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J Urban Health ; 2024 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38935205


In highly urbanized and unequal Latin America, urban health and health equity research are essential to effective policymaking. To ensure the application of relevant and context-specific evidence to efforts to reduce urban health inequities, urban health research in Latin America must incorporate strategic research translation efforts. Beginning in 2017, the Urban Health in Latin America (SALURBAL) project implemented policy-relevant research and engaged policymakers and the public to support the translation of research findings. Over 6 years, more than 200 researchers across eight countries contributed to SALURBAL's interdisciplinary network. This network allowed SALURBAL to adapt research and engagement activities to local contexts and priorities, thereby maximizing the policy relevance of research findings and their application to promote policy action, inform urban interventions, and drive societal change. SALURBAL achieved significant visibility and credibility among academic and nonacademic urban health stakeholders, resulting in the development of evidence and tools to support urban policymakers, planners, and policy development processes across the region. These efforts and their outcomes reveal important lessons regarding maintaining flexibility and accounting for local context in research, ensuring that resources are dedicated to policy engagement and dissemination activities, and recognizing that assessing policy impact requires a nuanced understanding of complex policymaking processes. These reflections are relevant for promoting urban health and health equity research translation across the global south and worldwide. This paper presents SALURBAL's strategy for dissemination and policy translation, highlights innovative initiatives and their outcomes, discusses lessons learned, and shares recommendations for future efforts to promote effective translation of research findings.

Cad Saude Publica ; 39(4): e00148322, 2023.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37132718


This article describes the design and characteristics of a questionnaire and an intradomiciliary observation tool developed to assess the housing-neighborhood-health relationship both cross-sectionally and longitudinally in the context of urban transformations carried out in populations of high socio-territorial vulnerability. The instruments were developed for the multi-method longitudinal study RUCAS (Urban Regeneration, Quality of Life and Health), a natural experiment aiming to assess the quality of life and health impact of a comprehensive Urban Regeneration Program in two social housing complexes in Chile. The design of the instruments followed four main stages: (1) narrative review of the literature to define the dimensions of the study, and of existing measurement instruments to identify appropriate items for measuring them; (2) content validation with experts; (3) pre-test; and (4) pilot study. The resulting questionnaire, composed of 262 items, considers the different stages of the life course and gender issues. The intradomiciliary observation tool (77 items) is applied by the interviewer. The instruments assess (i) characteristics of the current residential situation that are known to affect health and will be intervened by the program; (ii) dimensions of health potentially affected by the residential situation and/or by the intervention within the time frame of the study (4 years); (iii) other health and health-related conditions that are relevant, even if changes will not be modified within the time frame of the study; and (iv) relevant socioeconomic, occupational and demographic dimensions. The instruments have shown to be capable of addressing the multidimensionality of urban transformation processes in contexts of urban poverty in formal housing.

Este artículo describe el proceso de diseño y las características de un cuestionario y una pauta de observación intradomiciliaria desarrollados para evaluar tanto transversal como longitudinalmente la relación vivienda-barrio-salud en el marco de transformaciones urbanas llevadas a cabo en poblaciones de elevada vulnerabilidad socio-territorial. Los instrumentos se desarrollaron para el estudio longitudinal multimétodos RUCAS (Regeneración Urbana, Calidad de Vida y Salud), un experimento natural cuyo objetivo principal es evaluar el impacto en salud y calidad de vida de un programa de Regeneración de Conjuntos Habitacionales en dos conjuntos de vivienda social en Chile. El diseño de los instrumentos siguió cuatro etapas principales: (1) revisión narrativa de la literatura para definir las dimensiones del estudio, y de instrumentos existentes para identificar ítems apropiados para su medición; (2) validación de contenido con expertos; (3) pre-test; y (4) estudio piloto. El cuestionario resultante, compuesto de 262 ítems, tiene en cuenta las distintas etapas del ciclo vital y cuestiones de género. La pauta de observación intradomiciliaria (77 ítems) es aplicada por el/la encuestadora. Los instrumentos abordan (i) características de la situación residencial actual que sabidamente afectan la salud y serán intervenidas por el programa; (ii) dimensiones de la salud potencialmente afectadas por la situación residencial y/o por la intervención dentro de los plazos del estudio (4 años); (iii) otras condiciones de salud y relacionadas con la salud que sean relevantes, aun cuando no se verán modificadas dentro de los plazos del estudio, y (iv) dimensiones socioeconómicas, ocupacionales y demográficas relevantes. Los instrumentos han mostrado ser una herramienta capaz de abordar la multidimensionalidad de los procesos de transformación urbana en contextos de pobreza urbana en vivienda formal.

Este artigo descreve o processo de desenho e as características de um questionário e uma diretriz de observação intradomiciliar desenvolvida para avaliar, tanto transversal quanto longitudinalmente, a relação moradia-vizinhança-saúde no âmbito das transformações urbanas realizadas em populações de alta vulnerabilidade sócio-territorial. Os instrumentos foram desenvolvidos para o estudo longitudinal multimétodo RUCAS (Regeneração Urbana, Qualidade de Vida e Saúde), uma experiência natural destinada a avaliar a relação moradia-vizinhança-saúde e o impacto na saúde de um programa de regeneração habitacional em dois conjuntos habitacionais sociais no Chile. A concepção dos instrumentos seguiu quatro etapas principais: (1) revisão narrativa da literatura para definir as dimensões do estudo, e dos instrumentos existentes para identificar itens apropriados para a medição; (2) validação do conteúdo com especialistas; (3) pré-teste; e (4) estudo piloto. O questionário resultante, composto de 262 itens, leva em conta diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida e questões de gênero. A diretriz de observação intradomiciliar (77 itens) é aplicada pelo entrevistador. Os instrumentos abordam (i) características da situação atual da moradia que são conhecidas por afetar a saúde e serão intervencionadas pelo programa; (ii) dimensões da saúde potencialmente afetadas pela moradia e/ou pela intervenção dentro do prazo do estudo (4 anos); (iii) outras condições de saúde e relacionadas à saúde que são relevantes, mesmo que não sejam modificadas dentro do prazo do estudo; e (iv) dimensões sócioeconômicas, ocupacionais e demográficas relevantes. Os instrumentos projetados demonstraram ser uma ferramenta capaz de abordar a multidimensionalidade dos processos de transformação urbana em contextos de pobreza urbana na habitação formal.

Vivienda , Calidad de Vida , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Proyectos Piloto , Brasil
Cad Saude Publica ; 39(5): e00149822, 2023.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37162114


The objective was to understand the link between housing, health and quality of life in a context of social housing regeneration, through the experiences and perceptions of its inhabitants, exploring the mechanisms that sustain this link before regeneration, and those elements derived from housing regeneration that result in improvements in quality of life and potentially in health. Between 1980 and the 2000s, Chile faced a massive quantitative housing deficit through a policy that delivered more than 120,000 low-cost social housing apartments. Today, thousands present severe habitability problems, generating negative consequences for their inhabitants, their health and well-being. Seeking to solve the deterioration of housing and neighborhoods, the Chilean Ministry of Housing and Urbanism developed the Housing Complex Regeneration Program. The RUCAS project seeks to evaluate the effects of the program on health and to assess the impact of interventions such as these on vulnerable populations in Latin America. We present results of 8 interviews and 2 focus groups conducted in a social housing complex in process of intervention in Viña del Mar. Using discursive content analysis, results show that the poor material quality of housing is perceived as harmful to health. Regenerated housing, on the other hand, promotes the recovery and re-appropriation of spaces and their uses, sociability, new healthy practices, positive feelings and psychological well-being, bringing to the fore the psychosocial component of people's relationship with their house. It is concluded that housing regeneration has the potential to benefit physical and mental health through both direct mechanisms, derived from the renovated materiality, and indirect mechanisms related to the practices and experiences of the lived space.

El objetivo fue conocer el vínculo entre la vivienda, la salud y la calidad de vida en un contexto de regeneración de viviendas sociales, a partir de las experiencias y percepciones de sus habitantes, indagando en aquellos mecanismos que sostienen este vínculo antes de la regeneración, y en aquellos elementos derivados de la regeneración de la vivienda que se materializan en mejoras en la calidad de vida y potencialmente en la salud. Entre 1980 y los 2000, Chile enfrentó un masivo déficit cuantitativo de vivienda mediante una política que entregó más de 120.000 departamentos de vivienda social de bajo costo. Hoy en día, miles presentan severos problemas de habitabilidad, generando consecuencias negativas para sus habitantes, su salud y bienestar. Buscando dar solución al deterioro de la vivienda y el espacio público, el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo desarrolló el Programa de Regeneración de Conjuntos Habitacionales. El proyecto RUCAS busca evaluar los efectos del programa en la salud y evidenciar el impacto de intervenciones como éstas en poblaciones vulnerables en Latinoamérica. Se presentan resultados de 8 entrevistas y 2 grupos focales realizados en un conjunto de vivienda social en proceso de intervención en Viña del Mar. Usando análisis de contenido discursivo, los resultados muestran que la mala calidad material de la vivienda se percibe como dañino para la salud. La vivienda regenerada en tanto, promueve la recuperación y re-apropiación de los espacios y sus usos, la sociabilidad, nuevas prácticas saludables, sentimientos positivos y bienestar psicológico, emergiendo el componente psicosocial de la relación de las personas con su vivienda. Se concluye que la regeneración de la vivienda tiene el potencial de beneficiar a la salud física y mental por mecanismos tanto directos, devenidos de la materialidad renovada, como indirectos relacionados con las prácticas y experiencias en el espacio habitado.

O objetivo foi compreender a relação entre habitação, saúde e qualidade de vida em um contexto de regeneração da habitação social, com base nas experiências e percepções de seus habitantes, investigando aqueles mecanismos que sustentam esta relação antes da regeneração, e aqueles elementos derivados da regeneração que se materializam em melhorias na qualidade de vida e potencialmente na saúde. Entre 1980 e os anos 2000, o Chile enfrentou um enorme déficit habitacional quantitativo através de uma política que proporcionou mais de 120.000 moradias sociais de baixo custo. Hoje, milhares apresentam graves problemas de habitabilidade, gerando consequências negativas para seus habitantes, sua saúde e bem-estar. Em busca de uma solução para a deterioração da habitação e seus bairros, o Ministério da Habitação e Urbanismo do Chile desenvolveu o Programa de Regeneração Habitacional. O projeto RUCAS procura avaliar os efeitos do programa sobre a saúde e o impacto de tais intervenções sobre populações vulneráveis na América Latina. São apresentados os resultados de 8 entrevistas e 2 grupos focais realizados em um complexo habitacional social no processo de intervenção em Viña del Mar. Usando análise discursiva de conteúdo, os resultados mostram que a má qualidade do material da habitação é percebida como prejudicial à saúde. A moradia regenerada, por outro lado, promove a recuperação e reapropriação dos espaços e seus usos, a sociabilidade, novas práticas saudáveis, sentimentos positivos e bem-estar psicológico, emergindo o componente psicossocial da relação das pessoas com sua moradia. Conclui-se que a regeneração habitacional tem o potencial de beneficiar a saúde física e mental tanto através de mecanismos diretos, decorrentes da materialidade renovada, como de mecanismos indiretos relacionados às práticas e experiências no espaço vivido.

Vivienda Popular , Calidad de Vida , Humanos , Brasil , Investigación Cualitativa , Bienestar Psicológico
J Appl Microbiol ; 134(3)2023 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36662118


AIM: To evaluate the in vitro and in vivo antifungal capability of diverse compost teas of endemic Chilean flora inoculated with a consortium of fungal strains of Trichoderma spp. (biocontrol agent) against three important phytopathogens: Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, andLasiodiplodia theobromae. METHODS AND RESULTS: Compost teas were obtained from the endemic flora of Chile (Azara celastrina, Citronella mucronate, Cryptocarya alba, Peumus boldus, and Quillaja saponaria). Eleven Trichoderma strains were isolated, and antagonism tests were performed to develop fungal consortiums with biocontrol properties. The biocontrol effect of compost teas inoculated with Trichoderma consortia was also analyzed. The results showed that the teas possess antifungal activity against B. cinerea and F. oxysporum and, to a lower degree, against L. theobromae. In vitro tests showed that Trichoderma consortiums improved the suppressive effect against B. cinerea (94-97%), F. oxysporum (89-92%), and L. theobromae (51-73%). Peumus boldus tea showed the highest suppressive effect against the plant pathogen L. theobromae. In addition, the in vivo assay showed that tomato plants treated only with Trichoderma or compost tea did not show differences in height with regard to control plants. However, when these two treatments were combined, the best performance in plant height and protection against pathogens was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the addition of a consortium of Trichoderma strains with intra- and interspecific incompatibilities significantly improves the inhibitory effect of compost teas in in vitro tests against the plant pathogenic fungi, while in vivo it enhances tomato plant growth and reduces plant disease symptoms.

Compostaje , Fusarium , Trichoderma , Chile , Antifúngicos , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología ,
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(5): e00149822, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550187


El objetivo fue conocer el vínculo entre la vivienda, la salud y la calidad de vida en un contexto de regeneración de viviendas sociales, a partir de las experiencias y percepciones de sus habitantes, indagando en aquellos mecanismos que sostienen este vínculo antes de la regeneración, y en aquellos elementos derivados de la regeneración de la vivienda que se materializan en mejoras en la calidad de vida y potencialmente en la salud. Entre 1980 y los 2000, Chile enfrentó un masivo déficit cuantitativo de vivienda mediante una política que entregó más de 120.000 departamentos de vivienda social de bajo costo. Hoy en día, miles presentan severos problemas de habitabilidad, generando consecuencias negativas para sus habitantes, su salud y bienestar. Buscando dar solución al deterioro de la vivienda y el espacio público, el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo desarrolló el Programa de Regeneración de Conjuntos Habitacionales. El proyecto RUCAS busca evaluar los efectos del programa en la salud y evidenciar el impacto de intervenciones como éstas en poblaciones vulnerables en Latinoamérica. Se presentan resultados de 8 entrevistas y 2 grupos focales realizados en un conjunto de vivienda social en proceso de intervención en Viña del Mar. Usando análisis de contenido discursivo, los resultados muestran que la mala calidad material de la vivienda se percibe como dañino para la salud. La vivienda regenerada en tanto, promueve la recuperación y re-apropiación de los espacios y sus usos, la sociabilidad, nuevas prácticas saludables, sentimientos positivos y bienestar psicológico, emergiendo el componente psicosocial de la relación de las personas con su vivienda. Se concluye que la regeneración de la vivienda tiene el potencial de beneficiar a la salud física y mental por mecanismos tanto directos, devenidos de la materialidad renovada, como indirectos relacionados con las prácticas y experiencias en el espacio habitado.

The objective was to understand the link between housing, health and quality of life in a context of social housing regeneration, through the experiences and perceptions of its inhabitants, exploring the mechanisms that sustain this link before regeneration, and those elements derived from housing regeneration that result in improvements in quality of life and potentially in health. Between 1980 and the 2000s, Chile faced a massive quantitative housing deficit through a policy that delivered more than 120,000 low-cost social housing apartments. Today, thousands present severe habitability problems, generating negative consequences for their inhabitants, their health and well-being. Seeking to solve the deterioration of housing and neighborhoods, the Chilean Ministry of Housing and Urbanism developed the Housing Complex Regeneration Program. The RUCAS project seeks to evaluate the effects of the program on health and to assess the impact of interventions such as these on vulnerable populations in Latin America. We present results of 8 interviews and 2 focus groups conducted in a social housing complex in process of intervention in Viña del Mar. Using discursive content analysis, results show that the poor material quality of housing is perceived as harmful to health. Regenerated housing, on the other hand, promotes the recovery and re-appropriation of spaces and their uses, sociability, new healthy practices, positive feelings and psychological well-being, bringing to the fore the psychosocial component of people's relationship with their house. It is concluded that housing regeneration has the potential to benefit physical and mental health through both direct mechanisms, derived from the renovated materiality, and indirect mechanisms related to the practices and experiences of the lived space.

O objetivo foi compreender a relação entre habitação, saúde e qualidade de vida em um contexto de regeneração da habitação social, com base nas experiências e percepções de seus habitantes, investigando aqueles mecanismos que sustentam esta relação antes da regeneração, e aqueles elementos derivados da regeneração que se materializam em melhorias na qualidade de vida e potencialmente na saúde. Entre 1980 e os anos 2000, o Chile enfrentou um enorme déficit habitacional quantitativo através de uma política que proporcionou mais de 120.000 moradias sociais de baixo custo. Hoje, milhares apresentam graves problemas de habitabilidade, gerando consequências negativas para seus habitantes, sua saúde e bem-estar. Em busca de uma solução para a deterioração da habitação e seus bairros, o Ministério da Habitação e Urbanismo do Chile desenvolveu o Programa de Regeneração Habitacional. O projeto RUCAS procura avaliar os efeitos do programa sobre a saúde e o impacto de tais intervenções sobre populações vulneráveis na América Latina. São apresentados os resultados de 8 entrevistas e 2 grupos focais realizados em um complexo habitacional social no processo de intervenção em Viña del Mar. Usando análise discursiva de conteúdo, os resultados mostram que a má qualidade do material da habitação é percebida como prejudicial à saúde. A moradia regenerada, por outro lado, promove a recuperação e reapropriação dos espaços e seus usos, a sociabilidade, novas práticas saudáveis, sentimentos positivos e bem-estar psicológico, emergindo o componente psicossocial da relação das pessoas com sua moradia. Conclui-se que a regeneração habitacional tem o potencial de beneficiar a saúde física e mental tanto através de mecanismos diretos, decorrentes da materialidade renovada, como de mecanismos indiretos relacionados às práticas e experiências no espaço vivido.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(4): e00148322, 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430094


Este artículo describe el proceso de diseño y las características de un cuestionario y una pauta de observación intradomiciliaria desarrollados para evaluar tanto transversal como longitudinalmente la relación vivienda-barrio-salud en el marco de transformaciones urbanas llevadas a cabo en poblaciones de elevada vulnerabilidad socio-territorial. Los instrumentos se desarrollaron para el estudio longitudinal multimétodos RUCAS (Regeneración Urbana, Calidad de Vida y Salud), un experimento natural cuyo objetivo principal es evaluar el impacto en salud y calidad de vida de un programa de Regeneración de Conjuntos Habitacionales en dos conjuntos de vivienda social en Chile. El diseño de los instrumentos siguió cuatro etapas principales: (1) revisión narrativa de la literatura para definir las dimensiones del estudio, y de instrumentos existentes para identificar ítems apropiados para su medición; (2) validación de contenido con expertos; (3) pre-test; y (4) estudio piloto. El cuestionario resultante, compuesto de 262 ítems, tiene en cuenta las distintas etapas del ciclo vital y cuestiones de género. La pauta de observación intradomiciliaria (77 ítems) es aplicada por el/la encuestadora. Los instrumentos abordan (i) características de la situación residencial actual que sabidamente afectan la salud y serán intervenidas por el programa; (ii) dimensiones de la salud potencialmente afectadas por la situación residencial y/o por la intervención dentro de los plazos del estudio (4 años); (iii) otras condiciones de salud y relacionadas con la salud que sean relevantes, aun cuando no se verán modificadas dentro de los plazos del estudio, y (iv) dimensiones socioeconómicas, ocupacionales y demográficas relevantes. Los instrumentos han mostrado ser una herramienta capaz de abordar la multidimensionalidad de los procesos de transformación urbana en contextos de pobreza urbana en vivienda formal.

This article describes the design and characteristics of a questionnaire and an intradomiciliary observation tool developed to assess the housing-neighborhood-health relationship both cross-sectionally and longitudinally in the context of urban transformations carried out in populations of high socio-territorial vulnerability. The instruments were developed for the multi-method longitudinal study RUCAS (Urban Regeneration, Quality of Life and Health), a natural experiment aiming to assess the quality of life and health impact of a comprehensive Urban Regeneration Program in two social housing complexes in Chile. The design of the instruments followed four main stages: (1) narrative review of the literature to define the dimensions of the study, and of existing measurement instruments to identify appropriate items for measuring them; (2) content validation with experts; (3) pre-test; and (4) pilot study. The resulting questionnaire, composed of 262 items, considers the different stages of the life course and gender issues. The intradomiciliary observation tool (77 items) is applied by the interviewer. The instruments assess (i) characteristics of the current residential situation that are known to affect health and will be intervened by the program; (ii) dimensions of health potentially affected by the residential situation and/or by the intervention within the time frame of the study (4 years); (iii) other health and health-related conditions that are relevant, even if changes will not be modified within the time frame of the study; and (iv) relevant socioeconomic, occupational and demographic dimensions. The instruments have shown to be capable of addressing the multidimensionality of urban transformation processes in contexts of urban poverty in formal housing.

Este artigo descreve o processo de desenho e as características de um questionário e uma diretriz de observação intradomiciliar desenvolvida para avaliar, tanto transversal quanto longitudinalmente, a relação moradia-vizinhança-saúde no âmbito das transformações urbanas realizadas em populações de alta vulnerabilidade sócio-territorial. Os instrumentos foram desenvolvidos para o estudo longitudinal multimétodo RUCAS (Regeneração Urbana, Qualidade de Vida e Saúde), uma experiência natural destinada a avaliar a relação moradia-vizinhança-saúde e o impacto na saúde de um programa de regeneração habitacional em dois conjuntos habitacionais sociais no Chile. A concepção dos instrumentos seguiu quatro etapas principais: (1) revisão narrativa da literatura para definir as dimensões do estudo, e dos instrumentos existentes para identificar itens apropriados para a medição; (2) validação do conteúdo com especialistas; (3) pré-teste; e (4) estudo piloto. O questionário resultante, composto de 262 itens, leva em conta diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida e questões de gênero. A diretriz de observação intradomiciliar (77 itens) é aplicada pelo entrevistador. Os instrumentos abordam (i) características da situação atual da moradia que são conhecidas por afetar a saúde e serão intervencionadas pelo programa; (ii) dimensões da saúde potencialmente afetadas pela moradia e/ou pela intervenção dentro do prazo do estudo (4 anos); (iii) outras condições de saúde e relacionadas à saúde que são relevantes, mesmo que não sejam modificadas dentro do prazo do estudo; e (iv) dimensões sócioeconômicas, ocupacionais e demográficas relevantes. Os instrumentos projetados demonstraram ser uma ferramenta capaz de abordar a multidimensionalidade dos processos de transformação urbana em contextos de pobreza urbana na habitação formal.

Int J Mol Sci ; 22(11)2021 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34067346


Prenylated flavonoids are an important class of naturally occurring flavonoids with important biological activity, but their low abundance in nature limits their application in medicines. Here, we showed the hemisynthesis and the determination of various biological activities of seven prenylated flavonoids, named 7-13, with an emphasis on antimicrobial ones. Compounds 9, 11, and 12 showed inhibitory activity against human pathogenic fungi. Compounds 11, 12 (flavanones) and 13 (isoflavone) were the most active against clinical isolated Staphylococcus aureus MRSA, showing that structural requirements as prenylation at position C-6 or C-8 and OH at positions C-5, 7, and 4' are key to the antibacterial activity. The combination of 11 or 12 with commercial antibiotics synergistically enhanced the antibacterial activity of vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, and methicillin in a factor of 10 to 100 times against drug-resistant bacteria. Compound 11 combined with ciprofloxacin was able to decrease the levels of ROS generated by ciprofloxacin. According to docking results of S enantiomer of 11 with ATP-binding cassette transporter showed the most favorable binding energy; however, more studies are needed to support this result.

Antibacterianos/farmacología , Flavonoides/farmacología , Prenilación/fisiología , Transportadoras de Casetes de Unión a ATP/metabolismo , Animales , Línea Celular , Línea Celular Tumoral , Simulación por Computador , Flavanonas/farmacología , Hongos/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Isoflavonas/farmacología , Ratones , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana/métodos , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Staphylococcus aureus/efectos de los fármacos
BMC Public Health ; 21(1): 728, 2021 04 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858373


BACKGROUND: The available evidence of the health effects of urban regeneration is scarce In Latin America, and there are no studies focused on formal housing that longitudinally evaluate the impact of housing and neighborhood interventions on health. The "Regeneración Urbana, Calidad de Vida y Salud" (Urban Regeneration, Quality of Life, and Health) or RUCAS project is a longitudinal, multi-method study that will evaluate the impact of an intervention focused on dwellings, built environment and community on the health and wellbeing of the population in two social housing neighborhoods in Chile. METHODS: RUCAS consists of a longitudinal study where inhabitants exposed and unexposed to the intervention will be compared over time within the study neighborhoods (cohorts), capitalizing on interventions as a natural experiment. Researchers have developed a specific conceptual framework and identified potential causal mechanisms. Proximal and more distal intervention effects will be measured with five instruments, implemented pre- and post-interventions between 2018 and 2021: a household survey, an observation tool to evaluate dwelling conditions, hygrochrons for measuring temperature and humidity inside dwellings, systematic observation of recreational areas, and qualitative interviews. Survey baseline data (956 households, 3130 individuals) is presented to describe sociodemographics, housing and health characteristics of both cohorts, noting that neighborhoods studied show worse conditions than the Chilean population. DISCUSSION: RUCAS' design allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the effects that the intervention could have on various dimensions of health and health determinants. RUCAS will face some challenges, like changes in the intervention process due to adjustments of the master plan, exogenous factors -including COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns- and lost to follow-up. Given the stepped wedge design, that the study capitalizes on within household changes over time, the possibility of adjusting data collection process and complementarity of methods, RUCAS has the flexibility to adapt to these circumstances. Also, RUCAS' outreach and retention strategy has led to high retention rates. RUCAS will provide evidence to inform regeneration processes, highlighting the need to consider potential health effects of regeneration in designing such interventions and, more broadly, health as a key priority in urban and housing policies.

Vivienda Popular , Calidad de Vida , Características de la Residencia , Actividades Cotidianas , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , COVID-19 , Niño , Preescolar , Chile/epidemiología , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Planificación Ambiental , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , América Latina , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pandemias , Adulto Joven
Soc Sci Med ; 261: 113102, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32739786


Rapid urbanization in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is associated with increasing population living in informal settlements. Inadequate infrastructure and disenfranchisement in settlements can create environments hazardous to health. Placed-based physical environment upgrading interventions have potential to improve environmental and economic conditions linked to health outcomes. Summarizing and assessing evidence of the impact of prior interventions is critical to motivating and selecting the most effective upgrading strategies moving forward. Scientific and grey literature were systematically reviewed to identify evaluations of physical environment slum upgrading interventions in LMICs published between 2012 and 2018. Thirteen evaluations that fulfilled inclusion criteria were reviewed. Quality of evaluations was assessed using an adapted Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. Findings were then pooled with those published prior to 2012. Narrative analysis was performed. Of thirteen evaluations, eight used a longitudinal study design ("primary evaluations"). All primary evaluations were based in Latin America and included two housing, two transportation, and four comprehensive intervention evaluations. Three supporting evaluations assessed housing interventions in Argentina and South Africa; two assessed a comprehensive intervention in India. Effects by intervention-type included improvements in quality of life and communicable diseases after housing interventions, possible improvements in safety after transportation and comprehensive interventions, and possible non-statistically significant effects on social capital after comprehensive interventions. Effects due to interventions may vary by regional context and intervention scope. Limited strong evidence and the diffuse nature of comprehensive interventions suggests a need for attention to measurement of intervention exposure and analytic approaches to account for confounding and selection bias in evaluation. In addition to health improvements, evaluators should consider unintended health consequences and environmental impact. Understanding and isolating the effects of place-based interventions can inform necessary policy decisions to address inadequate living conditions as rapid urban growth continues across the globe.

Áreas de Pobreza , Calidad de Vida , Argentina , Humanos , India , América Latina , Estudios Longitudinales , Sudáfrica
Rev. chil. infectol ; 37(4): 371-382, ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138561


Resumen Introducción: Los niños que reciben trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) pueden presentar infecciones respiratorias virales (IRV) durante episodios febriles. Los datos sobre su evolución clínica son escasos, así como la comparación de ellos con infecciones bacterianas (IB). Objetivo: Caracterizar la evolución clínica de pacientes con IRV, en comparación con IB en niños con TPH, cursando un episodio febril. Método: Estudio prospectivo en pacientes ≤ 18 años con cáncer y TPH ingresados por fiebre en el Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna (2016-2019). Se realizó evaluación clínica y de laboratorio: hemocultivos, RPC para patógenos respiratorios (Filmarray®), cuantificación viral y medición de citoquinas en muestra nasal (Luminex®, 38 citoquinas). Se compararon los grupos IRV, IB y los de etiología no precisada (ENP) en relación con: infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), citoquinas nasales, ingreso a UCI, necesidad de ventilación mecánica, mortalidad y suspensión de antimicrobianos. Resultados: De 56 episodios febriles, 35 fueron IRV, 12 IB y 9 de ENP. Mediana de edad fue 8,5 años, 62% masculino. Un 94% de los casos IRV presentó IRA sintomática, versus 33% en los grupos IB y ENP (p < 0,001), con IRA baja en 69% de las IRV (p < 0,001). Rinovirus (54%) y coronavirus (15%) fueron las etiologías más frecuentemente detectadas. No hubo diferencias en citoquinas nasales entre los grupos IRV e IB. Ingreso a UCI: 11% del grupo IRV, 17% de IB y 11% de ENP (p = 0,88). Requirieron ventilación mecánica sólo 2 pacientes (p = 0,37) sin fallecimiento. Tras la detección viral respiratoria por RPC, se suspendió antimicrobianos en 26% de los casos con IRV (p = 0,04). Conclusión: Las IRV son frecuentes en niños con TPH y episodios febriles. La detección viral podría optimizar y racionalizar el uso de antimicrobianos en esta población.

Abstract Background: Children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) can develop respiratory viral infections (RVI) during fever episodes. There are few data about clinical outcomes in RVI and compared to bacterial infections (BI) in this population. Aim: To determine clinical outcome of RVI, compared to BI in children with HSCT. Methods: Prospective study, patients ≤ 18 years with cancer and HSCT admitted with fever at a National Bone Marrow Transplant Center (Hospital Calvo Mackenna), Chile, (April-2016 to May-2019). Clinical assessment, laboratory tests, blood cultures, nasopharyngeal sample for multiplex-PCR (Filmarray®), viral loads by PCR and cytokine panel (Luminex®, 38 cytokines) were performed. The following outcomes were evaluated: upper/lower respiratory tract disease (RTD), admission to ICU, mechanical ventilation, mortality and antimicrobial withdrawal. Results: Of 56 febrile episodes, 35 (63%) were RVI, 12 (21%) BI and 9 (16%) with unknown etiology (UE). Median of age was 8.5 years, 62% male gender. Rhinovirus (54%) and coronavirus (15%) were the more frequent detected viruses. No significant differences in cytokine levels were observed between RVI and BI. 94% of RVI patients had symptomatic RTD, versus 33% in BI and 33% in UE group (p < 0.001), with lower-RTD in 69% of RVI group (p < 0,001). Admission to ICU was 11% in RVI, 17% in BI and 11% in UE group (p = 0.88); only 2 patients required mechanical ventilation (p = 0.37) and no mortality was reported. After an RVI was detected by PCR, antimicrobials were withdrawal in 26% of patients with RVI (p: 0.04). Conclusion: RVI are frequent etiologic agents in febrile episodes of patients with HSCT. Viral detection might help to rationalize the use of antimicrobials in this population.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/virología , Virosis/diagnóstico , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas/efectos adversos , Fiebre/virología , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/diagnóstico , Chile , Estudios Prospectivos
Rev Chilena Infectol ; 37(4): 371-382, 2020 08.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33399657


BACKGROUND: Children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) can develop respiratory viral infections (RVI) during fever episodes. There are few data about clinical outcomes in RVI and compared to bacterial infections (BI) in this population. AIM: To determine clinical outcome of RVI, compared to BI in children with HSCT. METHODS: Prospective study, patients ≤ 18 years with cancer and HSCT admitted with fever at a National Bone Marrow Transplant Center (Hospital Calvo Mackenna), Chile, (April-2016 to May-2019). Clinical assessment, laboratory tests, blood cultures, nasopharyngeal sample for multiplex-PCR (Filmarray®), viral loads by PCR and cytokine panel (Luminex®, 38 cytokines) were performed. The following outcomes were evaluated: upper/lower respiratory tract disease (RTD), admission to ICU, mechanical ventilation, mortality and antimicrobial withdrawal. RESULTS: Of 56 febrile episodes, 35 (63%) were RVI, 12 (21%) BI and 9 (16%) with unknown etiology (UE). Median of age was 8.5 years, 62% male gender. Rhinovirus (54%) and coronavirus (15%) were the more frequent detected viruses. No significant differences in cytokine levels were observed between RVI and BI. 94% of RVI patients had symptomatic RTD, versus 33% in BI and 33% in UE group (p < 0.001), with lower-RTD in 69% of RVI group (p < 0,001). Admission to ICU was 11% in RVI, 17% in BI and 11% in UE group (p = 0.88); only 2 patients required mechanical ventilation (p = 0.37) and no mortality was reported. After an RVI was detected by PCR, antimicrobials were withdrawal in 26% of patients with RVI (p: 0.04). CONCLUSION: RVI are frequent etiologic agents in febrile episodes of patients with HSCT. Viral detection might help to rationalize the use of antimicrobials in this population.

Fiebre/virología , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/virología , Virosis/diagnóstico , Niño , Chile , Femenino , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas/efectos adversos , Humanos , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio/diagnóstico
Glob Chall ; 3(4): 1800013, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31565372


This article describes the origins and characteristics of an interdisciplinary multinational collaboration aimed at promoting and disseminating actionable evidence on the drivers of health in cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Network for Urban Health in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Wellcome Trust funded SALURBAL (Salud Urbana en América Latina, or Urban Health in Latin America) Project. Both initiatives have the goals of supporting urban policies that promote health and health equity in cities of the region while at the same time generating generalizable knowledge for urban areas across the globe. The processes, challenges, as well as the lessons learned to date in launching and implementing these collaborations, are described. By leveraging the unique features of the Latin American region (one of the most urbanized areas of the world with some of the most innovative urban policies), the aim is to produce generalizable knowledge about the links between urbanization, health, and environments and to identify effective ways to organize, design, and govern cities to improve health, reduce health inequalities, and maximize environmental sustainability in cities all over the world.

Fungal Biol ; 122(8): 752-760, 2018 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30007426


Terpenylated phenols possess interesting biological activities. These properties vary mainly according to the type of terpene associated and the degree of oxidation of the molecule. The search for new active molecules for application in different areas of knowledge includes the structural modification of these through ecological methodologies, such as biotransformation. The aims of this study were the biotransformation of geranylated- and acetylated-phloroglucinol by the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi and the evaluation of the antifungal activity of the derivatives. Five major derivatives were identified after biotransformation, highlighting the formation of specific monoacetylated products. In vitro antifungal activity assays against the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea indicated that deacetylated derivatives possess higher activity compared to the precursor molecule. In other biotransformation reactions, a relationship between the release of the alkyl chain from the aromatic ring with a decrease of the antifungal activity, was observed. The in vivo tests in infected tomato plants with B. cinerea confirmed the antifungal activity of the derivatives observed in in vitro experiments.

Antifúngicos/metabolismo , Botrytis/efectos de los fármacos , Gibberella/metabolismo , Floroglucinol/metabolismo , Biotransformación , Solanum lycopersicum/microbiología , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control
J Antimicrob Chemother ; 73(10): 2860-2866, 2018 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30010931


Objectives: To compare the efficacy of pre-emptive versus empirical antifungal therapy in children with cancer, fever and neutropenia. Methods: This was a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial. Children presenting with persistent high-risk febrile neutropenia at five hospitals in Santiago, Chile, were randomized to empirical or pre-emptive antifungal therapy. The pre-emptive group received antifungal therapy only if the persistent high-risk febrile neutropenia was accompanied by clinical, laboratory, imaging or microbiological pre-defined criteria. The primary endpoint was overall mortality at day 30 of follow-up. Secondary endpoints included invasive fungal disease (IFD)-related mortality, number of days of fever, days of hospitalization and use of antifungal drugs, percentage of children developing IFD, requiring modification of initial treatment strategy and need for ICU. The trial was registered with Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC) under trial number RBR-3m9d74. Results: A total of 149 children were randomized, 73 to empirical therapy and 76 to pre-emptive therapy. Thirty-two out of 76 (42%) children in the pre-emptive group received antifungal therapy. The median duration of antifungal therapy was 11 days in the empirical arm and 6 days in the pre-emptive arm (P < 0.001), with similar overall mortality (8% in the empirical arm and 5% in the pre-emptive arm, P = 0.47). IFD-related mortality was the same in both groups (3%, P = 0.97), as were the percentage of children with IFD (12%, P = 0.92) and the number of days of fever (9, P = 0.76). The number of days of hospitalization was 19 in the empirical arm and 17 in the pre-emptive arm (P = 0.15) and the need for ICU was 25% in the empirical arm and 20% in the pre-emptive arm (P = 0.47). Conclusions: Pre-emptive antifungal therapy was as effective as empirical antifungal therapy in children with cancer, fever and neutropenia, significantly reducing the use of antifungal drugs.

Antifúngicos/uso terapéutico , Quimioprevención/métodos , Neutropenia Febril/complicaciones , Infecciones Fúngicas Invasoras/tratamiento farmacológico , Infecciones Fúngicas Invasoras/prevención & control , Neoplasias/complicaciones , Neoplasias/terapia , Niño , Preescolar , Chile , Femenino , Humanos , Infecciones Fúngicas Invasoras/mortalidad , Tiempo de Internación , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Análisis de Supervivencia , Resultado del Tratamiento
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28879170


HIGHLIGHTS What is already known about this subject?Celiac disease (CD) has a high clinical and histological diversity and the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain elusive.H. pylori is a bacterium that chronically infect gastric and duodenal mucosa activating both a Th1/Th17 and T-reg pathways.The role of H. pylori (and the effect of their virulence factors) in CD have not yet completely elucidated.What are the new findings?cagA+ H. pylori strains are associated to milder histological damage in infected CD patients.In active-CD patients the presence of cagA+ H. pylori is associated to an increase in T-reg markers, contrasting with a downregulation in cagA+ infected potential-CD individuals.How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?The identification of microbiological factors that could modulate inflammation and clinical expression of CD may be used in the future as preventive strategies or as supplementary treatment in patients that cannot achieve complete remission, contributing to the better care of these patients. Background: Mechanisms underlying the high clinical and histological diversity of celiac disease (CD) remain elusive. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) chronically infects gastric and duodenal mucosa and has been associated with protection against some immune-mediated conditions, but its role (specifically of cagA+ strains) in CD is unclear. Objective: To assess the relationship between gastric Hp infection (cagA+ strains) and duodenal histological damage in patients with CD. Design: Case-control study including patients with active-CD, potential-CD and non-celiac individuals. Clinical presentation, HLA genotype, Hp/cagA gene detection in gastric mucosa, duodenal histology, Foxp3 positive cells and TGF-ß expression in duodenal lamina propria were analyzed. Results: We recruited 116 patients, 29 active-CD, 37 potential-CD, and 50 non-CD controls. Hp detection was similar in the three groups (~30-40%), but cagA+ strains were more common in infected potential-CD than in active-CD (10/11 vs. 4/10; p = 0.020) and non-CD (10/20; p = 0.025). Among active-CD patients, Foxp3 positivity was significantly higher in subjects with cagA+ Hp+ compared to cagA- Hp+ (p < 0.01) and Hp- (p < 0.01). In cagA+ Hp+ individuals, Foxp3 positivity was also higher comparing active- to potential-CD (p < 0.01). TGF-ß expression in duodenum was similar in active-CD with cagA+ Hp+ compared to Hp- and was significantly downregulated in cagA+ potential-CD subjects compared to other groups. Conclusion: Hp infection rates were similar among individuals with/without CD, but infection with cagA+ strains was associated with milder histological damage in celiac patients infected by Hp, and in active-CD cases with higher expression of T-reg markers. Results suggest that infection by cagA+ Hp may be protective for CD progression, or conversely, that these strains are prone to colonize intestinal mucosa with less severe damage.

Antígenos Bacterianos/metabolismo , Proteínas Bacterianas/metabolismo , Enfermedad Celíaca/complicaciones , Infecciones por Helicobacter/complicaciones , Infecciones por Helicobacter/patología , Helicobacter pylori/patogenicidad , Adolescente , Adulto , Antígenos Bacterianos/genética , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Niño , Preescolar , Chile , Duodeno/microbiología , Duodeno/patología , Femenino , Factores de Transcripción Forkhead/metabolismo , Mucosa Gástrica/microbiología , Mucosa Gástrica/patología , Genes Bacterianos/genética , Genotipo , Infecciones por Helicobacter/microbiología , Helicobacter pylori/genética , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta/metabolismo , Factores de Virulencia , Adulto Joven
Cad Saude Publica ; 33(3): e00156215, 2017 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28444027


The purpose of this study is to perform a psychometric analysis (acceptability, reliability and factor structure) of the Chilean version of the new Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES). The data is drawn from a sample of 4,248 private salaried workers with a formal contract from the first Chilean Employment Conditions, Work, Health and Quality of Life (ENETS) survey, applied to a nationally representative sample of the Chilean workforce in 2010. Item and scale-level statistics were performed to assess scaling properties, acceptability and reliability. The six-dimensional factor structure was examined with confirmatory factor analysis. The scale exhibited high acceptability (roughly 80%) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.83) and the factor structure was confirmed. One subscale (rights) demonstrated poorer metric properties without compromising the overall scale. The Chilean version of the Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES-Ch) demonstrated good metric properties, pointing to its suitability for use in epidemiologic and public health research.

Empleo/estadística & datos numéricos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Chile , Análisis Factorial , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Sector Privado , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Factores Socioeconómicos , Adulto Joven
Rev Med Chil ; 145(2): 181-187, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28453584


BACKGROUND: Structured educative programs have demonstrated their usefulness as a strategy to improve metabolic control in diabetic patients. AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of a structured educative program for Chilean diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A randomized clinical trial in diabetic patients with glycosylated hemoglobin over 7.5%. One hundred fifteen patients were studied, 59 patients participated in the structured educative program (experimental group) and 56 patients received no structured education (control group). Patients were followed for 12 months. RESULTS: Between baseline and 12 months of follow-up, glycosylated hemoglobin changed from 10.05 to 9.11% in experimental patients and from 9.86 to 9.25% in controls. No significant differences between experimental and control groups in other clinical and metabolic parameters were observed. In the experimental group, glycosylated hemoglobin reductions differed among the different educators who carried out the program. CONCLUSIONS: A structured educative program resulted in a 35% greater reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin levels, compared with a control group. Metabolic control improvement differed between the educators who carried out the program.

Diabetes Mellitus/sangre , Hemoglobina Glucada/metabolismo , Educación del Paciente como Asunto/normas , Chile , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Educación del Paciente como Asunto/métodos , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud
Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(2): 181-187, feb. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-845522


Background: Structured educative programs have demonstrated their usefulness as a strategy to improve metabolic control in diabetic patients. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a structured educative program for Chilean diabetic patients. Material and Methods: A randomized clinical trial in diabetic patients with glycosylated hemoglobin over 7.5%. One hundred fifteen patients were studied, 59 patients participated in the structured educative program (experimental group) and 56 patients received no structured education (control group). Patients were followed for 12 months. Results: Between baseline and 12 months of follow-up, glycosylated hemoglobin changed from 10.05 to 9.11% in experimental patients and from 9.86 to 9.25% in controls. No significant differences between experimental and control groups in other clinical and metabolic parameters were observed. In the experimental group, glycosylated hemoglobin reductions differed among the different educators who carried out the program. Conclusions: A structured educative program resulted in a 35% greater reduction in glycosylated hemoglobin levels, compared with a control group. Metabolic control improvement differed between the educators who carried out the program.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Hemoglobina Glucada/metabolismo , Educación del Paciente como Asunto/normas , Diabetes Mellitus/sangre , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Chile , Educación del Paciente como Asunto/métodos