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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-905847


Xiebaisan is one of the 100 classical prescriptions published by the state, and the research and development of its compound preparation has gradually become an upsurge. The research and development of classical prescriptions should start from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical practice, laying a solid foundation for research and development. Based on the above thinking, this study adopts the methods of traceability and bibliometrics to analyze the source, pathogenesis, efficacy, Fangyi and clinical application of Xiebaisan in order to further promote its literature research work. The results show that the origin of Xiebaisan can be traced back to the prescription of Xiefeitang in Yinhai Jingwei(Volume 1). Although there are more than 20 prescriptions with the same name of Xiebaisan developed in later generations, they either reflect the inheritance and development of Qian Yi's thought of composing prescriptions, or only the meaning of "Xiebai" in the name of the prescription. The main pathogenesis of Xiebaisan is adverse lung Qi of heat. Mori Cortex and Lycii Cortex are sweet and cold, which can clear away lung heat and reduce adverse Qi, and then cough and asthma can stop. Supplemented with Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma and japonica rice, which are endowed with the meaning of nourishing earth and generating gold, to invigorate spleen and replenish Qi. The compatibility of Xiebaisan can clear away lung heat, relieve cough and asthma, and norish erath and generate gold to treat lung heat, asthma and cough. Although the main treatment of Xiebaisan recorded in ancient books involves various diseases and syndromes of internal, external, gynecology and pediatrics, the pathogenesis of Xiebaisan is "adverse lung Qi of heat". Modern clinical application of Xiebaisan focuses on the respiratory system, skin and subcutaneous tissue system, ear, nose and throat system, digestive system, ophthalmic system, etc., and it has more advantages in the treatment of pneumonia, cough, bronchitis, epistaxis, acne, bronchiectasis, postinfectious cough, constipation and other diseases. The syndrome differentiation of the above diseases is in accordance with the relevant syndrome types with lung heat as the main pathological factor, so we can modify and apply the prescription appropriately.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906108


Kaixinsan recorded in an ancient medical book named Beiji Qianjin Yaofang is one of the famous classical formula,which is one of the common prescriptions used by ancient physicians to treat amnesia. In the process of using this prescription,later generations of physicians derived many kinds of associated prescriptions. The effect and indications of these prescription have been inherited and expanded from those in the Beiji Qianjin Yaofang because of the changes in dosages. Therefore,it is necessary to verify the effect and indications of the formulas and the rules of dosage changes. The research results showed that its basic effects included to nourish the mind,induce resuscitation,strengthen the spleen and calm the mind,and keep balance between heart-Yang and kidney-Yin. The main indications included amnesia,sorrow and sadness,fright and fear,and so on,which may differ slightly in different dynasties. In Song,Jin and Yuan dynasties,it also demonstrated the effect of warming the heart and Yang,clearing away heat and relieving wind besides the basic effects, with basically the same indications (slightly different from those in previous dynasties). In Ming dynasty,it demonstrated the effect of nourishing Yin,clearing away heat and nourishing blood besides the basic effects,and the indications expanded to farsightedness,nearsightedness,spermatorrhea and blurred urine. In the Qing dynasty,its effect also included to nourish the heart and kidney on the basis of the Ming dynasty,and the indications were basically the same with those in the previous dynasties. The compatibility ratio of ancient physicians in the application of this prescription and its associated prescriptions showed some remarkable features,for example,Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma and Poria should be increased and their ratio was≈1∶1 in the treatment of amnesia,sorrow,sadness,fright,fear,farsightedness,spermatorrhea and blurred urine,with ratio of Polygalae Radix to Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma≈1∶1; the dosage of Polygalae Radix and Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma should be increased in the treatment of nearsightedness,and their ratio was≈1∶1. The compatibility ratio of Polygalae Radix-Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma-Poria-Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma=2∶3∶3∶2 was the most frequent,which basically included the indications of this prescription and its associated prescriptions. According to statistics,the average dosages that ancient physicians used were significantly higher than those in the modern times,Polygalae Radix 57 g,Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma 62 g,Poria 70 g,and Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma 54 g,respectively in ancient times,while Polygalae Radix 11 g,Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma 15 g,Poria 17 g,and Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma 9.5 g,respectively in modern times. The above textual research results can provide some reference for preparation of tradition Chinese medicine products of Kaixinsan.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906163


Diarrhea is characterized by increased bowel movements and loose and even watery stools. Its occurrence and development have been proved by modern research to be closely related to the imbalance of intestinal flora. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) pays a special attention to syndrome differentiation in treating diarrhea. Exploring the TCM syndromes of diarrhea is of great significance to the formulation of TCM diagnosis and treatment scheme of diarrhea and the improvement of clinical curative effects. There exist many similarities between TCM theory and micro-ecological theory concerning diarrhea. With the deepening of intestinal flora research, the significance of intestinal flora in TCM syndrome research has been increasingly highlighted. The close correlation of intestinal flora with the occurrence and development of diarrhea has provided new ideas of deducing syndrome and selecting prescription based on intestinal flora. This paper summarized the relationship between TCM syndromes of diarrhea and microscopic indexes such as immune response, neurotransmitters, brain-gut peptide, and proteins and analyzed the intestinal flora characteristics related to six common TCM syndromes of diarrhea. Meanwhile, based on the theory of deducing syndrome by prescription, namely deducing the syndrome by the efficacy of prescription or its medicinal components, the correlation between TCM syndromes of diarrhea and intestinal flora was indirectly verified, so as to identify the research direction of correlation between intestinal flora and TCM syndromes in the future. Numerous studies have shown that the TCM syndromes of diarrhea were highly correlated with the microscopic indexes such as inflammatory cytokines, neurotransmitters, and proteins. Syndromes and dysbacteriosis both resulted from pathogenic factors acting on the body, which were summarized from different angles. Different TCM syndromes corresponded to specific objective indicators of intestinal flora. Intestinal flora has the potential of being an internal material basis for powerfully revealing the TCM syndromes of diarrhea in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906186


Textual research on Chinese herbs is the preliminary work for the preparation of famous classical prescriptions. Through literature review,it was found that the researches of Persicae Semen focused on chemical compositions,pharmacological mechanism and medical record analysis in the recent years,and few researches based on the ancient literature were about the origin,concocting methods,flavor,meridian tropism,effects and indications. Textual research shows that the most commonly used names are Taoren and Taoheren,with a wide range of producing areas. The plant origin of Persicae Semen has not changed much since ancient times. Before the Qing dynasty,the plant origin of Persicae Semen was from the seeds of a kind of fruit named Shantao or Maotao,and in modern times,the seeds of Amygdalus persica or A. davidiana have become the major source. While different books have different views on Latin names for the origin of the Persicae Semen. We suggest that the Latin names of A. persica and A. davidiana should be more reasonable for Tao and Shantao respectively .In the concocting methods of Persicae Semen for activating vital energy and blood circulation,raw Persicae Semen should be used with peel and tip,while for moisturizing dryness,it should be fried into yellow without peel. Therefore,in the concocting methods of Persicae Semen for Taohe Chengqitang and Taohong Siwutang,the raw materials should be fried into yellow without peel or tip,while for Shentong Zhuyutang,raw Persicae Semen materials should be used with peel and tip. The indications of Persicae Semen include amenorrhea,lump,parasite,obstruction of chest,cough and asthma,constipation,etc.,and the people with blood deficiency,blood dryness and the pregnant women should use it with caution or should not use it. The modern clinical application of Persicae Semen is only a partial inheritance of ancient literature,which means that the Persicae Semen still has many effects to be verified and studied,and it is worthwhile for further exploration in order to expand its clinical application. The records of ancient literature on flavor,meridian tropism,and quality evaluation of Persicae Semen were consistent with those in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Because of the similar appearance,it is especially difficult to distinguish Persicae Semen and Armeniacae Semenis Amarum after crushing ,requiring much time and money for identification. It is recommended that medical institutions should purchase Persicae Semen without crushing as far as possible,then decide the best concocting methods according to the clinical requirement.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906202


The Shentong Zhuyutang is recorded in an ancient medical book named Yilin Gaicuo, and it is one of the classical prescriptions. Based on the literature reviewed,it is generally found that the Shentong Zhuyutang is evolved from the prescription named Chentongsan that recorded by Danxi Xinfa. Statistics on the dosage of clinical research on this prescription in recent years, reference to the textbook and pharmacopoeia dose, at the same time to respect the original dosage, verify historical changes, and ensure the safety of prescriptions, at the same time consider the pharmacy's dispenses, the author recommends that the clinical dosage of Shentong Zhuyutang could be 3 gram of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix, 6 gram of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, 10 gram of Persicae Semen, 10 gram of Carthami Flos, 6 gram of Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma, 3 gram of Notopterygii Rhizoma Et Radix, 5 gram of Myrrha, 12 gram of Angelicae Sinensis Radix, 5 gram of Cyperi Rhizoma,12 gram of Cyathulae Radix, and 6 gram of Pheretima used as a reference. The efficacy of the compound preparation can be marked as promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, removing wind and dampness, and relieving pain. At present, most of its research is focused on clinical research and experimental research, and there are few literature on the research of Shentong Zhuyutang from the level of key information verification. The diseases it treats include more than 10, such as Gubi, Pibi, Xuebi, shechuanchuan, headache, postpartum pain and dysmenorrhea, especially in the study of Gubi, which means that it has a huge market demand and broad development prospects in orthopedic diseases, the core point of "blood stasis and cold dampness evil" should be closely held in the course of treatment. Some scholars deem that Shentong Zhuyutang should not be used the method of Force Sweat in the treatment of Bizheng,while others believe that this prescription should be used with caution in menstruation, pregnancy and blood deficiency. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Shentong Zhuyutang has obvious anti-inflammatory, relieve pain, anticoagulan, nerve and bone protection. In view of the fact that there are less researches on Shentong Zhuyutang except for Gubi, this suggests that the mechanism of this prescription treat other diseases has a relatively broad research space.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906264


The classical prescription Kaixinsan,which is recorded in an ancient medical book named Beiji Qianjin Yaofang,is one of the famous prescriptions used by ancient physicians to treat amnesia. Research on classical prescriptions has attracted more and more attention from scientific research institutions and related enterprises. Based on ancient books,textual research on origins and development of prescriptions,combing the evolution of prescriptions,preparations,oral ways,taboos and others are the important contents of the study on classical prescriptions. The research results show that the creation of Kaixinsan in Beiji Qianjin Yaofang can be traced back to Kaixinsan recorded in Jiyanfang and Dingzhiwan recorded in Gujinluyanfang. Later generations of physicians created many associated prescriptions in the process of applying Kaixinsan,and the efficacy of these prescriptions was constantly expanded with the development of the times. In the Tang and Song dynasties,Kaixinsan and its associated prescriptions were mainly used to treat amnesia,sorrow,fear,and other diseases. In the Jin and Yuan dynasties,these prescriptions were also used to treat convulsions and yawning. In the Ming dynasty, they were mainly for the treatment of hyperopia, myopia, sprematorrhea,and constipation. In the Qing dynasty,these herbs could be used to treat auricular deafness, aging and sweating. The dosage of Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma and Poria should be increased in the treatment of farsightedness,spermatorrhea and blurred urine,and in the treatment of nearsightedness,the dosage of Polygalae Radix and Haliotidis Concha should be increased. The main pathogenesis of the disease that Kaixinsan and its associated prescriptions treated could be summarized as the deficiency of heart and spleen,imbalance between heart-Yang and kidney-Yin,and the internal resistance of phlegm stagnation. By summarizing the contents of the preparation of tradition Chinese medicine products for Kaixinsan and its associated prescriptions,it is suggested that the dosage form of Kaixinsan can be pills,with the specification size confroming to the most record of ancient generations of physicians,as big as Firmiana platanifolia's fruit.The volume of a single pill is about 0.25 mL and the weight is about 0.3 g. The initial dosage is fifteen pills,which can be modified according to the severity of the illness,with no more than forty pills for each time,three times a day. Also,some excitant food like the sour food,sweet food and mutton should be avoided during the medication. The above research results can provide literature basis for the development of compound tradition Chinese Medicine preparation of Kaixinsan.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-906453


The Wandaitang,recorded in an ancient medical book named Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and Gynecology,is one of the Classical Prescriptions. The detailed discussion and record on Wantaitang by later medical scholars can be also regarded as the inheritance and development of the original academic thought from Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and Gynecology. By referring to recent literatures,we have found that there are a few reports on Wandaitang from the perspective of ancient literature,but such reports are not systematic or comprehensive enough. Under the premise of inheriting but not rigidly adhering to the ancients,investigation and analysis would be made in this paper from the aspects of the origin,efficacy,dose conversion between ancient and modern uses,usage and dosage form,modern clinical application,contraindications and others based on ancient and modern literatures,in order to further promote the textual research work on Wandaitang and provide reference for its secondary research and development. The research results showed that the origin of Wandaitang can be traced back to the Bianzhenglu(Collecting Record of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs),and its effect can be summarized as invigorating Qi and spleen,soothing liver-Qi stagnation,elevating yang and arresting leucorrhoea. In view of the great difference between the dose of the original prescription of Wandaitang and the recommended dose in the pharmacopoeia,the author recommended that the clinical dosage of Wandaitang should be 30 g Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,30 g Dioscoreae Rhizoma,6 g Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma,15 g Paeoniae Radix Alba,10 g Plantaginis Semen,10 g Atractylodis Rhizoma,3 g Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,3 g Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,3 g Schizonepetae Spica Carbonisata,and 3 g Bupleuri Radix. The main indications included leucorrhea,vulva pruritus,diarrhea,stranguria,anorexia,eczema,vertigo and so on. This prescription should be used with caution in pregnant women or those with excessive phlegm and dampness,Qi stagnation of spleen and stomach,or deficiency of Yin-fluid and blood. The research and development of Wandaitang compound preparation can be inclined to the direction of compound granules,to give full play to its clinical value and market value. The above studies,based on the textual research of ancient and modern literatures,are of great significance for clarifying the origin and clinical application of Wandaitang,and provide a new idea and basis for the secondary development of Wandaitang.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-872886


The research and development of classical famous prescriptions is an important way to actively promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine.It is particularly important to sort out the historical evolution of the composition of traditional famous prescriptions to make clear the origin,producing areas and concocting methods of traditional Chinese medicine,which is the source of ensuring the safety and efficacy.Through literature review,it is found that at present,the research of mulberry white skin focuses on chemical composition,pharmacological mechanism and modern clinical research,and there are few ancient literature studies.Therefore,based on the ancient literature,the author conducts a comprehensive textual research on mulberry bark from its name,origin,producing areas and concocting methods and other aspects,in order to provide literature reference for the research and development of the prescription involving mulberry bark in the classic prescription.Through research,we can know that there are more than 20 aliases of mulberry bark,and the most commonly used names in modern times are "sangbaipi""sanggenbaipi""sangpi",etc.In Tang and Song dynasties and before,mulberry bark was mainly composed of Morus alba var. alba and jisang,after Tang and Song dynasties,mulberry bark plant sources showed diversity,in modern times,Morus alba var. alba was gradually identified as the main medicinal species of mulberry bark.Therefore,it is suggested that Morus alba var. alba be selected as the plant source of mulberry bark.According to ancient books,mulberry trees are cultivated everywhere,with Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Sichuan as the best areas,and Henan and Anhui as the most popular areas in modern times.The conclusion of ancient and modern quality of mulberry bark is basically the same,the root skin is white,thick and sweet.The morden concocting methods of mulberry bark mainly include raw mulberry bark,honey mulberry bark and fried mulberry bark.According to the textual research of ancient literature,in addition to the above three kinds of medical specifications,there have been concocting methods without auxiliary materials,such as burning,baking and roasting,as well as concocting methods with auxiliary materials,such as bran roasting,rice swill soaking,honey wine roasting,etc.The concocting methods of mulberry bark used by the classical famous recipe should be selected in combination with specific drug provisions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-872971


The research and development of classical prescriptions is an important way to promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and promote the modernization and internationalization of TCM. It is particularly important to summarize the historical development of the composition of classical prescriptions, so as to define their origin, taste efficacy and syndrome taboos. It is also the source to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the whole prescription. As a commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal material, Lycii Cortex is widely used and has a good prospect for research and development. There are five prescriptions containing wolfberry bark in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Prescriptions(the First Batch). There are only a few modern literatures on the development of Lycii Cortex. Therefore, this paper will summarize the development of skeleton skin alias, origin, nature, taste, meridian, efficacy, syndromes and taboos in ancient books of the previous dynasties. Textual analysis found that Lycii Cortex was first recorded in the Fifty-two Pathogenic Prescriptions. Ancient books before the Han dynasty did not mention the Chinese medicinal material named " Digupi" . There are little differences in the contents about Digupi between modern literatures and ancient books of the previous dynasties. With the changes of the times, Lycii Cortex has been rarely used, with a fault inheritance, suggesting that there are still many potential efficacy indications for clinical application. In addition to the traditional Chinese medicinal specifications, ancient books also recorded the processing methods with liquorice soup, fried, roasted, children's stool, wine soaking and steaming.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-873115


Xiebaisan, which is one of the famous classical formulas in the Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas (The First Batch) published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in 2018, is derived from the Xiao' er Yaozheng Zhijue with definite clinical effect. By means of bibliometrics, 118 relevant ancient book data were collected, including 75 ancient books of TCM. It was found that the main symptoms of Xiebaisan had been expanded in the past dynasties. For example, the adaptive population of Xiebaisan had been extended from children to women and adults, and the scope of symptoms and signs had also been extended from pediatrics to internal medicine and gynecology. Meanwhile, the names, pathogenesis and syndromes of diseases are also described extensively, although the dosage ratio is different, the compatibility ratio of Mori Cortex, Lycii Cortex and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma is relatively constant, and the decoction method is mostly followed by decocted power. At the same time, doctors in Ming and Qing dynasties have made a lot of general comments on explanation of this formula, but there is little controversy.

Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 1272-1276, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-665365


Objective In vitro isolation of adenohypophyseal mainly includes enzymatic digestion and mechanical methods.But there is no relevant report about which method is better.In this paper,several mainstream methods of the vitro isolation of adenohypophysis cells in rats are compared and the identification of gonadotropin secretory cells is carried out to figure out which preparation method is more convenient and efficient.Methods 48 mature female SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups:trypsin group (0.25% trypsin EDTA digestion),Ⅳ-type collagen enzyme group (Ⅳ type collagen enzyme digestion),mechanical separation group (200 mesh cell sieves grinding) and trypsin digestion plus mechanical separation group (0.25% trypsin EDTA digestion plus 200 mesh cell sieves grinding).12 rats in each group.The effect of these 4 methods was evaluated.Secondly,the primary cells of each group were cultured.We dynamically observed the vitro growth of cells in each group.Finally,the cells were identified by using the immunocytochemi-cal staining technique Results Compared with the mechanical separation group and-ⅣV type collagen enzyme group [(90.2 ± 0.96) %,(93.32± 1.77)%],Cell viability of trypsin group and trypsin digestion plus mechanical separation group was elevated [(94.11 ± 1.71) %,(94.92± 1.92) %] (P<0.05).Morphological observation:The pituitary ceils prepared by each methods were all round with strong refraction and clear edges and began to partly adhere to the wall after cultured for 16-24 hours.Then most of the cells adhered to wall after 48-72 hours,while the early glandular ceils were still round.But the volume was smaller than before.Also,a small amount of large cells were scattered among them.7 days later,the cells began to become polygonal or spindle shaped and were connected to pieces.Till around 10 days,the fibrosis gradually became obvious;Immunocytochemical staining:It is indicated that FSH positive cells were larger in volume while less in number and scattered in the cytoplasm.And the positive products,showing blue,were located in the cytoplasm;The Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the supematant of cells and confirmed that the cells in vitro still had hormone secretion functions.Conclusion Compared with the single cell preparation method,the trypsin digestion plus mechanical separation method has certain advantages;The anterior pituitary cells vitro cultured are in good health conditions and still have secrete functions.They are tested to be competent for related scientific experiments.