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J Chem Phys ; 155(22): 224201, 2021 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34911300


A detailed experimental study on reversible photo-induced intramolecular charge separation is presented based on nuclear magnetic resonance detection of chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization. From variation of such polarization with the external magnetic field, the coupling constants of isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine interactions at individual 13C sites are measured in the short-lived charge separated state of dyad molecules composed of donor-bridge-acceptor parts. The objects of study were rigid donor-bridge-acceptor dyads, consisting of triarylamine as a donor, naphthalene diimide as an acceptor, and a meta-conjugated diethynylbenzene fragment as a bridge. By systematic variation of side groups in the bridging moiety, their influence on the electron withdrawing strength is traced. In combination with similar data for the 1H positions obtained previously for the same compounds [I. Zhukov et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152, 014203 (2020)], our results provide a reliable basis for the determination of the spin density distribution in the charge separated state of such dyads.

Chemphyschem ; 22(14): 1527-1534, 2021 07 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33932314


The development of nuclear spins hyperpolarization, and the search for molecules that can be efficiently hyperpolarized is an active area in nuclear magnetic resonance. In this work we present a detailed study of SABRE SHEATH (signal amplification by reversible exchange in shield enabled alignment transfer to heteronuclei) experiments on 15 N2 -azobenzene. In SABRE SHEATH experiments the nuclear spins of the target are hyperpolarized through transfer of spin polarization from parahydrogen at ultralow fields during a reversible chemical process. Azobenzene exists in two isomers, trans and cis. We show that all nuclear spins in cis-azobenzene can be efficiently hyperpolarized by SABRE at suitable magnetic fields. Enhancement factors (relative to 9.4 T) reach up to 3000 for 15 N spins and up to 30 for the 1 H spins. We compare two approaches to observe either hyperpolarized magnetization of 15 N/1 H spins, or hyperpolarized singlet order of the 15 N spin pair. The results presented here will be useful for further experiments in which hyperpolarized cis-15 N2 -azobenzene is switched by light to trans-15 N2 -azobenzene for storing the produced hyperpolarization in the long-lived spin state of the 15 N pair of trans-15 N2 -azobenzene.

Magn Reson (Gott) ; 2(1): 139-148, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37904760


Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is an important cofactor in many light-sensitive enzymes. The role of the adenine moiety of FAD in light-induced electron transfer was obscured, because it involves an adenine radical, which is short-lived with a weak chromophore. However, an intramolecular electron transfer from adenine to flavin was revealed several years ago by Robert Kaptein by using chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP). The question of whether one or two types of biradicals of FAD in aqueous solution are formed stays unresolved so far. In the present work, we revisited the CIDNP study of FAD using a robust mechanical sample shuttling setup covering a wide magnetic field range with sample illumination by a light-emitting diode. Also, a cost efficient fast field cycling apparatus with high spectral resolution detection up to 16.4 T for nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion studies was built based on a 700 MHz NMR spectrometer. Site-specific proton relaxation dispersion data for FAD show a strong restriction of the relative motion of its isoalloxazine and adenine rings with coincident correlation times for adenine, flavin, and their ribityl phosphate linker. This finding is consistent with the assumption that the molecular structure of FAD is rigid and compact. The structure with close proximity of the isoalloxazine and purine moieties is favorable for reversible light-induced intramolecular electron transfer from adenine to triplet excited flavin with formation of a transient spin-correlated triplet biradical F⚫--A⚫+. Spin-selective recombination of the biradical leads to the formation of CIDNP with a common emissive maximum at 4.0 mT detected for adenine and flavin protons. Careful correction of the CIDNP data for relaxation losses during sample shuttling shows that only a single maximum of CIDNP is formed in the magnetic field range from 0.1 mT to 9 T; thus, only one type of FAD biradical is detectable. Modeling of the CIDNP field dependence provides good agreement with the experimental data for a normal distance distribution between the two radical centers around 0.89 nm and an effective electron exchange interaction of -2.0 mT.

J Chem Phys ; 153(11): 114202, 2020 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32962366


A comprehensive description of the spin dynamics underlying the formation of Ortho-Deuterium Induced Polarization (ODIP) is presented. ODIP can serve as a tool for enhancing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signals of 2H nuclei, being important probes of molecular structure and dynamics. To produce ODIP, in the first step, the D2 gas is brought to thermal equilibrium at low temperature, here 30 K, so that the ortho-component, corresponding to the total spin of the 2H nuclei equal to 0 and 2, is enriched, here to 92%. In the second step, the orthodeuterium molecule is attached to a substrate molecule using a suitable hydrogenation catalyst such that the symmetry of the two 2H nuclei is broken. As a result, the non-thermal spin order of orthodeuterium is converted into enhancement of observable NMR signals. In this work, we perform a theoretical study of ODIP and calculate the shape of ODIP spectra and their dependence on the magnetization flip angle. These results are compared with experiments performed for a number of substrates; good agreement between experimental and calculated ODIP spectra is found. We also discuss the performance of NMR techniques for converting anti-phase ODIP spectral patterns into in-phase patterns, which are more suitable for signal detection and for transferring ODIP to heteronuclei, here to 13C spins. Experimental procedures reported here allowed us to reach signal enhancement factors of more than 1000 for 2H nuclei in the liquid phase. These results are useful for extending the scope of spin hyperpolarization to the widely used 2H nuclei.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 4513, 2020 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32144334


An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

J Chem Phys ; 152(1): 014203, 2020 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31914738


Previous transient absorption measurements using the magnetically affected reaction yield (MARY) technique for a series of rigidly linked electron donor/electron acceptor dyads (D-X-A) consisting of a triarylamine donor, a naphthalene diimide acceptor, and a meta-conjugated diethynylbenzene unit as a bridge had revealed the presence of electronic exchange interaction, J, in the photoexcited charge separated (CS) state. Here, we present results obtained by photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) that allows for determining the sign of J. By variation of the magnetic field from 1 mT to 9.4 T, pronounced absorptive maxima of CIDNP were detected for more than 20 1H nuclei disregarding the sign of their hyperfine coupling constants in the transient charge separated state, with positions of maxima close to those found by the MARY technique. Quantitative comparison of the observed CIDNP signals for various D-X-A dyads reveals an increase in the CIDNP enhancement factor with increasing population of the triplet state determined by MARY spectroscopy at zero magnetic field. For CIDNP of the methyl groups of the TAA donor dyads, we found in all studies a good linear dependence between the CIDNP signal amplitude and the initial population of the CS triplet state. The linear relationship together with the absorptive CIDNP allows us to conclude that (i) the sign of the electronic exchange interaction Jex is positive, (ii) CIDNP is formed predominantly in the vicinity of level anticrossing between the T+ and S electronic levels, and (iii) coherent triplet-singlet transitions are induced by hyperfine interaction and accompanied by simultaneous electron and nuclear spin flip, T+ß→Sα.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 20161, 2019 12 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31882901


Long-Lived spin States (LLSs) hold a great promise for sustaining non-thermal spin order and investigating various slow processes by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Of special interest for such application are molecules containing nearly equivalent magnetic nuclei, which possess LLSs even at high magnetic fields. In this work, we report an LLS in trans-15N,15N'-azobenzene. The singlet state of the 15N spin pair exhibits a long-lived character. We solve the challenging problem of generating and detecting this LLS and further increase the LLS population by converting the much higher magnetization of protons into the 15N singlet spin order. As far as the longevity of this spin order is concerned, various schemes have been tested for sustaining the LLS. Lifetimes of 17 minutes have been achieved at 16.4 T, a value about 250 times longer than the longitudinal relaxation time of 15N in this magnetic field. We believe that such extended relaxation times, along with the photochromic properties of azobenzene, which changes conformation upon light irradiation and can be hyperpolarized by using parahydrogen, are promising for designing new experiments with photo-switchable long-lived hyperpolarization.

J Chem Phys ; 150(9): 094105, 2019 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30849872


The magnetic field dependence of Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (CIDNP) in solid-state systems is analyzed theoretically with the aim to explain the puzzling sign change of polarization found at low fields [D. Gräsing et al., Sci. Rep. 7, 12111 (2017)]. We exploit the analysis of polarization in terms of level crossings and level anti-crossings trying to identify the positions of features in the CIDNP field dependence with specific crossings between spin energy levels of the radical pair. Theoretical treatment of solid-state CIDNP reveals a strong orientation dependence of polarization due to the spin dynamics conditioned by anisotropic spin interactions. Specifically, different anisotropic CIDNP mechanisms become active at different magnetic fields and different molecular orientations. Consequently, the field dependence and orientation dependence of polarization need to be analyzed together in order to rationalize experimental observations. By considering both magnetic field and orientation dependence of CIDNP, we are able to explain the previously measured CIDNP field dependence in photosynthetic reaction centers and to obtain a good qualitative agreement between the experimental observations and theoretical results.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(18): 12396-12405, 2018 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29623979


An experimental method is described allowing fast field-cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments over a wide range of magnetic fields from 5 nT to 10 T. The method makes use of a hybrid technique: the high field range is covered by positioning the sample in the inhomogeneous stray field of the NMR spectrometer magnet. For fields below 2 mT a magnetic shield is mounted on top of the spectrometer; inside the shield the magnetic field is controlled by a specially designed coil system. This combination allows us to measure T1-relaxation times and nuclear Overhauser effect parameters over the full range in a routine way. For coupled proton-carbon spin systems relaxation with a common T1 is found at low fields, where the spins are "strongly coupled". In some cases, experiments at ultralow fields provide access to heteronuclear long-lived spin states. Efficient coherent polarization transfer is seen for proton-carbon spin systems at ultralow fields as follows from the observation of quantum oscillations in the polarization evolution. Applications to analysis and the manipulation of heteronuclear spin systems are discussed.

Appl Magn Reson ; 49(3): 293-307, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29479146


We provide a detailed evaluation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters of the cis- and trans-isomers of azobenzene (AB). For determining the NMR parameters, such as proton-proton and proton-nitrogen J-couplings and chemical shifts, we compared NMR spectra of three different isotopomers of AB: the doubly 15N labeled azobenzene, 15N,15N'-AB, and two partially deuterated AB isotopomers with a single 15N atom. For the total lineshape analysis of NMR spectra, we used the recently developed ANATOLIA software package. The determined NMR parameters allowed us to optimize experiments for investigating singlet long-lived spin states (LLSs) of 15N spin pairs and to measure LLS lifetimes in cis-AB and trans-AB. Magnetization-to-singlet-to-magnetization conversion has been performed using the SLIC and APSOC techniques, providing a degree of conversion up to 17 and 24% of the initial magnetization, respectively. Our approach is useful for optimizing the performance of experiments with singlet LLSs; such LLSs can be exploited for preserving spin hyperpolarization, for probing slow molecular dynamics, slow chemical processes and also slow transport processes.

Magn Reson Chem ; 56(7): 651-662, 2018 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29230864


Signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) is a promising hyperpolarization technique, which makes use of spin-order transfer from parahydrogen (the H2 molecule in its singlet spin state) to a to-be-polarized substrate in a transient organometallic complex, termed the SABRE complex. In this work, we present an experimental method for measuring the magnetic field dependence of the SABRE effect over an ultrawide field range, namely, from 10 nT to 10 T. This approach gives a way to determine the complete magnetic field dependence of SABRE-derived polarization. Here, we focus on SABRE polarization of spin-1/2 hetero-nuclei, such as 13 C and 15 N and measure their polarization in the entire accessible field range; experimental studies are supported by calculations of polarization. Features of the field dependence of polarization can be attributed to level anticrossings in the spin system of the SABRE complex. Features at magnetic fields of the order of 100 nT-1 µT correspond to "strong coupling" of protons and hetero-nuclei, whereas features found in the mT field range stem from "strong coupling" of the proton system. Our approach gives a way to measuring and analyzing the complete SABRE field dependence, to probing NMR parameters of SABRE complexes and to optimizing the polarization value.

J Chem Phys ; 146(11): 114501, 2017 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28330349


Time resolved measurements of Optical Nuclear Polarization (ONP) have been performed on hyperpolarized triplet states in molecular crystals created by light excitation. Transfer of the initial electron polarization to nuclear spins has been studied in the presence of radiofrequency excitation; the experiments have been performed with different pulse sequences using different doped molecular systems. The experimental results clearly demonstrate the dominant role of coherent mechanisms of spin order transfer, which manifest themselves in well pronounced oscillations. These oscillations are of two types, precessions and nutations, having characteristic frequencies, which are the same for the different molecular systems and the pulse sequences applied. Hence, precessions and nutations constitute a general feature of polarization transfer in ONP experiments. In general, coherent manipulation of spin order transfer creates a powerful resource for improving the performance of the ONP method, which paves the way to strong signal enhancement in nuclear magnetic resonance.

J Magn Reson ; 273: 56-64, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27750072


We propose a robust and highly efficient NMR technique to create singlet spin order from longitudinal spin magnetization in coupled spin-½ pairs and to perform backward conversion (singlet order)→magnetization. In this method we exploit adiabatic ramping of an RF-field in order to drive transitions between the singlet state and the T± triplet states of a spin pair under study. We demonstrate that the method works perfectly for both strongly and weakly coupled spin pairs, providing a conversion efficiency between the singlet spin order and magnetization, which is equal to the theoretical maximum. We anticipate that the proposed technique is useful for generating long-lived singlet order, for preserving spin hyperpolarization and for analyzing singlet spin order in nearly equivalent spin pairs in specially designed molecules and in low-field NMR studies.

J Phys Chem B ; 120(46): 11978-11986, 2016 11 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27786476


We describe an NMR method to generate singlet order in spin pairs from longitudinal spin magnetization and suppress residual background signals. This method can also be used for generating and observing long-lived spin states. A singlet order selection (SOS) filter is proposed, which allows us to find signals of the spin pair of interest buried in a crowded NMR spectrum. Likewise, SOS filtering enables proton NMR measurements in H2O without pulse sequences for solvent suppression. We demonstrate that the method works perfectly for both weakly and strongly coupled spin pairs. Furthermore, it can be combined with standard NMR pulse sequences: in this way, T1- and T2-relaxation times for spin pairs of interest can be measured. The power of the SOS-filter is demonstrated by relaxation studies in biomolecules.

Encefalina Metionina/química , Oligopéptidos/química , Ubiquitina/química , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Espectroscopía de Protones por Resonancia Magnética/normas , Estándares de Referencia
J Phys Chem B ; 120(35): 9277-86, 2016 09 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27518876


Photo-oxidation of seven cyclic dipeptides containing methionine, Met, and/or S-methylcysteine, Cys(Me) by electron transfer from the sulfur atom was studied in aqueous solution by time-resolved and field dependent CIDNP (chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization). Hyperpolarized high resolution NMR spectral patterns of the starting peptides detected immediately after pulsed laser excitation show signals of all protons that are bound to carbons neighboring the sulfur atom, thus proving the involvement of sulfur-centered cation radicals. The magnetic field dependence of CIDNP shows a pronounced maximum that is determined by the g-factors and hyperfine coupling constants of the transient radical species. From simulation of the experimental data obtained for the magnetic field dependences of CIDNP, three types of radical structures were characterized: (1) a linear sulfur-centered cation radical of the methionine (Met) residue (g = 2.0107 ± 0.0010) for cyclo-(d-Met-l-Met) (trans-configuration), cyclo-(d-Met-l-Cys(Me)) (trans-configuration), and cyclo-(Gly-Met); (2) a cyclic radical (S∴O)(+) (g = 2.0088 ± 0.0010) with a two-center three-electron bond (2c-3e) structure between the sulfur atom of the Cys(Me) residue and the oxygen atom of cyclo-(d-Met-l-Cys(Me)) and cyclo-(Gly-Cys(Me)); (3) a cyclic radical (S∴S)(+) (g = 2.013 ± 0.0020) with a two-center three-electron bond structure between the two sulfur atoms of the peptides cyclo-(l-Met-l-Met), cyclo-(l-Met-l-Cys(Me)), and cyclo-(l-Cys(Me)-l-Cys(Me)). In contrast, no indication of any type of cyclic radicals with a two-center three-electron bond between sulfur and nitrogen atoms was found. In addition, the hyperfine coupling constants (HFCCs) were determined.

Dipéptidos/química , Electrones , Resonancia Magnética Nuclear Biomolecular , Sulfuros/química , Cinética , Conformación Molecular , Oxidación-Reducción
J Chem Phys ; 144(14): 144202, 2016 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27083714


Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (CIDNP) is an efficient method of creating non-equilibrium polarization of nuclear spins by using chemical reactions, which have radical pairs as intermediates. The CIDNP effect originates from (i) electron spin-selective recombination of radical pairs and (ii) the dependence of the inter-system crossing rate in radical pairs on the state of magnetic nuclei. The CIDNP effect can be investigated by using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods. The gain from CIDNP is then two-fold: it allows one to obtain considerable amplification of NMR signals; in addition, it provides a very useful tool for investigating elusive radicals and radical pairs. While the mechanisms of the CIDNP effect in liquids are well established and understood, detailed analysis of solid-state CIDNP mechanisms still remains challenging; likewise a common theoretical frame for the description of CIDNP in both solids and liquids is missing. Difficulties in understanding the spin dynamics that lead to the CIDNP effect in the solid-state case are caused by the anisotropy of spin interactions, which increase the complexity of spin evolution. In this work, we propose to analyze CIDNP in terms of level crossing phenomena, namely, to attribute features in the CIDNP magnetic field dependence to Level Crossings (LCs) and Level Anti-Crossings (LACs) in a radical pair. This approach allows one to describe liquid-state CIDNP; the same holds for the solid-state case where anisotropic interactions play a significant role in CIDNP formation. In solids, features arise predominantly from LACs, since in most cases anisotropic couplings result in perturbations, which turn LCs into LACs. We have interpreted the CIDNP mechanisms in terms of the LC/LAC concept. This consideration allows one to find analytical expressions for a wide magnetic field range, where several different mechanisms are operative; furthermore, the LAC description gives a way to determine CIDNP sign rules. Thus, LCs/LACs provide a consistent description of CIDNP in both liquids and solids with the prospect of exploiting it for the analysis of short-lived radicals and for optimizing the polarization level.

J Magn Reson ; 263: 79-91, 2016 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26773525


A device for performing fast magnetic field-cycling NMR experiments is described. A key feature of this setup is that it combines fast switching of the external magnetic field and high-resolution NMR detection. The field-cycling method is based on precise mechanical positioning of the NMR probe with the mounted sample in the inhomogeneous fringe field of the spectrometer magnet. The device enables field variation over several decades (from 100µT up to 7T) within less than 0.3s; progress in NMR probe design provides NMR linewidths of about 10(-3)ppm. The experimental method is very versatile and enables site-specific studies of spin relaxation (NMRD, LLSs) and spin hyperpolarization (DNP, CIDNP, and SABRE) at variable magnetic field and at variable temperature. Experimental examples of such studies are demonstrated; advantages of the experimental method are described and existing challenges in the field are outlined.

J Chem Phys ; 143(23): 234203, 2015 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26696054


A method for precise manipulation of non-thermal nuclear spin polarization by switching a RF-field is presented. The method harnesses adiabatic correlation of spin states in the rotating frame. A detailed theory behind the technique is outlined; examples of two-spin and three-spin systems prepared in a non-equilibrium state by Para-Hydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) are considered. We demonstrate that the method is suitable for converting the initial multiplet polarization of spins into net polarization: compensation of positive and negative lines in nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, which is detrimental when the spectral resolution is low, is avoided. Such a conversion is performed for real two-spin and three-spin systems polarized by means of PHIP. Potential applications of the presented technique are discussed for manipulating PHIP and its recent modification termed signal amplification by reversible exchange as well as for preparing and observing long-lived spin states.

J Magn Reson ; 261: 64-72, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26529204


A method is proposed to create Long-Lived spin States (LLSs) from longitudinal spin magnetization, which is based on adiabatic switching of a Radio-Frequency (RF) field with proper frequency. The technique is simple to implement with standard Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) equipment, providing an excellent conversion of population from the triplet T+ (or T-) state to the singlet state of a pair of spins and back. The method has been tested for the amino acid tyrosine and its partially deuterated isotopomer; for the deuterated compound, we have achieved a LLS lifetime, which exceeds the longitudinal relaxation time by a factor of 21. Furthermore, by slightly modifying the method, an enhanced contrast with respect to LLSs in NMR spectra is achieved; contrast enhancements of more than 1200 are feasible. This enables efficient suppression of longitudinal spin magnetization in NMR allowing one to look selectively at LLSs. Using this method we have demonstrated that not only spectral but also spatial contrast can be achieved: we have obtained spatial NMR images with strongly improved contrast originating from the difference of LLS lifetimes at different positions in the sample.

J Magn Reson ; 261: 73-82, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26529205


We have investigated the magnetic field dependence of Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE) arising from binding of para-hydrogen (p-H2) and a substrate to a suitable transition metal complex. The magnetic field dependence of the amplification of the (1)H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) signals of the released substrates and dihydrogen, and the transient transition metal dihydride species shows characteristic patterns, which is explained using the theory presented here. The generation of SABRE is most efficient at low magnetic fields due to coherent spin mixing at nuclear spin Level Anti-Crossings (LACs) in the SABRE complexes. We studied two Ir-complexes and have shown that the presence of a (31)P atom in the SABRE complex doubles the number of LACs and, consequently, the number of peaks in the SABRE field dependence. Interestingly, the polarization of SABRE substrates is always accompanied by the para-to-ortho conversion in dihydride species that results in enhancement of the NMR signal of free (H2) and catalyst-bound H2 (Ir-HH). The field dependences of hyperpolarized H2 and Ir-HH by means of SABRE are studied here, for the first time, in detail. The field dependences depend on the chemical shifts and coupling constants of Ir-HH, in which the polarization transfer takes place. A negative coupling constant of -7Hz between the two chemically equivalent but magnetically inequivalent hydride nuclei is determined, which indicates that Ir-HH is a dihydride with an HH distance larger than 2Å. Finally, the field dependence of SABRE at high fields as found earlier has been investigated and attributed to polarization transfer to the substrate by cross-relaxation. The present study provides further evidence for the key role of LACs in the formation of SABRE-derived polarization. Understanding the spin dynamics behind the SABRE method opens the way to optimizing its performance and overcoming the main limitation of NMR, its notoriously low sensitivity.