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Ortodoncia ; 86(172): 58-66, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1436452


La mordida cruzada es una maloclusión que debe recibir tratamiento precoz ya que es potencial causa de desviaciones mandibulares, asimetría facial y trastornos de disfunción temporomandibular. En general se acompaña de la necesidad de estimulación del desarrollo transversal del maxilar superior. En este artículo presentamos un caso clínico tratado con alineadores en el que se planteó como objetivo de primera fase la expansión transversal, con el fin de corregir su mordida cruzada lateral y mejorar la posición de los caninos permanentes en etapa pre-eruptiva en una paciente de 9 años. Luego de dos etapas cortas de tratamiento con alineadores, los resultados fueron satisfactorios. El caso se acompaña de fotos, radiografías y renders iniciales y finales.

Crossbite is a type of malocclusion that must receive early treatment due to its potentiality of causing mandibular deviations, facial asymmetry, and temporomandibular disorders. Generally, it is accompanied by the need to stimulate the transverse development of upper jaw. In the following article, a clinical case will be presented in which a nine-year-old patient was treated with clear aligners in the first phase with the aim of performing the transversal expansion, to correct the lateral crossbite and improving the position of the permanent impacted canines in pre-eruptive stages. After two short treatment stages with clear aligners, the results were positive. The clinical case is complemented with its pertinent clinical photos, radiographies, and renders, both initial and final.

Female , Child , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Dentition, Mixed , Malocclusion
Ortodoncia ; 86(171): 28-36, ene-jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1398883


En la dentición mixta y permanente temprana, el diastema puede ser una preocupación estética importante para los pacientes y/o sus padres. Este artículo describe el tratamiento de ortodon cia con placas alineadoras, realizado en una pacien- te de 9 años de edad, con diastema interincisivo. Luego de 10 meses de tratamiento, se lograron los objetivos propuestos. El caso se acompaña con fotos, radiografías y renders iniciales y finales(AU)

In mixed and early permanent dentition, diastema can be a major aesthetic concern for patients and their parents. This article describes the orthodontic treatment with aligning plates, performed on a 9-year-old patient with an interincisal diastema. After ten months of treatment, the proposed objectives were achieved. The case is accompanied by photos, x-rays and initial and final renders.

Humans , Female , Child , Dentition, Mixed , Diastema , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable
J Alzheimers Dis ; 87(3): 1033-1053, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35404284


BACKGROUND: Analysis of subtypes of picture naming errors produced by patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) have seldom been investigated yet may clarify the cognitive and neural underpinnings of naming in the AD spectrum. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the neurocognitive bases of picture naming in AD through a qualitative analysis of errors. METHODS: Over 1000 naming errors produced by 70 patients with amnestic, visuospatial, linguistic, or frontal AD were correlated with general cognitive tests and with distribution of hypometabolism on FDG-PET. RESULTS: Principal component analysis identified 1) a Visual processing factor clustering visuospatial tests and unrecognized stimuli, pure visual errors and visual-semantic errors, associated with right parieto-occipital hypometabolism; 2) a Concept-Lemma factor grouping language tests and anomias, circumlocutions, superordinates, and coordinates, correlated with left basal temporal hypometabolism; 3) a Lemma-Phonology factor including the digit span and phonological errors, linked with left temporo-parietal hypometabolism. Regression of brain metabolism on individual errors showed that errors due to impairment of basic and higher-order processing of object visual attributes, or of their interaction with semantics, were related with bilateral occipital and left occipito-temporal dysfunction. Omissions and superordinates were linked to degradation of broad and basic concepts in the left basal temporal cortex. Semantic-lexical errors derived from faulty semantically- and phonologically-driven lexical retrieval in the left superior and middle temporal gyri. Generation of nonwords was underpinned by impairment of phonology within the left inferior parietal cortex. CONCLUSION: Analysis of individual naming errors allowed to outline a comprehensive anatomo-functional model of picture naming in classical and atypical AD.

Alzheimer Disease , Alzheimer Disease/metabolism , Brain/metabolism , Cognition , Humans , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neuropsychological Tests , Positron-Emission Tomography , Semantics
Ortodoncia ; 85(170): 40-45, jul.-dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1366141


En los últimos años, el tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores ha ido ganando la atención del paciente adulto, que acude a la consulta en busca de tratamientos no solo estéticos sino, también, confortables. Esta situación favorece, a su vez, al odontólogo rehabilitador, quien frecuentemente plantea a sus pacientes la necesidad de realizar un tratamiento de ortodoncia previo a la rehabilitación integral. En estos pacientes, un tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores es, generalmente, mejor aceptado que un tratamiento con aparatología fija(AU)

In recent years, the orthodontic treatment with aligners has been gaining attention of adult patients, who go to our office in search of treatments that are not only aesthetic but also comfortable. This situation in turn favors the rehabilitation dentist, who frequently raises the need for his patients to undergo an orthodontic treatment prior to comprehensive rehabilitation. In these patients, an orthodontic treatment with aligners is generally better accepted than a treatment with fixed appliances(AU)

Humans , Adult , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dentistry, Operative , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion, Angle Class I
Ortodoncia ; 84(167): 110-119, jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147831


Este artículo describe el tratamiento de primera fase con placas alineadoras, realizado en un paciente de 7 años de edad, con mordida invertida anterior por torque negativo de pieza 2.1 y falta de espacio para la erupción de incisivos laterales superiores. Entendiendo la importancia de destrabar en forma precoz la oclusión, se planificó su tratamiento con alineadores para realizar una expansión tranversal, corregir el torque del incisivo central y recuperar la forma de la arcada superior, a los fines de restablecer la armonía necesaria para el correcto desarrollo de sus maxilares. Luego de seis meses de tratamiento, se lograron los objetivos propuestos. El caso se acompaña de fotos, radiografías y renders iniciales y finales(AU)

This article describes the first phase treatment with dental alignment plates, performed on a 7 years old patient with an anterior crossbite due to a negative torque of tooth 2.1 and lack of space for the upper lateral incisors eruption. Aware of the importance of early unlocking occlusion, his treatment with aligners was planned to perform a transversal expansion, to correct the torque of the central incisor and recover upper arch shape in order to restore the necessary harmony for the correct development of his jaws. After 6 months of treatment, proposed objectives were achieved. This case is accompanied by photos, x-rays and initial and final renderings(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontics, Interceptive , Dentition, Mixed , Malocclusion
Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen ; 35: 1533317520922390, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32356456


Patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) produce a variety of errors on confrontation naming that indicate multiple loci of impairment along the naming process in this disease. We correlated brain hypometabolism, measured with 18fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography, with semantic and formal errors, as well as nonwords deriving from phonological errors produced in a picture-naming test by 63 patients with AD. Findings suggest that neurodegeneration leads to: (1) phonemic errors, by interfering with phonological short-term memory, or with control over retrieval of phonological or prearticulatory representations, within the left supramarginal gyrus; (2) semantic errors, by disrupting general semantic or visual-semantic representations at the level of the left posterior middle and inferior occipitotemporal cortex, respectively; (3) formal errors, by damaging the lexical-phonological output interface in the left mid-anterior segment of middle and superior temporal gyri. This topography of semantic-lexical-phonological steps of naming is in substantial agreement with dual-stream neurocognitive models of word generation.

Alzheimer Disease/metabolism , Alzheimer Disease/psychology , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Brain/metabolism , Semantics , Aged , Alzheimer Disease/diagnostic imaging , Female , Humans , Male
Ortodoncia ; 80(159): 25-30, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835115


Estamos viviendo en el campo científico un cambiode paradigma promovido por avances tecnológicos.La tecnología CAD/CAM permite tratar al pacientede una manera absolutamente personalizada y satisfaciendolos parámetros estéticos y cosméticosque este siglo XXI ha instalado como exigencia.El uso de alineadores con tecnología 3D es unade las alternativas, que permite cumplimentarlos objetivos propuestos.

In the scientific field, we are living a paradigmshift promoted by technological advances. TheCAD/CAM technology allows to treat the patientin a completely personalized way and satisfyingboth, the aesthetics and cosmetics parametersthat this century has installed as a requirement.The use of aligners with 3D technology is oneof the alternatives that allows to achieve theproposed objectives.

Computer-Aided Design , Esthetics, Dental , Orthodontic Appliance Design