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IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(1): 211-228, 2023 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35196225


Differentiable ARchiTecture Search, i.e., DARTS, has drawn great attention in neural architecture search. It tries to find the optimal architecture in a shallow search network and then measures its performance in a deep evaluation network. The independent optimization of the search and evaluation networks, however, leaves a room for potential improvement by allowing interaction between the two networks. To address the problematic optimization issue, we propose new joint optimization objectives and a novel Cyclic Differentiable ARchiTecture Search framework, dubbed CDARTS. Considering the structure difference, CDARTS builds a cyclic feedback mechanism between the search and evaluation networks with introspective distillation. First, the search network generates an initial architecture for evaluation, and the weights of the evaluation network are optimized. Second, the architecture weights in the search network are further optimized by the label supervision in classification, as well as the regularization from the evaluation network through feature distillation. Repeating the above cycle results in a joint optimization of the search and evaluation networks and thus enables the evolution of the architecture to fit the final evaluation network. The experiments and analysis on CIFAR, ImageNet and NATS-Bench [95] demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art ones. Specifically, in the DARTS search space, we achieve 97.52% top-1 accuracy on CIFAR10 and 76.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet. In the chain-structured search space, we achieve 78.2% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, which is 1.1% higher than EfficientNet-B0. Our code and models are publicly available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(12): 9073-9087, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34665720


We address the problem of retrieving a specific moment from an untrimmed video by natural language. It is a challenging problem because a target moment may take place in the context of other temporal moments in the untrimmed video. Existing methods cannot tackle this challenge well since they do not fully consider the temporal contexts between temporal moments. In this paper, we model the temporal context between video moments by a set of predefined two-dimensional maps under different temporal scales. For each map, one dimension indicates the starting time of a moment and the other indicates the duration. These 2D temporal maps can cover diverse video moments with different lengths, while representing their adjacent contexts at different temporal scales. Based on the 2D temporal maps, we propose a Multi-Scale Temporal Adjacency Network (MS-2D-TAN), a single-shot framework for moment localization. It is capable of encoding the adjacent temporal contexts at each scale, while learning discriminative features for matching video moments with referring expressions. We evaluate the proposed MS-2D-TAN on three challenging benchmarks, i.e., Charades-STA, ActivityNet Captions, and TACoS, where our MS-2D-TAN outperforms the state of the art.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 30: 8553-8566, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34618673


Pixelwise single object tracking is challenging due to the competition of running speeds and segmentation accuracy. Current state-of-the-art real-time approaches seamlessly connect tracking and segmentation by sharing computation of the backbone network, e.g., SiamMask and D3S fork a light branch from the tracking model to predict segmentation mask. Although efficient, directly reusing features from tracking networks may harm the segmentation accuracy, since background clutter in the backbone feature tends to introduce false positives in segmentation. To mitigate this problem, we propose a unified tracking-retrieval-segmentation framework consisting of an attention retrieval network (ARN) and an iterative feedback network (IFN). Instead of segmenting the target inside the bounding box, the proposed framework performs soft spatial constraints on backbone features to obtain an accurate global segmentation map. Concretely, in ARN, a look-up-table (LUT) is first built by sufficiently using the information of the first frame. By retrieving it, a target-aware attention map is generated to suppress the negative influence of background clutter. To ulteriorly refine the contour of the segmentation, IFN iteratively enhances the features at different resolutions by taking the predicted mask as feedback guidance. Our framework sets a new state of the art on the recent pixelwise tracking benchmark VOT2020 and runs at 40 fps. Notably, the proposed model surpasses SiamMask by 11.7/4.2/5.5 points on VOT2020, DAVIS2016, and DAVIS2017, respectively. Code is available at

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32813656


Most of the current action localization methods follow an anchor-based pipeline: depicting action instances by pre-defined anchors, learning to select the anchors closest to the ground truth, and predicting the confidence of anchors with refinements. Pre-defined anchors set prior about the location and duration for action instances, which facilitates the localization for common action instances but limits the flexibility for tackling action instances with drastic varieties, especially for extremely short or extremely long ones. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel anchor-free action localization module that assists action localization by temporal points. Specifically, this module represents an action instance as a point with its distances to the starting boundary and ending boundary, alleviating the pre-defined anchor restrictions in terms of action localization and duration. The proposed anchor-free module is capable of predicting the action instances whose duration is either extremely short or extremely long. By combining the proposed anchor-free module with a conventional anchor-based module, we propose a novel action localization framework, called A2Net. The cooperation between anchor-free and anchor-based modules achieves superior performance to the state-of-the-art on THUMOS14 (45.5% vs. 42.8%). Furthermore, comprehensive experiments demonstrate the complementarity between the anchor-free and the anchor-based module, making A2Net simple but effective.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 39(12): 2554-2560, 2017 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28212079


In multi-instance learning (MIL), the relations among instances in a bag convey important contextual information in many applications. Previous studies on MIL either ignore such relations or simply model them with a fixed graph structure so that the overall performance inevitably degrades in complex environments. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel multi-view multi-instance learning algorithm (MIL) that combines multiple context structures in a bag into a unified framework. The novel aspects are: (i) we propose a sparse -graph model that can generate different graphs with different parameters to represent various context relations in a bag, (ii) we propose a multi-view joint sparse representation that integrates these graphs into a unified framework for bag classification, and (iii) we propose a multi-view dictionary learning algorithm to obtain a multi-view graph dictionary that considers cues from all views simultaneously to improve the discrimination of the MIL. Experiments and analyses in many practical applications prove the effectiveness of the M IL.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 39(4): 818-832, 2017 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28113696


Low-rank recovery models have shown potential for salient object detection, where a matrix is decomposed into a low-rank matrix representing image background and a sparse matrix identifying salient objects. Two deficiencies, however, still exist. First, previous work typically assumes the elements in the sparse matrix are mutually independent, ignoring the spatial and pattern relations of image regions. Second, when the low-rank and sparse matrices are relatively coherent, e.g., when there are similarities between the salient objects and background or when the background is complicated, it is difficult for previous models to disentangle them. To address these problems, we propose a novel structured matrix decomposition model with two structural regularizations: (1) a tree-structured sparsity-inducing regularization that captures the image structure and enforces patches from the same object to have similar saliency values, and (2) a Laplacian regularization that enlarges the gaps between salient objects and the background in feature space. Furthermore, high-level priors are integrated to guide the matrix decomposition and boost the detection. We evaluate our model for salient object detection on five challenging datasets including single object, multiple objects and complex scene images, and show competitive results as compared with 24 state-of-the-art methods in terms of seven performance metrics.