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Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449259


Las vacunas previenen millones de muertes cada año y su eficacia y seguridad han sido ampliamente establecidas. En términos económicos, la vacunación es una de las intervenciones sanitarias más costo efectivas, generando un importante ahorro y crecimiento económico que supone a largo plazo. Se ha demostrado que la vacunación de adultos disminuye la morbilidad y la mortalidad asociadas a enfermedades infecciosas prevenibles, reduciendo las complicaciones y las hospitalizaciones, incluidos los ingresos a las unidades de cuidados intensivos. Hemos elaborado este documento de consenso con el objeto de diseñar un esquema de vacunación pragmático, accesible y estandarizado del adulto, según categoría de riesgo y edad, sobre la base de la evidencia disponible de vacunas accesibles y nuevas vacunas habiendo utilizado el Tercer Consenso de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Infectología del 2019 como base para las recomendaciones finales.

SUMMARY Vaccines prevent millions of deaths each year, and their efficacy and safety have been widely established. In economic terms, vaccination is one of the most cost-effective health interventions, generating significant savings and long-term economic growth. Adult vaccination has been shown to decrease morbidity and mortality associated with preventable Infectious diseases, reducing complications and hospitalizations, including admissions to intensive care units. We have prepared this consensus document in order to design a pragmatic, accessible and standardized vaccination scheme for adults, according to risk category and age, based on the available evidence of available vaccines and new vaccines, having used the third consensus of the Paraguayan Infectious Diseases Society of 2019 as a basis for the final recommendations.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 155-170, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056525


El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre la calidad de la comunicación y la actitud de los empleados ante procesos de cambio organizacional, en virtud de que algunas organizaciones tratan todos los cambios como algo que ocurre de manera accidental y que involucra las actividades de cambio que son proactivas y con propósito. El hombre es un ser productivo vinculado en el ambiente empresarial, que considera las actitudes como un proceso en el cual se obtiene más de lo esperado, ajustando el trabajo a los objetivos, propósitos y metas establecidas en la empresa. Bajo este contexto, el éxito o fracaso de una organización está causado por las cosas que los empleados hacen o dejan de hacer, de las actitudes que éstos asuman. El cambio planeado también se ocupa del comportamiento de los individuos y grupos dentro de la organización. La realización de este articulo reviste ser pertinente y actualizada, puesto que contribuye con el aporte de conocimientos en el área estratégica de cambio organizacional. El estudio se realizó bajo un diseño experimental aplicando la escala de resistencia al cambio de Oreg (2006) en una muestra recolectada en línea (n = 174) y compuesta por dos grupos aleatorios. Los resultados confirman que el grupo de participantes expuestos a una comunicación con argumentos de alta calidad mostró menos resistencia al cambio organizacional que el grupo de participantes expuestos a una comunicación con argumentos de baja calidad. Finalmente, se discute la importancia de los hallazgos para futuras investigaciones e implicaciones prácticas para la gestión de cambios organizacionales.

It has been confirmed that the organizations have faced various changes and challenges generated in the market, which have originated a new focus of study focused on people to execute the processes, emphasizing the creation of work methodologies that support the efforts of the employees to generate the changes, in such a way that the organizations can become global, flexible, productive, in addition to generate strategies oriented to the employee and the strategy to the client. In this sense, it is necessary to apply methods or techniques that allow optimizing the development of production processes, as well as the administration of organizations, by virtue of improving work activities and production processes. In this context, for the execution of organizational processes, a human talent is required that is committed and identified with the culture of the company, which is why the role played by the individual within any organization is highlighted. generate attitudes that promote communication, as a promoter of the functioning of the activities inherent to organizational change. The main of this research was to determine the relationship between the quality of the communication and the attitude of the employees towards processes of organizational chang. This objetive is proposed because some organizations treat all the changes as nonplanned change; that involves organizational change product of proactive and purposeful activities; inside in the business environment the human being define the attitudes as a process in which more is obtained than expected; adjusting the work, the objectives, purposes and goals established in the company. In this context, the organizational successor failure is caused by the employees do at the organization, the attitudes that they assume, the planned change that employees propose, also how they deal with the individuals and groups behavior. According to what has been said, make this research in relevant because it contributes to the scientific knowledge in the organizational change area. The study was carried out under an experimental design applying the resistance to change scale of Oreg (2006) in a sample collected online (n = 174) and composed of two random groups. To carry out this research, it was necessary to establish the sample criterion: we worked from an integrated sample with a total of 174 people, which were randomly selected, through social networks and the virtual campus of a distance university in Germany. The stratification of the sample was made up of women (53%) and men (47%), employees with ages mainly between 21 and 40 years of age (60%), between 40 and 60 years of age (36%) and others (4%). Regarding the level of education, we found that 70% of the participants had a bachelor's degree, 26% had a university degree and 4% others. The majority of the participants (68%) had a time of belonging to the company from 1 to 5 years and 32% had more than 10 years. In this research, a scale was used that differentiates three dimensions of resistance to change (affective, cognitive and behavioral). To investigate the possible links between the quality of the arguments (strong or weak) and the three dimensions of resistance to change, a Student's ttest was carried out for each of the dimensions. Because multiple comparisons were made, the likelihood of committing type I error increased. In order to adjust the statistical results, the Bonferroni correction was applied (Bühner & Ziegler, 2009). The results confirm that the group of participants exposed to a communication with high quality arguments showed less resistance to organizational change than the group of participants exposed to a communication with low quality arguments. Finally, the importance of the findings for future research and practical implications for the management of organizational changes are discussed.