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Front For Glob Change ; 5: 1-15, 2022 Feb 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36278245


Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii is a common native, endophytic fungus of Douglas-fir foliage, which causes Swiss needle cast, an important foliage disease that is considered a threat to Douglas-fir plantations in Oregon. Disease expression is influenced by fungal fruiting bodies (pseudothecia), which plug the stomata and inhibit gas exchange. Trees are impacted when pseudothecia plug stomates on 1-year-old and older needles resulting in early needle abscission. Mature (100 years+) trees appear to be less impacted from disease, and we hypothesize this is due to the greater emergence of pseudothecia on older than younger needles, which allows for more needle retention. We measured the density of pseudothecia occluding stomates across 2- to 5-year-old needles from upper, middle, and lower canopy positions of mature trees at three sites in the Oregon Coast Range and two sites in the western Oregon Cascade Mountains. Binomial generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) was used to test for the effects of canopy position (upper, middle, and lower), sites, needle age (2-5 years old), and years (2016 and 2017), and their interactions on the pseudothecia density. Pseudothecia density varied annually depending on sites, needle age and canopy positions. Pseudothecia density peaked on 3-, and 4-year-old needles, however, needles emerging from the same year, like 2-year-old needles in 2016 and 3-year-old needles in 2017 both emerged in 2014, had consistently similar patterns of pseudothecia density for both years, across site and canopy positions. Canopy position was important for 3-, and 4-year-old needles, showing less pseudothecia in the lower canopy. This research confirms that N. gaeumannii pseudothecia density is greatest in 3- and 4-year old needles in mature trees in contrast to plantations where pseudothecia density usually peaks on 2-year-old needles, and that pseudothecia density (disease severity) is generally lower in mature trees. Something about mature forest canopies and foliage appears to increase the time it takes for pseudothecia to emerge from the needles, in contrast to younger plantations, thus allowing the mature trees to have greater needle retention.

Atmos Environ (1994) ; 284: 1-16, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35775067


It is well known that exposure to ambient O3 can decrease growth in many tree species in the United States (US). Our study reports experimental data from outdoor open-top chamber (OTC) studies that quantify total biomass response changes for seedlings of 16 species native to western and eastern North America, which were exposed to several levels of elevated O3 for one or more years. The primary objective of this study is to establish a reference set of parameters for these seedling exposure-response relationships using a 3-month (92 day) 12-hr W126 O3 metric used by US Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies to assess risk to trees from O3 exposure. We classified the 16 species according to their sensitivity, based on the biomass loss response functions to protect from a 5% biomass loss. The three-month 12-h W126 estimated to result in a 5% biomass loss was 2.5-9.2 ppm-h for sensitive species, 20.8-25.2 ppm-h for intermediate species, and > 28.7 ppm-h for insensitive species. The most sensitive tree species include black cherry, ponderosa pine, quaking aspen, red alder, American sycamore, tulip poplar and winged sumac. These species are ecologically important and widespread across US. The effects of O3 on whole-plant biomass depended on exposure duration and dynamics and on the number of successive years of exposure. These species-specific exposure-response relationships will allow US agencies and other groups to better estimate biomass losses based on ozone exposures in North America and can be used in risk assessment and scenario analyses.

Tree Physiol ; 42(1): 5-25, 2022 01 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34528693


Swiss needle cast (SNC), caused by a fungal pathogen, Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii, is a major forest disease of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). There is mounting concern that the current SNC epidemic occurring in Oregon and Washington will continue to increase in severity, frequency and spatial extent with future warming. Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii occurs wherever its host is found, but very little is known about the history and spatial distribution of SNC and its effects on growth and physiological processes of mature and old-growth forests within the Douglas-fir region of the PNW. Our findings show that stem growth and physiological responses of infected Douglas-fir to climate and SNC were different between sites, growth periods and disease severity based on cellulosic stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios and ring width data in tree rings. At a coastal Oregon site within the SNC impact zone, variations in stem growth and Δ13C were primarily influenced by disproportional reductions in stomatal conductance (gs) and assimilation (A) caused by a loss of functioning stomates through early needle abscission and stomatal occlusion by pseudothecia of N. gaeumannii. At the less severely infected inland sites on the west slopes of Oregon's Cascade Range, stem growth correlated negatively with δ18O and positively with Δ13C, indicating that gs decreased in response to high evaporative demand with a concomitant reduction in A. Current- and previous-years summer vapor pressure deficit was the principal seasonal climatic variable affecting radial stem growth and the dual stable isotope ratios at all sites. Our results indicate that rising temperatures since the mid-1970s has strongly affected Douglas-fir growth in the PNW directly by a physiological response to higher evaporative demand during the annual summer drought and indirectly by a major SNC epidemic that is expanding regionally to higher latitudes and higher elevations.

Pseudotsuga , Carbon , Droughts , Oxygen Isotopes , Pseudotsuga/physiology , Seasons
For Ecol Manage ; 525: 1-27, 2022 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36968296


Forest biological disturbance agents (BDAs) are insects, pathogens, and parasitic plants that affect tree decline, mortality, and forest ecosystems processes. BDAs are commonly thought to increase the likelihood and severity of fire by converting live standing trees to more flammable, dead and downed fuel. However, recent research indicates that BDAs do not necessarily increase, and can reduce, the likelihood or severity of fire. This has led to confusion regarding the role of BDAs in influencing fuels and fire in fire-prone western United States forests. Here, we review the existing literature on BDAs and their effects on fuels and fire in the western US and develop a conceptual framework to better understand the complex relationships between BDAs, fuels and fire. We ask: 1) What are the major BDA groups in western US forests that affect fuels? and 2) How do BDA-affected fuels influence fire risk and outcomes? The conceptual framework is rooted in the spatiotemporal aspects of BDA life histories, which drive forest impacts, fuel characteristics and if ignited, fire outcomes. Life histories vary among BDAs from episodic, landscape-scale outbreaks (bark beetles, defoliators), to chronic, localized disturbance effects (dwarf mistletoes, root rots). Generally, BDAs convert aboveground live biomass to dead biomass, decreasing canopy fuels and increasing surface fuels. However, the rate of conversion varies with time-since-event and among BDAs and forest types, resulting in a wide range of effects on the amount of dead fuels at any given time and place, which interacts with the structure and composition of the stand before and subsequent to BDA events. A major influence on fuels may be that BDAs have emerged as dominant agents of forest heterogeneity creation. Because BDAs play complex roles in fuels and fire heterogeneity across the western US which are further complicated by interactions with climate change, drought, and forest management (fire suppression), their impacts on fuels, fire and ecological consequences cannot be categorized simply as positive or negative but need to be evaluated within the context of BDA life histories and ecosystem dynamics.

Trees For People ; 42021 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34017963


Wildland fires (WLF) have become more frequent, larger, and severe with greater impacts to society and ecosystems and dramatic increases in firefighting costs. Forests throughout the range of ponderosa pine in Oregon and Washington are jeopardized by the interaction of anomalously dense forest structure, a warming and drying climate, and an expanding human population. These forests evolved with frequent interacting disturbances including low-severity surface fires, droughts, and biological disturbance agents (BDAs). Chronic low-severity disturbances were, and still are, critical to maintaining disturbance resistance, the property of an ecosystem to withstand disturbance while maintaining its structure and ecological function. Restoration of that historical resistance offers multiple social and ecological benefits. Moving forward, we need a shared understanding of the ecology of ponderosa pine forests to appreciate how restoring resistance can reduce the impacts of disturbances. Given contemporary forest conditions, a warming climate, and growing human populations, we predict continued elevation of tree mortality from drought, BDAs, and the large high-severity WLFs that threaten lives and property as well as ecosystem functions and services. We recommend more comprehensive planning to promote greater use of prescribed fire and management of reported fires for ecological benefits, plus increased responsibility and preparedness of local agencies, communities and individual homeowners for WLF and smoke events. Ultimately, by more effectively preparing for fire in the wildland urban interface, and by increasing the resistance of ponderosa pine forests, we can greatly enhance our ability to live with fire and other disturbances.

J Plant Sci Phytopathol ; 5(3): 76-87, 2021 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35156005


The fungal pathogen, Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii, occurs wherever Douglas-fir is found but disease damage is believed to be limited to the Coast Range and is of no concern outside the coastal fog zone (Shaw, et al., 2011). However, knowledge remains limited on the history and spatial distribution of Swiss Needle Cast (SNC) impacts in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). We reconstructed the history of SNC impacts on mature Douglas-fir trees based on tree ringwidth chronologies from the west slope of the Coast Range to the high Cascades of Oregon. Our findings show that SNC impacts on growth occur wherever Douglas-fir is found in western Oregon and is not limited to the coastal fog zone. The spatiotemporal patterns of growth impact from SNC disease were synchronous across the region, displayed periodicities of 25-30 years, strongly correlated with winter and summer temperatures and summer precipitation, and matched the patterns of enriched cellulosic stable carbon isotope indicative of physiological stress. While winter and summer temperature and summer precipitation influenced pathogen dynamics at all sites, the primary climatic factor of these three limiting factors varied spatially by location, topography, and elevation. In the 20th century, SNC impacts at low- to mid-elevations were least severe during the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO, 1924-1945) and most severe in 1984-1986, following the cool phase of the PDO (1945-1977). At high elevations on the west slope of the Cascade Mountains, SNC impacts were the greatest in the 1990s and 2000s, a period of warmer winter temperatures associated with climate change. Warmer winters will likely continue to increase SNC severity at higher elevations, north along the coast from northern Oregon to British Columbia, and inland where low winter temperatures currently limit growth of the pathogen. Surprisingly, tree-ring records of ancient Douglas-fir logs dated ~53K radioactive years B.P. from Eddyville, OR displayed 7.5- and 20-year periodicities of low growth, similar to those found in modern day coastal Douglas-fir tree-ring records which we interpret as being due to cyclic fluctuations in SNC severity. Our findings indicate that SNC has persisted for as long as its host, and as a result of changing climate, may become a significant forest health problem in areas of the PNW beyond the coastal fog zone.

For Ecol Manage ; 442: 79-95, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31105377


Swiss needle cast (SNC), caused by Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii, is an important foliage disease of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests of the Pacific Northwest. The fungus lives endophytically within the foliage, until forming reproductive structures (pseudothecia) that plug stomates and cause carbon starvation. When pseudothecia appear on one- and two-year-old foliage, significant needle abscission can occur, which reduces productivity of the tree. While there is considerable evidence of SNC disease in coastal Douglas-fir plantations, the severity of SNC in mature and old-growth forests is poorly understood. We compared tree crowns of mature and old-growth conifer forests and nearby young forests at three locations in the Oregon Coast Range and four locations in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. We assessed disease severity for N. gaeumannii on two-year-old foliage, incidence by presence of N. gaeumannii on all foliage, foliage retention for the first four years, and foliar nitrogen of one-year-old foliage. We also compared leaf wetness at three heights in one mature and one young tree at five of the seven sites. Disease severity was greater in young forests than mature forests at all sites except for high elevation Cascade Range areas. Incidence of disease was highest for two-year-old needles in young trees and 3-5 year-old needles in mature trees, except for one coastal site. Retention of 1-4 year-old needle cohorts differed between young and mature trees, and mature trees had much larger complements of > four-year-old needles. Total foliar nitrogen (TN) concentration did not differ in needles of young and mature trees, but at some locations total N differed between canopy positions. Leaf wetness differences were not consistent between young and mature tree crowns. However, at one study site in the core epidemic area, the younger stand had longer periods of wetness in the upper crowns than a nearby old stand. Leaf wetness and foliar N were hypothesized to play a role in SNC disease severity, but they do not explain differences in adjacent young and mature trees. Although the fungus is present in old and young trees, the likelihood of disease expression and lower foliage retention appears to be greater in younger plantation trees than mature and older trees in western Oregon Douglas-fir forests.

For Ecol Manage ; 409: 317-332, 2018 02 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29290644


Forest disturbance regimes are beginning to show evidence of climate-mediated changes, such as increasing severity of droughts and insect outbreaks. We review the major insects and pathogens affecting the disturbance regime for coastal Douglas-fir forests in western Oregon and Washington State, USA, and ask how future climate changes may influence their role in disturbance ecology. Although the physiological constraints of light, temperature, and moisture largely control tree growth, episodic and chronic disturbances interacting with biological factors have substantial impacts on the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems in this region. Understanding insect and disease interactions is critical to predicting forest response to climate change and the consequences for ecosystem services, such as timber, clean water, fish and wildlife. We focused on future predictions for warmer wetter winters, hotter drier summers, and elevated atmospheric CO2 to hypothesize the response of Douglas-fir forests to the major insects and diseases influencing this forest type: Douglas-fir beetle, Swiss needle cast, black stain root disease, and laminated root rot. We hypothesize that 1) Douglas-fir beetle and black stain root disease could become more prevalent with increasing, fire, temperature stress, and moisture stress, 2) future impacts of Swiss needle cast are difficult to predict due to uncertainties in May-July leaf wetness, but warmer winters could contribute to intensification at higher elevations, and 3) laminated root rot will be influenced primarily by forest management, rather than climatic change. Furthermore, these biotic disturbance agents interact in complex ways that are poorly understood. Consequently, to inform management decisions, insect and disease influences on disturbance regimes must be characterized specifically by forest type and region in order to accurately capture these interactions in light of future climate-mediated changes.

Agric For Meteorol ; 242: 109-119, 2017 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30008496


Large conifer trees in the Pacific Northwest, USA (PNW) use stored water to extend photosynthesis, both diurnally and seasonally. This is particularly important during the summer drought, which is characteristic of the region. In the PNW, climate change is predicted to result in hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters with decreased snowpack by mid-century. Understanding seasonal bole water dynamics in relation to climate factors will enhance our ability to determine the vulnerability of forests to climate change. Seasonal patterns of bole water content in old-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) trees were studied in the Cascade Mountains of western Oregon, USA. Relative water content (RWC) was monitored hourly in three 400+ and three ~150 years-old trees using permanently mounted dielectric devices for 10 years. RWC increased during the late spring and early summer to maximum levels in August then decreased into fall and remained low over winter. The difference between minimum RWC in the winter and maximum in mid-summer averaged 4.5 and 2.3% for the older and younger trees, respectively, across all years. RWC closely followed growth and was positively correlated with air and soil temperature, vapor pressure deficit and photosynthetically active radiation, but lagged plant available soil water. The progressive decrease in RWC seen each year from mid-summer through fall was attributed to net daily loss of water during the summer drought. The marked increase in RWC observed from spring to mid-summer each year was hypothesized to be the period of embolism repair and water recharge in elastic tissues. We conclude that bole water content is an integral part of tree water dynamics enabling trees to extend carbon assimilation into drought periods and during periods when cold soil inhibits water uptake by roots, an adaptation that could benefit the survival of large PNW trees under climate change.

Dendrochronologia (Verona) ; 45: 132-144, 2017 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29479167


A time series intervention analysis (TSIA) of dendrochronological data to infer the tree growth-climate-disturbance relations and forest disturbance history is described. Maximum likelihood is used to estimate the parameters of a structural time series model with components for climate and forest disturbances (i.e., pests, diseases, fire). The statistical method is illustrated with a tree-ring width time series for a mature closed-canopy Douglas-fir stand on the west slopes of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA that is impacted by Swiss needle cast disease caused by the foliar fungus, Phaecryptopus gaeumannii (Rhode) Petrak. The likelihood-based TSIA method is proposed for the field of dendrochronology to understand the interaction of temperature, water, and forest disturbances that are important in forest ecology and climate change studies.

Ecol Evol ; 7(24): 11167-11196, 2017 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29299291


The fungal pathogen, Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, causing Swiss needle cast (SNC) occurs wherever Douglas-fir is found but disease damage is believed to be limited in the U.S. Pacific Northwest (PNW) to the Coast Range of Oregon and Washington (Hansen et al., Plant Disease, 2000, 84, 773; Rosso & Hansen, Phytopathology, 2003, 93, 790; Shaw, et al., Journal of Forestry, 2011, 109, 109). However, knowledge remains limited on the history and spatial distribution of SNC impacts in the PNW. We reconstructed the history of SNC impacts on mature Douglas-fir trees based on tree-ring width chronologies from western Oregon. Our findings show that SNC impacts on growth occur wherever Douglas-fir is found and is not limited to the coastal fog zone. The spatiotemporal patterns of growth impact from SNC disease were synchronous across the region, displayed periodicities of 12-40 years, and strongly correlated with winter and summer temperatures and summer precipitation. The primary climatic factor limiting pathogen dynamics varied spatially by location, topography, and elevation. SNC impacts were least severe in the first half of the 20th century when climatic conditions during the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (1924-1945) were less conducive to pathogen development. At low- to mid-elevations, SNC impacts were most severe in 1984-1986 following several decades of warmer winters and cooler, wetter summers including a high summer precipitation anomaly in 1983. At high elevations on the west slope of the Cascade Range, SNC impacts peaked several years later and were the greatest in the 1990s, a period of warmer winter temperatures. Climate change is predicted to result in warmer winters and will likely continue to increase SNC severity at higher elevations, north along the coast from northern Oregon to British Columbia, and inland where low winter temperatures currently limit growth of the pathogen. Our findings indicate that SNC may become a significant forest health problem in areas of the PNW beyond the coastal fog zone.

Environ Manage ; 41(6): 937-48, 2008 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18157645


We demonstrate an approach for evaluating the level of protection attained using a variety of forms and levels of past, current, and proposed Air Quality Standards (AQSs). The U.S. Clean Air Act requires the establishment of ambient air quality standards to protect health and public welfare. However, determination of attainment of these standards is based on ambient pollutant concentrations rather than prevention of adverse effects. To determine if a given AQS protected against adverse effects on vegetation, hourly ozone concentrations were adjusted to create exposure levels that "just attain" a given standard. These exposures were used in combination with a physiologically-based tree growth model to account for the interactions of climate and ozone. In the evaluation, we used ozone concentrations from two 6-year time periods from the San Bernardino Mountains in California. There were clear differences in the level of vegetation protection achieved with the various AQSs. Based on modeled plant growth, the most effective standards were the California 8-hr average maximum of 70 ppb and a seasonal, cumulative, concentration-weighted index (SUM06), which if attained, resulted in annual growth reductions of 1% or less. Least effective was the 1-hr maximum of 120 ppb which resulted in a 7% annual reduction. We conclude that combining climate, exposure scenarios, and a process-based plant growth simulator was a useful approach for evaluating effectiveness of current or proposed air quality standards, or evaluating the form and/or level of a standard based on preventing adverse growth effects.

Air Pollutants/analysis , Air/standards , Ozone/analysis , Pinus ponderosa/growth & development , Air/analysis , Air Pollutants/poisoning , Air Pollution/prevention & control , Climate , Computer Simulation , Humans , Models, Biological , Ozone/poisoning , Pinus ponderosa/metabolism , Population Dynamics
Tree Physiol ; 27(5): 737-47, 2007 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17267364


Purportedly, large Douglas-fir trees in the American Pacific Northwest use water stored in bole tissues to ameliorate the effects of seasonal summer drought, the water content of bole tissues being drawn down over the summer months and replenished during the winter. Continuous monitoring of bole relative water content (RWC) in two 110-120-year-old Douglas-fir trees with ThetaProbe impedance devices provided an integrated measure of phloem-sapwood water content over 4 years. Seasonal changes in RWC closely tracked cambial activity and wood formation, but lagged changes in soil water content by 2-3 months. The RWC in the combined phloem and sapwood markedly increased during earlywood production in the late spring and early summer to maximum values of 64-77% as plant available soil water (ASW) decreased by approximately 60%. With transition and latewood formation, RWC decreased to minimum values of 59-72%, even as ASW increased in the fall. The difference between minimum RWC in the fall and maximum RWC in midsummer was only approximately 5%. Seasonal changes in bole RWC corresponded to cambial phenology, although decreasing AWS appeared to trigger the shift from earlywood to latewood formation.

Pseudotsuga/metabolism , Seasons , Soil , Trees/metabolism , Water/metabolism , Phloem/metabolism , Pseudotsuga/growth & development , Trees/growth & development , Wood/metabolism