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J Chem Phys ; 161(8)2024 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193942


GPU-accelerated on-the-fly nonadiabatic dynamics is enabled by interfacing the linearized semiclassical dynamics approach with the TeraChem electronic structure program. We describe the computational workflow of the "PySCES" code interface, a Python code for semiclassical dynamics with on-the-fly electronic structure, including parallelization over multiple GPU nodes. We showcase the abilities of this code and present timings for two benchmark systems: fulvene solvated in acetonitrile and a charge transfer system in which a photoexcited zinc-phthalocyanine donor transfers charge to a fullerene acceptor through multiple electronic states on an ultrafast timescale. Our implementation paves the way for an efficient semiclassical approach to model the nonadiabatic excited state dynamics of complex molecules, materials, and condensed phase systems.

Soft Matter ; 2024 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39194357


Anionic polyelectrolytes, such as DNA, are attracted to anionic surfaces in the presence of multivalent cations. A major barrier toward molecular-level understanding of these attractive interactions is the paucity of measurements of the binding strength. Here, atomic force microscopy-based single molecule force spectroscopy was used to quantify the binding free energy of double-stranded DNA to an anionic surface, with complementary density functional theory calculations of the binding energies of metal ion-ligand complexes. The results support both electrostatic attraction and ion-specific binding. Our study suggests that the correlated interactions between counterions are responsible for attraction between DNA and an anionic surface, but the strength of this attraction is modulated by the identity of the metal ion. We propose a mechanism in which the strength of metal-ligand binding, as well as the preference for particular binding sites, influence both the concentration dependence and the strength of the DNA-surface interactions.

J Chem Phys ; 161(4)2024 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39077907


Accurately modeling absorption and fluorescence spectra for molecules in solution poses a challenge due to the need to incorporate both vibronic and environmental effects, as well as the necessity of accurate excited state electronic structure calculations. Nuclear ensemble approaches capture explicit environmental effects, Franck-Condon methods capture vibronic effects, and recently introduced ensemble-Franck-Condon approaches combine the advantages of both methods. In this study, we present and analyze simulated absorption and fluorescence spectra generated with combined ensemble-Franck-Condon approaches for three chromophore-solvent systems and compare them to standard ensemble and Franck-Condon spectra, as well as to the experiment. Employing configurations obtained from ground and excited state ab initio molecular dynamics, three combined ensemble-Franck-Condon approaches are directly compared to each other to assess the accuracy and relative computational time. We find that the approach employing an average finite-temperature Franck-Condon line shape generates spectra nearly identical to the direct summation of an ensemble of Franck-Condon spectra at one-fourth of the computational cost. We analyze how the spectral simulation method, as well as the level of electronic structure theory, affects spectral line shapes and associated Stokes shifts for 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl and Nile red in dimethyl sulfoxide and 7-methoxy coumarin-4-acetic acid in methanol. For the first time, our studies show the capability of combined ensemble-Franck-Condon methods for both absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and provide a powerful tool for simulating linear optical spectra.

J Phys Chem B ; 128(23): 5685-5699, 2024 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38832562


The dynamics of the nuclei of both a chromophore and its condensed-phase environment control many spectral features, including the vibronic and inhomogeneous broadening present in spectral line shapes. For the cresyl violet chromophore in methanol, we here analyze and isolate the effect of specific chromophore-solvent interactions on simulated spectral densities, reorganization energies, and linear absorption spectra. Employing both chromophore and its condensed-phase environment control many spectral features, including the vibronic and inhomogeneous broadening present in spectral line shapes. For the cresyl violet chromophore in methanol, we here analyze and isolate the effect of specific chromophore-solvent interactions on simulated spectral densities, reorganization energies, and linear absorption spectra. Employing both force field and ab initio molecular dynamics trajectories along with the inclusion of only certain solvent molecules in the excited-state calculations, we determine that the methanol molecules axial to the chromophore are responsible for the majority of inhomogeneous broadening, with a single methanol molecule that forms an axial hydrogen bond dominating the response. The strong peripheral hydrogen bonds do not contribute to spectral broadening, as they are very stable throughout the dynamics and do not lead to increased energy-gap fluctuations. We also find that treating the strong peripheral hydrogen bonds as molecular mechanical point charges during the molecular dynamics simulation underestimates the vibronic coupling. Including these peripheral hydrogen bonding methanol molecules in the quantum-mechanical region in a geometry optimization increases the vibronic coupling, suggesting that a more advanced treatment of these strongly interacting solvent molecules during the molecular dynamics trajectory may be necessary to capture the full vibronic spectral broadening.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(29): 6610-6619, 2023 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37459252


Hydrogen bonding interactions with chromophores in chemical and biological environments play a key role in determining their electronic absorption and relaxation processes, which are manifested in their linear and multidimensional optical spectra. For chromophores in the condensed phase, the large number of atoms needed to simulate the environment has traditionally prohibited the use of high-level excited-state electronic structure methods. By leveraging transfer learning, we show how to construct machine-learned models to accurately predict the high-level excitation energies of a chromophore in solution from only 400 high-level calculations. We show that when the electronic excitations of the green fluorescent protein chromophore in water are treated using EOM-CCSD embedded in a DFT description of the solvent the optical spectrum is correctly captured and that this improvement arises from correctly treating the coupling of the electronic transition to electric fields, which leads to a larger response upon hydrogen bonding between the chromophore and water.

Machine Learning , Water , Green Fluorescent Proteins/chemistry , Hydrogen Bonding , Water/chemistry , Spectrum Analysis
J Chem Phys ; 158(17)2023 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37125706


Real-time (RT) electron density propagation with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) or Hartree-Fock (TDHF) is one of the most popular methods to model the charge transfer in molecules and materials. However, both RT-TDHF and RT-TDDFT within the adiabatic approximation are known to produce inaccurate evolution of the electron density away from the ground state in model systems, leading to large errors in charge transfer and erroneous shifting of peaks in absorption spectra. Given the poor performance of these methods with small model systems and the widespread use of the methods with larger molecular and material systems, here we bridge the gap in our understanding of these methods and examine the size-dependence of errors in RT density propagation. We analyze the performance of RT density propagation for systems of increasing size during the application of a continuous resonant field to induce Rabi-like oscillations, during charge-transfer dynamics, and for peak shifting in simulated absorption spectra. We find that the errors in the electron dynamics are indeed size dependent for these phenomena, with the largest system producing the results most aligned with those expected from linear response theory. The results suggest that although the RT-TDHF and RT-TDDFT methods may produce severe errors for model systems, the errors in charge transfer and resonantly driven electron dynamics may be much less significant for more realistic, large-scale molecules and materials.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(16): 3869-3877, 2023 Apr 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37067482


Rigid nonpolarizable water models with fixed point charges have been widely employed in molecular dynamics simulations due to their efficiency and reasonable accuracy for the potential energy surface. However, the dipole moment surface of water is not necessarily well-described by the same fixed charges, leading to failure in reproducing dipole-related properties. Here, we developed a machine-learning model trained against electronic structure data to assign point charges for water, and the resulting dipole moment surface significantly improved the predictions of the dielectric constant and the low-frequency IR spectrum of liquid water. Our analysis reveals that within our atom-centered point-charge description of the dipole moment surface, the intermolecular charge transfer is the major source of the peak intensity at 200 cm-1, whereas the intramolecular polarization controls the enhancement of the dielectric constant. The effects of exact Hartree-Fock exchange in the hybrid density functional on these properties are also discussed.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 7937, 2022 Dec 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36566224


We investigate electroabsorption (EA) in organic semiconductor microcavities to understand whether strong light-matter coupling non-trivially alters their nonlinear optical [[Formula: see text]] response. Focusing on strongly-absorbing squaraine (SQ) molecules dispersed in a wide-gap host matrix, we find that classical transfer matrix modeling accurately captures the EA response of low concentration SQ microcavities with a vacuum Rabi splitting of [Formula: see text] meV, but fails for high concentration cavities with [Formula: see text] meV. Rather than new physics in the ultrastrong coupling regime, however, we attribute the discrepancy at high SQ concentration to a nearly dark H-aggregate state below the SQ exciton transition, which goes undetected in the optical constant dispersion on which the transfer matrix model is based, but nonetheless interacts with and enhances the EA response of the lower polariton mode. These results indicate that strong coupling can be used to manipulate EA (and presumably other optical nonlinearities) from organic microcavities by controlling the energy of polariton modes relative to other states in the system, but it does not alter the intrinsic optical nonlinearity of the organic semiconductor inside the cavity.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 18(5): 3039-3051, 2022 May 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35472264


The simulation of optical spectra is essential to molecular characterization and, in many cases, critical for interpreting experimental spectra. The most common method for simulating vibronic absorption spectra relies on the geometry optimization and computation of normal modes for ground and excited electronic states. In this report, we show that the utilization of such a procedure within an adiabatic linear response (LR) theory framework may lead to state mixings and a breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, resulting in a poor description of absorption spectra. In contrast, computing excited states via a self-consistent field method in conjunction with a maximum overlap model produces states that are not subject to such mixings. We show that this latter method produces vibronic spectra much more aligned with vertical gradient and molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory-based approaches. For the methylene blue chromophore, we compare vibronic absorption spectra computed with the following: an adiabatic Hessian approach with LR theory-optimized structures and normal modes, a vertical gradient procedure, the Hessian and normal modes of maximum overlap method-optimized structures, and excitation energy time-correlation functions generated from an MD trajectory. Because of mixing between the bright S1 and dark S2 surfaces near the S1 minimum, computing the adiabatic Hessian with LR theory and time-dependent density functional theory with the B3LYP density functional predicts a large vibronic shoulder for the absorption spectrum that is not present for any of the other methods. Spectral densities are analyzed and we compare the behavior of the key normal mode that in LR theory strongly couples to the optical excitation while showing S1/S2 state mixings. Overall, our study provides a note of caution in computing vibronic spectra using the excited-state adiabatic Hessian of LR theory-optimized structures and also showcases three alternatives that are less sensitive to adiabatic state mixing effects.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Quantum Theory , Methylene Blue
J Phys Chem B ; 125(44): 12214-12227, 2021 11 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34726915


The environment surrounding a chromophore can dramatically affect the energy absorption and relaxation process, as manifested in optical spectra. Simulations of nonlinear optical spectroscopy, such as two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and transient absorption (TA), will be influenced by the computational model of the environment. We here compare a fixed point charge molecular mechanics model and a quantum mechanical (QM) model of the environment in computed 2DES and TA spectra of Nile red in water and the chromophore of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) in water and protein environments. In addition to simulating these nonlinear optical spectra, we directly juxtapose the computed excitation energy correlation function to the dynamic Stokes shift function often used to analyze environment dynamics. Overall, we find that for the three systems studied here the mutual electronic polarization provided by the QM environment manifests in broader 2DES signals, as well as a larger reorganization energy and a larger static Stokes shift due to stronger coupling between the chromophore and the environment.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Water , Electronics , Quantum Theory , Spectrum Analysis
J Chem Phys ; 155(14): 144112, 2021 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34654312


Modeling linear absorption spectra of solvated chromophores is highly challenging as contributions are present both from coupling of the electronic states to nuclear vibrations and from solute-solvent interactions. In systems where excited states intersect in the Condon region, significant non-adiabatic contributions to absorption line shapes can also be observed. Here, we introduce a robust approach to model linear absorption spectra accounting for both environmental and non-adiabatic effects from first principles. This model parameterizes a linear vibronic coupling (LVC) Hamiltonian directly from energy gap fluctuations calculated along molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of the chromophore in solution, accounting for both anharmonicity in the potential and direct solute-solvent interactions. The resulting system dynamics described by the LVC Hamiltonian are solved exactly using the thermalized time-evolving density operator with orthogonal polynomials algorithm (T-TEDOPA). The approach is applied to the linear absorption spectrum of methylene blue in water. We show that the strong shoulder in the experimental spectrum is caused by vibrationally driven population transfer between the bright S1 and the dark S2 states. The treatment of the solvent environment is one of many factors that strongly influence the population transfer and line shape; accurate modeling can only be achieved through the use of explicit quantum mechanical solvation. The efficiency of T-TEDOPA, combined with LVC Hamiltonian parameterizations from MD, leads to an attractive method for describing a large variety of systems in complex environments from first principles.

J Chem Phys ; 154(8): 084116, 2021 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33639769


Accurately simulating the linear and nonlinear electronic spectra of condensed phase systems and accounting for all physical phenomena contributing to spectral line shapes presents a significant challenge. Vibronic transitions can be captured through a harmonic model generated from the normal modes of a chromophore, but it is challenging to also include the effects of specific chromophore-environment interactions within such a model. We work to overcome this limitation by combining approaches to account for both explicit environment interactions and vibronic couplings for simulating both linear and nonlinear optical spectra. We present and show results for three approaches of varying computational cost for combining ensemble sampling of chromophore-environment configurations with Franck-Condon line shapes for simulating linear spectra. We present two analogous approaches for nonlinear spectra. Simulated absorption spectra and two-dimensional electronic spectra (2DES) are presented for the Nile red chromophore in different solvent environments. Employing an average Franck-Condon or 2DES line shape appears to be a promising method for simulating linear and nonlinear spectroscopy for a chromophore in the condensed phase.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(2): 889-901, 2021 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33405925


Partial atomic charges provide an intuitive and efficient way to describe the charge distribution and the resulting intermolecular electrostatic interactions in liquid water. Many charge models exist and it is unclear which model provides the best assignment of partial atomic charges in response to the local molecular environment. In this work, we systematically scrutinize various electronic structure methods and charge models (Mulliken, natural population analysis, CHelpG, RESP, Hirshfeld, Iterative Hirshfeld, and Bader) by evaluating their performance in predicting the dipole moments of isolated water, water clusters, and liquid water as well as charge transfer in the water dimer and liquid water. Although none of the seven charge models is capable of fully capturing the dipole moment increase from isolated water (1.85 D) to liquid water (about 2.9 D), the Iterative Hirshfeld method performs best for liquid water, reproducing its experimental average molecular dipole moment, yielding a reasonable amount of intermolecular charge transfer, and showing modest sensitivity to the local water environment. The performance of the charge model is dependent on the choice of the density functional and the quantum treatment of the environment. The computed molecular dipole moment of water generally increases with the percentage of the exact Hartree-Fock exchange in the functional, whereas the amount of charge transfer between molecules decreases. For liquid water, including two full solvation shells of surrounding water molecules (within about 5.5 Å of the central water) in the quantum chemical calculation converges the charges of the central water molecule. Our final pragmatic quantum chemical charge-assigning protocol for liquid water is the Iterative Hirshfeld method with M06-HF/aug-cc-pVDZ and a quantum region cutoff radius of 5.5 Å.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 72: 165-188, 2021 04 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33395546


Including both environmental and vibronic effects is important for accurate simulation of optical spectra, but combining these effects remains computationally challenging. We outline two approaches that consider both the explicit atomistic environment and the vibronic transitions. Both phenomena are responsible for spectral shapes in linear spectroscopy and the electronic evolution measured in nonlinear spectroscopy. The first approach utilizes snapshots of chromophore-environment configurations for which chromophore normal modes are determined. We outline various approximations for this static approach that assumes harmonic potentials and ignores dynamic system-environment coupling. The second approach obtains excitation energies for a series of time-correlated snapshots. This dynamic approach relies on the accurate truncation of the cumulant expansion but treats the dynamics of the chromophore and the environment on equal footing. Both approaches show significant potential for making strides toward more accurate optical spectroscopy simulations of complex condensed phase systems.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(18): 7559-7568, 2020 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32808797


The excited-state dynamics of chromophores in complex environments determine a range of vital biological and energy capture processes. Time-resolved, multidimensional optical spectroscopies provide a key tool to investigate these processes. Although theory has the potential to decode these spectra in terms of the electronic and atomistic dynamics, the need for large numbers of excited-state electronic structure calculations severely limits first-principles predictions of multidimensional optical spectra for chromophores in the condensed phase. Here, we leverage the locality of chromophore excitations to develop machine learning models to predict the excited-state energy gap of chromophores in complex environments for efficiently constructing linear and multidimensional optical spectra. By analyzing the performance of these models, which span a hierarchy of physical approximations, across a range of chromophore-environment interaction strengths, we provide strategies for the construction of machine learning models that greatly accelerate the calculation of multidimensional optical spectra from first principles.

J Chem Phys ; 153(4): 044127, 2020 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752702


First-principles modeling of nonlinear optical spectra in the condensed phase is highly challenging because both environment and vibronic interactions can play a large role in determining spectral shapes and excited state dynamics. Here, we compute two dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) signals based on a cumulant expansion of the energy gap fluctuation operator, with specific focus on analyzing mode mixing effects introduced by the Duschinsky rotation and the role of the third order term in the cumulant expansion for both model and realistic condensed phase systems. We show that for a harmonic model system, the third order cumulant correction captures effects introduced by a mismatch in curvatures of ground and excited state potential energy surfaces, as well as effects of mode mixing. We also demonstrate that 2DES signals can be accurately reconstructed from purely classical correlation functions using quantum correction factors. We then compute nonlinear optical spectra for the Nile red and methylene blue chromophores in solution, assessing the third order cumulant contribution for realistic systems. We show that the third order cumulant correction is strongly dependent on the treatment of the solvent environment, revealing the interplay between environmental polarization and the electronic-vibrational coupling.

Chem Rev ; 120(18): 9951-9993, 2020 09 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32813506


Real-time electronic structure methods provide an unprecedented view of electron dynamics and ultrafast spectroscopy on the atto- and femtosecond time scale with vast potential to yield new insights into the electronic behavior of molecules and materials. In this Review, we discuss the fundamental theory underlying various real-time electronic structure methods as well as advantages and disadvantages of each. We give an overview of the numerical techniques that are widely used for real-time propagation of the quantum electron dynamics with an emphasis on Gaussian basis set methods. We also showcase many of the chemical applications and scientific advances made by using real-time electronic structure calculations and provide an outlook of possible new directions.

J Vis Exp ; (159)2020 05 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32538916


Rational design of disordered molecular aggregates and solids for optoelectronic applications relies on our ability to predict the properties of such materials using theoretical and computational methods. However, large molecular systems where disorder is too significant to be considered in the perturbative limit cannot be described using either first principles quantum chemistry or band theory. Multiscale modeling is a promising approach to understanding and optimizing the optoelectronic properties of such systems. It uses first-principles quantum chemical methods to calculate the properties of individual molecules, then constructs model Hamiltonians of molecular aggregates or bulk materials based on these calculations. In this paper, we present a protocol for constructing a tight-binding Hamiltonian that represents the excited states of a molecular material in the basis of Frenckel excitons: electron-hole pairs that are localized on individual molecules that make up the material. The Hamiltonian parametrization proposed here accounts for excitonic couplings between molecules, as well as for electrostatic polarization of the electron density on a molecule by the charge distribution on surrounding molecules. Such model Hamiltonians can be used to calculate optical absorption spectra and other optoelectronic properties of molecular aggregates and solids.

Electrochemistry , Models, Chemical , Spectrum Analysis , Biomechanical Phenomena , Electrons , Phase Transition
Science ; 368(6495): 1056-1057, 2020 06 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32499427
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(10): 5584-5596, 2020 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32107511


The identity of metal ions surrounding DNA is key to its biological function and materials applications. In this work, we compare atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of double strand DNA (dsDNA) with four alkaline earth metal ions (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+) to elucidate the physical interactions that govern DNA-ion binding. Simulations accurately model the ion-phosphate distance of Mg2+ and reproduce ion counting experiments for Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+. Our analysis shows that alkaline earth metal ions prefer to bind at the phosphate backbone compared to the major groove and negligible binding occurs in the minor groove. Larger alkaline earth metal ions with variable first solvation shells (Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+) show both direct and indirect binding, where indirect binding increases with ion size. Mg2+ does not fit this trend because the strength of its first solvation shell predicts indirect binding only. Ions bound to the phosphate backbone form fewer contacts per ion compared to the major groove. Within the major groove, metal ions preferentially bind to guanine-cystosine base pairs and form simultaneous contacts with the N7 and O6 atoms of guanine. Overall, we find that the interplay among ion size, DNA-ion interaction, and the size and flexibility of the first solvation shell are key to predicting how alkaline earth metal ions interact with DNA.

DNA/chemistry , Ions/chemistry , Metals, Alkaline Earth/chemistry , Metals/chemistry , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Water/chemistry