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Neurotoxicology ; 2024 Sep 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39241866


Developmental exposure to chemical flame retardants (FRs) has been linked to a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders and abnormal socioemotional behaviors in human and laboratory animal studies. We have previously shown in Wistar rats that gestational and lactational exposure to the FR mixture Firemaster 550 (FM 550) or its brominated or organophosphate ester (OPFR) components (at 2,000µg, 1,000µg, and 1,000µg oral to the dam respectively) results in increased anxiety-like behaviors in females and decreased sociality in both sexes. Using their siblings, this study characterized sex and chemical specific targets of disruption in brain regions underlying each behavioral phenotype. Offspring were exposed across gestation and lactation then prepared for either immunohistochemistry or autoradiography at postnatal day 90 to quantify expression of serotonin, estrogen receptor α (ERα), and oxytocin receptor (OTR) in multiple brain regions. No effect of exposure was found in males for any biological target. In females, serotonin innervation was increased in the medial amygdala of FM 550 exposed animals while ERα expression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) was reduced by FM 550 and OPFR. Evidence of disrupted OTR was observed in males, particularly the BNST but considered an exploratory finding given the small sample size. These results begin to shed light on the mechanisms by which developmental FR exposure alters socioemotional behaviors of relevance to neurodevelopmental disorders.

Toxics ; 10(5)2022 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35622681


The prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) is rapidly rising, suggesting a confluence of environmental factors that are likely contributing, including developmental exposure to environmental contaminants. Unfortunately, chemical exposures and social stressors frequently occur simultaneously in many communities, yet very few studies have sought to establish the combined effects on neurodevelopment or behavior. Social deficits are common to many NDDs, and we and others have shown that exposure to the chemical flame retardant mixture, Firemaster 550 (FM 550), or paternal deprivation impairs social behavior and neural function. Here, we used a spontaneously prosocial animal model, the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster), to explore the effects of perinatal chemical (FM 550) exposure alone or in combination with an early life stressor (paternal absence) on prosocial behavior. Dams were exposed to vehicle (sesame oil) or 1000 µg FM 550 orally via food treats from conception through weaning and the paternal absence groups were generated by removing the sires the day after birth. Adult offspring of both sexes were then subjected to open-field, sociability, and a partner preference test. Paternal deprivation (PD)-related effects included increased anxiety, decreased sociability, and impaired pair-bonding in both sexes. FM 550 effects include heightened anxiety and partner preference in females but reduced partner preference in males. The combination of FM 550 exposure and PD did not exacerbate any behaviors in either sex except for distance traveled by females in the partner preference test and, to a lesser extent, time spent with, and the number of visits to the non-social stimulus by males in the sociability test. FM 550 ameliorated the impacts of parental deprivation on partner preference behaviors in both sexes. This study is significant because it provides evidence that chemical and social stressors can have unique behavioral effects that differ by sex but may not produce worse outcomes in combination.