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World J Gastrointest Oncol ; 9(2): 50-61, 2017 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28255426


Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) is a premalignant lesion of the anal mucosa that is a precursor to anal cancer. Although anal cancer is relatively uncommon, rates of this malignancy are steadily rising in the United States, and among certain high risk populations the incidence of anal cancer may exceed that of colon cancer. Risk factors for AIN and anal cancer consist of clinical factors and behaviors that are associated with the acquisition and persistence of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. The strongest HPV-associated risk factors are HIV infection, receptive anal intercourse, and high risk sexual behavior. A history of HPV-mediated genital cancer, which suggests infection with an oncogenic HPV strain, is another risk factor for AIN/anal cancer. Because progression of AIN to anal cancer is known to occur in some individuals over several years, screening for AIN and early anal cancer, as well as treatment of advanced AIN lesions, is reasonable in certain high-risk populations. Although randomized controlled trials evaluating screening and treatment outcomes are lacking, experts support routine screening for AIN in high risk populations. Screening is performed using anal cytological exams, similar to those performed in cervical cancer screening programs, along with direct tissue evaluation and biopsy via high resolution anoscopy. AIN can be treated using topical therapies such as imiquimod, 5-flurouracil, and trichloroacetic acid, as well as ablative therapies such as electrocautery and laser therapy. Reductions in AIN and anal cancer rates have been shown in studies where high-risk populations were vaccinated against the oncogenic strains of HPV. Currently, the CDC recommends both high-risk and average-risk populations be vaccinated against HPV infection using the quadrivalent or nonavalent vaccines. It is important for clinicians to be familiar with AIN and the role of HPV vaccination, particularly in high risk populations.

F1000Res ; 52016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27347393


A variety of diseases are included under the umbrella term 'cholangitis', including hepatobiliary diseases with an autoimmune pathogenesis (such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, and IgG4-associated sclerosing cholangitis) and disease processes associated with intraductal stones and infectious etiologies (such as ascending bacterial cholangitis, recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, and liver fluke-associated cholangitis). Recent advances in the pathophysiologic bases of these disorders, particularly with respect to the autoimmune variety, are allowing improved diagnosis and prognostication as well as providing the opportunity to refine and re-imagine treatment modalities. The aim of this review is to highlight selected advances in cholangitis research that point to novel insights into the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of this diverse array of disorders.