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BMC Health Serv Res ; 24(1): 771, 2024 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38951849


BACKGROUND: In 2018, the National Centralized Drug Procurement (NCDP) policy has been implemented in 11 provinces, and promoted across the country in 2019. The main feature of the policy is "volume for price", therefore, it is necessary to measure the price relationship, not only to reduce the price of drugs, reduce the burden of patients' medical costs, but also facilitate pharmaceutical companies to access enough innovation incentives. The aim of this study was to assess the vacated space effect of the drug centralized procurement by national organizations in exchange of price for quantity. METHODS: A difference-in-differences (DID) model was employed to analyze the effect of the 4 + 7 pilot drugs centralized purchasing policy on drug sales volume and selected versus clinically substitutable unselected varieties, using observational data from 2018 to 2019. We compared drug procurement data between secondary and above public hospitals in pilot and non-pilot cities throughout China. RESULTS: The study showed that the average treatment effect (ATE) of sales in the in-hospital market for the selected supply varieties in centralized purchasing is -0.42, and with a sales volume of 0.49. This indicates a volume-price vacated space of 1.16 ~ 1.17 DDD (defined daily dose)/Yuan, implying that for every 1 defined daily dose (DDD) increase in reported volume, the standardized price decreased by 1.16-1.17 Yuan. The ATE of in-hospital market sales for drugs not selected in centralized procurement shows a decrease of 0.13. This finding highlights the presence of the price linkage effect. The ATE of sales volume is 0.57, indicating a volume-price space of 4.38 ~ 4.39 DDD/Yuan for unselected drugs, approximately 3.75 higher relative to that of the selected ones. CONCLUSIONS: The ratio of the volume-price space of clinically substitutable unselected and selected drugs may serve as direct evidence for evaluating the shift from centralized purchasing of drug varieties to clinically substitutable other ones. To strengthen the volume-based negotiation approach and maximize the effectiveness of centralized purchasing policies, we recommend the strategic implementation of a three-tiered centralized purchasing system, the expansion of drug coverage, and the introduction of relevant constraints and incentives.

Costos de los Medicamentos , Hospitales Públicos , China , Humanos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital
Bull World Health Organ ; 100(11): 709-716, 2022 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36324546


Rehabilitative care is often overlooked and underfunded despite being a key component of universal health coverage, and now faces further neglect due to indirect impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Policy-makers can leverage strategic purchasing approaches to make the most of available funds and maximize health gains. To implement more strategic purchasing of rehabilitation, health planners must: (i) develop and prioritize evidence-based rehabilitation service packages; (ii) use fit-for-purpose contracting and provider payment mechanisms to incentivize quality and efficient service delivery; and (iii) strengthen stewardship. This paper examines these three policy priorities by analysing their associated processes, actors and resources based on country experiences. Policy-makers will likely face several obstacles in operationalizing these policy priorities, including: inadequate accountability and coordination among sectors; limited data and research; undefined and non-standardized rehabilitation services, costs and outcomes; and inadequate availability of rehabilitative care. To overcome challenges and institute optimal strategic purchasing practices for rehabilitation, we recommend that policy-makers strengthen health sector stewardship and establish a framework for multisectoral collaboration, invest in data and research and make use of available experience from high-income settings, while creating a body of evidence from low- and middle-income settings.

Les soins de réadaptation sont souvent négligés et sous-financés malgré la place essentielle qu'ils occupent dans la couverture sanitaire universelle. Aujourd'hui, ils risquent même d'être relégués au second plan à la suite des conséquences indirectes de la pandémie de maladie à coronavirus 2019. Les responsables politiques peuvent néanmoins adopter des méthodes d'achat stratégiques afin de tirer le meilleur parti des fonds disponibles et de maximiser les bénéfices pour la santé. Pour ce faire, les planificateurs sanitaires doivent: (i) développer et privilégier les programmes de réadaptation étayés par des faits; (ii) utiliser des contrats adéquats et des mécanismes de paiement des fournisseurs qui mettent en valeur la qualité et l'efficacité des prestations de services; et enfin, (iii) renforcer les activités de gestion. Le présent document se penche sur ces trois priorités politiques en analysant les processus, acteurs et ressources qui y sont associés dans différents pays. Les décideurs seront probablement confrontés à de nombreux obstacles lors de la mise en œuvre de telles politiques: un manque de responsabilisation et de coordination entre secteurs; des recherches et données limitées; une absence de normalisation et de définition claire des services, coûts et résultats; et des soins de réadaptation en pénurie. Pour relever ces défis et instaurer des pratiques d'achat stratégiques optimales en matière de réadaptation, nous leur conseillons de renforcer la gestion du secteur de la santé et d'établir un cadre de collaboration multisectorielle, d'investir dans la recherche et la collecte de données, et de s'inspirer des expériences vécues dans les régions à revenu élevé tout en récoltant un ensemble de preuves dans les régions à revenu faible et intermédiaire.

La atención de rehabilitación suele pasar desapercibida y carecer de fondos a pesar de ser un componente clave de la cobertura sanitaria universal, y ahora se enfrenta a una mayor desatención debido a las repercusiones indirectas de la pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019. Los responsables de formular las políticas pueden aprovechar los enfoques de adquisición estratégica para sacar el máximo provecho de los fondos disponibles y maximizar los beneficios para la salud. Para aplicar una adquisición más estratégica en materia de rehabilitación, los planificadores sanitarios deben (i) desarrollar y priorizar paquetes de servicios de rehabilitación a partir de la evidencia; (ii) utilizar mecanismos de contratación y pago a proveedores adecuados para incentivar la calidad y la prestación eficiente de los servicios; y (iii) fortalecer la administración. El presente documento estudia estas tres prioridades políticas mediante el análisis de sus procesos, actores y recursos asociados, basándose en las experiencias de los países. Es probable que los responsables de formular las políticas se enfrenten a varios obstáculos a la hora de poner en práctica estas prioridades políticas, entre los que se incluyen: una responsabilidad y coordinación inadecuadas entre sectores; la limitación de los datos y la investigación; la falta de definición y estandarización de los servicios, los costes y los resultados de la rehabilitación; y la insuficiente disponibilidad de la atención de rehabilitación. Para superar los desafíos e instituir prácticas estratégicas óptimas de adquisición en materia de rehabilitación, se recomienda que los responsables de formular las políticas fortalezcan la administración del sector sanitario y establezcan un marco de colaboración multisectorial, inviertan en datos e investigación y aprovechen la experiencia disponible en entornos de ingresos altos, al tiempo que crean un conjunto de evidencias procedentes de entornos de ingresos bajos y medios.

Administración Financiera , Planificación en Salud , Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiología , Atención a la Salud , Responsabilidad Social , Cobertura Universal del Seguro de Salud
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 20(51): 64-68, 2022.
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1378393


Introduction : La Neurochirurgie au Mali reste une discipline relativement jeune par rapport aux autres spécialités chirurgicales. Le but de ce travail est de décrire le parcours des urgences neurochirurgicales admises au SAU de l'hôpital du Mali.Patient et méthodes : C'est une étude prospective transversale analytique qui s'est déroulée au SAU de l'hôpital du Mali sur une durée de 02 mois. Sont inclus dans cette étude, tous les patients admis au SAU et dont on a eu recours à un avis neurochirurgical. Nous avons recensé et analysé les données épidémiologiques, cliniques, paracliniques et thérapeutiques chez 82 patients. Résultats : Sur un total de 152 patients admis au SAU, il y'avait 82 cas pour lesquels un avis neurochirurgical a été demandé soit 53, 95 % des admissions. Parmi ces 82 patients, il y avait 50 cas de traumatismes crâniens, 20 cas de traumatismes du rachis, 08 cas d'accident vasculaire cérébral hémorragique (AVCH), 03 cas de suppurations intracrâniennes et 01 cas de tumeur cérébrale. Nous avons opéré 41 patients (50%) et mis en observation 32 patients (39,02%). Malgré nos efforts, 09 patients sont sortis contre avis médical ou par faute de moyens. Nous avons noté 03 cas de décès. Conclusion : La qualité des soins et l'accès aux soins sont très souvent considérés par les patients comme les éléments essentiels de la performance d'un système de santé. En tant que Etablissement Public Hospitalier (EPH) de niveau 3, il doit bénéficier d'un plateau technique adéquat et d'un personnel médical et paramédical suffisant afin d'assurer une prise en charge correcte des patients

Introduction : Neurosurgery in Mali remains a relatively young discipline compared to other surgical specialties.The aim of this study is to describe the course of neurosurgical emergencies in "Hôpital du Mali". Patients and methods: This is a prospective cross-sectional analytical study that took place at the emergency department of "hôpital du Mali" over a period of 02 months. Are included in this study, all the patients admitted in emergency for whom neurosurgical advice was sought. We identified and analyzed epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic data in 82 patients.Results: Out of a total of 152 patients admitted to our emergency unit, there were 82 cases for which a neurosurgical opinion was requested, ie 53.95% of admissions. Among these 82 patients, there were 50 cases of head trauma, 20 cases of spinal trauma, 08 cases of brain stroke, 03 cases of intracranial suppurations and 01 case of brain tumor. We operated on 41 patients (50%) and observed 32 patients (39.02%). Despite our efforts, 09 patients were released against medical advice or for lack of funds. We noted 03 cases of death. Conclusion: The quality of care and access to care are very often seen by patients as essential elements of the performance of a health system. As a level 3 public hospital, it must have an adequate technical platform and sufficient medical and paramedical staff to ensure correct patient care

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calidad de los Alimentos , Directores de Hospitales , Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Procedimientos Neuroquirúrgicos , Auditoría Administrativa
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 20(51): 80-84, 2022. tables, figures
Artículo en Francés | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1378425


Introduction : La présence de matériel prothétique intracardiaque expose au risque thromboembolique, infectieux et/ou hémorragique. L'objectif de ce travail était de décrire les particularités cliniques et étiologiques des complications de prothèses valvulaires mécaniques.Cas cliniques : Il s'agit d'une série de cinq observations de patients présentant une complication de prothèses valvulaires mécaniques colligées au service de cardiologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Libreville durant la période allant de Janvier 2017 à Décembre 2021. Les complications rapportées étaient deux cas de thrombose obstructive de prothèse, un accident vasculaire cérébral sur microthrombose, une endocardite infectieuse et un accident hémorragique sous antivitamines K. Ce dernier était responsable d'un décès. Conclusion : Ces cas cliniques mettent en exergue les difficultés liées au suivi de l'anticoagulation au long cours chez les patients porteurs de prothèse valvulaire mécanique dans notre contexte. La mise en place d'un programme d'éducation thérapeutique pourrait diminuer ces complications parfois létales

Introduction: The presence of intracardiac prosthetic material exposes to thromboembolic, infectious and/or hemorrhagic risk. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and etiological particularities of mechanical valve prostheses complications. Clinical cases: five observations of patients presenting with a complication of mechanical valve prostheses collected in the cardiology department of the Libreville University Hospital Center during the period from January 2017 to December 2021, were reported. Complications observed were two cases of obstructive prosthesis thrombosis, a cerebrovascular stroke coming from microthrombosis, an infective endocarditis and a hemorrhagic accident under vitamin K antagonists. This last was responsible for the one death. Conclusion: These clinical cases highlight the difficulties related to the monitoring of long-term anticoagulation in patients with mechanical valve prosthesis in our context. The development of a therapeutic education program could reduce these potentially lethal complications

Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Implantación de Prótesis Vascular , Tromboembolia Venosa
Radiologe ; 61(1): 67-70, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33331969


We present the different steps for procurement of a dose management system for a university hospital, starting from the Europe-wide request for proposals, the product presentations by the suppliers and the final decision. For a project of this size, it is advisable to involve external consultants, especially for preparation of the system specifications and the calculation of the total cost of ownership (TCO). Use cases were of special interest in assessing the functionality of the different systems. Following the product presentations some changes were made concerning the system specifications and minimum requirements. Qualified users like medical physics experts, radiologists and technicians as well as users from generic quality management should form the team for evaluation and final product decision.

Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Radiología , Europa (Continente) , Humanos
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2021. 73 p. ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1367842


Introdução: a falta de um medicamento durante a internação hospitalar, põe em risco o correto cumprimento dos planos terapêuticos traçados para os pacientes, o que pode vir a gerar a recidiva de um quadro clínico, o prolongamento do tempo de internação e o consequente aumento de custos para a instituição, seja ela pública ou privada. Dentro da cadeia logística do medicamento, diversas são as etapas que podem contribuir para o desabastecimento. No âmbito hospitalar essa logística se dá por meio do ciclo da assistência farmacêutica que compreende as etapas de seleção, programação, aquisição, armazenamento, distribuição e dispensação de medicamentos. Os estoques da farmácia hospitalar são caracterizados por ciclos de demandas e de ressuprimentos, com flutuações significativas, o que dificulta a disponibilidade na mesma proporção da utilização do medicamento. Tendo em vista esta complexidade torna-se necessário o uso de indicadores, que avaliem os processos de trabalho. Objetivos: o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as principais causas de desabastecimento de medicamentos em uma unidade de saúde e desenvolver um manual para otimização da aquisição de medicamentos. Materiais e método: Inicialmente foi realizado um mapeamento do fluxo de valor a fim de compreender a movimentação de materiais e informações envolvidos no processo de aquisição de medicamentos. Posteriormente, confeccionou-se uma planilha para registrar o fluxo logístico dos produtos, que resultou na obtenção dos pontos críticos do processo. A coleta dos dados de aquisição de medicamentos foi realizada durante o ano de 2019. Os critérios avaliados foram definidos com base nas ocorrências que mais contribuíram para o desabastecimento, seja pela relevância, ou pela frequência. Por fim foi elaborado um manual contendo critérios, normas, e procedimentos, a serem seguidos a fim de se evitar o desabastecimento. Resultados: Elaboração de um manual para otimização da aquisição de medicamentos composto por: mapa do fluxo de valor logístico de medicamentos, planilha para registro da logística de aquisição de medicamentos, procedimentos operacionais padrão para a gestão da aquisição de medicamentos. Conclusão: com o manual espera-se otimizar a gestão logística de medicamentos e reduzir a incidência de problemas com desabastecimento, gerando um impacto positivo na assistência ao paciente

Introduction: the lack of a drug during hospitalization puts at risk the correct compliance with the therapeutic plans outlined for the patients, which can lead to the recurrence of a clinical condition, the extension of the hospital stay and the consequent increase in costs for the institution, whether public or private. Within the drug's logistics chain, there are several steps that can contribute to shortages. In the hospital context, this logistics takes place through the pharmaceutical care cycle, which comprises the stages of selection, programming, acquisition, storage, distribution and dispensing of medicines. Hospital pharmacy stocks are characterized by cycles of demand and resupply, with significant fluctuations, which makes availability in the same proportion as the use of the medication difficult. Due to this complexity, it is necessary to use indicators that assess work processes. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the main causes of drug shortages in a health unit and to develop a manual for optimizing drug acquisition. Materials and method: Initially, a mapping of the value stream was carried out in order to understand the flow of materials and information involved in the drug procurement process. Subsequently, a spreadsheet was made to record the logistical flow of the products, which resulted in the critical points of the process being obtained. Logistic data for drug acquisition during 2019 were collected and the criteria evaluated were defined based on the occurrences that most contributed to the shortage, either by relevance or by the frequency with which they occurred. Finally, a manual was created containing criteria, norms, and procedures to be followed in order to avoid shortages. Results: Preparation of a manual for optimizing drug procurement, comprising: a map of the logistical value flow of drugs, a spreadsheet for recording the logistics of drug procurement, standard operating procedures for managing drug procurement. Conclusion: the manual is expected to optimize the logistical management of medicines and reduce the incidence of problems with shortages, generating a positive impact on patient care

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Servicio de Farmacia en Hospital/métodos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/organización & administración , Almacenaje de Medicamentos/métodos , Servicio de Farmacia en Hospital/organización & administración , Optimización de Procesos/métodos , Administración de Materiales de Hospital/tendencias
Zhongguo Yi Liao Qi Xie Za Zhi ; 44(5): 457-462, 2020 Oct 08.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33047574


Through the functional combination of relevant departments involved in hospital procurement, to simplify and unify the work process, we establish a standardized procurement system, to realize the pre-procurement budget and approval, power balance, strengthen the fairness and openness of procurement process. By introducing the closed-loop process of in-process supervision to ensure the impartiality of review and post-evaluation control, it comprehensively strengthens the internal control of procurement management, and finally realizes the purpose of strengthening procurement risk prevention and procurement quality management.

Hospitales Públicos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Control de Calidad , Investigación
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 34(4): 326-333, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-198702


OBJETIVO: Analizar la calidad y el impacto de los análisis de coste-utilidad de productos sanitarios realizados por la Red de Agencias de Evaluación (RedETS). MÉTODO: Los análisis de coste-utilidad de productos sanitarios se identificaron buscando entre los informes de evaluación de la base de datos de la web de RedETS (2006-2016). La calidad se evaluó con un listado de verificación de calidad de RedETS, y su impacto, comparando resultados de coste-utilidad y la inclusión en la cartera común de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Se analizó la inclusión en la cartera común si la ratio de coste-efectividad incremental superaba o no los 25.000 € por año de vida ajustado por calidad. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 25 análisis de coste-utilidad de productos sanitarios (12 de coste-utilidad, 10 de coste-efectividad y 3 de ambos). De ellos, 15 estudios con 19 ratios de coste-utilidad seleccionados cumplían al menos 18 de 25 criterios de verificación. Asimismo, 12 de los 15 estudios cumplían 18 de los 25 criterios. Sobre el impacto, en 6 de los 19 resultados se incluyó el producto en cartera aunque la ratio superó los 25.000 € por año de vida ajustado por calidad. En tres casos se está en proceso de reevaluación; en otro, de replanteamiento una vez realizados los informes de eficacia-seguridad de nuevos dispositivos; y en dos casos se señala en la cartera que debe seguirse un protocolo. CONCLUSIONES: La mayoría de los análisis de coste-utilidad de productos sanitarios analizados cumplieron casi todos los ítems del listado de verificación y, por tanto, fueron exhaustivos. Estos análisis de coste-utilidad de productos sanitarios fueron coherentes con el marco de toma de decisiones para manejar eficientemente la cartera del Sistema Nacional de Salud

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the quality and impact of cost-utility evaluations of medical devices carried out by the Spanish Network of Assessment Agencies (RedETS). METHOD: The cost-utility evaluations of medical devices were identified by searching the evaluation reports of the RedETS website database (2006-2016). Quality and its impact were evaluated with a RedETS quality checklist, comparing cost-utility results and inclusion in the portfolio of common services of the National Health System. The portfolio inclusion status was analysed considering whether the cost-effectiveness incremental ratio was or was not less than €25,000/quality adjusted life years. RESULTS: 25 cost-utility evaluations of medical devices were found (12 cost-utility, 10 cost-effectiveness and 3 both). Fifteen selected cost-utility studies with 19 cost-utility ratios met at least 18 of 25 verification criteria. Also, 12 of the 15 studies met 19 of the 25 criteria. On the impact, in 6 out of the 19 results, the product was included in the portfolio even though the ratio exceeded €25,000/quality adjusted life years. There are three cases undergoing a re-evaluation process, another case being reconsidered once the efficacy-safety of new devices has been reported and in two cases the portfolio states that protocols are required. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the cost-utility evaluations of medical devices published by RedETS fulfil most of the items on the checklist and, therefore, were thorough. These cost-utility evaluations of medical devices are consistent with the decision-making framework to efficiently manage the National Health System portfolio

Humanos , Acceso a Medicamentos Esenciales y Tecnologías Sanitarias , Equipos y Suministros/economía , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/economía , Análisis Costo-Eficiencia , Análisis Costo-Beneficio/métodos , Costos de Hospital/clasificación , Economía Hospitalaria/organización & administración , Evaluación en Salud/métodos , Bases de Datos como Asunto/estadística & datos numéricos , Lista de Verificación/clasificación , Costos y Análisis de Costo/métodos
Hosp Top ; 98(3): 89-102, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32715977


Given the potential benefits of Group Purchasing Organizations in cost-containment efforts for hospitals on supplies and purchased services, an important question that remains unanswered is what conditions support or hinder the utilization of GPOs by hospitals. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between GPO use by hospitals and their market and organizational characteristics. Data on hospital GPO utilization and other organizational characteristics were combined with secondary hospital market characteristics. Panel logistic regression with random effects and state and year fixed effects analysis was used to examine the relationship between hospitals' utilization of GPO services and hospitals' organizational and market characteristics. Overall, the majority of hospitals utilized the services of GPOs. Specifically, the number of hospitals utilizing the services of GPOs increased slightly from 3290 (72.2%) in 2004 to 3337 (74.4%) in 2013. In regression analyses, hospitals utilizing the services of GPOs operated in an external environment with mixed levels of munificence, more dynamism, and less competition. Specifically, hospitals operating in a less munificent environment are more likely to utilize the services of GPOs. The study findings provide organizational decision-makers and policymakers' insights into how certain market and organizational factors influence hospital strategy choice, in this case, the use of GPOs.

Adquisición en Grupo/métodos , Modelos Organizacionales , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/métodos , Competencia Económica/economía , Competencia Económica/tendencias , Adquisición en Grupo/normas , Adquisición en Grupo/tendencias , Costos de la Atención en Salud/normas , Costos de la Atención en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Recursos en Salud/economía , Recursos en Salud/provisión & distribución , Hospitales/normas , Hospitales/tendencias , Humanos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/normas , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/tendencias , Estados Unidos
J Hosp Infect ; 105(4): 657-658, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32389708


This study demonstrated the use of purchase data to determine the incidence of sharps injuries in a major tertiary referral hospital in Australia. The incidence rates of injuries per 100,000 items purchased were 2.65 and 12.60 for syringe needles and scalpel blades, respectively. These figures were lower than those reported previously using this method. The incidence rate for injuries with suture needles, which had not been reported previously, was 31.89/100,000 items purchased. Incidence data calculated in this manner may be used in conjunction with purchase cost estimates to inform policy and practices on institutional staff safety measures.

Accidentes de Trabajo/estadística & datos numéricos , Agujas/provisión & distribución , Lesiones por Pinchazo de Aguja/epidemiología , Salud Laboral/estadística & datos numéricos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/estadística & datos numéricos , Centros de Atención Terciaria/estadística & datos numéricos , Australia , Humanos , Incidencia , Agujas/clasificación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
BMC Health Serv Res ; 20(1): 234, 2020 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32192481


BACKGROUND: Medicine shortages are a complex global challenge affecting all countries. This includes South Africa where ongoing medicine shortages are a concern among public sector hospitals as South Africa strives for universal access to healthcare. The objectives of this research were to highlight challenges in the current pharmaceutical procurement process for public sector hospitals. Subsequently, suggest potential ways forward based on the findings as the authorities in South Africa seek to improve the procurement process. METHOD: Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 pharmacy managers in public sector hospitals in the Gauteng Province, South Africa. A thematic content analysis was performed, with transcripts coded by two of the authors. Coding was discussed until consensus was reached. Categories were developed and grouped into themes. RESULTS: The 'Procurement process' emerged from the data as the overarching theme, rooted in three main themes: (i) The buy-out process that was used to procure medicines from suppliers other than the contracted ones; (ii) Suppliers not performing thereby contributing to medicine shortages in the hospitals; and (iii) Challenges such as the inaccuracy of the electronic inventory management system used in the hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: Effective management of contracts of suppliers by the Provincial Department of Health is crucial to ensure accessibility and availability of essential medicines to all citizens of South Africa. Ongoing monitoring and support for the future use of computerised inventory management systems is important to reduce medicine shortages, and this is being followed up.

Medicamentos Esenciales/provisión & distribución , Hospitales Públicos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/organización & administración , Adulto , Contratos , Femenino , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Investigación Cualitativa , Sudáfrica
Healthc Manage Forum ; 33(2): 90-92, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31898466


Canadian hospitals participate in provincial and national procurement processes to help reduce healthcare costs. This allows for redirection of funds to direct patient care, along with creating networks, integrating services, and improving innovative solutions. To be competitive, vendors offer creative solutions and provide free or low-cost supplies to hospitals with the hope that patients will continue to purchase those items when discharged. What is not always factored into the procurement decision-making processes is the potential financial impact of the supplies required for patients when discharged from hospital services and other ethical implications of accepting free/reduced-cost supplies. This column provides some guidance for health leaders in this respect.

Equipos y Suministros de Hospitales/economía , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/ética , Canadá , Gastos en Salud , Humanos , Estomía/economía , Alta del Paciente
Health Care Manage Rev ; 45(3): 186-195, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30080712


BACKGROUND: Most hospitals outsource supply procurement to purchasing alliances, or group purchasing organizations (GPOs). Despite their early 20th century origin, we lack both national and trend data on alliance utilization, services, and performance. The topic is important as alliances help hospitals control costs, enjoy tailwinds from affiliated regional/local alliances, and face headwinds from hospital self-contracting and criticism of certain business practices. PURPOSE: We compare the utilization, services, and performance of alliances in 2004 and 2014. APPROACH: We analyze alliances using two comparable surveys of hospitals. We use significance tests to assess changes in alliance utilization, services, and performance (e.g., cost savings). We also assess the use of regional/local alliances affiliated with national GPOs. RESULTS: Purchasing through national alliances has somewhat diminished. Over 10 years, hospitals have diversified GPO memberships to include regional/local alliances (many affiliated with their national GPO) and engaged in self-contracting. At the same time, hospitals have increased purchases of many categories of supplies/services through national GPOs and endorsed their value-added functions and increasingly important role. Hospitals report greater satisfaction with several GPO functions; performance on most dimensions has not changed. CONCLUSIONS: National alliances still play important roles that hospitals find valuable. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Purchasing alliances continue to play an important role in helping hospitals with both cost savings and new services. Their growing complexity, along with growing use of self-contracting, poses managerial challenges for hospital purchasing staff that may require greater hospital investment.

Comercio/economía , Adquisición en Grupo , Servicios Externos/economía , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/tendencias , Eficiencia Organizacional , Adquisición en Grupo/economía , Adquisición en Grupo/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital/organización & administración , Estados Unidos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-942762


Through the functional combination of relevant departments involved in hospital procurement, to simplify and unify the work process, we establish a standardized procurement system, to realize the pre-procurement budget and approval, power balance, strengthen the fairness and openness of procurement process. By introducing the closed-loop process of in-process supervision to ensure the impartiality of review and post-evaluation control, it comprehensively strengthens the internal control of procurement management, and finally realizes the purpose of strengthening procurement risk prevention and procurement quality management.

Hospitales Públicos , Departamento de Compras en Hospital , Control de Calidad , Investigación