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Sci Rep ; 10(1): 1780, 2020 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32019967


Processes related to eruptions at arc volcanoes are linked by structures that transect the entire crust. Imaging the mid- to lower-crustal portions (here, ~5-15 km and >15 km respectively) of these magmatic systems where intermediate storage may occur has been a longstanding challenge. Tomography, local seismic source studies, geodetic, and geochemical constraints, are typically most sensitive to shallow (<5 km) storage and/or have insufficient resolution at these depths. Geophysical methods are even further limited at frequently-erupting volcanoes where well-developed trans-crustal magmatic systems are likely to exist, due to a lack of deep seismicity. Here we show direct evidence for mid-crustal magma storage beneath the frequently erupting Cleveland volcano, Alaska, using a novel application of seismic receiver functions. We use P-s scattered waves from the Moho as virtual sources to investigate S-wave velocities between the Moho and the surface. Our forward modeling approach allows us to provide direct constraints on the geometry of low velocity regions beneath volcanoes despite having a comparatively sparse seismic network. Our results show clear evidence of mid-crustal magma storage beneath the depths of located volcanic seismicity. Future work using similar approaches will enable an unprecedented comparative examination of magmatic systems beneath sparsely instrumented volcanoes globally.

Nature ; 524(7564): 212-5, 2015 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26268192


Flat-slab subduction occurs when the descending plate becomes horizontal at some depth before resuming its descent into the mantle. It is often proposed as a mechanism for the uplifting of deep crustal rocks ('thick-skinned' deformation) far from plate boundaries, and for causing unusual patterns of volcanism, as far back as the Proterozoic eon. For example, the formation of the expansive Rocky Mountains and the subsequent voluminous volcanism across much of the western USA has been attributed to a broad region of flat-slab subduction beneath North America that occurred during the Laramide orogeny (80-55 million years ago). Here we study the largest modern flat slab, located in Peru, to better understand the processes controlling the formation and extent of flat slabs. We present new data that indicate that the subducting Nazca Ridge is necessary for the development and continued support of the horizontal plate at a depth of about 90 kilometres. By combining constraints from Rayleigh wave phase velocities with improved earthquake locations, we find that the flat slab is shallowest along the ridge, while to the northwest of the ridge, the slab is sagging, tearing, and re-initiating normal subduction. On the basis of our observations, we propose a conceptual model for the temporal evolution of the Peruvian flat slab in which the flat slab forms because of the combined effects of trench retreat along the Peruvian plate boundary, suction, and ridge subduction. We find that while the ridge is necessary but not sufficient for the formation of the flat slab, its removal is sufficient for the flat slab to fail. This provides new constraints on our understanding of the processes controlling the beginning and end of the Laramide orogeny and other putative episodes of flat-slab subduction.