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Zootaxa ; 5293(1): 171-178, 2023 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37518491


Astyloplatum luteolum n. gen. et n. sp., is described, as a new monospecific genus from the eastern slope of the Colombian Andes, of the middle and highlands of the departments of Boyacá and Santander. This new taxon is distinguished by its yellowish coloration and the lack of articulated stylli on the male subgenital plate; this character converges with several taxa unrelated to the tribe Gryllacridini in which Astyloplatum n. gen. is placed. The convergence of characters in gryllacridines, diversity, complement of the current classification, and the importance of the phallic complex for the delimitation of genera and species are discussed.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405620


RESUMEN Introducción: El envejecimiento está asociado con la aparición o aumento de afecciones estomatológicas. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a lesiones bucales premalignas en pacientes mayores de 60 años. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre los factores de riesgo del cáncer bucal en pacientes mayores de 60 años, del consultorio 53-1 de Santa Clara, Villa Clara, atendidos en la Facultad de Estomatología, en el período comprendido de enero de 2018 a marzo de 2019. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 106 pacientes mayores de 60 años. Se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico por criterios, y la muestra quedó conformada por 93 de ellos. Se recopiló información mediante cuestionarios, examen bucal e historia clínica individual. Los datos fueron analizados empleando estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes entre 60-70 años (88), sexo femenino (50), color de la piel blanca (68) y escolaridad secundaria (49). Pacientes con factores de riesgo como el consumo de alcohol y tabaco, asociados a la presencia de leucoplasia y a otros factores de interés significativo. Conclusiones: Existió un predominio de los pacientes de 60-70 años, sexo femenino, escolaridad secundaria, y los factores de riesgo que más se encontraron en la muestra fueron el tabaquismo y el alcoholismo, seguido de la exposición al sol. La lesión con mayor incidencia fue la leucoplasia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: ageing is associated with the onset or increase of dental diseases. Objective: to identify factors associated with premalignant oral lesions in patients over 60 years of age. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study on the risk factors for oral cancer was conducted in patients over 60 years of age, belonging to the 53-1 doctor's office in Santa Clara, Villa Clara, seen at the Dental Faculty from January 2018 to March 2019. The study population consisted of 106 patients over 60 years of age. Non-probability sampling by criteria was used, and the sample consisted of 93 of them. Information was collected through questionnaires, oral examination and individual medical history. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: patients aged 60-70 years (88), female gender (50), white (68) and secondary schooling (49) predominated. Patients with risk factors such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, associated with the presence of leukoplakia and other factors of significant interest predominated. Conclusions: there was a predominance of patients aged 60-70 years, female gender, secondary schooling, and the most commonly risk factors found in the sample were smoking and alcoholism, followed by sun exposure. The lesion with the highest incidence was leukoplakia.

Mouth Neoplasms , Aged , Risk Factors
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1381983


Este artículo se ocupa del mal en Rousseau, recurriendo a cuatro imágenes, a saber: la vida social (socie-dad) y el hombre social (homme de l ́homme), en contraste con el estado de naturaleza (état de nature) y el hombre natural (homme naturel). Imágenes de orden lógico, esto es, filosófico argumentativas, que exponen la tensión y el alejamiento del hombre con respecto a su naturaleza. El supuesto indica que este alejamiento se eleva como la imposibilidad del conocimiento pleno de sí; convierte al ser humano en alguien extraño para sí que hipostasia su concepto en las determinaciones de la vida social. El método utilizado se desprende de la filosofía misma de Rousseau. El procedimiento se organiza con la identificación y presen-tación de un supuesto y su desarrollo lógico mediante argumentos que requieren la selección, organización y sistematización de fuentes encaminadas a exponer el supuesto en toda su complejidad

This article deals with evil in Rousseau, resorting to four images, namely. Social life (society) and social man (Homme de l'homme) are in contrast to (contrast with)) the state of nature (état de nature) and the natural man (Homme naturel). Images of logical order, that is, argumentative philosophical, which expose the tension and distance of man from his nature. The assumption indicates that this estrangement rises as the impossibility of full self-knowledge; it turns the human being into someone foreign to himself who hypostasia his concept in the determinations of social life. The method used follows from Rousseau's philosophy. The procedure is organized with the identification and presentation of an assumption and its logical development through arguments that require the selection, organization, and systematization of sources aimed at exposing the assumption in all its complexity.

Humans , Social Environment , Philosophy , Knowledge , Human Characteristics , Education/ethics
Edumecentro ; 142022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440027


El colectivo de carrera resulta una alternativa oportuna para efectuar el proceso de perfeccionamiento curricular y resolver el problema del nexo interdisciplinar, por lo que se impone la necesidad de valorar la correspondencia de los contenidos a tratar en las asignaturas y su articulación lógica y pedagógica en sentido vertical. Por su complejidad y la demanda de fortalezas que interfieren en su correcta actuación, los autores de esta comunicación comparten sus consideraciones acerca de determinados elementos a reforzar, donde se imponen procesos integradores regidos por la experticia en el funcionamiento de este subsistema organizativo para el trabajo metodológico, en pos de alcanzar la excelencia académica.

The career staff is an opportune alternative to carry out the process of curricular improvement and solve the problem of the interdisciplinary nexus, for which the need to assess the correspondence of the contents to be treated in the subjects and their logical and pedagogical articulation in cross-sectional sense. Due to its complexity and the demand for strengths that interfere with its correct performance, the authors of this research paper share their considerations about certain elements to be reinforced, where integrative processes governed by expertise are imposed in the operation of this organizational subsystem for methodological work in favor of academic excellence.

Schools, Dental , Program , Education, Medical
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405598


RESUMEN Introducción: la mayoría de la población acepta como inevitable la pérdida de los dientes con la edad, pero si estuviera mejor informada y adoptara actitudes y prácticas favorables con relación a su salud bucal, la prevalencia y gravedad de estas afecciones se reduciría considerablemente; esto motiva a buscar soluciones a través de políticas de salud que implementen planes especialmente diseñados a tal efecto. Objetivos: identificar el nivel de información sobre salud bucodental, diseñar y aplicar acciones educativas en escolares de preescolar a tercer grado de la Escuela «René Fraga». Métodos: se realizó una investigación, con metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, en el período comprendido entre marzo 2017 a mayo 2018. Se utilizaron varios métodos e instrumentos para la obtención de la información entre los que se destacan: la observación y la entrevista. La muestra estuvo conformada por 248 infantes, y fue seleccionada por criterios. La información se obtuvo a través de: la observación, la aplicación de una entrevista para explorar información sobre salud bucal en los niños y niñas, todo esto con previo consentimiento informado de instituciones y padres. Resultados: los resultados obtenidos señalan entre otros aspectos: dificultades en la forma, frecuencia y orientación del cepillado, así como el nivel de información sobre salud bucodental; se diseñaron y aplicaron acciones en correspondencia con las necesidades educativas identificadas. Conclusiones: las niñas y niños mostraron un nivel de información sobre salud bucodental no adecuado durante el diagnóstico; este mejoró considerablemente después de aplicadas las acciones educativas diseñadas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the majority of the population accepts tooth loss as inevitable as they age, but if they were better informed and adopted favourable attitudes and practices regarding their oral health, the prevalence and severity of these conditions would be considerably reduced; this motivates us to look for solutions through health policies that implement plans specially designed for this purpose. Objectives: identifying the level of information on oral health, as well as designing and applying educational actions in schoolchildren from preschool age to third grade belonging to "René Fraga" School. Methods: a qualitative and quantitative research was carried out from March 2017 to May 2018. Several methods and instruments were used to obtain information, among which observation and interview stand out. The sample consisted of 248 infants, and was selected by criteria. The information was obtained through observation and the application of an interview to explore information on oral health in children; all this with the prior informed consent of institutions and parents. Results: the obtained results indicate, among other aspects: difficulties in shape, frequency and orientation of brushing, as well as in the level of information on oral health; actions were designed and applied in correspondence with the educational needs identified. Conclusions: girls and boys showed an inadequate level of information on oral health during the diagnosis; this improved considerably after applying the designed educational actions.

Oral Health , Early Intervention, Educational , Dental Care for Children
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(3): 382-398, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340189


RESUMEN Introducción: la salud bucal es parte integrante de la salud general; su deficiencia tiene importantes repercusiones, con consecuencias perjudiciales, en el crecimiento y desarrollo de niños y adolescentes. Su evaluación constituye una herramienta importante para la toma de decisiones y para aspirar a un servicio de excelencia. Objetivo: evaluar el cumplimiento de las acciones preventivo-curativas programadas para la atención a la población de 0 a 19 años en la Escuela «René Fraga¼. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, en el período de octubre de 2018 a abril de 2019; se revisaron 473 historias clínicas de alumnos matriculados en la Escuela «René Fraga¼, los cuales constituyeron la población de estudio. Resultados: se cumplimentaron las acciones de planificación y de promoción de salud; las acciones de prevención y las curativas fueron las más desfavorables, lo que aportó un resultado final de medianamente cumplidas las acciones evaluadas. Conclusiones: las acciones de planificación inicial y promoción alcanzaron la máxima categoría y otorgaron la mayor cantidad de puntos a la evaluación; las acciones preventivo-curativas desarrolladas en el programa analizado resultaron insuficientes, lo que concedió a la evaluación general una calificación de medianamente cumplida.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oral health is an integral part of general health; its deficiency has important repercussions, with harmful consequences, on the growth and development of children and adolescents. Its evaluation constitutes an important decision-making tool in order to aspire to an excellent service. Objective: to evaluate the fulfillment of the preventive and curative actions programmed for the care of the population aged 0 to 19 years at "René Fraga" School. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Dentistry Faculty from the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, between October 2018 and April 2019; 473 medical records of students enrolled at "René Fraga" School were reviewed, which constituted the study population. Results: health planning and promotion actions were completed; the preventive and curative actions were the most unfavorable, which provided a final result of moderately fulfilled the evaluated actions. Conclusions: the initial planning and promotion actions reached the highest category and awarded the highest number of points to the evaluation; the preventive and curative actions developed in the analyzed program were insufficient, which gave to the general evaluation a qualification of moderately complete.

Evaluation of Results of Preventive Actions , Oral Health , Adolescent
Zootaxa ; 4980(2): 355365, 2021 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34186977


The status of the genus Phelene stat. resurr., previously synonymized under Chiriquia is revalidated. The genus is redescribed and Phelene turgida stat. rev. a lectotype and paralectotypes are designated for this species. Tetrix laticeps is proposed as nomen dubium and its described a new additional species Phelene maroon n. sp. The diagnosis of the subfamily is adjusted with the characters of the new taxa included and an updated key of genera and species is provided.

Orthoptera/classification , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4885(1): zootaxa.4885.1.9, 2020 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311292


Acuscercus eudaldoleondiazi n. gen et n. sp. from the Eastern slopes of the Colombian Andes is described, a typical long-winged member of the tribe Cocconotini, distinguished by peculiar morphology of male cerci. On the other hand, the Dominican genus Anacaona is moved from Cocconotini to the tribe Copiphorini (Conocephalinae). The status and tribal boundaries of Cocconotini and Eucocconotini are briefly discussed.

Orthoptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Colombia , Male
Zootaxa ; 4830(2): zootaxa.4830.2.3, 2020 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056152


Gigagryllus omayrae n. gen et n. sp., a new genus of giant field cricket, from the middle Magdalena of Colombia, more precisely from the department of Tolima, in the region of the Armero tragedy, for which this species is dedicated to the memory of Omayra Sanchez, a symbol of the most terrible natural tragedy that has occurred in the recent history of Colombia. Gigagryllus n. gen. is one of the largest genera in America, with a size similar to Titanogryllus, Megalogryllus and some species of Gryllita. The classification of the American Gryllinae is discussed, and a key to the American genera is provided. Besides, genera groups are proposed for the subtribe Brachytrupine (Gryllini) taxa, which differs from Old World genera. Geogryllus n. syn. and Rubrogryllus n. syn. are synonymized under Gryllita and Cophogryllus americanus is considered as nomen dubium, ruling out the presence of subtribe Cophogryllina in America.

Gryllidae , Animals , Colombia
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 24(2): 392-396, abr.-jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124999


RESUMEN La mayoría de los pacientes acuden a la consulta de Urgencias Estomatológicas a causa de la dolorosa sintomatología que provocan las enfermedades pulpares. La muestra de este estudio quedó conformada por 210 pacientes que fueron diagnosticados clínicamente con una afección pulpar reversible transitoria y que acudieron al Servicio Estomatológico del Policlínico Docente Universitario Martha Abreu de Estévez, en el período enero-septiembre 2018. La información se obtuvo a partir de la anamnesis, el examen clínico y un cuestionario. Se caracterizó la muestra según edad y sexo; también se describieron los agentes causales. La consideración de estos factores puede mejorar la percepción del profesional ante la toma de decisiones terapéuticas y su valoración del pronóstico. Estas acciones contribuirán a preservar la vitalidad pulpar, a disminuir el indicador de pérdida dentaria y contribuirán a mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

ABSTRACT Most patients come to the Dental Emergency Department because of the painful symptomatology caused by pulp diseases. The sample of this study was made up of 210 patients who were clinically diagnosed with a transient reversible pulp condition and seen at the dental service of "Marta Abreu de Estévez" University Teaching Polyclinic from January to September 2018. The information was obtained from the history record, the clinical examination and a questionnaire. The sample was characterized according to age and gender; the causative agents were also described. Consideration of these factors can improve professionals' perceptions when making therapeutic decisions, as well as, their prognostic assessments. These actions will help to preserve pulp vitality, decrease the indicator of dental loss and contribute to a better quality of life for patients.

Pain , Pulpitis , Clinical Evolution
Zootaxa ; 4896(2): zootaxa.4896.2.5, 2020 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33756865


The genus Triaenogryllacris is redescribed and a key for identification of the species is provided. When dealing with observations of iNaturalist, accurate data about the distribution of T. triaena (the type species) are obtained, and three color forms are indicated: yellow, pink and green. Two new species are described here: T. diaena n. sp. and T. horaciotrianai n. sp., expanding the expected geographic distribution for the genus, thus recorded, from the Andean forests of Ecuador and Colombia's three mountain ranges. Finally, the characters and distribution of Triaenogryllacris are discussed, contrasting with the other taxa described for the family Gryllacrididae.

Gryllidae , Orthoptera , Animal Distribution , Animal Structures , Animals , Body Size , Organ Size
Zootaxa ; 4675(1): zootaxa.4675.1.1, 2019 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31715982


The Amazon rainforest is the world's most extensive tropical rainforest, holding a considerable ecological and taxonomic diversity. Speciation in this region arises from multiple factors, such as topography, climate fluctuations, oceanic transgression, vegetation and the delimitation of zones circumscribed by sub-basins within the greater Amazon basin. Different scenarios have been proposed to better understand the diversification of Amazonian taxa, whether by Pleistocene refugia or by areas of endemism.                The genus Scaria is distributed mostly in Amazonia, with a single species that ranges from the Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena ecoregion well into Central America all the way to southern Nicaragua. Eight species are currently recognized, with three additional described here as new: Scaria rafaeli sp. nov., S. jonasi sp. nov. and S. granti sp. nov., and the status of S. laeta stat. resurr. is revalidated. Two new combinations are established: S. verutum comb. nov. (formerly placed in Rehnidium Grant, 1956) and Batrachidea brevis comb. nov. (formerly placed in Scaria). New synonym is proposed: Batrachidea brevis (Hancock, 1909) = Batrachidea inermis Hebard, 1923 syn. nov. Lectotypes and paralectotypes were selected for S. laeta, S. maculata and S. lineata, as well as the neotypes for S. hamata and S. boliviana. An updated key to species of Scaria is also provided.                A cladistic analysis for 15 species was performed (12 in the inner group and 3 in the outer group) with 40 morphological characters, confirming the monophyly of Scaria. A biogeographical analysis of dispersion-vicariance indicates that the origin of the genus was probably in the Inambari endemism center as the only reconstruction of the resulting ancestral distribution, five dispersions and three vicariance events being postulated. These suggest that both types of events are equally important in the current configuration of the distribution in Scaria. Vicariance events arise mostly by isolation of the species because of the uplift of the Andes and the dispersion events comprise four waves originating from the ancestral range into central and east Amazonia.

Orthoptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Brazil , Central America , Nicaragua
Zootaxa ; 4623(3): zootaxa.4623.3.6, 2019 Jun 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716250


We describe a new species of Pachyphloea from the Natural National Park (NNP) Chicaque, Cundinamarca in the Colombian Andes, providing data on the structure and variability of its eggs. In addition, we synonymize Grylloclonia n. syn. under Pachyphloea, and provide a key for distinguishing males and females of the known species. Finally, we discuss the taxonomical delimitation of genera within the tribe Xerosomatini, and highlight the necessity of carrying out additional studies in this particular taxon of stick insects.

Insecta , Neoptera , Animals , Female , Male
Agora USB ; 19(1): 231-243, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038203


Resumen Este artículo describe las condiciones violatorias de Derechos Humanos que hacen parte de los riesgos a los que están expuestos los migrantes pertenecientes al Triángulo Norte Centroamericano (Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras), en su tránsito por México. Plantea que, frente al sueño de llegar a Estados Unidos, a pesar de la voz oficial del Estado, México más que intentar responder a la crisis humanitaria de los migrantes haciendo prevalecer los Derechos Humanos, opta por allanarse a los criterios de la política internacional norteamericana.

Abstract This article describes the violating conditions of Human Rights, which are part of the risks to which migrants belonging to the Central American Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras) are exposed, in transit through Mexico. It raises that, against the dream of reaching the United States, despite the voice official of the State, Mexico rather than attempting to respond to the humanitarian crisis of migrants, by making prevail Human Rights, opt for agreeing with the criteria of the American international politics.

Univ. sci ; 23(2): 291-317, May-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979549


Abstract Black flies are abundant benthic organisms in well-oxygenated running water and are considered effective bioindicators of water quality. Information on the ecology of these organisms at the species level is important, since up to now information has mainly been available on a family level. The aim of this study was to evaluate the composition of black flies and their relationships to a group of physical and chemical factors in four small rivers of the Eastern Hills around Bogotá, Colombia. These headwaters are protected by the Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá. Black fly larvae and pupae were collected during four sampling periods during the dry season to the early rainy season of 2012. Multivariate methods were used to determine the presence of each species in relation to dissolved oxygen, nitrates, pH, temperature, and water velocity. PCA ordination revealed a physicochemical environment with a tendency towards a certain homogeneity in the four rivers studied. The DCA ordination confirmed that in La Vieja River the G. ortizi complex dominated while S. muiscorum was dominant in the other three rivers. Similarly, according to the NMDS, the composition of black flies in Arzobispo and Chorro de Padilla rivers was similar, while that of El Delirio and La Vieja rivers were different, especially in this last river. The rivers had low species richness (four species and one species complex). Simulium muiscorum was negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen, temperature and current velocity while S. ignescens was associated with slightly more oxygenated waters and S. furcilatum with faster currents. The low species diversity and richness for the four rivers is consistent with previous reports of low Neotropical diversity of black flies. Results showed that simuliid species could possibly be good indicators of the environmental conditions of Eastern Hills rivers around Bogotá.

Resumen Las moscas negras son organismos bénticos abundantes en corrientes de agua bien oxigenadas y se consideran bioindicadores efectivos de la calidad de agua. La información sobre la ecología de estos organismos a nivel de especie es importante, ya que hasta el momento, ha estado disponible principalmente solo a nivel de familia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la composición de moscas negras y sus relaciones con un grupo de factores físicos y químicos en cuatro ríos pequeños de los Cerros Orientales alrededor de Bogotá, Colombia. Estos nacimientos están protegidos por la Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, Colombia. Se colectaron larvas y pupas de moscas negras a lo largo de cuatro períodos de muestreo, desde la estación seca hasta la estación lluviosa de 2012. Se utilizaron métodos multivariados para determinar la presencia de cada especie en relación con: oxígeno disuelto, nitratos, pH, temperatura y velocidad del agua. La ordenación por PCA reveló un ambiente fisicoquímico con tendencia hacia la homogeneidad en los cuatro ríos estudiados. La ordenación por DCA confirmó que en el río La Vieja dominó el complejo G. orti%i, mientras que S. muiscorum fue dominante en los otros tres. De igual forma de acuerdo con el análisis NMDS, la composición de moscas negras en los ríos Arzobispo y Chorro de Padilla fue similar, mientras que en los ríos El Delirio y La Vieja fue diferente, especialmente en este último. Los ríos presentaron baja riqueza de especies (cuatro especies y un complejo de especies). Simulium muiscorum se correlacionó negativamente con el oxígeno disuelto, temperatura y velocidad de la corriente, mientras que S. ignescens estuvo asociado con aguas ligeramente más oxigendas y S. furcilatum, con corrientes más rápidas. La baja diversidad y riqueza para los cuatro ríos es consistente con reportes previos de baja diversidad neotropical de moscas negras. Los resultados muestran que las especies de simúlidos podrían ser buenos indicadores de las condiciones ambientales de los ríos de los Cerros Orientales de Bogotá.

Resumo As moscas negras são organismos bentônicos abundantes em correntes de água bem oxigenadas e se consideram bioindicadores efetivos da calidade de água. A informação sobre a ecologia de estes organismos quanto a espécie é importante, pois até o momento, há informação somente em nível de família. O objetivo de este estudo foi avaliar a composição de moscas negras e suas relações com um grupo de fatores físicos e químicos em quatro rios pequenos dos Cerros Orientais nas redondezas de Bogotá, Colômbia. As nascentes estão protegidas pela Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, Colômbia. Foram coletadas larvas e poupas de moscas negras ao longo de quatro períodos de amostragem, desde a estação seca até a estação chuvosa de 2012. Foram utilizados métodos multivariados para determinar a presença de cada espécie em relação com: oxigênio dissolvido, nitratos, pH, temperatura e velocidade da água. A ordenação por PCA revelou um ambiente físico-químico com tendência à homogeneidade nos quatro rios estudados. A ordenação por DCS confirmou que no rio La Vieja dominou o complexo G. orti%i, enquanto que S. muiscorum foi dominante nos outros três rios. Igualmente, de acordo com a análise NMDS, a composição de moscas negras nos rios Arzobispo e Chorro de Padilla foi similar, enquanto que nos rios El delírio e La Vieja foi diferente, em especial neste último. Os rios apresentaram baixa riqueza de espécies (quatro espécies e um complexo de espécies). S. muiscorum se correlacionou negativamente com o oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura e velocidades da corrente, enquanto que S. ignescens foi associado com águas ligeiramente mais oxigenadas e S. furcilatum, com correntes mais rápidas. A baixa diversidade e riqueza para os quatro rios é consistente com reportes prévios de baixa diversidade neotropical de moscas negras. Os resultados mostram que espécies de Simulium poderiam ser boas indicadoras das condições ambientais dos rios dos Cerros Orientais de Bogotá.

Water Quality , Simuliidae , Environmental Biomarkers , Invertebrates
Edumecentro ; 10(2): 33-44, abr.-jun. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-891312


Fundamento: la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones permite al docente desarrollar al máximo las capacidades individuales de sus alumnos, por lo que tiene la responsabilidad de integrar en su práctica estrategias creativas e innovadoras. Objetivo: diseñar una multimedia educativa como material de apoyo a la docencia en la asignatura Odontopediatría de la carrera de Estomatología. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnológica en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara en el período septiembre 2015-febrero 2016. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos para la fundamentación y recogida de información, así como los programas Mediator 9.0 MatchWare, Paint, Photoshow, Microsoft Office PowerPoint y Gonder share PhotoStorePlatinum para la confección de la multimedia. Resultados: el producto diseñado constituye un material de apoyo a la docencia en la asignatura Odontopediatría; se accede fácilmente a su contenido a través de hipervínculos. Los conocimientos que puede adquirir el alumno están ubicados en cuatro botones horizontales y nueve laterales. Conclusiones: la multimedia educativa fue valorada por los especialistas como pertinente, de fácil accesibilidad, útil y presenta calidad en sus aspectos técnicos. Los estudiantes, como usuarios, mostraron su conformidad con el producto diseñado.

Background: the incorporation of information and communication technologies allows teachers to fully develop the individual abilities of their students, so they have the responsibility to integrate creative and innovative strategies into their practice. Objective: to design an educational multimedia as a support teaching aid in the subject Pediatric Dentistry of the Dentistry career. Methods: a research work of technological innovation was carried out in the Dentistry Faculty of Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences from September 2015 to February 2016. Theoretical and empirical methods were used for the foundation and collection of information, as well as the programs Mediator 9.0 MatchWare, Paint, Photoshop, Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Gonder share PhotoStorePlatinum for the production of the multimedia. Results: the designed product constitutes a support teaching aid in the subject Pediatric Dentistry; content can be easily accessed through hyperlinks. The knowledge that the student can acquire is located in four horizontal and nine lateral buttons. Conclusions: the educational multimedia was valued by the specialists as pertinent, easy to access, useful and technical aspects with high quality. The students, as users, showed their consent with the designed product.

Students, Dental , Information Technologies and Communication Projects
Rev. CES psicol ; 11(1): 26-39, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-976903


Resumen Este artículo hace parte de la investigación Los cuerpos de la excepción. Maternidad e infancia en la cárcel. El trabajo de campo se realizó en el Complejo Carcelario y Penitenciario Pedregal -COPED- Medellín (Colombia). En el presente se expondrá el referente conceptual y la parte más relevante del 'estado del arte' de la investigación. En esta medida, se propone dos objetivos. El primero tiene que ver con el planteamiento de la opción teórico-metodológica adoptada. Opción que depende de los análisis de Michel Foucault y Giorgio Agamben en torno a la biopolítica. El segundo objetivo asume como necesario introducir la revisión de antecedentes investigativos generados a propósito de la maternidad en la prisión, abogando por estudios que elaboren una lectura comparada del problema.

Abstract This article is part of the investigation The bodies of exception. Maternity and childhood in jail. The field work was carried out at the prison Complejo Carcelario y Penitenciario Pedregal -COPED)- in Medellín (Colombia). Here, the research conceptual framework is stated, along with the most relevant part of "the state of the art". In this sense, two goals are proposed. The first is related to the adopted theoretical-methodological option. This option depends on the analysis of Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben on biopolitics. The second objective assumes as necessary introducing the revision of research precedents regarding maternity in prison, advocating for studies that generate a comparative reading of the problem.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 22(1): [77-79], ene.-mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-946786


La gestación es un estado fisiológico modificado en el cual el organismo materno sufre grandes cambios, por lo que se requiere de la gestante un proceso de autorregulación emocional y prácticas de hábitos correctos de salud general y bucal. Se diseñó y aplicó una estrategia de intervención educativa en salud bucal para las gestantes que son atendidas en la Clínica Estomatológica «Celia Sánchez Manduley¼ del municipio Santa Clara, con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto a corto plazo de dicha estrategia en la población objeto de estudio. Las gestantes alcanzaron una percepción positiva sobre los temas impartidos.

Health Promotion , Oral Health , Pregnant Women
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(1): 59-70, ene. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-836162


(descriptivo): Este trabajo es parte de la investigación, los cuerpos de la excepción. Maternidad e infancia en la cárcel. Corresponde al referente teórico de una categoría vinculada al desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños en la institución carcelaria. El supuesto básico señala las condiciones de empobrecimiento del lenguaje en las cárceles y lo vincula a la suspensión antropológica mediante la cual allí se procede. Se asume que si bien la función habitual que se imagina para el sistema carcelario es la de normalizar a los sujetos, esta función da lugar a una más económica: proteger a la sociedad de los desechos antropológicos que repetidamente produce la Modernidad en el presente. No obstante, dicha protección sacrifica las condiciones de posibilidad de los niños que en la cárcel comparten la condena de sus madres.

(descriptive): This paper is based on the research study titled The bodies who arepart of the exception: Maternity and childhood in jail. Specifically, it corresponds to the theoretical construction of a category related to the development of children´s language within a correctionalinstitution. The basic assumption indicates the conditions of language’s impoverishment in prisons,linking it to the anthropological suspension caused by imprisonment. The original function of theprison system was to normalize and rehabilitate subjects, yet this idea has led to another functionthat is economic: to protect society from the anthropological waste produced by modernity. However,this protection sacrifices the conditions of possibility for children in jail who share their mothers’conviction.

(descritivo): O trabalho aqui apresentado é parte da pesquisa: Os corpos daexceção. Maternidade e infância na cadeia. Em particular, corresponde à construção teórica deuma categoria ligada ao desenvolvimento da linguagem das crianças no seio da instituição daprisão. O pressuposto básico designa as condições de empobrecimento da linguagem nas prisõese faz ligação à suspensão antropológica por meio do que acontece lá. Presume–se que, se a funçãousual que é imaginada para o sistema prisional é normalizar aos sujeitos, essa função gerou umlugar mais econômico: proteger a sociedade de detritos antropológicos que produz repetidamentea Modernidade no presente. Contudo, essa protecção sacrifica as condições de possibilidade dascrianças que na prisão compartilham a convicção de suas mães.

Humans , Anthropology , Child , Language