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PLoS One ; 19(4): e0302070, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38669247


Artistic pieces can be studied from several perspectives, one example being their reception among readers over time. In the present work, we approach this interesting topic from the standpoint of literary works, particularly assessing the task of predicting whether a book will become a best seller. Unlike previous approaches, we focused on the full content of books and considered visualization and classification tasks. We employed visualization for the preliminary exploration of the data structure and properties, involving SemAxis and linear discriminant analyses. To obtain quantitative and more objective results, we employed various classifiers. Such approaches were used along with a dataset containing (i) books published from 1895 to 1923 and consecrated as best sellers by the Publishers Weekly Bestseller Lists and (ii) literary works published in the same period but not being mentioned in that list. Our comparison of methods revealed that the best-achieved result-combining a bag-of-words representation with a logistic regression classifier-led to an average accuracy of 0.75 both for the leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validations. Such an outcome enhances the difficulty in predicting the success of books with high accuracy, even using the full content of the texts. Nevertheless, our findings provide insights into the factors leading to the relative success of a literary work.

Libros , Libros/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Literatura/historia
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53789, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1521377


RESUMO. Neste estudo, tivemos como objetivo aprofundar o conceito de fluidez sexual pela análise crítica da literatura e de uma síntese integrativa sobre o tema. Nele, analisamos estudos que se debruçam sobre a fluidez sexual, exploramos o conceito, sob orientação do modo como Lisa Diamond o introduz na literatura científica, o define e operacionaliza. Por fim, debruçamo-nos sobre estudos no âmbito da fluidez sexual, a fim de perceber os significados atribuídos, e questionando o potencial viés de gênero que acompanha um conceito situado num tempo e num contexto heteronormativos. Como contributo para o aprofundamento do conceito e reforço das suas potencialidades, são apresentadas reflexões sobre a relação entre a fluidez sexual e a masculinidade hegemônica, uma relação pouco valorizada na literatura científica. Globalmente, este trabalho promove, criticamente e de modo interseccional, o questionamento sobre a fixação no sexo/gênero das pessoas envolvidas numa situação sexual e são discutidas as fronteiras do conceito de fluidez sexual e a sua (im)permeabilidade.

RESUMEN. En este estudio, buscamos profundizar el concepto de fluidez sexual a través de un análisis crítico de la literatura y de una síntesis integradora sobre el tema. Para tal, se analizaron estudios enfocados en la fluidez sexual y se exploró este mismo concepto según la guía de cómo Lisa Diamond lo introduce en la literatura científica, lo define y lo concretiza. El análisis de los estudios en torno de la fluidez sexual se realizó teniendo como objetivos comprender los significados atribuidos al concepto y cuestionar el posible sesgo de género que acompaña un concepto ubicado en un tiempo y en un contexto heteronormativos. De cara a profundizar el concepto y reforzar su potencial, se presentan reflexiones sobre la relación entre la fluidez sexual y la masculinidad hegemónica, una relación que no se tiene en cuenta habitualmente en la literatura científica. En general, este trabajo contribuye, de manera crítica e interseccional, al cuestionamiento sobre la fijación en el sexo/género de las personas involucradas en una situación sexual y discute los límites del concepto de fluidez sexual y su (im)permeabilidad.

ABSTRACT. In this study, we sought to deepen the concept of sexual fluidity through a critical analysis of the literature and an integrative synthesis on the topic. In it, we analyzed studies that focus on sexual fluidity, explored the concept, under the guidance of how Lisa Diamond introduces it into the scientific literature, defines it, and operationalizes it. Finally, we focused on studies on sexual fluidity, trying to understand the meanings attributed to the concept, questioning the potential gender bias that accompanies a concept located in a heteronormative time and context. As a contribution to the deepening of the concept and reinforcement of its potential, reflections are presented on the relationship between sexual fluidity and hegemonic masculinity, a relationship that is little valued in the scientific literature. Overall, this work promotes, critically and in an intersectional way, the questioning about the fixation in sex/gender of people involved in a sexual situation and discussed the boundaries of the concept of sexual fluidity and its (im)permeability.

Performatividad de Género , Literatura/historia , Sexualidad/historia , Sexualidad/psicología , Masculinidad/historia , Identidad de Género
Psicol. USP ; 33: e190118, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1394520


Resumo Lacan (1958-59) definiu a tragédia de Hamlet como a tragédia do desejo, vendo na trama da peça uma espécie de armadilha de pássaro, em que o desejo do homem estaria essencialmente enredado. Como disse, Hamlet não lhe veio por acaso, havia se imposto graças aos ecos do "ser e não ser o falo", recolhidos do paciente da analista inglesa Ella Sharpe, que acabaram por conduzi-lo a um dos temas germinais do pensamento de Freud sobre a forma como se organiza a posição do desejo, ou seja, às coordenadas articuladas por Freud, na Interpretação dos Sonhos, entre Hamlet, Édipo e castração. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar os pontos e contrapontos da interpretação de Hamlet empreendida por Freud e Lacan.

Abstract Lacan (1958-59) defined Hamlet's tragedy as the tragedy of desire, seeing the plot as some kind of bird trap, in which man's desire would be essentially entangled. The psychoanalyst did not come to Hamlet by chance; the character imposed himself through the echoes of a "to be and not to be" from the phallus Lacan collected from Ella Sharpe's patient, which led him to one of Freud's key themes concerning how the position of desire is organized, that is, the coordinates articulated by Freud in the Interpretation of Dreams, between Hamlet, Oedipus, and castration. This study presents the points and counterpoints of Hamlet's interpretation by Freud and Lacan.

Résumé Lacan (1958-59) a défini la tragédie d'Hamlet comme la tragédie du désir, voyant l'intrigue comme une sorte de piège à oiseleur, dans lequel le désir de l'homme serait essentiellement enchevêtré. Le psychanalyste n'est pas arrivé à Hamlet par hasard ; le personnage s'est imposé par les échos d'un « être et ne pas être ¼ à partir du phallus qu'il a recueilli auprès du patient d'Ella Sharpe, ce qui l'a conduit à l'un des thèmes clés de la pensée de Freud concernant l'organisation de la position du désir, c'est-à-dire les coordonnées articulées par Freud dans l'Interprétation des rêves, entre Hamlet, Œdipe et la castration. Cette étude présente les points et les contrepoints de l'interprétation d'Hamlet par Freud et Lacan.

Resumen Lacan (1958-59) definió la tragedia de Hamlet como la tragedia del deseo al ver en la trama de la obra una especie de trampa para pájaros en la que el deseo del hombre estaría esencialmente enredado. Hamlet no sucedió por casualidad al autor, él se había impuesto gracias a los ecos del ser y no ser el falo que recogió del paciente de la analista inglesa Ella Sharpe que acabó por conducirlo a uno de los temas más primitivos del pensamiento de Freud sobre la forma en que se organiza la posición del deseo, es decir, a las coordenadas articuladas por Freud, en la Interpretación de los Sueños, entre Hamlet, Edipo y la castración. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar los puntos y contrapuntos de la interpretación de Hamlet desde Freud y Lacan.

Psicoanálisis , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Literatura/historia
J Lesbian Stud ; 25(1): 18-35, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809661


We argue that historical femme life writing forms a rich resource for femme theory that contributes to, challenges, and extends contemporary academic femme literature. We focus on the experiences of femmes during the second-wave feminist movement, specifically within the context of 1970s and 1980s U.S. lesbian feminism. The texts we examine include My Dangerous Desires by Amber Hollibaugh (2000), A Restricted Country by Joan Nestle (1987), Minnie Bruce Pratt's (1995) S/he, and selections from The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader, edited by Nestle (1992). Informed by Clare Hemmings' (2011) and Victoria Hesford's (2013) critiques that past feminisms are often retold using reductive narratives, we (re)read this femme life writing to foreground the ways in which femmes have historically troubled and resisted monolithic accounts of lesbian feminism, lesbian identities, femininity, and sexuality. By centering queer feminine voices from this period to highlight major themes of this life writing, and drawing on Andi Schwartz's (2018) positioning of femme cultural production as a basis for theory, we argue that earlier iterations of queer femininities are relevant to and important for contemporary femme theory. Ultimately, we analyze what historical femme life writing reveals about the place of femininity within the lesbian and feminist communities of their time, how these dynamics inform current perceptions of queer and femme politics, and how femmes resist their cultural and critical marginalization.

Feminidad , Literatura/historia , Teoría Psicológica , Literatura Erótica , Femenino , Feminidad/historia , Feminismo/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Homosexualidad Femenina , Humanos , Narración , Factores Raciales , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Identificación Social , Escritura
Psicol. USP ; 32: e200005, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1340404


Resumo Mapeiam-se os processos históricos, estéticos e epistêmicos dos séculos XVIII e XIX que associam romantismo, literatura fantástica e psicanálise. Defende-se que o fantástico constitui um importante vetor por meio do qual elementos do romantismo foram incorporados ao modelo psicanalítico de aparelho psíquico. Parte-se da perspectiva de que a assimilação da influência romântica realizou-se de forma seletiva e criativa. Destacam-se alguns pontos de tensões e compromissos entre romantismo e o iluminismo, que foram retomados e transformados pelo fantástico e a psicanálise: as temáticas do amor, da loucura, da sexualidade, das superstições e dos mitos; o questionamento da relação entre o real e suas representações e entre pensamento e consciência; e a valorização do uso retórico da ironia. Aponta-se a abordagem psicanalítica do infamiliar (Unheimliche) como o momento mais sensível dessa interlocução.

Résumé Cet article cartographie les processus historiques, esthétiques et épistémiques des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles qui associent le romantisme, la littérature fantastique et la psychanalyse. On soutient que le fantastique constitue un vecteur important par lequel des éléments du romantisme ont été incorporés dans le modèle psychanalytique de l'appareil psychique. Cette perspective repose sur le fait que l'assimilation de l'influence romantique s'est déroulée de manière sélective et créative. On mit en évidence certains points de tension et de compromis entre le romantisme et les Lumières, repris et transformés par le fantastique et la psychanalyse : les thèmes de l'amour, de la folie, de la sexualité, des superstitions et des mythes ; la remise en cause du rapport entre le réel et ses représentations et entre la pensée et la conscience ; et l'usage rhétorique de l'ironie. On signale l'approche psychanalytique de l'Unheimliche comme le moment le plus sensible de cette interlocution.

Resumen Se cartografían los procesos históricos, estéticos y epistémicos del siglo XVIII y XIX que asocian el romanticismo, la literatura fantástica y el psicoanálisis. Se argumenta que lo fantástico es un importante vector a través del cual los elementos del romanticismo se han incorporado al modelo psicoanalítico del aparato psíquico. Se entiende que la asimilación de la influencia romántica se produjo de forma selectiva y creativa. Se destacan algunos puntos de tensión y compromiso entre el romanticismo y la ilustración que han sido asumidos y transformados por lo fantástico y el psicoanálisis: los temas del amor, la locura, la sexualidad, las supersticiones y los mitos; el cuestionamiento de la relación entre lo real y sus representaciones y entre pensamiento y conciencia; y la apreciación del uso retórico de la ironía. El enfoque psicoanalítico de lo ominoso (Unheimliche) se señala como el momento más sensible de esta interlocución.

Abstract This paper maps the historical, aesthetic, and epistemic processes of the 18th and 19th centuries that associate romanticism, fantastic literature and psychoanalysis. We argue that fantastic is an important vector through which elements of Romanticism were incorporated into the psychoanalytic model of the psyche. Assuming that such Romantic influences were assimilated selectively and creatively, we highlight some points of contention and compromise between romanticism and the Enlightenment that were later resumed and transformed by fantastic literature and psychoanalysis: the themes of love, madness, sexuality, superstitions and myths; the relationship between reality and its representations and between thought and consciousness; and the rhetorical use of irony. Finally, the text points to the psychoanalytic approach of the uncanny (Unheimliche) as the most sensitive moment of such exchange.

Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Psicoanálisis/historia , Conocimiento , Romanticismo/historia , Literatura/historia
Dtsch Med Wochenschr ; 145(25): 1833-1839, 2020 12.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33327011


Charles Dickens, as a writer, was also a great master of patient observation. He described more than 40 syndromes, some of which were named after characters and titles of his literary works. Within these he often referred to the connection between illness, poverty and social misery. Some of his descriptions have withstood the litmus test of time and are still used in today's medicine: Amongst these are the characters Frederick, Little Dorrit's uncle, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, Fat Joe after whom the Pickwick-syndrome was named, Tiny Tim who is beaten with Pott's disease, Ebenezer Scrooge, a victim of posttraumatic embitterment disorder, and Mr. Krook who dies from spontaneous human combustion. Charles Dickens loved animals, and he was a member and supporter of The Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals and actively engaged in public activities against vivisection. Furthermore he explicitly cared for children, and when his novel "Oliver Twist" appeared, the begging children received more alms, and the government improved the poor houses. Finally, there is probably no other author who has portrayed the power of Christmas so sensitively and impressively. Dickens hoped that in these days, just before the turn of the year, personal transformations would take place and redemption would be experienced as a result of new insights. For such transformations, he was convinced that man occasionally needs external stimuli.

Literatura/historia , Escritura Médica/historia , Observación , Inglaterra , Historia del Siglo XIX , Humanos , Masculino , Síndrome
Artículo en Español | InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1337540


Reflexión sobre cómo evolucionaron el acceso y la producción de la escritura y la lectura, especialmente luego de los últimos adelantos tecnológicos.

Psicoanálisis , Tecnología/historia , Escritura/historia , Características Culturales/historia , Cultura , Literatura/historia
Rev. med. cine ; 16(3): 213-222, sept. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-197486


Felipe Trigo (1864-1916) fue uno de los médicos escritores más importantes de la época de la Restauración borbónica. Fue médico rural y médico militar pero fue especialmente conocido por su obra literaria y periodística. Entre sus obras más importantes figuran El médico rural (1912) y Jarrapellejos (1914), donde realiza una profunda crítica de la sociedad española de la época. Trigo fue conocido por sus obras de literatura erótica por las que fue atacado en su tiempo, lo que contribuyó a su olvido después de su muerte. El médico rural contiene numerosos elementos autobiográficos del tiempo que ejerció como la medicina en pueblos extremeños. Tiene un notable interés para conocer cómo era la práctica de los médicos, su conocimiento de los avances médicos del siglo XIX y las relaciones que ese establecían con el pueblo llano y la estructura caquicil dominante. Después de décadas de práctico olvido, Trigo vuelve a ser considerado como uno de los médicos escritores más notables de su generación

Felipe Trigo (1864-1916) was one of the most important writers of the Borbonic Restoration period. He was a country physician and military physician, but he was especially known by his literary and journalistic work. Among his most important literary, we should show up El médico rural (1912) and Jarrapellejos (1914), where he performed a strong critical approach of the Spanish society of his time. He was also known by his erotic novels, which were strongly attacked at the time. This fact contributed to the oblivion of his works after the Trigo’s death. El médico rural contains many autobiographical elements of the time he worked as physician in country villages of Extremadura. The novel has an outstanding interest to know how was the medical practice of country physicians, their knowledge of the medical advances of the late nineteenth century and their social relationships with plain people and the local rulers. After decades of being almost forgotten, Trigo is now recognized as one of the physician writers more noteworthy of his generation

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Médicos/historia , Escritura/historia , Literatura/historia , Servicios de Salud Rural/historia , España
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 23(4): 167-171, ago. 2020.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-195077


En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por las obras literarias como un elemento importante para comprender mejor los aspectos subjetivos del proceso de enfermar. Asimismo, se ha reconocido su valor docente en los estudios de ciencias de la salud para facilitar una visión global de la vivencia de la enfermedad. Las obras de los médicos escritores tienen la ventaja adicional de que permiten observar la realidad que vivieron bajo el doble prisma de la literatura y la medicina. En el presente artículo se muestra una visión de la formación médica durante la restauración borbónica en opinión de uno de los escritores españoles más importantes del siglo XX, Pío Baroja, a través de su novela El árbol de la ciencia, de marcado carácter autobiográfico, y de sus memorias. En ambas obras muestra una visión muy pesimista de la formación y de los profesores de la época, que es contrastada con las opiniones de otros autores. Se concluye que las obras literarias tienen interés para explicar situaciones históricas específicas, pero deben analizarse en comparación con las fuentes históricas para valorar el componente subjetivo del autor en su justa medida

In the last decades, the interest of literary works as an element to enhance the knowledge in the subjective issues of disease process has increased. Moreover, its pedagogical value in the teaching of health science students has been recognized to allow a better understanding of how patients feel their disease. The works of physicians-writers have the additional interest that they permit to observe the reality of their time under the double approach of literature and medicine. The present article shows a view of the medical training during the Spanish Restoration following the opinion of one of the most important Spanish writers of the twentieth century, Pío Baroja. For this purpose, we review his novel El árbol de la ciencia, an autobiographical work, as well as his personal memoirs. In both, Baroja had a high pessimistic view of his medical training and of his university professors that has been compared with data from other authors. We conclude that literary works of physicians-writers are of interest to learn about their specific time but should be compared with historical sources to evaluate the subjective component of each author in the right way

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Educación Médica/historia , Biografías como Asunto , Literatura/historia , Enseñanza/organización & administración , Medicina en la Literatura
Med Humanit ; 46(2): 107-114, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32321786


This article asks what the reasons are for the frequent linking of the image of the Holocaust with that of dementia in contemporary discursive and representational practice. In doing so, it analyses some of the numerous 21st-century examples of fiction, drama and film in which the figure of a Holocaust survivor living with dementia takes centre stage. It explores the contradictory cultural effects that arise from making such a connection, in contexts that include expressions of fear at the spectacle of dementia, as well as comparisons between the person living with that condition and the inmate of a concentration camp. Detailed consideration of novels by Jillian Cantor and Harriet Scott Chessman as well as a play by Michel Wallenstein and a film by Josh Appignanesi suggests that the fictions of this kind can appear to provide solace for the impending loss of the eyewitness generation, yet also offer potential for a model for caregiving practice to those living with dementia in broader terms.

Demencia/psicología , Holocausto/psicología , Literatura/historia , Prisioneros/psicología , Sobrevivientes/psicología , Demencia/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Holocausto/historia , Humanos , Prisioneros/historia , Sobrevivientes/historia
Med Humanit ; 46(2): 96-106, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32341130


This article analyses how World War II shifted and contained embodied experiences of waiting in relation to broader ideas of lived time in modernity. The trench warfare of World War I has often been imagined as a limit experience of anxious waiting, but World War II produced compelling accounts of experiences of suspended time in civilian populations exposed to the threat and anticipation of 'total war'. This article analyses representations of this suspended present drawn from Elizabeth Bowen and Virginia Woolf, alongside materials in the Mass Observation Archive, to develop an account of how exposure to a future shaped by the potential of annihilation from the air reshaped experiences of durational temporality and the timescapes of modernity in the London Blitz. It also explores the relationship between anxiety, waiting, and care by attending to psychoanalytic theories that developed in the wartime work of Wilfred Bion and Melanie Klein. Extending Freud's account of anxiety as producing 'yet time', this article describes how and why both literary and psychoanalytic texts came to understand waiting and thinking with others as creating the conditions for taking care of the future.

Humanidades/historia , Literatura/historia , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Percepción del Tiempo , Exposición a la Guerra/historia , Predicción , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Londres , Psicoanálisis/historia , Segunda Guerra Mundial
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 70(2): 67-71, 16 ene., 2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-187249


Introducción: Las alucinaciones visuales constituyen una de las manifestaciones más singulares de diversas situaciones clínicas, ya sea en el ámbito de las enfermedades mentales, de las alteraciones físicas o del consumo de drogas. Sin embargo, el análisis detallado de su vivencia en relación con las causas que pueden producirlas es poco frecuente. Objetivo: Considerar la representación de las alucinaciones visuales en las publicaciones del neurólogo y escritor Oliver Sacks, con especial atención a su obra Hallucinations. Desarrollo: Las alucinaciones han llamado la atención de la cultura, la religión y el arte, lo que ha conllevado múltiples interpretaciones. El interés de Sacks por la percepción de las sensaciones le llevó a investigar los mecanismos por los que se producen las alucinaciones, debido al escaso conocimiento que se tenía sobre el tema. Las alucinaciones aparecieron ya en obras como Migraine, Awakenings o A leg to stand on. En Musicophilia abordó las alucinaciones auditivas, y en Hallucinations las consideró de forma monográfica. En esta última obra, Sacks analizó especialmente las presentes en el síndrome de Charles Bonnet, en situaciones de privación sensorial y en pacientes con epilepsia, las precipitadas por la levodopa y las causadas por drogas de abuso. Conclusiones: Hallucinations es una de las obras de Oliver Sacks con mayor contenido neurooftalmológico. La descripción de las alucinaciones de sus pacientes o las experimentadas en su propia piel y la reflexión sobre el mundo de la percepción hacen de Hallucinations una de las obras más fascinantes de Sacks

Introduction: Hallucinations are one of the most bizarre experiences in several diseases. They appear in mental diseases as well as in physical illnesses and may be the consequence of the usage of drugs of abuse. However, a detailed analysis of how patients feel under hallucinations caused by different diseases is uncommon. Aim: This article analyses how visual hallucinations are considered in the works of the neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks, with special attention to his book Hallucinations. Development: Hallucinations have been under consideration by culture, religion and arts, which has led to multiple interpretations. Sackss interest in perception of sensations led him to work on the analysis of hallucinations, given the limited knowledge on the topic. References to hallucinations appeared in several of his books like Migraine, Awakenings and A leg to stand on. In Musicophilia Sacks approached the auditory hallucinations and in Hallucinations he considered them in depth. In the latter work, Sacks analyses especially those present in Charles Bonnet syndrome, in situations of sensory deprivation, in patients with epilesy, those present during treatment with levodopa and those caused by drug of abuse. Conclusions: Hallucinations is one of Sacks’s books with greater neuroophthalmological content. The descriptions of the hallucinations of his patients or those experienced by himself, as well as the reflective analysis on the world of perception make this book one of the most fascinating works of Oliver Sacks

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Alucinaciones/historia , Neurología/historia , Medicina en la Literatura/historia , Alucinaciones/epidemiología , Alucinógenos/historia , Literatura/historia
Med Humanit ; 46(3): 250-256, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31358563


This article explores the complexity of mental distress among physicians, as portrayed in two literary narratives: John Berger and Jean Mohr's A Fortunate Man: The Story of a Country Doctor (1967) and Pia Dellson's Väggen: En utbränd psykiaters noteringar (2015, 'The Wall: Notes by a Burnt-Out Psychiatrist'). Departing from a historical understanding of medical practice, the article seeks to discuss whether some of the noted similarities and differences in the two narratives could be related to changes appearing over time in the role model of the medical encounter. As the two narratives provide illustrative descriptions of the difficulties experienced by doctors suffering from mental discomfort, they also call for a greater awareness among medical practitioners of the sociological terms of doctoring. Practising a person-centred, rather than patient-centred, care might be part of such awareness and is discussed as a possible protective strategy for physicians at risk of work-related mental distress.

Literatura/historia , Estrés Laboral/psicología , Rol del Médico/psicología , Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Médicos/psicología , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Masculino , Estrés Laboral/historia , Médicos/historia
Hist. enferm., Rev. eletronica ; 11(esp): 73-74, 20200000.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1337993


O livro - A VIAGEM FANTÁSTICA EM CORDEL PELA HISTÓRIA DA ENFERMAGEM, publicado em 2019 pela Editora Cuidarte, com a colaboração do Fundo de Apoio à Cultura, Secretaria do Estado da Cultura e Economia Criativa do Distrito Federal, faz parte da série - Historia de Enfermagem em Cordel. Sua narrativa em versos e rimas de cordel perpassa pela história da enfermagem, das profissões e suas personalidades desde os tempos primórdios até a atualidade. A obra aborda práticas do cuidar e destaca personalidades da enfermagem brasileira e de outros países. Composto por sete capítulos sobre a história da enfermagem, os leitores vão passear de forma leve e inusitada para conhecer ações, conquistas e dedicações da profissão, dentre outros assuntos.

Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Reseñas de Libros , Literatura/historia
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-191066


En el presente trabajo exploraremos la imagen literaria del magnetismo animal y de la hipnosis a través del análisis de dos obras de ficción: las novelas El escarabajo (1897) de Richard Marsh y Drácula (1897) de Bram Stoker. Durante todo el siglo XIX, aunque principalmente a finales de este, fueron muchos los autores que recurrieron al magnetismo animal y la hipnosis, de forma ambiental o argumental, en sus creaciones de ficción, tanto fue así que Arthur Quiller-Couch, un importante crítico literario del siglo XIX, llegó a hablar del surgimiento de un nuevo subgénero literario que acuñó como "hypnotic fiction". Partiendo de la idea de que en esta literatura de ficción mesmérica e hipnótica se pueden rastrear claramente unos estereotipos diferenciados de magnetizadores e hipnotizadores (unos más clásicos que otros) quienes hacen un uso diverso e incluso antagónico del magnetismo animal y de la hipnosis, mostraremos la relación de estos conocimientos con la figura del monstruo en las creaciones de Richard Marsh y Bram Stoker y como estos no pueden reducirse al estereotipo de magnetizador/hipnotizador villano, ya que los poderes mesméricos e hipnóticos funcionan aquí como agregados para conformar la monstruosidad del personaje

We will explore the literary image of animal magnetism and hypnosis through the analysis of two works of fiction: the novels Richard Marsh's The Beetle: A Mystery (1897) and Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897). During all the 19th century and mainly at its last, many authors used animal magnetism and hypnosis in their fictional creations in an environmental or plot way, so much that Arthur Quiller-Couch, an important literary critic of the nineteenth century, spoke about the emergence of a new literary subgenre that he called "hypnotic fiction". Starting from the idea that in this mesmeric and hypnotic fiction literature you can clearly trace differentiated stereotypes of magnetizers and hypnotists (some of them more classic than others) which perform a diverse and even antagonistic use of animal magnetism and hypnosis, we will show the relationship of this knowledge with the figure of the monster in the creations of Richard Marsh and Bram Stoker and how these cannot be reduced to the stereotype of a villain magnetizer/hypnotist, as mesmeric and hypnotic powers work here as aggregates to conform the monstrosity of the character

Humanos , Literatura/historia , Hipnosis/historia , Fenómenos Magnéticos , Historia del Siglo XIX
Asclepio ; 71(2): 0-0, jul.-dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-191067


En el verano de 1883, el escritor, minero, científico y seguidor del espiritismo Pedro Castera (1846-1906) fue recluido en el Hospital de San Hipólito para hombres dementes de la Ciudad de México. El confinamiento y la situación de aislamiento del también poeta despertó acalorados debates y disputas sobre su condición mental. Los motivos de su internamiento y las conjeturas acerca de la psicopatología que lo aquejaba fueron cruciales dentro de la narrativa de este caso, en el que convergieron intrigas políticas, sospechas familiares, controversias médicas y convenciones literarias. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las valoraciones médicas alrededor de la reclusión, permanencia y salida de Pedro Castera del nosocomio, con el fin de reflexionar, asimismo, en torno a la resignificación de la figura del loco-literario, a partir de la emergencia del discurso de la medicina mental en el contexto de la modernidad mexicana en el último tercio del siglo XIX

In the summer of 1883, the writer, miner, scientist and follower of spiritism Pedro Castera (1846-1906) was detained at the Hospital de San Hipólito for demented men in Mexico City. The confinement and isolation of the also poet aroused heated debates and disputes surrounding his mental condition. The reasons for his internment and the conjectures about the psychopathology that afflicted him were crucial within the narrative of a case in which political intrigues, family suspicions, medical controversies and literary conventions converged. The aim of the present work is to analyze the medical valuations around the confinement, permanence and exit of Pedro Castera in and from the hospital, as well as to reflect on the resignification of the figure of the literary-madman from the emergence of the discourse of mental medicine in the context of Porfirian modernity

Humanos , Masculino , Literatura/historia , Trastornos Mentales/historia , Demencia/historia , Internamiento Obligatorio del Enfermo Mental/historia , Historia del Siglo XIX , México