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Opt Express ; 31(12): 19076-19088, 2023 Jun 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381332


Many components for terahertz (THz) optical filtering are mechanically fragile and are hard to produce with large aperture, making them unsuitable for applications where larger THz beam diameter is required. In this work, the THz optical properties of industrial-grade, readily available and inexpensive woven wire meshes are studied using THz time-domain spectroscopy and numerical simulations. These meshes are meter-sized, free-standing sheet materials that are principally attractive for the use as robust, large-area THz components. Our results show that such meshes can act as efficient, tunable THz bandpass filters due to sharp plasmonic resonance supported by the interwoven metallic wires. Further, the meshes that combine metallic and polymer wires act as efficient THz linear polarizers with a polarization extinction ratio (field) above 60:1 for frequencies below 3 THz.

Opt Express ; 29(15): 24411-24421, 2021 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34614687


Terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy is a powerful method that allows one to measure the ultrafast dynamics of polarization, current, or magnetization in a material based on THz emission from the material. However, the practical implementation of this method can be challenging, and can result in significant errors in the reconstruction of the quantity of interest. Here, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrate a rigorous method of signal reconstruction in THz emission spectroscopy, and describe the main experimental and theoretical sources of reconstruction error. We identify the linear line-of-sight geometry of the THz emission spectrometer as the optimal configuration for accurate, fully calibrated THz signal reconstruction. As an example, we apply our reconstruction method to ultrafast THz magnetometry experiment, where we recover the ultrafast magnetization dynamics in a photoexcited iron film, including both its temporal shape and absolute magnitude.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 3115, 2021 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34035241


Exotic quantum vacuum phenomena are predicted in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems with ultrastrong light-matter interactions. Their ground states are predicted to be vacuum squeezed states with suppressed quantum fluctuations owing to antiresonant terms in the Hamiltonian. However, such predictions have not been realized because antiresonant interactions are typically negligible compared to resonant interactions in light-matter systems. Here we report an unusual, ultrastrongly coupled matter-matter system of magnons that is analytically described by a unique Hamiltonian in which the relative importance of resonant and antiresonant interactions can be easily tuned and the latter can be made vastly dominant. We found a regime where vacuum Bloch-Siegert shifts, the hallmark of antiresonant interactions, greatly exceed analogous frequency shifts from resonant interactions. Further, we theoretically explored the system's ground state and calculated up to 5.9 dB of quantum fluctuation suppression. These observations demonstrate that magnonic systems provide an ideal platform for exploring exotic quantum vacuum phenomena predicted in ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems.

Sci Adv ; 7(15)2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33827824


Graphene is conceivably the most nonlinear optoelectronic material we know. Its nonlinear optical coefficients in the terahertz frequency range surpass those of other materials by many orders of magnitude. Here, we show that the terahertz nonlinearity of graphene, both for ultrashort single-cycle and quasi-monochromatic multicycle input terahertz signals, can be efficiently controlled using electrical gating, with gating voltages as low as a few volts. For example, optimal electrical gating enhances the power conversion efficiency in terahertz third-harmonic generation in graphene by about two orders of magnitude. Our experimental results are in quantitative agreement with a physical model of the graphene nonlinearity, describing the time-dependent thermodynamic balance maintained within the electronic population of graphene during interaction with ultrafast electric fields. Our results can serve as a basis for straightforward and accurate design of devices and applications for efficient electronic signal processing in graphene at ultrahigh frequencies.

ACS Nano ; 15(1): 1145-1154, 2021 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33306364


Nonlinear optics is an increasingly important field for scientific and technological applications, owing to its relevance and potential for optical and optoelectronic technologies. Currently, there is an active search for suitable nonlinear material systems with efficient conversion and a small material footprint. Ideally, the material system should allow for chip integration and room-temperature operation. Two-dimensional materials are highly interesting in this regard. Particularly promising is graphene, which has demonstrated an exceptionally large nonlinearity in the terahertz regime. Yet, the light-matter interaction length in two-dimensional materials is inherently minimal, thus limiting the overall nonlinear optical conversion efficiency. Here, we overcome this challenge using a metamaterial platform that combines graphene with a photonic grating structure providing field enhancement. We measure terahertz third-harmonic generation in this metamaterial and obtain an effective third-order nonlinear susceptibility with a magnitude as large as 3 × 10-8 m2/V2, or 21 esu, for a fundamental frequency of 0.7 THz. This nonlinearity is 50 times larger than what we obtain for graphene without grating. Such an enhancement corresponds to a third-harmonic signal with an intensity that is 3 orders of magnitude larger due to the grating. Moreover, we demonstrate a field conversion efficiency for the third harmonic of up to ∼1% using a moderate field strength of ∼30 kV/cm. Finally, we show that harmonics beyond the third are enhanced even more strongly, allowing us to observe signatures of up to the ninth harmonic. Grating-graphene metamaterials thus constitute an outstanding platform for commercially viable, CMOS-compatible, room-temperature, chip-integrated, THz nonlinear conversion applications.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 4247, 2020 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32843645


A material's magnetic state and its dynamics are of great fundamental research interest and are also at the core of a wide plethora of modern technologies. However, reliable access to magnetization dynamics in materials and devices on the technologically relevant ultrafast timescale, and under realistic device-operation conditions, remains a challenge. Here, we demonstrate a method of ultrafast terahertz (THz) magnetometry, which gives direct access to the (sub-)picosecond magnetization dynamics even in encapsulated materials or devices in a contact-free fashion, in a fully calibrated manner, and under ambient conditions. As a showcase for this powerful method, we measure the ultrafast magnetization dynamics in a laser-excited encapsulated iron film. Our measurements reveal and disentangle distinct contributions originating from (i) incoherent hot-magnon-driven magnetization quenching and (ii) coherent acoustically-driven modulation of the exchange interaction in iron, paving the way to technologies utilizing ultrafast heat-free control of magnetism. High sensitivity and relative ease of experimental arrangement highlight the promise of ultrafast THz magnetometry for both fundamental studies and the technological applications of magnetism.

Opt Express ; 28(9): 14169-14175, 2020 Apr 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32403877


This feature issue presents recent progress in long-wavelength photonics, focusing on wavelengths that span the mid-infrared (3-50 µm), the long-wavelength infrared (30-60 µm), and the terahertz (60-300 µm) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The papers in this feature issue report recent progress in the generation, manipulation, detection, and use of light across this long-wave region of the "photonics spectrum," including novel sources and cutting edge advances in detectors, long-wavelength non-linear processes, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces, and molecular spectroscopy. The range of topics covered in this feature issue provide an excellent insight into the expanding interest in long-wavelength photonics, which could open new possibilities for basic research and applications in industries that span health, environmental, and security.

Nano Lett ; 20(1): 636-643, 2020 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31825625


High electrical conductivity and strong absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) frequency range by metallic 2D MXene Ti3C2Ty make it a promising material for electromagnetic interference shielding, THz detectors, and transparent conducting electrodes. Here, we demonstrate that ultrafast optical pulses with wavelengths straddling the visible range (400 and 800 nm) induce transient broad-band THz transparency in the MXene that persists for nanoseconds. We demonstrate that optically induced transient THz transparency is independent of temperature from 95 to 290 K. This discovery opens new possibilities for development of switchable electromagnetic interference shielding materials and devices that can be rendered partially transparent on demand for transmitting THz signals, or for designing new THz devices such as sensitive optically gated detectors.

Nature ; 561(7724): 507-511, 2018 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30202091


Multiple optical harmonic generation-the multiplication of photon energy as a result of nonlinear interaction between light and matter-is a key technology in modern electronics and optoelectronics, because it allows the conversion of optical or electronic signals into signals with much higher frequency, and the generation of frequency combs. Owing to the unique electronic band structure of graphene, which features massless Dirac fermions1-3, it has been repeatedly predicted that optical harmonic generation in graphene should be particularly efficient at the technologically important terahertz frequencies4-6. However, these predictions have yet to be confirmed experimentally under technologically relevant operation conditions. Here we report the generation of terahertz harmonics up to the seventh order in single-layer graphene at room temperature and under ambient conditions, driven by terahertz fields of only tens of kilovolts per centimetre, and with field conversion efficiencies in excess of 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 for the third, fifth and seventh terahertz harmonics, respectively. These conversion efficiencies are remarkably high, given that the electromagnetic interaction occurs in a single atomic layer. The key to such extremely efficient generation of terahertz high harmonics in graphene is the collective thermal response of its background Dirac electrons to the driving terahertz fields. The terahertz harmonics, generated via hot Dirac fermion dynamics, were observed directly in the time domain as electromagnetic field oscillations at these newly synthesized higher frequencies. The effective nonlinear optical coefficients of graphene for the third, fifth and seventh harmonics exceed the respective nonlinear coefficients of typical solids by 7-18 orders of magnitude7-9. Our results provide a direct pathway to highly efficient terahertz frequency synthesis using the present generation of graphene electronics, which operate at much lower fundamental frequencies of only a few hundreds of gigahertz.

Science ; 361(6404): 794-797, 2018 08 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30139871


The interaction of N two-level atoms with a single-mode light field is an extensively studied many-body problem in quantum optics, first analyzed by Dicke in the context of superradiance. A characteristic of such systems is the cooperative enhancement of the coupling strength by a factor of N. In this study, we extended this cooperatively enhanced coupling to a solid-state system, demonstrating that it also occurs in a magnetic solid in the form of matter-matter interaction. Specifically, the exchange interaction of N paramagnetic erbium(III) (Er3+) spins with an iron(III) (Fe3+) magnon field in erbium orthoferrite (ErFeO3) exhibits a vacuum Rabi splitting whose magnitude is proportional to N. Our results provide a route for understanding, controlling, and predicting novel phases of condensed matter using concepts and tools available in quantum optics.

Sci Adv ; 4(5): eaar5313, 2018 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29756035


For many of the envisioned optoelectronic applications of graphene, it is crucial to understand the subpicosecond carrier dynamics immediately following photoexcitation and the effect of photoexcitation on the electrical conductivity-the photoconductivity. Whereas these topics have been studied using various ultrafast experiments and theoretical approaches, controversial and incomplete explanations concerning the sign of the photoconductivity, the occurrence and significance of the creation of additional electron-hole pairs, and, in particular, how the relevant processes depend on Fermi energy have been put forward. We present a unified and intuitive physical picture of the ultrafast carrier dynamics and the photoconductivity, combining optical pump-terahertz probe measurements on a gate-tunable graphene device, with numerical calculations using the Boltzmann equation. We distinguish two types of ultrafast photo-induced carrier heating processes: At low (equilibrium) Fermi energy (EF ≲ 0.1 eV for our experiments), broadening of the carrier distribution involves interband transitions (interband heating). At higher Fermi energy (EF ≳ 0.15 eV), broadening of the carrier distribution involves intraband transitions (intraband heating). Under certain conditions, additional electron-hole pairs can be created [carrier multiplication (CM)] for low EF, and hot carriers (hot-CM) for higher EF. The resultant photoconductivity is positive (negative) for low (high) EF, which in our physical picture, is explained using solely electronic effects: It follows from the effect of the heated carrier distributions on the screening of impurities, consistent with the DC conductivity being mostly due to impurity scattering. The importance of these insights is highlighted by a discussion of the implications for graphene photodetector applications.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 885, 2018 02 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29491413


The interaction between intramolecular and intermolecular degrees of freedom in liquid water underlies fundamental chemical and physical phenomena such as energy dissipation and proton transfer. Yet, it has been challenging to elucidate the coupling between these different types of modes. Here, we report on the direct observation and quantification of the coupling between intermolecular and intramolecular coordinates using two-dimensional, ultra-broadband, terahertz-infrared-visible (2D TIRV) spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations. Our study reveals strong coupling of the O-H stretch vibration, independent of the degree of delocalization of this high-frequency mode, to low-frequency intermolecular motions over a wide frequency range from 50 to 250 cm-1, corresponding to both the intermolecular hydrogen bond bending (≈ 60 cm-1) and stretching (≈ 180 cm-1) modes. Our results provide mechanistic insights into the coupling of the O-H stretch vibration to collective, delocalized intermolecular modes.

Opt Lett ; 43(3): 447-450, 2018 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29400811


We present a new approach for accurate terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of thin films deposited on dielectric substrates. Our approach relies on the simultaneous measurement of film and substrate, allowing for 15 nm-precise determination of the thickness variation between the sample and reference. Our approach allows for unprecedentedly accurate determination of the terahertz conductivity of the thin film. We demonstrate our approach on a 10 nm thin iron film deposited on a 500 µm MgO substrate. We determine the Drude momentum relaxation time in iron to within 0.15 fs uncertainty.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 13(1): 41-46, 2018 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29180742


Van der Waals heterostructures have emerged as promising building blocks that offer access to new physics, novel device functionalities and superior electrical and optoelectronic properties 1-7 . Applications such as thermal management, photodetection, light emission, data communication, high-speed electronics and light harvesting 8-16 require a thorough understanding of (nanoscale) heat flow. Here, using time-resolved photocurrent measurements, we identify an efficient out-of-plane energy transfer channel, where charge carriers in graphene couple to hyperbolic phonon polaritons 17-19 in the encapsulating layered material. This hyperbolic cooling is particularly efficient, giving picosecond cooling times for hexagonal BN, where the high-momentum hyperbolic phonon polaritons enable efficient near-field energy transfer. We study this heat transfer mechanism using distinct control knobs to vary carrier density and lattice temperature, and find excellent agreement with theory without any adjustable parameters. These insights may lead to the ability to control heat flow in van der Waals heterostructures.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 687, 2017 09 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28947824


Methylammonium lead iodide perovskite is an outstanding semiconductor for photovoltaics. One of its intriguing peculiarities is that the band gap of this perovskite increases with increasing lattice temperature. Despite the presence of various thermally accessible phonon modes in this soft material, the understanding of how precisely these phonons affect macroscopic material properties and lead to the peculiar temperature dependence of the band gap has remained elusive. Here, we report a strong coupling of a single phonon mode at the frequency of ~ 1 THz to the optical band gap by monitoring the transient band edge absorption after ultrafast resonant THz phonon excitation. Excitation of the 1 THz phonon causes a blue shift of the band gap over the temperature range of 185 ~ 300 K. Our results uncover the mode-specific coupling between one phonon and the optical properties, which contributes to the temperature dependence of the gap in the tetragonal phase.Methylammonium lead iodide perovskite, a promising material for efficient photovoltaics, shows a unique temperature dependence of its optical properties. Kim et al. quantify the coupling between the optical gap and a lattice phonon at 1 THz, which favorably contributes to the thermal variation of the gap.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(28): 9443-9446, 2017 07 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28650642


Stimuli-responsive micro-supercapacitors (MSCs) controlled by external stimuli can enable a wide range of applications for future on-chip energy storage. Here, we report on a photoswitchable MSC based on a diarylethene-graphene composite film. The microdevice delivers an outstanding and reversible capacitance modulation of up to 20%, demonstrating a prototype photoswitchable MSC. Terahertz spectroscopy indicates that the photoswitching of the capacitance is enabled by the reversible tuning of interfacial charge injection into diarylethene molecular orbitals, as a consequence of charge transfer at the diarylethene-graphene interface upon light modulation.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(23): 7982-7988, 2017 06 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28525278


The effect of edge engineering of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) on their ultrafast photoconductivity is investigated. Three different GNRs were fabricated by bottom-up synthesis in the liquid phase, where structure, width, and edge planarity could be controlled chemically at the atomic level. The charge carrier transport in the fabricated GNRs was studied on the ultrafast, sub-picosecond time scale using time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy, giving access to the elementary parameters of carrier conduction. While the variation of the side chains does not alter the photoconductive properties of GNRs, the edge structure has a strong impact on the carrier mobility in GNRs by affecting the carrier momentum scattering rate. Calculations of the ribbon electronic structure and theoretical transport studies show that phonon scattering plays a significant role in microscopic conduction in GNRs with different edge structures. A comparison between theory and experiment indicates that the mean free path of charge carriers in the nanoribbons amounts to typically ∼20 nm.

J Am Chem Soc ; 139(10): 3635-3638, 2017 03 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28248492


Recent advances in bottom-up synthesis of atomically defined graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with various microstructures and properties have demonstrated their promise in electronic and optoelectronic devices. Here we synthesized N = 9 armchair graphene nanoribbons (9-AGNRs) with a low optical band gap of ∼1.0 eV and extended absorption into the infrared range by an efficient chemical vapor deposition process. Time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy was employed to characterize the photoconductivity in 9-AGNRs and revealed their high intrinsic charge-carrier mobility of approximately 350 cm2·V-1·s-1.

Photonics Res ; 5(6): 750-761, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30555846


The emission wavelength of a laser is physically predetermined by the gain medium used. Consequently, arbitrary wavelength generation is a fundamental challenge in the science of light. Present solutions include optical parametric generation, requiring complex optical setups and spectrally sliced supercontinuum, taking advantage of a simpler fiber technology: a fixed-wavelength pump laser pulse is converted into a spectrally very broadband output, from which the required resulting wavelength is then optically filtered. Unfortunately, this process is associated with an inherently poor noise figure, which often precludes many realistic applications of such super-continuum sources. Here, we show that by adding only one passive optical element-a tapered photonic crystal fiber-to a fixed-wavelength femtosecond laser, one can in a very simple manner resonantly convert the laser emission wavelength into an ultra-wide and continuous range of desired wavelengths, with very low inherent noise, and without mechanical realignment of the laser. This is achieved by exploiting the double interplay of nonlinearity and chirp in the laser source and chirp and phase matching in the tapered fiber. As a first demonstration of this simple and inexpensive technology, we present a femtosecond fiber laser continuously tunable across the entire red-green-blue spectral range.

Nat Photonics ; 10(8): 534-540, 2016 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27668009


The preparation, staining, visualization, and interpretation of histological images of tissue is well-accepted as the gold standard process for the diagnosis of disease. These methods were developed historically, and are used ubiquitously in pathology, despite being highly time and labor intensive. Here we introduce a unique optical imaging platform and methodology for label-free multimodal multiphoton microscopy that uses a novel photonic crystal fiber source to generate tailored chemical contrast based on programmable supercontinuum pulses. We demonstrate collection of optical signatures of the tumor microenvironment, including evidence of mesoscopic biological organization, tumor cell migration, and (lymph-)angiogenesis collected directly from fresh ex vivo mammary tissue. Acquisition of these optical signatures and other cellular or extracellular features, which are largely absent from histologically processed and stained tissue, combined with an adaptable platform for optical alignment-free programmable-contrast imaging, offers the potential to translate stain-free molecular histopathology into routine clinical use.