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Rev. urug. enferm ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1561385


Objetivo: determinar la huella psicosocial de la pandemia por COVID-19 en enfermeras de 4 países de Sudamérica, año 2021-2022. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, en una muestra de 279 enfermeras: colombianas (86), paraguayas (68), mexicanas (54) y chilenas (71), que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión.Se aplicaron las escalas de Duke-UNC para evaluar apoyo social recibido y confidencial; El cuestionario Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (MOS) para evaluar apoyo social y el cuestionario de variables de interacción psicosocial (VIP) Resultados: tanto el buen apoyo confidencial como afectivo, se asoció con las variables de vivir con dos o más personas, ser perteneciente a una religión, y trabajar en una unidad con pacientes. El consumo de medicamentos fue significativamente menor en el grupo con buen apoyo confidencial y afectivo, (p=0.012) Conclusiones:la ejecución del rol profesional de la enfermera es conocido como de alta calidad, y con una destacada responsabilidad, especialmente en pandemia por SAR COVID 19. Sin embargo, se aprecian huellas residuales físicas y emocionales en los profesionales de enfermería.

Objective: to determine the psychosocial footprint of the COVID-19 pandemic in nurses from 4 South American countries, 2021-2022. Methods: cross-sectional study, in a sample of 279 nurses: Colombian (86), Paraguayan (68), Mexican (54) and Chilean (71), who met the inclusion criteria. Duke-UNC scales were applied to assess received and confidential social support; The Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (MOS) questionnaire to assess social support and the psychosocial interaction variables (VIP) questionnaire. Results: both good confidential and affective support were associated with the variables of living with two or more people, belonging to a religion, and working in a unit with patients. Medication consumption was significantly lower in the group with good confidential and affective support, (p=0.012). Conclusions: the execution of the professional role of the nurse is known to be of high quality, and with outstanding responsibility, especially in the SAR pandemic. COVID 19. However, residual physical and emotional traces can be seen in nursing professionals.

Objetivo determinar a pegada psicossocial da pandemia de COVID-19 em enfermeiros de 4 países da América do Sul, 2021-2022. Métodos: estudo transversal, em uma amostra de 279 enfermeiras: colombianas (86), paraguaias (68), mexicanas (54) e chilenas (71), que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. As escalas de Duke-UNC foram aplicadas para avaliar o suporte social recebido e confidencial; o questionário Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (MOS) para avaliar o apoio social e o questionário de variáveis de interação psicossocial (VIP). Resultados: tanto o bom apoio confidencial quanto o afetivo estiveram associados às variáveis morar com duas ou mais pessoas, pertencer a uma religião e trabalhar em unidade com pacientes. O consumo de medicamentos foi significativamente menor no grupo com bom apoio confidencial e afetivo, (p=0,012). Conclusões: sabe-se que o desempenho da função profissional do enfermeiro é de alta qualidade, e com destacada responsabilidade, principalmente na pandemia SAR COVID 19. No entanto, traços residuais físicos e emocionais podem ser observados nos profissionais de enfermagem.

Humans , Social Support , Burnout, Professional , COVID-19 , Nurse-Patient Relations , Nursing Staff
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(4): 108-116, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559080


RESUMEN En situación de obesidad y cuando no se logra cumplir las metas del tratamiento, la cirugía bariátrica puede ser una alternativa prometedora, con efectos, a nivel físico y en el plano psicológico de la calidad de vida (CV). Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto de la cirugía bariátrica sobre la CV en hombres y mujeres obesas entre 20 y 60 años. Se realizó una revisión sistemática (RS) con metanálisis de RS aleatorizadas, que comparan la CV en los pacientes poscirugía bariátrica. Fueron consultadas las bases de datos electrónicas Ebsco, Scopus, Pubmed y Cochrane Library. Las variables de respuesta fueron las dimensiones función física, social, mental y emocional de la CV. Se sometieron a metanálisis con R 4.2.2. Se incluyeron tres RS, de las cuales se combinaron 25 ensayos clínicos con 3-6 y 12 meses de seguimiento poscirugía bariátrica. Se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos de los puntajes en función física (1,20; IC 95%: 0,80-1,61), social (0,95; IC 95%: 0,66-1,25), mental (0,35; IC 95%: -0,21- +0,90) y emocional (0,54; IC 95%: 0,03-1,06). Los ámbitos de la CV mejoran poscirugía bariátrica en pacientes obesos.

ABSTRACT In a situation of obesity and when treatment goals are not met, bariatric surgery can be a promising alternative; with effects at the physical level as well as at the psychological level of the quality of life. This study aims to determine the effect of bariatric surgery on the quality of life in obese men and women between 20 and 60 years of age. A systematic review (SR) was carried out with meta-analysis of randomized systematic reviews, which compare the quality of life in patients after bariatric surgery. Electronic databases were consulted: Ebsco, Scopus, Pubmed and Cochrane Library. The response variables were: physical, social, mental and emotional function. They were submitted to meta-analysis, with R 4.2.2. Three SR were included, of which 25 clinical trials were combined with 3-6 and 12-month follow-up after bariatric surgery, finding statistically significant changes in physical function scores (1.20; 95% CI: 0.80-1 .61), social (0.95; 95% CI: 0.66-1.25), mental (0.35; 95% CI: -0.21- +0.90) and emotional (0.54; 95% CI: 0.03-1.06). The surroundings of the quality of life improve post bariatric surgery in obese patients.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514791


Objetivo: Analizar las conductas alimentarias de riesgo, en relación al estado nutricional y actividad física en jóvenes adultos durante la pandemia COVID-19 en las comunas de Chillán y Chillán Viejo. Método: Diseño observacional y transversal. Se obtuvo una muestra de 184 adultos jóvenes de ambos sexos, que residían en dos comunas de la región de Ñuble (Chile) durante el periodo de confinamiento por la pandemia COVID-19. Se les aplicó un cuestionario de antecedentes personales y la escala SCOFF que evalúa el riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Resultados: Se encontró un 37,16% de riesgo para TCA (IC 95%: 30,23 - 44,63%). El riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria tuvo relación con las variables: actividad física (p = 0,01 análisis bivariante) y estado nutricional (p = 0,03, análisis ajustado). Conclusión: Se logró identificar una proporción superior a la registrada en la literatura y los factores asociados a TCA eran los que se esperaban encontrar.

Objective: To analyze risky eating behaviors in relation to nutritional status and physical activity in young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in the communes of Chillán and Chillán Viejo. Methods: Observational and cross-sectional design. A sample of 184 young adults of both sexes, who lived in two communes in the Ñuble region (Chile) during the period of confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic, was obtained. A personal history questionnaire and the SCOFF scale that assesses the risk of eating behavior disorders (EDs) were applied. Results: A 37.16% risk for ED was found (95% CI: 30.23 - 44.63%). The risk of eating behavior disorders was related to the variables: physical activity (p=0.01 bivariate analysis) and nutritional status (p=0.03, adjusted analysis). Conclusion: It was possible to identify a higher proportion than that recorded in the literature and the factors associated with eating disorders were those that were expected to be found.

Index enferm ; 32(3): [e14375], 2023.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229742


Objetivo principal: Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala CICAA (Conectar, Identificar, Comprender, Acordar y Ayudar) al utilizarla en simulación clínica de alta fidelidad en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio analítico observacional de corte transversal en una muestra con 154 estudiantes de enfermería, a los cuales se les aplicó la escala CICAA durante el desarrollo de simulaciones clínicas de alta fidelidad. Los resultados de la escala fueron sometidos a pruebas psicométricas. Resultados principales: La escala CICAA presentó 29 componentes con sus respectivos autovalores y cuatro componentes principales que suman un 67,782% de la varianza total explicada. La consistencia interna global de la escala presentó un coeficiente α-Cronbach de 0,956. Conclusión principal: La escala CICAA ha mostrado ser un instrumento fiable y válido para evaluar habilidades comunicacionales de estudiantes de enfermería en simulaciones clínica de alta fidelidad.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the CICAA (Connect, Identify, Understand, Agree, Agree and Assist) scale when used in high-fidelity clinical simulation in nursing students. Methodology: Observational cross-sectional analytical study in a sample of 154 nursing students, to whom the CICAA scale was applied during the development of high-fidelity clinical simulations. The results of the scale were subjected to psychometric tests. Results: The CICAA scale presented 29 components with their respective eigenvalues and four principal components accounting for 67.782% of the total variance explained. The overall internal consistency of the scale showed an α-Cronbach's coefficient of 0.956. Conclusion: The CICAA scale has been shown to be a reliable and valid instrument to assess communication skills of nursing students in high fidelity clinical simulations.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Nursing , Education, Nursing , Nursing Care/methods , Education, Medical , High Fidelity Simulation Training , Psychometrics
Nutr. hosp ; 39(5): 1019-1026, sep.-oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-213959


Introducción: Chile está dentro de los países con mayor tasa de malnutrición por exceso, lo que obliga a disponer de herramientas eficaces para evaluar el estado nutricional; así surge nuestro interés por explorar la posibilidad de utilizar la medición de la circunferencia del cuello (CCUE) como herramienta potencial de diagnóstico de fácil obtención y acceso, y bajo costo. Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad diagnóstica de la circunferencia del cuello como predictor de obesidad en la población de 15-26 años de edad. Materiales y métodos: dado que se encuentran disponibles, y son adecuados para nuestra investigación, se utilizarán datos extraídos de la Tercera Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2009-2010. Nuestro estudio se realizó aplicando el Método de Validación Diagnóstica por Criterio Concurrente. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 536 personas cuyas edades fluctuaban entre los 15 y 26 años, de quienes se tomaron los datos de IMC, para clasificarlas en las categorías de obesidad o normalidad (patrón oro), y la CCUE (en centímetros). Se excluyeron las personas con hipertiroidismo. Se obtuvieron indicadores de exactitud diagnóstica y valores predictivos. Se aplicó el SPSS, versión 25. Resultados: según los rangos de edad y el sexo, los puntos de corte de la CCUE para clasificar la obesidad general presentaron sensibilidades y especificidades superiores a 0,85 con una área bajo la curva superior a 0,90, todos con p < 0,001. Conclusión: existe evidencia a favor de que los puntos de corte de la CCUE presentan una adecuada capacidad de diagnosticar la obesidad en este grupo etario. (AU)

Introduction: Chile is among the countries with the highest rate of excess malnutrition, for that reason it is important to have effective tools to evaluate the nutritional status; interest in neck circumference (NC) measurement as a potential prognostic tool that is easy to access and low-cost has increased. Objective: to evaluate the diagnostic capacity of neck circumference to predict obesity in the population aged 15-16 years, using data from the third National Health Survey 2009-2010. Materials and methods: Concurrent Criteria of Diagnostic Validation were used for the study. The sample consisted of 536 people of ages from 15 to 26 years, where BMI data where taken in order to classify obesity versus normality (gold standard), as was NC (measured in centimeters). People with hyperthyroidism were excluded. Indicators of diagnostic accuracy were obtained; the SPSS, version 25 was used for calculations. Results: according to age and gender ranks, the NC cut-off points to classify general obesity showed sensitivities and specificities above 0.85, with an area under the curve over 0.90, all with p < 0.001. Conclusion: there is evidence that supports that NC cutoff points are a suitable tool for diagnosing obesity in this age group. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Data Analysis , Obesity/diagnosis , Obesity/epidemiology , Health Surveys , Chile/epidemiology , Neck , Anthropometry
Nutr Hosp ; 39(5): 1019-1026, 2022 Oct 17.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36134585


Introduction: Introduction: Chile is among the countries with the highest rate of excess malnutrition, for that reason it is important to have effective tools to evaluate the nutritional status; interest in neck circumference (NC) measurement as a potential prognostic tool that is easy to access and low-cost has increased. Objective: to evaluate the diagnostic capacity of neck circumference to predict obesity in the population aged 15-16 years, using data from the third National Health Survey 2009-2010. Materials and methods: Concurrent Criteria of Diagnostic Validation were used for the study. The sample consisted of 536 people of ages from 15 to 26 years, where BMI data where taken in order to classify obesity versus normality (gold standard), as was NC (measured in centimeters). People with hyperthyroidism were excluded. Indicators of diagnostic accuracy were obtained; the SPSS, version 25 was used for calculations. Results: according to age and gender ranks, the NC cut-off points to classify general obesity showed sensitivities and specificities above 0.85, with an area under the curve over 0.90, all with p < 0.001. Conclusion: there is evidence that supports that NC cutoff points are a suitable tool for diagnosing obesity in this age group.

Introducción: Introducción: Chile está dentro de los países con mayor tasa de malnutrición por exceso, lo que obliga a disponer de herramientas eficaces para evaluar el estado nutricional; así surge nuestro interés por explorar la posibilidad de utilizar la medición de la circunferencia del cuello (CCUE) como herramienta potencial de diagnóstico de fácil obtención y acceso, y bajo costo. Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad diagnóstica de la circunferencia del cuello como predictor de obesidad en la población de 15-26 años de edad. Materiales y métodos: dado que se encuentran disponibles, y son adecuados para nuestra investigación, se utilizarán datos extraídos de la Tercera Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2009-2010. Nuestro estudio se realizó aplicando el Método de Validación Diagnóstica por Criterio Concurrente. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 536 personas cuyas edades fluctuaban entre los 15 y 26 años, de quienes se tomaron los datos de IMC, para clasificarlas en las categorías de obesidad o normalidad (patrón oro), y la CCUE (en centímetros). Se excluyeron las personas con hipertiroidismo. Se obtuvieron indicadores de exactitud diagnóstica y valores predictivos. Se aplicó el SPSS, versión 25. Resultados: según los rangos de edad y el sexo, los puntos de corte de la CCUE para clasificar la obesidad general presentaron sensibilidades y especificidades superiores a 0,85 con una área bajo la curva superior a 0,90, todos con p < 0,001. Conclusión: existe evidencia a favor de que los puntos de corte de la CCUE presentan una adecuada capacidad de diagnosticar la obesidad en este grupo etario.

Data Analysis , Obesity , Body Mass Index , Chile/epidemiology , Health Surveys , Humans , Neck , Obesity/diagnosis , Obesity/epidemiology , Waist Circumference , Young Adult
Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(4)ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449874


El ayuno intermitente se ha popularizado como una estrategia alternativa para el control de peso y disminución de algunos parámetros bioquímicos. El propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue evaluar la efectividad del ayuno intermitente en dos protocolos: ayuno en días intermitentes (ADA) y ayuno restringido en el tiempo (ART), sobre el perfil lipídico, composición corporal y presión arterial en adultos. Método: Revisión sistemática basada en ensayos controlados aleatorios consultados en las bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Clinical Trials, Proquest y PubMed. Se estudió a adultos mayores de 18 años con cualquier estado nutricional. La intervención correspondió a ayuno intermitente de al menos 16 horas. Se evaluaron riesgos de sesgos según la colaboración de Cochrane. Resultados: Se analizaron seis ensayos clínicos, encontrándose que el protocolo ADA, presente en cuatro de ellos, generó cambios en las variables: triglicéridos, c-HDL, c-LDL, colesterol total, peso, masa magra, masa grasa y presión arterial sistólica, mientras que el protocolo ART, presente en los dos restantes, provocó cambios en las variables: peso, masa grasa, masa magra, triglicéridos, colesterol total, c-LDL, c-HDL y glicemia. Conclusión: La evidencia disponible con ensayos clínicos nos permite sugerir que los protocolos ADA y ART pueden ser una dieta alternativa para adultos. Sin embargo, el ajuste calórico y una adecuada educación sobre estilos de vida saludable muestran resultados similares. Sin perjuicio a esto, el AI puede ser una alternativa para aquellos a quienes les es difícil seguir un patrón dietético con restricción calórica diaria.

Intermittent fasting has become popular as an alternative strategy for weight control and the reduction of some biochemical parameters. The purpose of this systematic review (SR) was to evaluate the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in two protocols: intermittent days fasting (ADA) and time-restricted fasting (ART), on lipid profile, body composition and blood pressure among adults. Methods: SR based on randomized controlled trials consulted in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus, Library Cochrane, Clinical Trials, Proquest and PubMed. Adults over 18 years of age with any nutritional status were studied. The intervention corresponded to intermittent fasting of at least 16 hours. Risk of bias were assessed according to the Cochrane collaboration. Results: Six clinical trials were analyzed, finding that the ADA protocol, present in four of them, generated changes in the variables: triglycerides, c-HDL, c-LDL, total cholesterol, weight, lean mass, fat mass and systolic blood pressure, while the ART protocol, present in the remaining two, caused changes in the variables: weight, fat mass, lean mass, triglycerides, total cholesterol, c-LDL, c-HDL and glycemia. Conclusion: The available evidence with clinical trials allows us to suggest that the ADA and ART protocols can be an alternative diet for adults. However, caloric adjustment and adequate education on healthy lifestyles show similar results. Notwithstanding this, intermittent fasting may be an alternative for those who find it difficult to follow a dietary pattern with daily caloric restriction.

Nutrients ; 13(9)2021 Aug 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34578824


The effect of a ketogenic diet (KD) on biochemical parameters and nutritional status has been the subject of debate over the years, as several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) obtained different results. METHOD: A systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis of RCTs comparing KD with a balanced diet was performed by means of a search of PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Web of Science. Trials where the method for measuring the response variables was unclear, those that considered pathologies other than chronic non-communicable diseases and those with participants receiving pharmacological treatment for obesity were excluded from the comparison. RESULTS: Of the studies included in the meta-analysis, no statistically significant standardized mean differences were observed for body mass index (BMI) (d = -0.457, p = 0.359), total cholesterol, COL-T (d = 0.230, p = 0.591), high-density lipoprotein, HDL (d = -0.028, p = 0.934), low-density lipoprotein, LDL (d = 0.528, p = 0.173), or triglycerides, TG (d = -0.283, p = 0.222), with high values of heterogeneity. The percentage of women included in the studies is a significant moderating variable in terms of BMI ratio (z = -6.68, p < 0.001) and TG (z = -2.27, p = 0.023). CONCLUSION: A KD shows no more benefits on nutritional parameters than a balanced diet, and adverse effects of being on the diet are sometimes reported.

Body Mass Index , Diet, Ketogenic/methods , Lipids/blood , Nutritional Status , Obesity/blood , Obesity/diet therapy , Cholesterol/blood , Female , Humans , Lipoproteins/blood , Male , Triglycerides/blood
Nutrients ; 13(7)2021 Jul 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34371861


Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) evaluating the effectiveness of interventions to promote fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption usually report intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis as the main outcome. These analyses compare the randomly assigned groups and accept that some individuals may not follow the recommendations received in their group. The ITT analysis is useful to quantify the global effect of promoting the consumption of FV in a population (effectiveness) but, if non-adherence is significant in the RCT, they cannot estimate the specific effect in the individuals that increased their FV consumption (efficacy). To calculate the efficacy of FV consumption, a per protocol analysis (PP) would have to be carried out, in which groups of individuals are compared according to their actual adherence to FV consumption, regardless of the group to which they were assigned; unfortunately, many RCTs do not report the PP analysis. The objective of this article is to apply a new method to estimate the efficacy of Meta-analysis (MA) PP which include RCTs of effectiveness by ITT, without estimates of adherence. The method is based on generating Monte Carlo simulations of percentages of adherence in each allocation group from prior distributions informed by expert knowledge. We illustrate the method reanalyzing a Cochrane Systematic Review (SR) of RCTs on increased FV consumption reported with ITT, simulating 1000 times the estimation of a PP meta-analyses, and obtaining means and ranges of the potential PP effects. In some cases, the range of estimated PP effects was clearly more favourable than the effect calculated with the original ITT assumption, and therefore this corrected analysis must be considered when estimating the true effect of the consumption of a certain food.

Diet Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Research Design , Treatment Adherence and Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Computer Simulation , Fruit , Humans , Intention to Treat Analysis , Monte Carlo Method , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/standards , Vegetables
Enferm. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 29(3): 146-154, mayo-jun. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-182903


Objetivo: Adaptar transculturalmente y validar la escala Karen Personal para medir la percepción de la calidad del cuidado en enfermeras intrahospitalarias de la red pública de atención en Chile. Método: Para la adaptación transcultural al español de la escala se aplicó el método inverso con una traducción-retrotraducción y el juicio de 41 profesionales de enfermería de un hospital público de mediana complejidad. Luego, en una muestra de 290 enfermeras de 3 centros hospitalarios públicos de alta complejidad, se aplicó análisis factorial exploratorio (rotación varimax) y confirmatorio (máxima verosimilitud) y ecuaciones estructurales. Se utilizó el programa Stata 13.0 y R 3.2.2. Resultados: Se obtuvo una versión del instrumento adaptada lingüísticamente y que presentó una solución factorial de 4 factores que en conjunto explican el 63,8% de la varianza; asimismo, la escala presentó un buen ajuste según los indicadores utilizados: CFI (0,961); TLI (0,950); RMSEA (0,65); SRMR (0,67). Conclusiones: La versión abreviada planteada en este estudio se adaptó transculturalmente y muestra propiedades métricas y análisis factoriales adecuados, aunque es necesario continuar evaluando sus propiedades clinimétricas en futuros estudios

Objective: To adapt cross-culturally and validate the Karen Personal scale to measure the perception of the quality of care of hospital nurses of the public health care network in Chile. Method: For the transcultural adaptation to Spanish of the scale, the inverse method was applied with translation-back translation and the judgment of 41 nursing professionals from a medium complexity public hospital. Then in a sample of 290 nurses from three high complexity public hospitals, exploratory factor analysis (varimax rotation) and confirmatory (maximum likelihood) and structural equations were applied. The programmes Stata 13.0 and R 3.2.2 were used. Results: A linguistically adapted version of the instrument was obtained and presented a factorial solution of four factors that together explain 63.8% of the variance, and the scale presented a good fit according to the indicators used: CFI (.961); TLI (.950); RMSEA (.65); SRMR (.67). Conclusions: The abbreviated version proposed in this study was adapted cross-culturally and shows adequate metrics and factorial analysis, it is necessary to continue evaluating its clinimetric properties in future studies

Humans , Nursing Care , Transcultural Nursing/methods , Perception , Quality of Health Care , Chile , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 29(3): 146-154, 2019.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30558831


OBJECTIVE: To adapt cross-culturally and validate the Karen Personal scale to measure the perception of the quality of care of hospital nurses of the public health care network in Chile. METHOD: For the transcultural adaptation to Spanish of the scale, the inverse method was applied with translation-back translation and the judgment of 41 nursing professionals from a medium complexity public hospital. Then in a sample of 290 nurses from three high complexity public hospitals, exploratory factor analysis (varimax rotation) and confirmatory (maximum likelihood) and structural equations were applied. The programmes Stata 13.0 and R 3.2.2 were used. RESULTS: A linguistically adapted version of the instrument was obtained and presented a factorial solution of four factors that together explain 63.8% of the variance, and the scale presented a good fit according to the indicators used: CFI (.961); TLI (.950); RMSEA (.65); SRMR (.67). CONCLUSIONS: The abbreviated version proposed in this study was adapted cross-culturally and shows adequate metrics and factorial analysis, it is necessary to continue evaluating its clinimetric properties in future studies.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Nursing , Quality of Health Care , Self Report , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cultural Characteristics , Female , Hospitals , Humans , Male , Translations
Cienc. enferm ; 23(2): 133-145, mayo 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-890116


RESUMEN La simulación clínica de alta fidelidad es considerada una metodología fundamental para la formación del estudiante. Una forma de evaluar la efectividad de esta metodología es por medio de la satisfacción de los estu diantes. Objetivo. Validar los constructos de la versión española de la escala "Encuesta de calidad y satisfacción de simulación clínica" de Durá Ros. Material y Método: Estudio transversal. La muestra fue de 216 estudiantes de 3° a 5° año de la carrera de Enfermería de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán-Chile. Se aplicó análisis de componentes principales con rotación Varimax. La consistencia interna se evaluó con a-Cronbach. Resulta dos: De los 216 estudiantes, el 37% cursaban el 3° año, el 36,6% 4° año y el 26,4% el 5° año de la carrera. El 87,5% ha obtenido una calificación promedio acumulada de 5,0-5,99 (escala de 1-7). Se obtuvo un coeficiente KMO=0,887, y la prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett fue estadísticamente significativa (x2=1014,977; 105 gl; p < 0,001), el análisis de componentes principales (ACP) resultó en tres componentes que visualizan los conceptos: aprendizaje significativo, estructura de la simulación clínica y relación interpersonal con la simulación clínica, los que en conjunto lograron explicar un 51,277% de la varianza total. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para los componentes fue a=0,865; 0,467 y 0,550 respectivamente. Conclusión. Emergieron tres componentes que caracterizan la satisfacción de los estudiantes con respecto a la simulación clínica. Se sugiere continuar con el trabajo exploratorio, hasta llegar a un análisis factorial confirmatorio que permita evaluar la bondad de ajuste del modelo con que se valida la escala.

ABSTRACT High-fidelity clinical simulations are considered a fundamental method of training for nursery students. One way of assessing the effectiveness of this method is through student's satisfaction. Objective: To validate the con structs of the Spanish version of the scale presented in "Survey of Quality and Satisfaction of clinical simulation" by Durá Ros. Method: A cross-sectional study was used, with a sample consisting of 216 undergraduate nursing students from third to fifth year from the University of Bío-Bío, in Chillán, Chile. A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation was used. Internal consistency was evaluated with a-Cronbach. Results: Of the 216 students, 37% were in the third year of the program, 36.6% in the fourth year and 26.4% in the fifth year. Using a grading scale of 1 to 7, 87.5% of students averaged grades between 5.0 and 5.99. A KMO=0.887 coefficient was obtained, and the Bartlett's sphericity test was statistically significant (/2=1014,977; 105 gl; p < 0.001). The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) resulted in three components: significant learning, structure of the clinical simulation and interpersonal relationship with the clinical simulation. Together, these compo nents managed to explain 51.227% of the total variance, with a values being 0.865, 0.467 and 0.550 respective ly. Conclusion: Three components emerged from the analysis, which help characterize student's satisfaction regarding clinical simulation. Exploratory work is suggested until a confirmatory factor analysis is reached to evaluate the goodness of fit of the model.

Humans , Male , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Students, Nursing , Surveys and Questionnaires , Simulation Training , Universities , Chile , Problem-Based Learning
Enferm. glob ; 15(41): 195-207, ene. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-149148


Objetivo Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de Satisfacción laboral (S-23) aplicada al equipo de enfermería de Centros de Atención Primaria. Metodología. Estudio transversal (validación local), con una muestra de 277 integrantes del equipo de enfermería pertenecientes a 27 Centros Atención Primaria de la Provincia Ñuble y Valparaíso, Chile. Se aplicó el cuestionario que mide Satisfacción laboral de 23 ítems (SL-23). Se utilizó análisis factorial exploratorio (Componentes principales) con rotación Varimax. La consistencia interna se evaluó con alfa de Cronbach. Se usó SPSS. Resultados. La versión original (SL-23) presentó un 64,22% de varianza y dos ítems con cargas factoriales con comportamientos erráticos dentro del cuestionario, optándose por eliminarlos. Con la versión abreviada (21 ítems), se encontró un 65,716% de varianza total y fiabilidad global del 0,922. Conclusión. Se sugiere considerar la versión abreviada del cuestionario para ser aplicada a los integrantes del equipo de enfermería por presentar mejores propiedades psicométricas que la versión original (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale of job satisfaction (S-23) applied to the nursing team in primary care centers. Methodology: Cross-sectional study (local validation), with a sample of 277 nursing staff members from 27 Primary Care Centers from the provinces of Ñuble and Valparaiso, Chile. Measure Questionnaire 23-item Job Satisfaction (SL-23) was applied. Exploratory factor analysis (principal components) with Varimax rotation was used. Internal consistency was assessed with Cronbach's alpha. SPSS was used. Results: The original version (SL-23) had a 64.22% of variance and two items with factor loadings with erratic behaviors in the questionnaire, thus they were deleted. With the shortened version (21 items), a 65.716% of total variance and overall reliability of 0.922 was found. Conclusion: We suggest considering the abbreviated version of the questionnaire to be applied to the members of the nursing team to present better psychometric properties than the original version (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychometrics , Job Satisfaction , Primary Health Care , Health Centers , Nursing, Team , Validation Studies as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Chile , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Index enferm ; 21(1/2): 23-27, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-106054


Justificación. Estadísticas nacionales e internacionales demuestran que los equipos de salud tendrán que responder a la necesidad de cuidado de las personas mayores, reconociendo la trascendencia de la capacidad funcional como variable de evaluación de su estado de salud. Objetivo. Determinar características de las personas mayores que pueden influir en su capacidad funcional según las Actividades Instrumentales de la Vida Diaria. Diseño. Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal. Resultados. De 136 individuos estudiados (61% mujeres) y una edad promedio de 73,28 ± 6,77 años, se observó que las Actividades Instrumentales de la Vida Diaria dependen significativamente de: nivel de alfabetización (p=0,002), nivel de instrucción (p=0,024), participación comunitaria (p=0,007), estado nutricional (p=0,028) y depresión (p=0,018). Conclusión. Factores sociales, físicos y mentales se relacionan con la funcionalidad de las personas mayores. Es primordial la generación de políticas públicas de protección a este grupo de la población, con un enfoque multidisciplinario y sistémico (AU)

Justification. National and International statistics show that health teams will have to respond to the needs of caring for older people, considering the implication of the functional capacity as a variable of evaluation of their health condition. Objective. To determine those characteristics in older people that may influence their functional capacity, according to the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. Design. Quantitative, descriptive-correlational cross sectional study. Results. Out of 136 individuals studied (61% female) and an average age of 73,28 ± 6,77 years old, it was observed that the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living depend significantly on: literacy level (p=0,002), instruction level (p=0,024), community participation (p=0,007), nutritional status (p=0,028) and depression (p=0,018). Conclusion. Social, physical and mental factors relate to the functionality of older people. It is fundamental to create public policies to protect this group in the population, with a cross functional and systemic approach (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Geriatric Assessment/methods , Activities of Daily Living , Old Age Assistance/trends , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Frail Elderly/statistics & numerical data , Health Services for the Aged/statistics & numerical data , Homebound Persons/statistics & numerical data