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J Phys Chem A ; 128(12): 2507-2521, 2024 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38484111


In this work, we utilize the framework of many-body expansion (MBE) to decompose electronic structures into fragments by incrementing virtual orbitals, aiming to accurately solve the ground and excited state energies of each fragment using the variational quantum eigensolver and deflation algorithms. While our approach is primarily based on unitary coupled cluster singles and doubles (UCCSD) and its generalization, we also introduce modifications and approximations to conserve quantum resources in MBE by partially generalizing the UCCSD operator and neglecting the relaxation of the reference states. As a proof of concept, we investigate the potential energy surfaces for the bond-breaking processes of the ground state of two molecules (H2O and N2) and calculate the ground and excited state energies of three molecules (LiH, CH+, and H2O). The results demonstrate that our approach can, in principle, provide reliable descriptions in all the tests including strongly correlated systems when appropriate approximations are chosen. Additionally, we perform model simulations to investigate the impact of shot noise on the total MBE energy and show that precise energy estimation is crucial for lower-order MBE fragments.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(31): 6577-6592, 2023 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37515571


We propose a quantum inverse algorithm (QInverse) to directly determine general eigenstates by repeatedly applying the inverse power of a shifted Hamiltonian to an arbitrary initial state. To properly deal with the strongly entangled inverse power states and the resultant excited states, we solved the underlying linear equation, both variationally and adaptively, to obtain a faithful inverse power state with a shallow quantum circuit. QInverse is singularity-free and successfully obtains the target excited states with an energy closest to the shift ω, which is difficult to reach using variational methods. We also propose a subspace expansion approach to accelerate convergence and show that it is helpful to determine the two nearest eigenvalues when they are equally close to ω. These approaches were compared with the folded-spectrum method, which aims to generate excited states through variational optimization. It is shown that, whereas the folded-spectrum approach often fails to predict the target state by falling into a local minimum owing to its variational features, the success rate and accuracy of our algorithms are systematically improvable.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 2023 Jan 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638274


Quantum imaginary time evolution (QITE) is a recently proposed quantum-classical hybrid algorithm that is guaranteed to reach the lowest state of systems. In this study, we present several improvements on QITE, mainly focusing on molecular applications. We analyze the derivation of the underlying QITE equation order-by-order and suggest a modification that is theoretically well founded. Our results clearly indicate the soundness of the here-derived equation, enabling a better approximation of the imaginary time propagation by a unitary. We also discuss how to accurately estimate the norm of an imaginary-time-evolved state and applied it to excited-state calculations using the quantum Lanczos algorithm. Finally, we propose the folded-spectrum QITE scheme as a straightforward extension of QITE for general excited-state simulations. The effectiveness of all these developments is illustrated by simulations with or without noise effect, offering further insights into quantum algorithms for imaginary time evolution.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1499, 2022 Mar 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35322014


Dopant segregation, frequently observed in ionic oxides, is useful for engineering materials and devices. However, due to the poor driving force for ion migration and/or the presence of substantial grain boundaries, dopants are mostly confined within a nanoscale region. Herein, we demonstrate that core-shell heterostructures are formed by oriented self-segregation using one-step thermal annealing of metal-doped hematite mesocrystals at relatively low temperatures in air. The sintering of highly ordered interfaces between the nanocrystal subunits inside the mesocrystal eliminates grain boundaries, leaving numerous oxygen vacancies in the bulk. This results in the efficient segregation of dopants (~90%) on the external surface, which forms their oxide overlayers. The optimized photoanode based on hematite mesocrystals with oxide overlayers containing Sn and Ti dopants realises high activity (~0.8 µmol min-1 cm-2) and selectivity (~90%) for photoelectrochemical H2O2 production, which provides a wide range of application for the proposed concept.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(6): 3471-3482, 2021 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33971717


In this study, we continue to develop the recently proposed second-order perturbation theory for the spin-projected Hartree-Fock method [Tsuchimochi, T.; Ten-no, S. L. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 6688] in various aspects. A new, stable imaginary level-shift scheme is derived to obtain a well-conditioned equation, enabling a significantly faster convergence. To achieve a further speed-up, we propose a preconditioning scheme considering the pair character on a spin-projected basis. We also eliminate the computational memory bottleneck in solving the linear equation for large systems using a distributed memory parallel implementation. Finally, for the description of open-shell molecules, several modified zeroth-order Hamiltonians are introduced and tested using the Mn2O2(NHCHCO2)4 complex. These developments enable practical calculations of a second-order perturbation theory with improved accuracy at a reduced computational cost.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(12): 6688-6702, 2019 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31661264


We propose two different schemes for second-order perturbation theory with spin-projected Hartree-Fock. Both schemes employ the same ansatz for the first-order wave function, which is a linear combination of spin-projected configurations. The first scheme is based on the normal-ordered projected Hamiltonian, which is partitioned into the Fock-like component and the remaining two-particle-like contribution. In the second scheme, the generalized Fock operator is used to construct a spin-free zeroth-order Hamiltonian. To avoid the intruder state problem, we adopt the level-shift techniques frequently used in other multireference perturbation theories. We describe both real and imaginary shift schemes and compare their performances on small systems. Our results clearly demonstrate the superiority of the second perturbation scheme with an imaginary shift over other proposed approaches in various aspects, giving accurate potential energy curves, spectroscopic constants, and singlet-triplet splitting energies. We also apply these methods to the calculation of spin gaps of transition-metal complexes as well as the potential energy curve of the chromium dimer.

J Comput Chem ; 40(1): 265-278, 2019 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30520115


Recently, we introduced an orbital-invariant approximate coupled-cluster (CC) method in the spin-projection manifold. The multi-determinantal property of spin-projection means that the parametrization in the spin-extended CC (ECC) ansatz is nonorthogonal and overcomplete. Therefore, the linear dependencies must be removed by an orthogonalization procedure to obtain meaningful solutions. Multi-reference methods often achieve this by diagonalizing a metric of the equation system, but this is not feasible with ECC because of the enormous size of the metric, a consequence of the incomplete active space of the spin-projected Hartree-Fock reference. As a result, the applicability of ECC has been limited to small benchmark systems, for which the ansatz was shown to be superior to the configuration interaction and linearized approximations. In this article, we provide a solution to this problem that completely avoids the metric diagonalization by iteratively projecting out its null-space from the working equations. As the additional computational cost required for this iterative projection is only marginal, it greatly expands the application range of ECC. We demonstrate the potential of approximate ECC by studying the complete basis set limit of F2 and transition metal complexes such as NiO, Mn2 , and [Cu2 O2 ]2+ , which have all been hindered by the prohibitively large metric size. We also identify the potential inadequacy of the molecular orbitals given by spin-projected Hartree-Fock in some cases, and propose possible solutions. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

J Chem Phys ; 149(4): 044109, 2018 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068163


We present an approximate treatment of spin-extended coupled-cluster (ECC) based on the spin-projection of the broken-symmetry coupled-cluster (CC) ansatz. ECC completely eliminates the spin-contamination of unrestricted CC and is therefore expected to provide better descriptions of dynamical and static correlation effects, but introduces two distinct problems. The first issue is the emergence of non-terminating amplitude equations, which are caused by the de-excitation effects inherent in symmetry projection operators. In this study, we take a minimalist approach and truncate the Taylor series of the exponential ansatz at a certain order such that the approximation safely recovers the traditional CC without spin-projection. The second issue is that the nonlinear equations of ECC become underdetermined, although consistent, yielding an infinitude of solutions. This problem arises because of the redundancies in the excitation manifold, as is common in other multi-reference approaches. We remove the linear dependencies in ECC by employing an orthogonal projection manifold. We also propose an efficient solver for our method, in which the components are usually sparse but not diagonal-dominant. It is shown that our approach is rigorously orbital-invariant and provides more accurate results than its configuration interaction and linearized CC analogues for chemical systems.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(4): 1667-1681, 2017 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28240896


We propose a size-consistent generalization of the recently developed spin-extended configuration interaction with singles and doubles (ECISD), where a CI wave function is explicitly spin-projected. The size-consistent effect is effectively incorporated by treating quadruples within the formulation of coupled electron pair approximation. As in coupled-cluster theory, quadruple excitations are approximated by a disconnected product of double excitations. Despite its conceptual similarity to the standard single-reference and multireference analogues, such a generalization requires careful derivation, as the spin-projected CI space is nonorthogonal and overcomplete. Although our methods generally yield better results than ECISD, size-consistency is only approximately retained because the action of a symmetry-projection operator is size-inconsistent. In this work, we focus on simple models where exclusion-principle-violating terms, which eliminate undesired contributions to the correlation effects, are either completely neglected or averaged. These models possess an orbital-invariant energy functional that is to be minimized by diagonalizing an energy-shifted effective Hamiltonian within the singles and doubles manifold. This allows for a straightforward generalization of the ECISD analytical gradients needed to determine molecular properties and geometric optimization. Given the multireference nature of the spin-projected Hartree-Fock method, the proposed approaches are expected to handle static correlation, unlike single-reference analogues. We critically assess the performance of our methods using dissociation curves of molecules, singlet-triplet splitting gaps, hyperfine coupling constants, and the chromium dimer. The size-consistency and size-extensivity of the methods are also discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 146(7): 074104, 2017 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28228026


In electronic structure theory, the availability of an analytical derivative is one of the desired features for a method to be useful in practical applications, as it allows for geometry optimization as well as computation of molecular properties. With the recent advances in the development of symmetry-projected Hartree-Fock (PHF) methods, we here aim at further extensions by devising the analytic gradients of post-PHF approaches with a special focus on spin-extended (spin-projected) configuration interaction with single and double substitutions (ECISD). Just like standard single-reference methods, the mean-field PHF part does not require the corresponding coupled-perturbed equation to be solved, while the correlation energy term needs the orbital relaxation effect to be accounted for, unless the underlying molecular orbitals are variationally optimized in the presence of the correlation energy. We present a general strategy for post-PHF analytical gradients, which closely parallels that for single-reference methods, yet addressing the major difference between them. The similarity between ECISD and multi-reference CI not only in the energy but also in the optimized geometry is clearly demonstrated by the numerical examples of ozone and cyclobutadiene.

J Chem Phys ; 145(7): 074102, 2016 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27544082


Strong correlation poses a difficult problem for electronic structure theory, with computational cost scaling quickly with system size. Fragment embedding is an attractive approach to this problem. By dividing a large complicated system into smaller manageable fragments "embedded" in an approximate description of the rest of the system, we can hope to ameliorate the steep cost of correlated calculations. While appealing, these methods often converge slowly with fragment size because of small errors at the boundary between fragment and bath. We describe a new electronic embedding method, dubbed "Bootstrap Embedding," a self-consistent wavefunction-in-wavefunction embedding theory that uses overlapping fragments to improve the description of fragment edges. We apply this method to the one dimensional Hubbard model and a translationally asymmetric variant, and find that it performs very well for energies and populations. We find Bootstrap Embedding converges rapidly with embedded fragment size, overcoming the surface-area-to-volume-ratio error typical of many embedding methods. We anticipate that this method may lead to a low-scaling, high accuracy treatment of electron correlation in large molecular systems.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 12(4): 1741-59, 2016 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26950651


In our recent Communication (J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 144, 011101), we proposed Wick's theorem for nonorthogonal determinants and applied it to spin-extended configuration interaction with singles and doubles (ECISD) based on spin-projected unrestricted Hartree-Fock (SUHF), given that SUHF is a special case of nonorthogonal CI. It was shown that ECISD is accurate for bond-dissociation processes of several representative molecules. In the present work, we give a detailed derivation of ECISD and report an efficient implementation with two physically motivated preconditioning schemes in the generalized Davidson diagonalization for ECISD, whose Hamiltonian and overlap are not diagonal dominant due to SUHF's nonorthogonal character. In the first approach, we exploit the properties of corresponding pair orbitals and spin-projection operator and rotate the spin-projected CI basis so that the Hamiltonian is approximately diagonal. The second scheme is based on the normal ordered Hamiltonian, which suggests neglecting the expensive two-particle terms in the preconditioning. To enable frozen-core approximations in ECISD, core orbitals were introduced in SUHF. We also show the validity of our method with various numerical examples for static correlations, apart from the left-right correlation in bond-dissociation processes: the ground state energies of the Be isoelectronic series, excitation energies of representative small molecules, and spectroscopic constants of the strongly correlated BN singlet state. Several aspects of ECISD were studied.

J Chem Phys ; 144(1): 011101, 2016 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26747794


We present single and double particle-hole excitations in the recently revived spin-projected Hartree-Fock. Our motivation is to treat static correlation with spin-projection and recover the residual correlation, mostly dynamic in nature, with simple configuration interaction (CI). To this end, we introduce the Wick theorem for nonorthogonal determinants, which enables an efficient implementation in conjunction with the direct CI scheme. The proposed approach, termed spin-extended CI with singles and doubles, achieves a balanced treatment between dynamic and static correlations. To approximately account for the quadruple excitations, we also modify the well-known Davidson correction. We report that our approaches yield surprisingly accurate potential curves for HF, H2O, N2, and a hydrogen lattice, compared to traditional single reference wave function methods at the same computational scaling as regular CI.

J Chem Phys ; 143(14): 144114, 2015 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26472370


Spin-flip approaches capture static correlation with the same computational scaling as the ordinary single reference methods. Here, we extend spin-flip configuration interaction singles (SFCIS) by projecting out intrinsic spin-contamination to make it spin-complete, rather than by explicitly complementing it with spin-coupled configurations. We give a general formalism of spin-projection for SFCIS, applicable to any spin states. The proposed method is viewed as a natural unification of SFCIS and spin-projected CIS to achieve a better qualitative accuracy at a low computational cost. While our wave function ansatz is more compact than previously proposed spin-complete SF approaches, it successfully offers more general static correlation beyond biradicals without sacrificing good quantum numbers. It is also shown that our method is invariant with respect to open-shell orbital rotations, due to the uniqueness of spin-projection. We will report benchmark calculations to demonstrate its qualitative performance on strongly correlated systems, including conical intersections that appear both in ground-excited and excited-excited degeneracies.

J Chem Phys ; 143(2): 024107, 2015 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26178090


Density matrix embedding theory (DMET) has emerged as a powerful tool for performing wave function-in-wave function embedding for strongly correlated systems. In traditional DMET, an accurate calculation is performed on a small impurity embedded in a mean field bath. Here, we extend the original DMET equations to account for correlation in the bath via an antisymmetrized geminal power (AGP) wave function. The resulting formalism has a number of advantages. First, it allows one to properly treat the weak correlation limit of independent pairs, which DMET is unable to do with a mean-field bath. Second, it associates a size extensive correlation energy with a given density matrix (for the models tested), which AGP by itself is incapable of providing. Third, it provides a reasonable description of charge redistribution in strongly correlated but non-periodic systems. Thus, AGP-DMET appears to be a good starting point for describing electron correlation in molecules, which are aperiodic and possess both strong and weak electron correlation.

J Chem Phys ; 142(12): 124103, 2015 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25833561


Projected Hartree-Fock (PHF) has recently emerged as an alternative approach to describing degenerate systems where static correlation is abundant, when the spin-symmetry is projected. Here, we derive a set of linearized time-dependent equations for PHF in order to be able to access excited states. The close connection of such linear-response time-dependent PHF (TDPHF) to the stability condition of a PHF wave function is discussed. Expanding this analysis also makes it possible to give analytical expressions for the projected coupling terms of Hamiltonian and overlaps between excited Slater determinants. TDPHF with spin-projection (TDSUHF) and its Tamm-Dancoff approximation are benchmarked for several electronically degenerate molecules including the dissociating H2, F2 and O3 at equilibrium, and the distorted ethylene. It is shown that they give consistently better descriptions of excited states than does time-dependent HF (TDHF). Furthermore, we demonstrate that they offer not only singly but also doubly excited states, which naturally arise upon spin-projection. We also address the thermodynamic limit of TDSUHF, using non-interacting He gas. While TDPHF singly excited states tend to converge to those of HF with the size of the system due to the lack of size-extensivity of PHF, doubly excited states remain reasonable even at the thermodynamic limit. We find that the overall performance of our method is systematically better than the regular TDHF in many cases at the same computational scaling.

J Chem Phys ; 141(16): 164117, 2014 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25362282


We present a novel method that appropriately handles both dynamical and static electron correlations in a balanced manner, using a perturbation theory on a spin-extended Hartree-Fock (EHF) wave function reference. While EHF is a suitable candidate for degenerate systems where static correlation is ubiquitous, it is known that most of dynamical correlation is neglected in EHF. In this work, we derive a perturbative correction to a fully spin-projected self-consistent wave function based on second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). The proposed method efficiently captures the ability of EHF to describe static correlation in degeneracy, combined with MP2's ability to treat dynamical correlation effects. We demonstrate drastic improvements on molecular ground state and excited state potential energy curves and singlet-triplet splitting energies over both EHF and MP2 with similar computational effort to the latter.

J Chem Phys ; 140(18): 18A503, 2014 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24832311


The constrained density functional theory-configuration interaction (CDFT-CI) method has previously been used to calculate ground-state energies and barrier heights, and to describe electronic excited states, in particular conical intersections. However, the method has been limited to evaluating the electronic energy at just a single nuclear configuration, with the gradient of the energy being available only via finite difference. In this paper, we present analytic gradients of the CDFT-CI energy with respect to nuclear coordinates, which gives the potential for accurate geometry optimization and molecular dynamics on both the ground and excited electronic states, a realm which is currently quite challenging for electronic structure theory. We report the performance of CDFT-CI geometry optimization for representative reaction transition states as well as molecules in an excited state. The overall accuracy of CDFT-CI for computing barrier heights is essentially unchanged whether the energies are evaluated at geometries obtained from quadratic configuration-interaction singles and doubles (QCISD) or CDFT-CI, indicating that CDFT-CI produces very good reaction transition states. These results open up tantalizing possibilities for future work on excited states.

Algoritmos , Transferencia de Energía , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Simulación por Computador
Inorg Chem ; 53(13): 6386-97, 2014 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24694041


Water splitting by artificial catalysts is a critical process in the production of hydrogen gas as an alternative fuel. In this paper, we examine the essential role of theoretical calculations, with particular focus on density functional theory (DFT), in understanding the water-splitting reaction on these catalysts. First, we present an overview of DFT thermochemical calculations on water-splitting catalysts, addressing how these calculations are adapted to condensed phases and room temperature. We show how DFT-derived chemical descriptors of reactivity can be surprisingly good estimators for reactive trends in water-splitting catalysts. Using this concept, we recover trends for bulk catalysts using simple model complexes for at least the first-row transition-metal oxides. Then, using the CoPi cobalt oxide catalyst as a case study, we examine the usefulness of simulation for predicting the kinetics of water splitting. We demonstrate that the appropriate treatment of solvent effects is critical for computing accurate redox potentials with DFT, which, in turn, determine the rate-limiting steps and electrochemical overpotentials. Finally, we examine the ability of DFT to predict mechanism, using ruthenium complexes as a focal point for discussion. Our discussion is intended to provide an overview of the current strengths and weaknesses of the state-of-the-art DFT methodologies for condensed-phase molecular simulation involving transition metals and also to guide future experiments and computations toward the understanding and development of novel water-splitting catalysts.

J Chem Phys ; 138(16): 164101, 2013 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23635105


Restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham (ROKS) theory provides a powerful computational tool for calculating singlet excited state energies and dynamics. However, the possibility of multiple solutions to the ROKS equations - with the associated difficulty of automatically selecting the physically meaningful solution - limits its usefulness for intensive applications such as long-time Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. We present an implementation of ROKS for excited states which prescribes the physically correct solution from an overlap criterion and guarantees that this solution is stationary, allowing for straightforward evaluation of nuclear gradients. The method is used to benchmark ROKS for vertical excitation energies of small and large organic dyes and for the calculation of Stokes shifts. With common density functional approximations, ROKS vertical excitation energies, and Stokes shifts show similar accuracy to those from time-dependent density functional theory and Δ-self-consistent-field approaches. Advantages of the ROKS approach for excited state structure and molecular dynamics are discussed.

Simulación de Dinámica Molecular , Teoría Cuántica