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J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(3): 718-732, 2023 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36655857


Nonadiabatic chemical reactions involving continuous circularly polarized light (cw CPL) have not attracted as much attention as dynamics in unpolarized/linearly polarized light. However, including circularly (in contrast to linearly) polarized light allows one to effectively introduce a complex-valued time-dependent Hamiltonian, which offers a new path for control or exploration through the introduction of Berry forces. Here, we investigate several inexpensive semiclassical approaches for modeling such nonadiabatic dynamics in the presence of a time-dependent complex-valued Hamiltonian, beginning with a straightforward instantaneous adiabatic fewest-switches surface hopping (IA-FSSH) approach (where the electronic states depend on position and time), continuing to a standard Floquet fewest switches surface hopping (F-FSSH) approach (where the electronic states depend on position and frequency), and ending with an exotic Floquet phase-space surface hopping (F-PSSH) approach (where the electronic states depend on position, frequency, and momentum). Using a set of model systems with time-dependent complex-valued Hamiltonians, we show that the Floquet phase-space adiabats are the optimal choice of basis as far as accounting for Berry phase effects and delivering accuracy. Thus, the F-PSSH algorithm sets the stage for future modeling of nonadiabatic dynamics under strong externally pumped circular polarization.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(2): 821-834, 2020 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31951404


We investigate two well-known approaches for extending the fewest switches surface hopping (FSSH) algorithm to periodic time-dependent couplings. The first formalism acts as if the instantaneous adiabatic electronic states were standard adiabatic states, which just happen to evolve in time. The second formalism replaces the role of the usual adiabatic states by the time-independent adiabatic Floquet states. For a set of modified Tully model problems, the Floquet FSSH (F-FSSH) formalism gives a better estimate for both transmission and reflection probabilities than the instantaneous adiabatic FSSH (IA-FSSH) formalism, especially for slow nuclear velocities. More importantly, only F-FSSH predicts the correct final scattering momentum. Finally, in order to use Floquet theory accurately, we find that it is crucial to account for the interference between wavepackets on different Floquet states. Our results should be of interest to all those interested in laser-induced molecular dynamics.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(2): 835-846, 2020 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31869225


We investigate a simple and robust scheme for choosing the phases of adiabatic electronic states smoothly (as a function of geometry) so as to maximize the performance of ab initio non-adiabatic dynamics methods. Our approach is based upon consideration of the overlap matrix (U) between basis functions at successive points in time and selecting the phases so as to minimize the matrix norm of log(U). In so doing, one can extend the concept of parallel transport to cases with sharp curve crossings. We demonstrate that this algorithm performs well under extreme situations where dozens of states cross each other either through trivial crossings (where there is zero effective diabatic coupling), or through non-trivial crossings (when there is a non-zero diabatic coupling), or through a combination of both. In all cases, we compute the time-derivative coupling matrix elements (or equivalently non-adiabatic derivative coupling matrix elements) that are as smooth as possible. Our results should be of interest to all who are interested in either non-adiabatic dynamics, or more generally, parallel transport in large systems.