Sesame S27314 for Al thermal conductivity and LEOS for Au/Al release equation-of-state show good agreement with data after 15 ps. Discrepancy still exists at early time 0-15 ps, likely due to non-equilibrium conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(7): 075503, 2002 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12190527


The first gamma spectra associated with the annihilation of positrons with individual core levels (Cu 3p and Ag 4p) are presented. The spectra were obtained by measuring the energy of gamma rays time coincident with Auger electrons emitted as a result of positrons annihilating with a selected core level. Relativistic calculations show good agreement with experiment over a limited range of momenta. However, statistically significant differences indicate that the measurements can provide an impetus to new calculations of many body effects in positron-core electrons annihilation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(24): 5612-5, 2001 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11415314


We report the first observation of electron momentum contributions to the Doppler broadening of radiation produced by in-flight two-photon annihilation in solids. In these experiments an approximately 2.5 MeV positron beam impinged on thin polyethylene, aluminum, and gold targets. Since energetic positrons easily penetrate the nuclear Coulomb potential and do not cause a strong charge polarization, the experimental annihilation line shapes agree well with calculations based on a simple independent-particle model. Moreover, annihilations with the deepest core electrons are greatly enhanced.