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Opt Lett ; 49(12): 3340-3343, 2024 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875615


We present a direct experimental confirmation of the maximization of entropy which accompanies the thermalization of a highly multimode light beam, upon its nonlinear propagation in standard graded-index (GRIN) optical fibers.

Opt Lett ; 49(7): 1733-1736, 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560849


We report on the generation of twin beams through a cascaded process of optical parametric oscillation in a doubly resonant second-harmonic generation system. These bright beams exhibit strong quantum correlations, enabling the observation of up to 5 dB of noise reduction in their intensity difference below the standard quantum limit.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1149, 2024 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38326321


Optical pulses traveling through multimode optical fibers encounter the influence of both linear disturbances and nonlinearity, resulting in a complex and chaotic redistribution of power among different modes. In our research, we explore the phenomenon where multimode fibers reach stable states marked by the concentration of energy into both single and multiple sub-systems. We introduce a weighted Bose-Einstein law, demonstrating its suitability in describing thermalized modal power distributions in the nonlinear regime, as well as steady-state distributions in the linear regime. We apply the law to experimental results and numerical simulations. Our findings reveal that, at power levels situated between the linear and soliton regimes, energy concentration occurs locally within higher-order modal groups before transitioning to global concentration in the fundamental mode within the soliton regime. This research broadens the application of thermodynamic principles to multimode fibers, uncovering previously unexplored optical states that exhibit characteristics akin to optical glass.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7704, 2023 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38001059


Novel fundamental notions helping in the interpretation of the complex dynamics of nonlinear systems are essential to our understanding and ability to exploit them. In this work we predict and demonstrate experimentally a fundamental property of Kerr-nonlinear media, which we name mode rejection and takes place when two intense counter-propagating beams interact in a multimode waveguide. In stark contrast to mode attraction phenomena, mode rejection leads to the selective suppression of a spatial mode in the forward beam, which is controlled via the counter-propagating backward beam. Starting from this observation we generalise the ideas of attraction and rejection in nonlinear multimode systems of arbitrary dimension, which paves the way towards a more general idea of all-optical mode control. These ideas represent universal tools to explore novel dynamics and applications in a variety of optical and non-optical nonlinear systems. Coherent beam combination in polarisation-maintaining multicore fibres is demonstrated as example.

Opt Lett ; 48(20): 5403-5406, 2023 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37831878


We study the dynamics of Kerr cavity solitons in the normal dispersion regime in the presence of an intracavity phase modulation. The associated parabolic potential introduces multimode resonances, which promote the formation of high-order bright solitons. By gradually reducing the potential strength, bright solitons undergo a transition into dark solitons. We describe this process as a shift from a multimode resonance to a collapsed snaking bifurcation structure. This work offers a comprehensive overview of cavity dynamics and may provide a potential pathway to access multi-stable states by effectively varying the phase modulation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(13): 137201, 2023 Sep 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37832004


We present a general approach to excite robust dissipative three-dimensional and high-order solitons and breathers in passively driven nonlinear cavities. Our findings are illustrated in the paradigmatic example provided by an optical Kerr cavity with diffraction and anomalous dispersion, with the addition of an attractive three-dimensional parabolic potential. The potential breaks the translational symmetry along all directions, and impacts the system in a qualitatively unexpected manner: three-dimensional solitons, or light bullets, are the only existing and stable states for a given set of parameters. This property is extremely rare, if not unknown, in passive nonlinear systems. As a result, the excitation of the cavity with any input field leads to the deterministic formation of a target soliton or breather, with a spatiotemporal profile that unambiguously corresponds to the given cavity and pumping conditions. In addition, the tuning of the potential width along the temporal direction results in the existence of a plethora of stable asymmetric solitons. Our results may provide a solid route toward the observation of dissipative light bullets and three-dimensional breathers.

Opt Lett ; 48(18): 4741-4744, 2023 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37707891


In our experiments, we reveal a so-far unnoticed power limitation of beam self-cleaning in graded-index nonlinear multimode optical fibers. As the optical pulse power is progressively increased, we observed that the initial Kerr-induced improvement of the spatial beam quality is eventually lost. Based on a holographic mode decomposition of the output field, we show that beam spoiling is associated with high-temperature wave thermalization, which depletes the fundamental mode in favor of a highly multimode power distribution.

Opt Lett ; 48(14): 3677-3680, 2023 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37450723


Spatial beam self-cleaning, a manifestation of the Kerr effect in graded-index multimode fibers, involves a nonlinear transfer of power among modes, which leads to robust bell-shaped output beams. The resulting mode power distribution can be described by statistical mechanics arguments. Although the spatial coherence of the output beam was experimentally demonstrated, there is no direct study of modal phase evolutions. Based on a holographic mode decomposition method, we reveal that nonlinear spatial phase-locking occurs between the fundamental and its neighboring low-order modes, in agreement with theoretical predictions. As such, our results dispel the current belief that the spatial beam self-cleaning effect is the mere result of a wave thermalization process.

Holografía , Fibras Ópticas
Opt Lett ; 47(24): 6353-6356, 2022 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36538436


We analyze the stability and dynamics of dissipative Kerr solitons (DKSs) in the presence of a parabolic potential. This potential stabilizes oscillatory and chaotic regimes, favoring the generation of static DKSs. Furthermore, the potential induces the emergence of new dissipative structures, such as asymmetric breathers and chimera-like states. Based on a mode decomposition of these states, we unveil the underlying modal interactions.

Opt Express ; 30(25): 45694-45704, 2022 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36522969


We report on the experimental realization and a systematic study of optical frequency comb generation in doubly resonant intracavity second harmonic generation (SHG). The efficiency of intracavity nonlinear processes usually benefits from the increasing number of resonating fields. Yet, achieving the simultaneous resonance of different fields may be technically complicated, all the more when a phase matching condition must be fulfilled as well. In our cavity we can separately control the resonance condition for the fundamental and its second harmonic, by simultaneously acting on an intracavity dispersive element and on a piezo-mounted cavity mirror, without affecting the quasi-phase matching condition. In addition, by finely adjusting the laser-to-cavity detuning, we are able to observe steady comb emission across the whole resonance profile, revealing the multiplicity of comb structures, and the substantial role of thermal effects on their dynamics. Lastly, we report the results of numerical simulations of comb dynamics, which include photothermal effects, finding a good agreement with the experimental observations. Our system provides a framework for exploring the richness of comb dynamics in doubly resonant SHG systems, assisting the design of chip-scale quadratic comb generators.

Opt Express ; 30(12): 21710-21724, 2022 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36224884


In this work, we unveil the unique complex dynamics of multimode soliton interactions in graded-index optical fibers through simulations and experiments. By generating two multimode solitons from the fission of an input femtosecond pulse, we examine the evolution of their Raman-induced red-shift when the input pulse energy grows larger. Remarkably, we find that the output red-shift of the trailing multimode soliton may be reduced, so that it accelerates until it collides with the leading multimode soliton. As a result of the inelastic collision, a significant energy transfer occurs between the two multimode solitons: the trailing soliton captures energy from the leading soliton, which ultimately enhances its red-shift, thus increasing temporal separation between the two multimode solitons.

Opt Express ; 30(5): 8212-8221, 2022 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299567


We develop a comprehensive theory for describing the experimental beam profiles from multimode fiber Raman lasers. We take into account the presence of random linear mode coupling, Kerr beam self-cleaning and intra-cavity spatial filtering. All of these factors play a decisive role in shaping the Stokes beam, which has a predominant fundamental mode content. Although the highly multimode pump beam is strongly depleted, it remains almost insensitive to the different physical effects. As a result, the intensity of the output Stokes beam is an order of magnitude higher than the pump intensity at its maximum, in quantitative agreement with the experimental results and in contrast with the simplified balance model.

Opt Lett ; 47(5): 1222-1225, 2022 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35230332


All-fiber Raman lasers have demonstrated their potential for efficient conversion of highly multimode pump beams into high-quality Stokes beams. However, the modal content of these beams has not yet been investigated. In this work, based on a mode decomposition technique, we are able to reveal the details of intermodal interactions in the different operation regimes of continuous wave multimode graded-index fiber Raman lasers. We observed that, above the laser threshold, the residual pump beam is strongly depleted in its transverse modes with principal quantum number below 10. However, the generated Stokes signal beam mainly consists of the fundamental mode, but higher-order modes are also present, albeit with exponentially decreasing population.

Opt Express ; 30(4): 6300-6310, 2022 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209570


We experimentally generate multimode solitons in step-index fibers, where nonlinearity compensates for both chromatic and modal dispersion. These solitons are subject to Raman self-frequency shift, and their energy is gradually transfered to the fundamental fiber mode. We compare multimode soliton dynamics in both step-index and graded index fibers, in excellent agreement with numerical predictions.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 21994, 2021 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34754003


Multimode fibres provide a promising platform for boosting the capacity of fibre links and the output power of fibre lasers. The complex spatiotemporal dynamics of multimode beams may be controlled in spatial and temporal domains via the interplay of nonlinear, dispersive and dissipative effects. Raman nonlinearity induces beam cleanup in long graded-index fibres within a laser cavity, even for CW Stokes beams pumped by highly-multimode laser diodes (LDs). This leads to a breakthrough approach for wavelength-agile high-power lasers. However, current understanding of Raman beam cleanup is restricted to a small-signal gain regime, being not applicable to describing realistic laser operation. We solved this challenge by experimentally and theoretically studying pump-to-Stokes beam conversion in a graded-index fibre cavity. We show that random mode coupling, intracavity filtering and Kerr self-cleaning all play a decisive role for the spatio-spectral control of CW Stokes beams. Whereas the depleted LD pump radiation remains insensitive to them.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 18240, 2021 09 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34521869


Beam self-cleaning (BSC) in graded-index (GRIN) multimode fibers (MMFs) has been recently reported by different research groups. Driven by the interplay between Kerr effect and beam self-imaging, BSC counteracts random mode coupling, and forces laser beams to recover a quasi-single mode profile at the output of GRIN fibers. Here we show that the associated self-induced spatiotemporal reshaping allows for improving the performances of nonlinear fluorescence (NF) microscopy and endoscopy using multimode optical fibers. We experimentally demonstrate that the beam brightness increase, induced by self-cleaning, enables two and three-photon imaging of biological samples with high spatial resolution. Temporal pulse shortening accompanying spatial beam clean-up enhances the output peak power, hence the efficiency of nonlinear imaging. We also show that spatiotemporal supercontinuum (SC) generation is well-suited for large-band NF imaging in visible and infrared domains. We substantiated our findings by multiphoton fluorescence imaging in both microscopy and endoscopy configurations.

Opt Express ; 28(26): 39827-39840, 2020 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379524


We introduce the concept of third-order Riemann pulses in nonlinear optical fibers. These pulses are generated when properly tailored input pulses propagate through optical fibers in the presence of higher-order dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity. The local propagation speed of these optical wave packets is governed by their local amplitude, according to a rule that remains unchanged during propagation. Analytical and numerical results exhibit a good agreement, showing controllable pulse steepening and subsequent shock wave formation. Specifically, we found that the pulse steepening dynamic is predominantly determined by the action of higher-order dispersion, while the contribution of group velocity dispersion is merely associated with a shift of the shock formation time relative to the comoving frame of the pulse evolution. Unlike standard Riemann waves, which exclusively exist within the strong self-defocusing regime of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, such third-order Riemann pulses can be generated under both anomalous and normal dispersion conditions. In addition, we show that the third-order Riemann pulse dynamics can be judiciously controlled by a phase chirping parameter directly included in the initial chirp profile of the pulse.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 20481, 2020 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33235274


A low intensity light beam emerges from a graded-index, highly multimode optical fibre with a speckled shape, while at higher intensity the Kerr nonlinearity may induce a spontaneous spatial self-cleaning of the beam. Here, we reveal that we can generate two self-cleaned beams with a mutual coherence large enough to produce a clear stable fringe pattern at the output of a nonlinear interferometer. The two beams are pumped by the same input laser, yet are self-cleaned into independent multimode fibres. We thus prove that the self-cleaning mechanism preserves the beams' mutual coherence via a noise-free parametric process. While directly related to the initial pump coherence, the emergence of nonlinear spatial coherence is achieved without additional noise, even for self-cleaning obtained on different modes, and in spite of the fibre structural disorder originating from intrinsic imperfections or external perturbations. Our discovery may impact theoretical approaches on wave condensation, and open new opportunities for coherent beam combining.

Opt Express ; 28(16): 24005-24021, 2020 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752387


Beam self-imaging in nonlinear graded-index multimode optical fibers is of interest for many applications, such as implementing a fast saturable absorber mechanism in fiber lasers via multimode interference. We obtain a new exact solution for the nonlinear evolution of first and second order moments of a laser beam of arbitrary transverse shape carried by a graded-index multimode fiber. We have experimentally directly visualized the longitudinal evolution of beam self-imaging by means of femtosecond laser pulse propagation in both the anomalous and the normal dispersion regime of a standard telecom graded-index multimode optical fiber. Light scattering out of the fiber core via visible photo-luminescence emission permits us to directly measure the self-imaging period and the beam dynamics. Spatial shift and splitting of the self-imaging process under the action of self-focusing are also revealed.

Opt Express ; 28(14): 20473-20488, 2020 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32680106


The process of high-energy soliton fission is experimentally and numerically investigated in a graded-index multimode fiber. Fission dynamics is analyzed by comparing experimental observations and simulations. A novel nonlinear propagation regime is observed, where solitons produced by the fission have a nearly constant Raman wavelength shift and same pulse width over a wide range of soliton energies.