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Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 98(3): 849-867, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36680327


Alien species are a significant threat to natural ecosystems and human economies. Despite global efforts to address this challenge, the documented number of alien species is rapidly increasing worldwide. However, the magnitude of the impact of alien species may vary significantly across habitats. For example, some habitats are naturally less prone to biological invasions due to stringent abiotic and biotic characteristics, selecting for a limited number of introduced species possessing traits closely related to the native organisms. Subterranean ecosystems are quintessential examples of habitats with strong environmental filters (e.g. lack of light and scarcity of food), driving convergent adaptations in species that have successfully adapted to life in darkness. Despite these stringent environmental constraints, the number of records of alien species in subterranean ecosystems has increased in recent decades, but the relevant literature remains largely fragmented and mostly anecdotal. Therefore, even though caves are generally considered very fragile ecosystems, their susceptibility to impacts by alien species remains untested other than for some very specific cases. We provide the first systematic literature survey to synthesise available knowledge on alien species in subterranean ecosystems globally. This review is supported by a database summarising the available literature, aiming to identify gaps in the distribution and spread of alien invertebrate species in subterranean habitats, and laying the foundations for future management practices and interventions. First, we quantitatively assessed the current knowledge of alien species in subterranean ecosystems to shed light on broader questions about taxonomic biases, geographical patterns, modes of dispersal, pathways for introductions and potential impacts. Secondly, we collected species-specific traits for each recorded alien species and tested whether subterranean habitats act as ecological filters for their establishment, favouring organisms with pre-adaptive traits suitable for subterranean life. We found information on the presence of 246 subterranean alien species belonging to 18 different classes. The dominant alien species were invertebrates, especially insects and arachnids. Most species were reported in terrestrial subterranean habitats from all continents except Antarctica. Palaearctic and Nearctic biogeographic regions represented the main source of alien species. The main routes of introductions into the recipient country are linked to commercial activities (84.3% of cases for which there was information available). Negative impacts have been documented for a small number of case studies (22.7%), mostly related to increased competition with native species. For a limited number of case studies (6.1%), management strategies were reported but the effectiveness of these interventions has rarely been quantified. Accordingly, information on costs is very limited. Approximately half of the species in our database can be considered established in subterranean habitats. According to our results, the presence of suitable traits grants access to the stringent environmental filter posed by subterranean environments, facilitating establishment in the new habitat. We recommend that future studies deepen the understanding of invasiveness into subterranean habitats, raising public and scientific community awareness of preserving these fragile ecosystems.

Cuevas , Ecosistema , Animales , Humanos , Invertebrados , Especies Introducidas , Aclimatación
J Environ Manage ; 327: 116896, 2023 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36470190


Biological control (BC) of invasive alien plants (IAP) can be an effective environmental management approach. It has only very recently been adopted in Europe and is underutilized compared to other continents where this method has been successfully implemented for over a century. This is in sharp contrast to the BC of invertebrate pests, which has been taken up widely within Europe. It has been suggested that this is related to the risk-adverse attitude of Europeans towards weed BC. Scientific and public perception have a major influence on environmental policy actions. Public perception and knowledge regarding BC is an understudied subject despite its relevance for the application of this management alternative. We aimed to assess the knowledge and perception of BC of IAP among European professionals compared with their peers from other continents. To this end we conducted an online survey including multiple choice and open questions among over 700 people professionally engaged with managing the natural environment, of which approximately half were from Europe (EU) and the others from outside (non-EU). We assessed relationships between the geographical location of the respondents and their knowledge, and perceptions of BC of weeds versus BC of invertebrate pests. We found that respondents' location influenced both perceptions and knowledge of BC for weeds. Compared to non-EU respondents, EU professionals showed less appreciation for BC (e.g., regarding safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness), and perceived it as a riskier method, particularly in the case of practitioners and researchers. More profoundly insect pest BC tended to be considered less safe than weed BC for non-EU respondents. Confidence in weed BC as a method, as well as in the validity of the associated pre-release risk assessments, strongly increased with the level of expertise in weed BC. While a much higher proportion of non-EU respondents were correctly aware of the presence/absence of BC in their own countries and identified successful examples of BC accurately, both groups of respondents were similarly aware of unsuccessful BC examples, including BC agents against animals, stressing the bias of EU respondents towards examples of BC failure. The appreciation of weed BC in Europe could be elevated by a combination of increasing knowledge of the technique and pre-release risk assessment and promoting successful examples of weed BC, which may bring major benefits for the management of IAP across the region.

Actitud , Malezas , Animales , Europa (Continente) , Ambiente , Control de Malezas
J Environ Manage ; 324: 116374, 2022 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36352726


A collective understanding of economic impacts and in particular of monetary costs of biological invasions is lacking for the Nordic region. This paper synthesizes findings from the literature on costs of invasions in the Nordic countries together with expert elicitation. The analysis of cost data has been made possible through the InvaCost database, a globally open repository of monetary costs that allows for the use of temporal, spatial, and taxonomic descriptors facilitating a better understanding of how costs are distributed. The total reported costs of invasive species across the Nordic countries were estimated at $8.35 billion (in 2017 US$ values) with damage costs significantly outweighing management costs. Norway incurred the highest costs ($3.23 billion), followed by Denmark ($2.20 billion), Sweden ($1.45 billion), Finland ($1.11 billion) and Iceland ($25.45 million). Costs from invasions in the Nordics appear to be largely underestimated. We conclude by highlighting such knowledge gaps, including gaps in policies and regulation stemming from expert judgment as well as avenues for an improved understanding of invasion costs and needs for future research.

Países Escandinavos y Nórdicos , Noruega , Islandia , Finlandia , Suecia
Sci Total Environ ; 803: 149875, 2022 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34478901


Invasive alien fishes have had pernicious ecological and economic impacts on both aquatic ecosystems and human societies. However, a comprehensive and collective assessment of their monetary costs is still lacking. In this study, we collected and reviewed reported data on the economic impacts of invasive alien fishes using InvaCost, the most comprehensive global database of invasion costs. We analysed how total (i.e. both observed and potential/predicted) and observed (i.e. empirically incurred only) costs of fish invasions are distributed geographically and temporally and assessed which socioeconomic sectors are most affected. Fish invasions have potentially caused the economic loss of at least US$37.08 billion (US2017 value) globally, from just 27 reported species. North America reported the highest costs (>85% of the total economic loss), followed by Europe, Oceania and Asia, with no costs yet reported from Africa or South America. Only 6.6% of the total reported costs were from invasive alien marine fish. The costs that were observed amounted to US$2.28 billion (6.1% of total costs), indicating that the costs of damage caused by invasive alien fishes are often extrapolated and/or difficult to quantify. Most of the observed costs were related to damage and resource losses (89%). Observed costs mainly affected public and social welfare (63%), with the remainder borne by fisheries, authorities and stakeholders through management actions, environmental, and mixed sectors. Total costs related to fish invasions have increased significantly over time, from

Ecosistema , Especies Introducidas , Animales , Europa (Continente) , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Peces , Humanos
Water Res ; 204: 117650, 2021 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34543975


We argue that doctoral education in water needs an elevated focus towards educating game changers who can drive innovation and change towards more sustainable futures across academic and non-academic settings. Today's doctoral graduates in water are increasingly employed outside academia, and challenged to understand complex and interconnected systems, to integrate and synthesize information from different disciplines and to lead the way toward increasingly creative, resilient, robust, and socially sustainable solutions. Supervisors are challenged by interdisciplinary research topics and by growing diversity of objectives, too often at the cost of their wellbeing. The need to keep up with the rapid scientific and technological development and floods of big data is pressing. We synthesize key insights from higher education literature and doctoral programs in water research to identify priority actions targeted at four key actor groups: supervisors and supervisees, research group, university, and industry. The actions contribute to appropriate resourcing, enabling an environment for enhanced teamwork practices, and systematic structures for progress. Establishing supporting structures will leverage the much-needed communities of practice involved in co-creating and transforming supervision and education of doctoral students in interdisciplinary water research.

Universidades , Agua , Humanos , Estudiantes
Sci Total Environ ; 775: 145238, 2021 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33715860


Much research effort has been invested in understanding ecological impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) across ecosystems and taxonomic groups, but empirical studies about economic effects lack synthesis. Using a comprehensive global database, we determine patterns and trends in economic costs of aquatic IAS by examining: (i) the distribution of these costs across taxa, geographic regions and cost types; (ii) the temporal dynamics of global costs; and (iii) knowledge gaps, especially compared to terrestrial IAS. Based on the costs recorded from the existing literature, the global cost of aquatic IAS conservatively summed to US$345 billion, with the majority attributed to invertebrates (62%), followed by vertebrates (28%), then plants (6%). The largest costs were reported in North America (48%) and Asia (13%), and were principally a result of resource damages (74%); only 6% of recorded costs were from management. The magnitude and number of reported costs were highest in the United States of America and for semi-aquatic taxa. Many countries and known aquatic alien species had no reported costs, especially in Africa and Asia. Accordingly, a network analysis revealed limited connectivity among countries, indicating disparate cost reporting. Aquatic IAS costs have increased in recent decades by several orders of magnitude, reaching at least US$23 billion in 2020. Costs are likely considerably underrepresented compared to terrestrial IAS; only 5% of reported costs were from aquatic species, despite 26% of known invaders being aquatic. Additionally, only 1% of aquatic invasion costs were from marine species. Costs of aquatic IAS are thus substantial, but likely underreported. Costs have increased over time and are expected to continue rising with future invasions. We urge increased and improved cost reporting by managers, practitioners and researchers to reduce knowledge gaps. Few costs are proactive investments; increased management spending is urgently needed to prevent and limit current and future aquatic IAS damages.

Ecosistema , Especies Introducidas , África , Animales , Asia , América del Norte
Sci Total Environ ; 775: 144441, 2021 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33715862


We contend that the exclusive focus on the English language in scientific research might hinder effective communication between scientists and practitioners or policy makers whose mother tongue is non-English. This barrier in scientific knowledge and data transfer likely leads to significant knowledge gaps and may create biases when providing global patterns in many fields of science. To demonstrate this, we compiled data on the global economic costs of invasive alien species reported in 15 non-English languages. We compared it with equivalent data from English documents (i.e., the InvaCost database, the most up-to-date repository of invasion costs globally). The comparison of both databases (~7500 entries in total) revealed that non-English sources: (i) capture a greater amount of data than English sources alone (2500 vs. 2396 cost entries respectively); (ii) add 249 invasive species and 15 countries to those reported by English literature, and (iii) increase the global cost estimate of invasions by 16.6% (i.e., US$ 214 billion added to 1.288 trillion estimated from the English database). Additionally, 2712 cost entries - not directly comparable to the English database - were directly obtained from practitioners, revealing the value of communication between scientists and practitioners. Moreover, we demonstrated how gaps caused by overlooking non-English data resulted in significant biases in the distribution of costs across space, taxonomic groups, types of cost, and impacted sectors. Specifically, costs from Europe, at the local scale, and particularly pertaining to management, were largely under-represented in the English database. Thus, combining scientific data from English and non-English sources proves fundamental and enhances data completeness. Considering non-English sources helps alleviate biases in understanding invasion costs at a global scale. Finally, it also holds strong potential for improving management performance, coordination among experts (scientists and practitioners), and collaborative actions across countries. Note: non-English versions of the abstract and figures are provided in Appendix S5 in 12 languages.

Especies Introducidas , Lenguaje , Europa (Continente)
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 93(3): 1421-1437, 2018 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29504240


The number of alien plants escaping from cultivation into native ecosystems is increasing steadily. We provide an overview of the historical, contemporary and potential future roles of ornamental horticulture in plant invasions. We show that currently at least 75% and 93% of the global naturalised alien flora is grown in domestic and botanical gardens, respectively. Species grown in gardens also have a larger naturalised range than those that are not. After the Middle Ages, particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries, a global trade network in plants emerged. Since then, cultivated alien species also started to appear in the wild more frequently than non-cultivated aliens globally, particularly during the 19th century. Horticulture still plays a prominent role in current plant introduction, and the monetary value of live-plant imports in different parts of the world is steadily increasing. Historically, botanical gardens - an important component of horticulture - played a major role in displaying, cultivating and distributing new plant discoveries. While the role of botanical gardens in the horticultural supply chain has declined, they are still a significant link, with one-third of institutions involved in retail-plant sales and horticultural research. However, botanical gardens have also become more dependent on commercial nurseries as plant sources, particularly in North America. Plants selected for ornamental purposes are not a random selection of the global flora, and some of the plant characteristics promoted through horticulture, such as fast growth, also promote invasion. Efforts to breed non-invasive plant cultivars are still rare. Socio-economical, technological, and environmental changes will lead to novel patterns of plant introductions and invasion opportunities for the species that are already cultivated. We describe the role that horticulture could play in mediating these changes. We identify current research challenges, and call for more research efforts on the past and current role of horticulture in plant invasions. This is required to develop science-based regulatory frameworks to prevent further plant invasions.

Jardinería , Especies Introducidas , Plantas/clasificación , Comercio , América del Norte , Dispersión de las Plantas
J Environ Manage ; 195(Pt 1): 62-69, 2017 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27890477


Involving local stakeholders in monitoring has the potential to stimulate learning and improve management responses. However, there is limited understanding about factors which influence implementation and success. This paper reviews local stakeholders' perceptions with respect to the construction of longitudinal dams in the Dutch river Waal, and explores their incentives to be involved in monitoring the effects of this intervention. Interviews with key stakeholders showed that concerns and (dis)trust are important incentives for participating in monitoring. Surveys of local residents, recreational anglers and boaters, and shipping professionals mapped their level of trust, attachment to the river landscape and evaluation of the effects of the longitudinal dams. Our case study shows that incentives for participation differ between stakeholder groups, and that research into their perceptions of the local environment can inform water managers on how to involve these groups in participatory monitoring.

Motivación , Ríos , Recreación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Confianza
Environ Manage ; 52(6): 1562-73, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24071727


Not much is known about lay public perceptions of non-native species and their underlying values. Public awareness and engagement, however, are important aspects in invasive species management. In this study, we examined the relations between the lay public's visions of nature, their knowledge about non-native species, and their perceptions of non-native species and invasive species management with a survey administered in the Netherlands. Within this framework, we identified three measures for perception of non-native species: perceived risk, control and engagement. In general, respondents scored moderate values for perceived risk and personal engagement. However, in case of potential ecological or human health risks, control measures were supported. Respondents' images of the human-nature relationship proved to be relevant in engagement in problems caused by invasive species and in recognizing the need for control, while images of nature appeared to be most important in perceiving risks to the environment. We also found that eradication of non-native species was predominantly opposed for species with a high cuddliness factor such as mammals and bird species. We conclude that lay public perceptions of non-native species have to be put in a wider context of visions of nature, and we discuss the implications for public support for invasive species management.

Actitud , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Ecosistema , Especies Introducidas/estadística & datos numéricos , Conocimiento , Opinión Pública , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Países Bajos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Población Urbana