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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572099


Introdução: A realização de grupos é uma das possibilidades de atuação das equipes da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Esse tipo de intervenção possibilita o desenvolvimento de ações de cuidado que extrapolam as consultas individuais, propiciando educação em saúde, integração, troca de experiências e ampliação da rede de apoio. Ainda que não tenham necessariamente o propósito de serem terapêuticos em termos de saúde mental, apresentam-se como espaços de promoção de saúde e prevenção de agravos. O trabalho com grupos é capaz de gerar aprimoramento para todas as pessoas envolvidas ­ usuários e profissionais ­ na medida em que possibilita colocar em evidência os saberes da comunidade, abrindo a possibilidade de que as intervenções em saúde sejam criadas em coletivo. Objetivo: Analisar o processo de desenvolvimento da habilidade de facilitação de grupos e os impactos das habilidades adquiridas na sua dinâmica, bem como na sua efetividade como ferramenta de produção de saúde, considerando as habilidades e competências da Medicina de Família e Comunidade. Métodos: Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida na UBS Santa Cecília. Os encontros aconteceram semanalmente pelo período de uma hora durante seis meses. A ferramenta utilizada para acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da habilidade de facilitação se deu pela observação estruturada, baseada em cinco competências básicas para facilitação de grupos. A dinâmica estabelecida consistiu na determinação de uma profissional facilitadora e outra observadora, que registrou as intervenções realizadas, sendo esses papéis invertidos a cada encontro. Quinzenalmente os dados eram analisados, gerando reflexões e sugestões para melhoria das intervenções. Resultados: Cada competência descrita na ferramenta utilizada teve como resultado o desenvolvimento de habilidades primordiais para o funcionamento do grupo. Um dos maiores indicadores do êxito em alcançar as habilidades desejadas ocorreu pela observação de intervenções cada vez menos necessárias, tomando as participantes os papéis de protagonistas e responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do grupo, questionando, produzindo e obtendo saúde. Conclusões: A utilização de um instrumento de observação e reflexão das competências do agente atuante como facilitador de um grupo permitiu que a dinâmica se estabelecesse de forma fluida com rápido entendimento das participantes sobre seus papéis no contexto geral do grupo. Observou-se também que a relação estabelecida entre elas resultou na formação de rede de apoio, melhoria do autocuidado e conhecimento, informação em saúde e apoio social às envolvidas.

Introduction: Running support groups is one of the actions of Primary Health Care teams. This type of intervention enables the development of actions that go beyond individual consultations as the only space of care, providing health education, integration, exchange of experiences, and an enlargement in the support network. Although these groups do not necessarily have the purpose of being therapeutic in terms of mental health, they are presented as spaces for building health promotion and disease prevention. The alternative of groups as care practice generates improvement for all involved individuals ­ users and professionals ­ as it makes it possible to highlight the community's knowledge, opening the possibility that health interventions are created collectively. Objective: To analyze the process of ability development in regards to the facilitation of support groups and the impacts of the acquired skills on its dynamics, as well as on its effectiveness as a health production tool, considering the skills and competencies in Family and Community Medicine. Methods: Qualitative study developed at Santa Cecilia BHU. The meetings took place for one hour weekly over a six months period and the tool used to monitor the development of the facilitation skill was the instrument "Structured Observation", based on five basic skills for facilitating groups. The dynamics consisted of the determination of a professional facilitator and an observer, who recorded the interventions that were carried out, with these roles being reversed at each meeting. The data were analyzed bi-weekly, with reflections and suggestions for improving interventions. Results: Each competence described in the tool resulted in the development of essential skills for the functioning of the group. One of the major indicators of the achievement of the desired skills occurred by observing interventions that were less and less necessary, with participants taking on the roles of protagonists and becoming responsible for the development of the group, questioning, producing, and acquiring health. Conclusions: The use of an instrument for observing and reflecting on the skills of the agent acting as a group facilitator allows the dynamics to be fluidly established, with a quick understanding of the participants about their roles in the general context of the group. It was also observed that the relationship established between them resulted in the formation of a support network, improvement of self-care and knowledge, health information and social support for those involved.

Introducción: La realización de grupos es una de las acciones de los equipos de la Atención Primaria a la Salud. Este tipo de intervención hace posible el desarrollo de acciones que extrapolan las consultas individuales como único espacio de cuidado, ofreciendo educación en salud, integración, intercambio de experiencias y ampliación de la red de apoyo. Aunque estos grupos no tengan necesariamente el propósito de ser terapéutico en términos de salud mental, se presentan como sitios de construcción de promoción de salud y prevención de agravios. La alternativa de los grupos como una práctica asistencial crea una mejora para todas las personas involucradas ­ usuarios y profesionales ­ ya que habilita colocar en evidencia los saberes de la comunidad, abriendo la posibilidad de que las intervenciones en salud sean creadas en colectivo. Objetivo: Analizar el proceso de desarrollo de la habilidad de facilitación de grupos y los impactos de las habilidades adquiridas en la dinámica de este, así como en la efectividad como herramienta de producción de salud, considerando las habilidades y competencias de la Medicina de Familia y Comunidad. Métodos: Se trata de estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo en la UBS Santa Cecília. Los encuentros ocurrieron semanalmente durante una hora por seis meses y la herramienta utilizada para seguimiento del desarrollo de la habilidad de facilitación fue el instrumento Observación Estructurada, basado en cinco competencias básicas para facilitación de grupos. La dinámica establecida consistió en la determinación de una profesional facilitadora y otra observadora, que registró las intervenciones realizadas, siendo esos papeles cambiados a cada encuentro. A cada quince días los datos eran analizados, haciendo reflexiones y sugestiones para mejorar las intervenciones. Resultados: Cada competencia descrita en la herramienta utilizada tuvo como resultado el desarrollo de habilidades primordiales para el funcionamiento del grupo. Uno de los grandes indicadores del éxito en alcanzar las habilidades deseadas ocurrió por la observación de intervenciones cada vez menos necesarias, tomando las participantes los papeles de protagonistas y responsables por el desarrollo del grupo, cuestionando, produciendo y obteniendo salud. Conclusiones: La utilización de un instrumento de observación y reflexión de las competencias del agente actuante como facilitador de un grupo permiten que la dinámica se establezca de forma fluida con rápido entendimiento de las participantes sobre sus papeles en el contexto general del grupo. Se pudo observar también que la relación establecida entre ellas resultó en la formación de red de apoyo, mejora del autocuidado y conocimiento, información en salud y apoyo social a las involucradas.

Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3975, 20241804.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572109


Introdução: O dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) é uma das estratégias contraceptivas mais eficazes. Porém, apesar de ser amplamente distribuído pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), há baixa adesão ao método. São constatadas diversas barreiras para esse quadro, tais como desconhecimento acerca do dispositivo, além da reduzida oferta para inserção do contraceptivo por parte das Equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). Tendo em vista que a ampliação do acesso ao DIU pode contribuir para a diminuição das gravidezes não planejadas, bem como para a autonomia e para o empoderamento das mulheres, algumas estratégias foram desenvolvidas por uma eSF para facilitar o acesso ao DIU. Objetivo: Refletir a respeito do impacto da incorporação de estratégias de educação em saúde para divulgar o método dentro da própria equipe, de sua área de cobertura e da diminuição de barreiras para a inserção, na ampliação do acesso ao DIU, no quantitativo de dispositivos inseridos, no número de gestações não planejadas e na possibilidade de aumento do empoderamento feminino. Métodos: Os dados coletados foram extraídos das informações presentes em planilhas e relatórios produzidos pela própria eSF. Utilizou-se da estatística descritiva para apresentar e analisar os dados obtidos, a partir de ferramentas de formulação de gráficos e tabelas. Resultados: Após mudança no processo de trabalho, visando ao acesso ampliado à inserção do DIU, observou-se um aumento no quantitativo do procedimento assim como na percentagem de gravidezes desejadas. Conclusões: O DIU surge como um instrumento para possibilitar o exercício dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e para alavancar atitudes emancipatórias das mulheres. Quanto menos barreiras as mulheres encontram para a inserção do DIU, maior é a escolha por este método, sendo a inserção por demanda espontânea, ou seja, no momento em que a mulher procura a eSF para fazê-la. Nesse sentido, as atividades de educação continuada tornam-se potentes ferramentas para possibilitar maior acesso ao método. Fazem-se necessários estudos de longa duração para que essas hipóteses sejam avaliadas, todavia, parece haver uma ligação positiva entre essas duas variáveis.

Introduction: Intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective contraceptive strategies. Despite being widely distributed by the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS), there is low adherence to the method. There are several barriers to this situation, such as lack of knowledge about the device, in addition to the reduced offer for contraceptive insertion by primary health care providers. Given that increased access to the IUD can contribute to reducing unplanned pregnancies, as well as empowering women, some strategies have been developed by a primary health care team to facilitate access to IUDs. Objective: This research reflected on the impact of incorporating health education strategies to disseminate the method and reduction of barriers to insertion, broadening IUD access, the number of devices inserted, the number of unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of increased female empowerment. Methods: Data were extracted from information present in spreadsheets and reports produced by the team itself. Descriptive statistics were used to present and analyze the data obtained, using tools for formulating graphics and tables. Results: After changing the work process to expanded access to IUD insertion, an increase in the number of procedures and the percentage of planned pregnancies was observed. Conclusions: The IUD appears as an instrument to enable the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and to leverage women's emancipatory attitudes. The fewer barriers women encounter when inserting an IUD, the greater the choice for this method, with insertion being on spontaneous demand and continuing education activities, powerful tools to enable greater access to it. Long-term studies are necessary for these hypotheses to be evaluated, however, there appears to be a positive link between these two variables.

Introducción: El dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) es una de las estrategias anticonceptivas más efectivas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplia distribución a través del Sistema Único de Salud, existe una baja adhesión a este método. Se han identificado diversas barreras para esta situación, como el desconocimiento sobre el dispositivo y la oferta limitada de su inserción por parte de los equipos de salud familiar (eSF). Con el objetivo de ampliar el acceso al DIU y reducir los embarazos no deseados, así como promover la autonomía y empoderamiento de las mujeres, algunos equipos de eSF han desarrollado estrategias para facilitar su acceso. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre el impacto de la incorporación de estrategias de educación en salud para difundir el método dentro del propio equipo y su área de cobertura, así como la eliminación de barreras para la inserción, en la ampliación del acceso al DIU, en la cantidad de dispositivos insertados, en el número de embarazos no planeados y en la posibilidad de aumentar el empoderamiento femenino. Métodos: Los datos recopilados se extrajeron de las hojas de cálculo e informes producidos por el propio eSF. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para presentar y analizar los datos obtenidos mediante herramientas de creación de gráficos y tablas. Resultados: Después de un cambio en el proceso de trabajo destinado a ampliar el acceso a la inserción del DIU, se observó un aumento en la cantidad de procedimientos realizados. También se registró un aumento en el porcentaje de embarazos deseados. Conclusiones: El DIU se presenta como una herramienta que permite el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos y promueve actitudes emancipatorias en las mujeres. Cuantas menos barreras encuentren las mujeres para la inserción del DIU, mayor será la elección de este método, con la inserción a demanda, es decir, cuando la mujer lo solicita al eSF, y las actividades de educación continua como poderosas herramientas para facilitar un mayor acceso. Se necesitan estudios a largo plazo para evaluar estas hipótesis, aunque parece existir una relación positiva entre estas dos variables.

Humans , Contraception , Women's Health , Family Development Planning , Intrauterine Devices
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e79100, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556445


Objetivo: conhecer as representações sociais sobre o planejamento reprodutivo entre mulheres em gravidez não planejada na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Método: estudo qualitativo, orientado pela Teoria das Representações Sociais, realizado com 15 gestantes, entre abril e maio de 2019. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram organizados por meio do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, com auxílio do software DSCsoft©. Protocolo de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: as representações sociais das mulheres em gravidez não planejada evidenciadas pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo foram representadas por oito ideias centrais, a saber: "eu não me preveni, nem ele", "nós nos prevenimos", "eu comprava", "pegava no posto", "construir uma família", "ter esse acesso", "estou por fora" e "eu sei que é disponível". Conclusão: as representações sociais nos discursos das mulheres em gravidez não planejada estavam pautadas no desconhecimento acerca do planejamento reprodutivo, dos anticoncepcionais disponíveis e seu uso correto.

Objective: to understand the social representations of reproductive planning among women with unplanned pregnancies in the Family Health Strategy. Method: qualitative study, guided by the Theory of Social Representations, carried out with 15 pregnant women between April and May 2019. Semi-structured interviews were used. The data was organized using the Discourse of the Collective Subject, with the aid of DSCsoft© software. Research protocol approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: the social representations of women with unplanned pregnancies as evidenced by the Collective Subject Discourse were represented by eight central ideas, namely: "I didn't prevent myself, nor did he", "we prevented ourselves", "I would buy it", "I would get it at the health center", "build a family", "have this access", "I am not aware" and "I know it is available". Conclusion: the social representations in the women's speeches about unplanned pregnancies were based on a lack of knowledge about reproductive planning, the contraceptives available and their correct use.

Objetivo: conocer las representaciones sociales sobre la planificación reproductiva de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Método: estudio cualitativo, basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, realizado con 15 mujeres embarazadas, entre abril y mayo de 2019. Se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos fueron organizados mediante el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo, con ayuda del software DSCsoft©. El protocolo de investigación fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: las representaciones sociales de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado reveladas por el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo fueron representadas por ocho ideas centrales, a saber: "yo no me cuidé y él tampoco", "nos cuidamos", "yo los compraba", "los buscaba en el centro de salud", "construir una familia", "tener acceso", "no participo" y "sé que está disponible". Conclusión: las representaciones sociales en los discursos de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado se basaron en la falta de conocimiento sobre la planificación reproductiva, en los anticonceptivos disponibles y su uso correcto.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 57-68, jul./dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554901


Objetivo: avaliar o tônus do corpo perineal em mulheres jovens nulíparas e correlacionar com as funções sexuais e a presença de disfunção sexual. Método: foi realizado um estudo descritivo, observacional, transversal utilizando uma amostra de conveniência incluindo mulheres adultas jovens nulíparas. A avaliação das participantes consistiu na aplicação dos questionários socioclínico, Pelvic Organ Prolaps / Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire (PISQ-12), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) e exame físico do tônus do corpo perineal. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®), versão 23, adotando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: participaram 77 mulheres jovens nulíparas (21,68 ± 2,94 anos), destas 77, 92% apresentavam vida sexual ativa e 66,03% tônus normal do corpo perineal. Dentre as alterações tônicas, o aumento do tônus predominou (33,76%). Houve alta prevalência de disfunção sexual (87,01%) pelo FSFI (23,38 ± 7,21) com maior queixa de dispareunia. Mulheres com tônus aumentado apresentaram maior disfunção sexual em relação a desejo e estímulo subjetivo (p=0,04), à excitação (p=0,01), satisfação (p=0,04) e dor ou a desconforto (p=0,03). Houve correlação inversa entre a presença de aumento do tônus e os domínios FSFI desejo e estímulo subjetivo (R= - 0,56) e excitação (R= - 0,34) e correlação direta para dor ou desconforto (R= 0,30). Conclusão: o aumento do tônus do corpo perineal piora a função sexual de mulheres jovens nulíparas.

Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and physical examination of the tone of the perineal body. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®), version 23, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: 77 young nulliparous women (21.68 ± 2.94 years) participated, of which 77, 92% had an active sexual life and 66.03% had normal tone of the perineal body. Among the tonic changes, increased tone predominated (33.76%). There was a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction (87.01%) according to the FSFI (23.38 ± 7.21) with greater complaints of dyspareunia. Women with increased tone had greater sexual dysfunction in relation to desire and subjective stimulation (p=0.04), excitement (p=0.01), satisfaction (p=0.04) and pain or discomfort (p=0.03). There was an inverse correlation between the presence of increased tone and the FSFI domains desire and subjective stimulus (R= - 0.56) and excitement (R= - 0.34) and a direct correlation for pain or discomfort (R= 0.30). Conclusion: increased perineal body tone worsens sexual function in young nulliparous women.

Humans , Female , Adult
JMIR Cancer ; 10: e52018, 2024 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141902


BACKGROUND: Complementary and alternative (CAM) cancer treatment is often expensive and not covered by insurance. As a result, many people turn to crowdfunding to access this treatment. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify the rationales of patients with cancer seeking CAM treatment abroad by looking specifically at crowdfunding campaigns to support CAM cancer treatment in Tijuana, Mexico. METHODS: We scraped the and crowdfunding platforms for campaigns referencing CAM cancer clinics in Tijuana, initiated between January 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023. The authors created a coding framework to identify rationales for seeking CAM treatment in Tijuana. To supplement campaign metadata, we coded the beneficiary's cancer stage, type, age, specific treatment sought, whether the beneficiary died, gender, and race. RESULTS: Patients sought CAM cancer treatment in Tijuana because the (1) treatment offers the greatest efficacy (29.9%); (2) treatment offered domestically was not curative (23.2%); (3) the clinic treats the whole person, and addresses the spiritual dimension of the person (20.1%); (4) treatments are nontoxic, natural, or less invasive (18.2%); and (5) clinic offers the newest technology (8.5%). Campaigns raised US $5,275,268.37 and most campaign beneficiaries were women (69.7%) or White individuals (71.1%). CONCLUSIONS: These campaigns spread problematic misinformation about the likely efficacy of CAM treatments, funnel money and endorsements to CAM clinics in Tijuana, and leave many campaigners short of the money needed to pay for CAM treatments while costing beneficiaries and their loved one's time, privacy, and dignity. This study affirms that Tijuana, Mexico, is a very popular destination for CAM cancer treatment.

JMIR Perioper Med ; 7: e56033, 2024 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141909


BACKGROUND: Digital technology and gamified apps can be useful in the health care context. Gamification uses technology to influence users' actions and motivations through experiences that resemble games. Patient adherence to the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program is crucial for achieving early recovery after surgery and continuous monitoring is essential for obtaining good results. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the development and validation of a mobile app for enhanced recovery after surgery (MobERAS), a gamified mobile health app for telemonitoring patients in the postoperative period based on the ERAS program, and to evaluate its functionality and usability and the experience of patients, health care professionals, and computer professionals with its use. METHODS: We developed MobERAS for postoperative telemonitoring, with active participation of patients in the process, and offering availability of real-time information for the health team. The app development process included idealization, interdisciplinary team formation, potential needs assessment, and product deployment. Usability tests were conducted throughout the development process with improvements, technical adjustments, and updates. After finalization, comprehensive verification tests were performed. The parameters evaluated are those that can influence the length of hospital stay, such as nausea, vomiting, pain scales, return to normal gastrointestinal function, and thromboembolic events. MobERAS was designed to be downloaded by users on their phones, tablets, or other mobile devices and to provide postoperative data. The app has a GPS that monitors the patient's walking time and distance and is connected to a virtual database that stores the collected data. RESULTS: Women undergoing medium and major gynecologic oncologic surgeries were included. We included 65 patients with an average age of 53.2 (SD 7.4, range 18-85) years. The time of use ranged from 23.4 to 70 hours (mean 45.1, SD 19.2 hours). Regarding adherence to the use of MobERAS, the mean fill rate was 56.3% (SD 12.1%, range 41.7%-100%), and ambulation data were obtained for 60 (92.3%) of the 65 patients. The researcher had access to the data filled out by the patients in real time. There was good acceptance of the use of MobERAS by the patients, with good evaluation of the app's usability. MobERAS was easy to use and considered attractive because of its gamified design. The app was rated as good or very good in all items by health care professionals (n=20) and professionals specializing in technological innovation (n=10). CONCLUSIONS: MobERAS is easy to use, safe, well accepted by patients, and well evaluated by experts. It can be of great use in clinical surgical practice and an important tool for greater engagement of patients and health care professionals with the ERAS program.

Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care ; 29(5): 233-238, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39109858


PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) use on the incidence of acne in adolescents and young women. METHODS: A narrative review was conducted in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and SciELO assessing the incidence of acne in adolescents and young women using LNG-IUD (13.5, or 19.5 mg, or 52 mg). Cohort, cross-sectional studies, clinical trials, and meta-analyses were included, without a date limit. Studies that didn't evaluate women in the age of interest were excluded. Only articles in English were selected. RESULTS: Nine articles were included in this narrative review. Only clinical trials, cohort studies, and cross-sectional studies were evaluated. Two cross-sectional studies evaluated the incidence of acne in women using any contraceptive methods, with the incidence of acne being 36% in women aged 17 to 47 using LNG-IUD in one study. In another study, acne incidence ranged from 2 to 8% in women using any contraceptive methods, with higher rates in younger women and LNG-IUD users. The incidence of acne varies and participants between 16 to 35 years were more likely to report new acne or worsening of pre-existing acne. In a prospective cohort study of women between 16 and 24 years, acne was a common adverse effect, with 44% in the first year. CONCLUSION: The data indicate variability in the incidence of acne among LNG-IUD users, with a higher prevalence observed in younger women. Further research should focus on the effects of LNG-IUD on acne in young populations, with rigorous study designs and consideration of previous contraceptive use.

The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) is an important tool in the prevention of unplanned pregnancies in adolescents and young women. Acne is a possible adverse effect that could lead to discontinuation of the method.

Acne Vulgaris , Contraceptive Agents, Female , Intrauterine Devices, Medicated , Levonorgestrel , Humans , Female , Levonorgestrel/administration & dosage , Levonorgestrel/adverse effects , Adolescent , Intrauterine Devices, Medicated/adverse effects , Acne Vulgaris/epidemiology , Young Adult , Incidence , Contraceptive Agents, Female/administration & dosage , Contraceptive Agents, Female/adverse effects , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies
Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(15)2024 Jul 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39120183


This pilot cross-sectional study was designed to determine the profile of obstetric violence in Ecuador in recent years. An online survey was conducted between March 2022 and April 2022, including women over 18 years who granted their informed consent to participate (n = 1598). We used non-probabilistic sampling to obtain our sample. Fisher's exact test was performed to assess the association between violence and type of birth, healthcare facility, and education level. Out of the women who participated in the study, 89.2% (n = 1426) identified themselves as Mestiza. Additionally, 88.3% (n = 1411) had completed university-level education. The majority of the participants, specifically 63.6% (n = 1017), received their care in public institutions, and 98.2% (n = 1569) reported structural negligence, while 74.5% (n = 1190) reported violation of their right to information. The entire sample affirmed to have experienced violation of the right of presence. This report shows that obstetric violence is present in Ecuador in different ways and that women experience negligence and violation of their right to receive ethical healthcare during childbirth.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118470


Gender relations are a set of socially determined norms and rules that assign values, characteristics, and expectations to individuals based on their biological sex. These aspects also influence the clinician-patient relationship, since it has been for a long time based on cisheteronormativity. However, this attitude alienated the LGBTQIA+ community from health services. Global and specific gynecologic care needs to be offered to the LGBTQIA+ population, which has demands for sexual and reproductive health care. In this narrative review, we bring conceptual aspects, gender identity and expression, sexual history, screening for cancer and other care to the community.

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 62(1): 1-8, 2024 Jan 08.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106487


Background: Obesity creates a burden of disease that affects the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of women and in those between 20 to 59 years of age it implies greater morbidity and mortality compared to men or other age groups. Objective: To evaluate the HRQoL of Mexican women aged 20 to 59 years with obesity. Material and methods: Observational, cross-sectional, prospective, and retrospective study. It was obtained a sample of 104 women from 20 to 59 years of age diagnosed with obesity according to the NOM-008-SSA3-2017 Standard. The participants' main clinical and sociodemographic characteristics were collected, and their HRQoL was evaluated with the SF-36 questionnaire. For the analysis of the collected variables, descriptive statistics were used. To identify the association of these variables with HRQoL, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. Results: 104 women with a median age of 40.0 years participated. Of these, 66.3% had grade I obesity, 21.2% grade II, and 12.5% grade III. In the overall sample, general health and vitality were the lowest dimensions. In the comparison by groups, the physical role and the emotional role had statistically significant differences (p = 0.007 and p = 0.009, respectively), with the most affected group being obesity grade II. Conclusions: Obesity mainly affected the perception of general health and vitality; likewise, those with grade II had a greater impact on the physical role and the emotional role.

Introducción: la obesidad crea una carga de enfermedad que afecta la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de las mujeres y en aquellas de 20 a 59 años implica una mayor morbilidad y mortalidad respecto a los hombres u otros grupos etarios. Objetivo: evaluar la CVRS de mujeres mexicanas de 20 a 59 años con obesidad. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, transversal, prospectivo y retrolectivo. Se obtuvo una muestra de 104 mujeres de 20 a 59 años, diagnosticadas con obesidad según la NOM-008-SSA3-2017. Se recabaron las principales características clínicas y sociodemográficas de las participantes y se evaluó su CVRS con el cuestionario SF-36. Para analizar las variables recogidas, se usó estadística descriptiva. Para identificar la asociación de estas variables con la CVRS, se usó la prueba Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: participaron 104 mujeres con una mediana de edad de 40.0 años. De estas, 66.3% tuvieron obesidad grado I, 21.2% grado II y 12.5% grado III. En la muestra general, la salud general y la vitalidad fueron las dimensiones más bajas. En la comparación por grupos, el rol físico y el rol emocional tuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0.007 y p = 0.009, respectivamente), y el grupo más afectado fue el de obesidad grado II. Conclusiones: la obesidad afectó principalmente la percepción de la salud general y de la vitalidad; asimismo, aquellas con grado II tuvieron una mayor repercusión en los roles físico y emocional.

Obesity , Quality of Life , Humans , Female , Mexico , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Obesity/psychology , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Retrospective Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Ethn Health ; : 1-15, 2024 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39107054


OBJECTIVES: Despite cervical cancer (CC) being a preventable disease, its incidence remains high in marginalized communities due to inequalities that restrict access to health services. This article investigates the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes regarding the screening of indigenous women in a region of the Colombian Amazon during a cervical cancer prevention initiative facilitated by community participation. DESIGN: Qualitative study based on interviews conducted with women and indigenous leaders from Paujil reserve. They participated in research focused on cervical cancer prevention, which employed a methodology of collaboration between academia and communities aimed at enhancing women's health and reducing inequalities in access to healthcare services. The analysis utilized a deductive and inductive approach. RESULTS: Five main themes were addressed: 'Barriers within health services'; 'Individual and cultural constraints'; 'Motivations and facilitators'; 'Positive experiences within the research framework'; and 'Suggestions for encouraging women's participation.' Challenges related to appointment scheduling and result delivery were frequently cited as obstacles to access. Misinformation, feelings of shame, fear, and distrust towards health services played significant roles in the reluctance to undergo screening. Factors such as support from family and community networks, respectful treatment, ease of scheduling appointments, the presence of female healthcare professionals, and involvement of leaders fluent in indigenous languages were identified as positive facilitators of screening acceptance. CONCLUSION: Understanding the factors that influence access to screening is crucial for reducing inequalities in service delivery for indigenous women. The involvement of trained leaders who can identify these factors and motivate women can have a positive impact on the acceptance and guidance of cervical cancer prevention programs.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1353845, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39109153


Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cause considerable morbidity worldwide and, depending on the specific pathogen, may lead to serious complications in the female reproductive tract. Incarcerated women are particularly vulnerable to health problems with a disproportionate high rate of STIs, including infections with human papillomavirus (HPV). Methods: Here, cervical swab samples collected from 299 women (18 to 64 years) living in one of the women's prisons of São Paulo, Brazil were submitted for liquid-based cytology to determine the prevalence of precancerous lesions. Furthermore, direct detection of 30 genital HPV genotypes (18 high-risk and 12 low-risk types) and 11 additional STIs (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Haemophilus ducreyi, Mycoplasma genitalium and hominis, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Ureaplasma parvum and urealyticum) were performed by molecular typing using two PCR-based DNA microarray systems, i.e., EUROArray HPV and EUROArray STI (EUROIMMUN), respectively. Results: The overall prevalence of cytological abnormalities was 5.8%, including five women with low-grade and five women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. The overall prevalence of HPV was 62.2, and 87.1% of the HPV-positive women were infected with oncogenic high-risk (HR) HPV types. HPV types 16 (24.1%), 33 and 52 (both 10.4%) were the most frequently detected. The prevalence of the other STIs was 72.8%. Up to four different pathogens were found in the infected women, the most frequent being Ureaplasma parvum (45.3%), Mycoplasma hominis (36.2%) and Trichomonas vaginalis (24.8%). Conclusion: The high number of HR-HPV infections and other STIs described here highlights the fact that the Brazilian female prison population requires more attention in the country's health policies. The implementation of screening programs and treatment measures might contribute to a decrease in the incidence of STIs and cervical cancer in this vulnerable population. However, for such measures to be effective, further studies are needed to investigate the best practice to get more women to engage in in-prison prevention programs, e.g., through offering further sexual health education and self-sampling.

Human Papillomavirus Viruses , Papillomavirus Infections , Prisoners , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Cervix Uteri/microbiology , Cervix Uteri/virology , Human Papillomavirus Viruses/genetics , Human Papillomavirus Viruses/isolation & purification , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Prevalence , Prisoners/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/microbiology
J Appl Microbiol ; 135(8)2024 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39108074


AIMS: To evaluate the prevalence, molecular characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility, and epithelial invasion of Streptococcus agalactiae strains isolated from pregnant women and newborns in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 67 S. agalactiae isolates, 48 isolates from pregnant women and 19 from neonates, were analyzed. Capsular type Ia and V were predominant (35.8%/each). The multilocus sequence typing analysis revealed the presence of 19 STs grouped into 6 clonal complexes with prevalence of CC17/40.3% and CC23/34.3%. The lmb and iag virulence genes were found in 100% of isolates. Four S. agalactiae strains, belonging to CC17/ST1249 and CC23/ST23, were able to adhere to A549 respiratory epithelial cells. Antimicrobial resistance was verified mainly to tetracycline (85%), erythromycin (70.8%), and clindamycin (58.3%). Four S. agalactiae isolates were multidrug resistant. The resistance genes tested were found in 92.5% of isolates for tetM, 58.2% for ermB, 28.4% for mefAE, and 10.4% for tetO. CONCLUSION: The study showed a high prevalence of virulence and antimicrobial genes in S. agalactiae strains isolated from pregnant women and newborns, supporting the idea that continued surveillance is necessary to identify risk factors and perform long-term follow-up in pregnant women and neonates in Rio de Janeiro.

Anti-Bacterial Agents , Epithelial Cells , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Streptococcal Infections , Streptococcus agalactiae , Streptococcus agalactiae/genetics , Streptococcus agalactiae/drug effects , Streptococcus agalactiae/isolation & purification , Female , Humans , Brazil , Pregnancy , Streptococcal Infections/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Infant, Newborn , Epithelial Cells/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial/genetics , Adult , Virulence Factors/genetics , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/genetics , Virulence/genetics
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088152


Although women with schizophrenia face significant lifelong challenges due to their diagnosis and sex-related issues, those challenges are seldom taken into consideration in their medical treatment and general care. In order to report the needs and desires of a group of women with schizophrenia, we conducted a series of semistructured interviews with nine women diagnosed with schizophrenia and attending outpatient clinics at the Hospital Del Salvador in Valparaíso. Our qualitative study followed a phenomenological design. Using ATLAS.ti software, we performed a content analysis of the interview transcripts, developed a coding frame for each major topic addressed in the interviews, and triangulated the results. Despite presenting with psychotic symptoms, some women received different diagnoses. Although acknowledging the benefits of medication, women also reported concerns about weight gain and body image. All women reported experiences with stigma and self-stigma related to the diagnosis of schizophrenia, and most had experienced childhood trauma, including sexual abuse, parental violence, and/or bullying. Young women with schizophrenia also feared that if they become mothers, then their children might also have schizophrenia and/or that they would be unable to adequately care for them. Women with schizophrenia have different experiences and play different roles in society beyond their psychoses, an understanding that should integrated into more personalized treatments for schizophrenia that consider individual characteristics and needs.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(8): e20240012, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568811


Resumo Fundamento Análises em grandes registros apontam desfechos desfavoráveis para mulheres submetidas à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM), enquanto estudos randomizados sofrem com a falta de representatividade. Objetivo Comparar os resultados hospitalares ajustados entre homens e mulheres submetidos à CRM. Métodos Entre julho de 2017 e junho de 2019, 3991 pacientes foram submetidos à CRM primária isolada, tanto de forma eletiva como de urgência, em 5 hospitais de estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para equilibrar as diferenças entre homens e mulheres, as populações foram ajustadas utilizando o Propensity Score Matching. Os desfechos considerados para análise foram os utilizados pelo STS Adult Database. As análises foram conduzidas no software R, considerando significância valores de p < 0,05. Resultados Após o Propensity Score Matching (1:1), cada grupo incluiu 1089 pacientes. Em relação às variáveis intraoperatórias os homens apresentaram maior tempo de CEC (p<0,001), tempo cirúrgico (p<0,001), número de anastomoses distais (p<0,001) e uso de enxertos arteriais. Em relação aos desfechos as mulheres apresentaram maior incidência de infecção de ferida profunda (p=0,006), tempo prolongado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (p=0,002), maior necessidade do uso de balão intraórtico (p=0,04), maior taxa de transfusão sanguínea (p<0,001), maior readmissão hospitalar em até 30 dias após a cirurgia (p=0,002) e maior taxa de óbitos (p=0,03). Conclusões Apesar dos homens terem apresentado um maior tempo de CEC, maior número de enxertos arteriais e maior número de anastomoses distais, os resultados imediatos após CRM foram piores em mulheres.

Abstract Background Analyses of extensive registries indicate adverse outcomes for women undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, while randomized studies often lack representativeness. Objective To compare adjusted hospital outcomes between men and women undergoing CABG. Methods From July 2017 to June 2019, 3991 patients underwent primary isolated CABG, both electively and urgently, in 5 hospitals in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To mitigate demographic differences between men and women, populations were adjusted using propensity score matching (PSM). The outcomes considered for analysis were those used by the STS Adult Database. The analyses were performed using R software, with a significance set at p<0.05. Results After PSM (1:1), each group included 1089 patients. Regarding intraoperative variables, men exhibited longer cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time (p<0.001), surgical time (p<0.001), a higher number of distal anastomoses (p<0.001), and increased use of arterial grafts. Regarding outcomes, women had a higher incidence of deep sternal wound infection (p=0.006), prolonged Intensive Care Unit stay (p=0.002), increased need for an intra-aortic balloon pump (p=0.04), higher blood transfusion rates (p<0.001), higher 30-day hospital readmission rates after surgery (p=0.002) and higher mortality rate (p=0.03). Conclusions Although men had longer CPB times, a greater number of arterial grafts, and a greater number of distal anastomoses, immediate results after CABG were poorer in women.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39072771


OBJECTIVES: Describe the characteristics and changes in the profile of women who sought care after experiencing sexual violence (SV) during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic in a Brazilian city. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional retrospective study. Data from emergency care and legal abortion requests of women assisted at the Women's Health Care Center Hospital (School of Medical Sciences, University of Campinas, Brazil) due to SV experienced between March 23 and August 23, 2020 (Quarantine Group, QG), were collected and compared with data from the same period of the previous biennium (Comparison Group, CG). χ2 and Fisher's exact tests were used to compare groups; the significance level was 5%. RESULTS: Data for 236 women were analyzed; 70 women were included in the QG and 166 in the CG. In the QG, there was a restriction in the area of origin of women, with a higher proportion of women who lived in Campinas (P = 0.0007) and a higher frequency of chronic SV (P = 0,035). There were no rapes associated with the use of social media or apps in the QG, but 9.8% of women in the CG experienced rape associated with the use of social media or apps. There were higher rates of domestic violence (P = 0.022) and intimidation through physical force (P = 0.011) in the first two months. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 quarantine affected the profile of women who sought care after experiencing SV. The quarantine resulted in changes in the area of origin of patients, hindering access to health services and leading to higher rates of chronic and domestic SV, particularly in the first 2 months of the pandemic.

Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle) ; 5(1): 460-472, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39035133


Background: In Brazil, where approximately 48.7 million women are of reproductive age, understanding contraceptive practices is essential for addressing public health challenges. This study evaluated into the knowledge, usage, and perceptions of contraceptive methods among Brazilian women, highlighting the influence of socioeconomic and demographic factors on their choices. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey with a representative sample of 2000 Brazilian women aged 18-49 years. The questionnaire collected detailed information on their awareness, preferences, and utilization of various contraceptive methods, alongside demographic and socioeconomic data. Results: Oral contraceptives, condoms, injectables, and intrauterine devices (IUDs) were the most recognized methods. Younger women demonstrated greater awareness of modern methods. Socioeconomic disparities were evident, with lower-income women displaying limited knowledge about condoms and IUDs but a higher usage for injectable contraceptives. Oral contraceptives were the most used method, with higher use in the South, and lower in the Central-West and Northeast regions. Satisfaction with current contraceptive methods was high (87.5%), closely associated with personal responsibility in method choice. Although the majority self-financed their contraceptives (63.1%), a significant portion of lower-income women (27.7%) relied on public health care. Physicians' recommendations predominantly influenced contraceptive choice (53.9%), with younger women also guided by other influences. Conclusions: Persistent disparities in contraceptive awareness and access highlight the need for educational initiatives and policy interventions. Health care providers play a vital role in facilitating informed contraceptive choices, enhancing the chances of satisfaction with the method.

Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 12(1): e183, 2024.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39015304


Objective: To determine the participation of female dentists in the evolution of dental specialties in Peru and establish the gender distribution in each specialty. Materials and Methods: A descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the National Registry of Specialists of the Peruvian College of Dentists in August 2023. The relative frequency of female gender and the femininity index were calculated in the total population of specialists and in each specialty to assess their respective evolution over the last 25 years. Results: Currently, 51.74% of the 3,827 specialty registrations correspond to female dentists, with a femininity index of 1.072. Nine specialties with a female predominance were identified, including Pediatric Dentistry, Family and Community Health in Dentistry, and Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry. On the other hand, areas with a higher male presence are Orthodontics and Maxillary Orthopedics, and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Upon analyzing the temporal evolution, a shift from the historical male majority to the current female predominance in the last fifteen years is observed, and gender parity was reached in 2019. Conclusion: There is evidence of a change in the gender composition of Peruvian dental specialties, currently with a female predominance.

Climacteric ; : 1-5, 2024 Jul 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39023108


OBJECTIVE: Knowing the important repercussions of menopause for women's health and that female longevity can be better understood through studies based on aging biomarkers, studies on the relationship between menopause and telomere shortening may help to better understand this stage of life. This study aimed to analyze what research has been produced regarding the relationship between menopause and telomere length. METHODS: This integrative literature review included searches in PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science and Scopus databases. Four studies were selected for the final sample. RESULTS: The findings of these studies indicate that older age for menopause and longer reproductive life (difference between age at menopause and menarche) are associated with longer telomeres, that is, with longevity. CONCLUSION: The relationship between menopause and telomere length is uncertain. The small number of studies included in this review, and the fact that the results indicate that the relationship between menopause and telomere length may be dependent on the stage of the menopause and race/ethnicity, suggest that additional research focusing on these variables should be carried out.

BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1859, 2024 Jul 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38992653


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the rate of gestational syphilis (GS) based on temporal trends over 11 years, as well as the spatial distribution of GS in Brazil, based on the identification of spatial clusters. METHODOLOGY: An ecological, using Brazil and its regions as an analysis unit, based on gestational syphilis data reported in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), from 2011 to 2020. Thematic maps were built for spatial data analysis, and the Prais-Winsten autoregressive model was used to verify the trend. Spatial analysis identified the distribution of clusters (high-high; low-low; high-low and low-high) of distribution of GS across Brazilian municipalities, using a 5% significance level. RESULTS: Gestational syphilis experienced a considerable increase in cases during the studied period, with a peak of 37,436 cases in 2018. The spatial distribution of the disease is heterogeneous in the country. A growing trend was observed in all states of Brazil, except for Espírito Santo, where it remained stationary, with a monthly variation of 10.32%. CONCLUSION: The spatial and temporal trend analysis point to syphilis as an important public health problem. The numbers are alarming and show the urgent need for measures to prevent and control syphilis during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Syphilis , Humans , Brazil/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Female , Syphilis/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Spatial Analysis , Spatio-Temporal Analysis