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Nat Commun ; 11(1): 4336, 2020 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32859913


In ferromagnetic materials, spin up and down electrons can carry different heat currents. This spin-dependent energy excitation mode ('spin energy mode') occurs only when spin up and down energy distribution functions are different. In superconductors, heat is carried by quasiparticle excitations and the spin energy mode can be excited by spin-polarised current injection. In the presence of a finite Zeeman magnetic field, the spin energy mode surprisingly leads to a charge imbalance (different numbers of hole- and electron-like quasiparticles) at the superconducting gap edge. By performing spin-resolved spectroscopy of the out-of-equilibrium quasiparticle populations in a mescoscopic superconductor, we reveal that their distribution functions are non-Fermi-Dirac. In addition, our spectroscopic technique allows us to observe a charge imbalance, localised in energy to the gap edge and thus unambiguously identify the spin energy mode. Our results agree well with theory and shed light on energy transport in superconducting spintronics.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 376(2125)2018 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29941629


The excitations in conventional superconductors, Bogoliubov quasi-particles, are spin-[Formula: see text] fermions but their charge is energy-dependent and, in fact, zero at the gap edge. Therefore, in superconductors (unlike normal metals) spin and charge degrees of freedom may be separated. In this article, we review spin injection into conventional superconductors and focus on recent experiments on mesoscopic superconductors. We show how quasi-particle spin transport and out-of-equilibrium spin-dependent superconductivity can be triggered using the Zeeman splitting of the quasi-particle density of states in thin-film superconductors with small spin-mixing scattering. Finally, we address the spin dynamics and the feedback of quasi-particle spin imbalances on the amplitude of the superconducting energy gap.This article is part of the theme issue 'Andreev bound states'.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 598, 2018 02 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29426840


Tunnel junctions, an established platform for high resolution spectroscopy of superconductors, require defect-free insulating barriers; however, oxides, the most common barrier, can only grow on a limited selection of materials. We show that van der Waals tunnel barriers, fabricated by exfoliation and transfer of layered semiconductors, sustain stable currents with strong suppression of sub-gap tunneling. This allows us to measure the spectra of bulk (20 nm) and ultrathin (3- and 4-layer) NbSe2 devices at 70 mK. These exhibit two distinct superconducting gaps, the larger of which decreases monotonically with thickness and critical temperature. The spectra are analyzed using a two-band model incorporating depairing. In the bulk, the smaller gap exhibits strong depairing in in-plane magnetic fields, consistent with high out-of-plane Fermi velocity. In the few-layer devices, the large gap exhibits negligible depairing, consistent with out-of-plane spin locking due to Ising spin-orbit coupling. In the 3-layer device, the large gap persists beyond the Pauli limit.

Nat Commun ; 6: 8660, 2015 Oct 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26497744


Conventional superconductors were long thought to be spin inert; however, there is now increasing interest in both (the manipulation of) the internal spin structure of the ground-state condensate, as well as recently observed long-lived, spin-polarized excitations (quasiparticles). We demonstrate spin resonance in the quasiparticle population of a mesoscopic superconductor (aluminium) using novel on-chip microwave detection techniques. The spin decoherence time obtained (∼100 ps), and its dependence on the sample thickness are consistent with Elliott-Yafet spin-orbit scattering as the main decoherence mechanism. The striking divergence between the spin coherence time and the previously measured spin imbalance relaxation time (∼10 ns) suggests that the latter is limited instead by inelastic processes. This work stakes out new ground for the nascent field of spin-based electronics with superconductors or superconducting spintronics.