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Phys Rev Lett ; 121(7): 075001, 2018 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30169054


A bifurcative step transition from low-density, high-temperature, attached divertor conditions to high-density, low-temperature, detached divertor conditions is experimentally observed in DIII-D tokamak plasmas as density is increased. The step transition is only observed in the high confinement mode and only when the B×∇B drift is directed towards the divertor. This work reports for the first time a theoretical explanation and numerical simulations that qualitatively reproduce this bifurcation and its dependence on the toroidal field direction. According to the model, the bifurcation is primarily driven by the interdependence of the E×B-drift fluxes, divertor electric potential structure, and divertor conditions. In the attached conditions, strong potential gradients in the low field side (LFS) divertor drive E×B-drift flux towards the high field side divertor, reinforcing low density, high temperature conditions in the LFS divertor leg. At the onset of detachment, reduction in the potential gradients in the LFS divertor leg reduce the E×B-drift flux as well, such that the divertor plasma evolves nonlinearly to high density, strongly detached conditions. Experimental estimates of the E×B-drift fluxes, based on divertor Thomson scattering measurements, and their dependence on the divertor conditions are qualitatively consistent with the numerical predictions. The implications for divertor power exhaust and detachment control in the next step fusion devices are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(1): 015001, 2017 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28731732


It has been predicted for over a decade that low-recycling plasma-facing components in fusion devices would allow high edge temperatures and flat or nearly flat temperature profiles. In recent experiments with lithium wall coatings in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment (LTX), a hot edge (>200 eV) and flat electron temperature profiles have been measured following the termination of external fueling. Reduced recycling was demonstrated by retention of ∼60% of the injected hydrogen in the walls following the discharge. Electron energy confinement followed typical Ohmic confinement scaling during fueling, but did not decrease with density after fueling terminated, ultimately exceeding the scaling by ∼200%. Achievement of the low-recycling, hot edge regime has been an important goal of LTX and lithium plasma-facing component research in general, as it has potentially significant implications for the operation, design, and cost of fusion devices.