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Plant Dis ; 95(12): 1583, 2011 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30731995


Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L., cv. Magic Lantern) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai, cvs. Millionaire and Sangrea) plants with wilting leaves and collapse of entire vines were observed during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons in several fields in southwestern New Mexico (Luna and Hidalgo counties) with an incidence ranging from 7 to 25% and less than 1% in pumpkin and watermelon fields, respectively. Sticky, hyaline strands were visible when vines were cut transversally, indicative of bacterial wilt caused by Erwinia tracheiphila (2). In the pumpkin fields, 12-spotted cucumber beetles, vector insects of E. tracheiphila, were found on plants at the first-true-leaf stage, which were treated with dimethoate. At the 4- to 5-leaf stage, 5 to 10% of the plants were wilted and were removed by hand. Less than 1% of the plants showed symptoms prior to bloom, when a high population of beetles was observed, and the fields were treated with thiamethoxam. To isolate the causal agent of the wilt symptoms, six, 1-cm vine segments and three to five beetles were surface sterilized in 1% NaOCl for 2 min, rinsed and macerated in sterile distilled water, and plated onto potato dextrose agar, nutrient agar, and King's medium B. After incubation at 25°C, bacterial colonies emerged on all media and were grayish white-to-cream, circular, smooth, and glittering. Isolated bacteria were gram negative, did not grow at 39°C, produced hydrogen sulfide gas from hydrolysis of cysteine, and did not hydrolyze litmus milk and starch. With Ready-To-Go PCR beads and 16S rDNA-based primers ET1/ET2 (1), a 700-bp product was obtained from each of two isolates, consistent with previously reported data for E. tracheiphila (1,3). For the pathogenicity tests, 10 seedlings of pumpkin cv. Magic Lantern and watermelon cv. Millionaire were inoculated with each isolate in the greenhouse at the second fully expanded leaf stage using two methods. In the first method, stems were injected with bacterial suspension (106 CFU/ml) using a hypodermic needle. In the second method, a dab of bacterial colonies was taken with a sterile toothpick to stab the cotyledonary axils. Control seedlings were stem injected with distilled water or stabbed with a sterile toothpick. The experiments were conducted four times. Inoculated plants were placed in a humid chamber at 23 to 25°C. Plant wilting was observed within 4 days when stab inoculated with toothpicks and within 7 to 10 days when stem injected with bacterial suspension. Bacterial colonies recovered from inoculated plants were identical to those recovered from field infected plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bacterial wilt on pumpkin and watermelon in New Mexico. References: (1) B. Bruton et al. Phytopathology (Abstr.) 89(suppl.):S10, 1999. (2) R. X. Latin. Page 36 in: Compendium of Curcurbit Diseases. T. A. Zitter et al., eds. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1996. (3) N. W. Schaad et al. Laboratory Guide for the Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. 3rd ed. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, 2001.

Plant Dis ; 94(5): 638, 2010 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30754439


Head rot was found in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in eastern New Mexico in Tucumcari in 2007 and Clovis in 2007 and 2009 and in south-central New Mexico near Las Cruces in 2009. The disease was also observed in wild sunflower near Clovis in 2008. Disease incidence was 10 to 40% in cultivated sunflower and ~30% in wild sunflower. Heads were brown to dark brown with discoloration extending down the sepals and peduncles into the stems. The basal parts of the heads were shredded and had grayish, fluffy mycelial mats visible in the lumen, and kernels were mostly seedless. Three to five diseased heads were collected from cultivated sunflower in 2007 and 2009 and wild sunflower in 2008. Plant tissues from heads and peduncles were surface sterilized for 3 min in 0.5% NaOCl, rinsed once in sterile distilled water, cut into 0.5-cm pieces, and plated on acidified potato dextrose agar (PDA). Within 3 to 7 days, mycelial colonies with abundant aerial growth and black sporangia emerged and were identified as Rhizopus oryzae on the basis of the presence of pale brown sporangiospores with bluish stripes (3) and mycelial growth at 36°C on PDA (1). PCR amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA from two isolates, one from cultivated and one from wild sunflower, using primer pair ITS4/ITS5 (1) was followed by sequencing and showed a 99% homology with the sequence of the ITS region of rDNA from R. oryzae (GenBank No. FJ654430). Each isolate was tested for pathogenicity on inflorescences (5 to 6 cm in diameter) of sunflower cvs. Hysun 511 and Triumph 820 HO grown for 4 to 5 weeks in a growth chamber at 26°C with a 14-h photoperiod. To obtain inoculum, a sterile toothpick was passed through a culture of R. oryzae until a ~3-mm mycelial mat was collected at the tip. The toothpick was dabbed into the center of an inflorescence or into the peduncle. A cotton boll was placed over the inoculation and sprayed with sterile distilled water. Control inflorescences were dabbed with toothpicks with no mycelium mat. Each inoculated and noninoculated inflorescence was covered with a plastic bag that was sealed around the peduncle. Plants were kept in the growth chamber for 3 weeks. In each of two experiments, 13 plants were used per cultivar and inoculation type, with 5 plants inoculated per isolate, and 3 control plants. Symptoms observed on inoculated sunflower were similar to those on field infected sunflower. There was no difference between the two cultivars. On inoculated inflorescences, dark discoloration developed at the inoculation site and expanded over the inflorescences, and grayish mycelium with black sporangia was observed within 2 weeks. On inoculated peduncles, dark discoloration was also observed extending down the peduncle and up into the inflorescences. R. oryzae was reisolated from all inoculated heads. To our knowledge, this is the first report of R. oryzae causing head rot on sunflower in New Mexico. It is unknown what factors lead to head rot outbreaks. This disease has been reported in other U.S. regions and has been demonstrated to reduce sunflower yield and quality (2). The potential negative impact from Rhizopus head rot should be considered when determining whether to expand cultivation of this crop. References: (1) G.-Y. Liou et al. Mycol. Res. 111:196, 2007. (2) C. E. Rogers et al. Plant Dis. Rep. 62:769, 1978. (3) T. Watanabe. Pictorial Atlas of Soil and Seed Fungi: Morphologies of Cultured Fungi and Key to Species. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002.

Plant Dis ; 93(9): 965, 2009 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30754544


Wilted plants of Valencia market-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) were found in two fields in August 2006 and three fields in September 2007 in Curry County, New Mexico. Plants had extensive, light brown discoloration and interstices of greenish tissue on blighted stems and branches across plant canopy levels. Disease incidence was less than 1% with infected plants in groups of two to five within each field. Five 4-cm stem segments were taken from each of five diseased plants in each field, submerged for 5 min in 0.5% NaOCl, rinsed in sterile distilled water, cut into 0.5-cm pieces, and plated on acidified potato dextrose agar (APDA). Mycelial colonies, recovered from plant tissues and incubated on APDA at 25°C under a 12-h photoperiod, were white and floccose with light green-yellow areas becoming visible within 7 to 10 days of incubation. Black stromata formed, spreading in a concentric pattern or scattered as large masses on APDA. Ostiolate and rostrate pycnidia with long beaks more than 500 µm were observed. Alpha conidia exuded from pycnidia in creamy-to-yellowish drops and were ellipsoid and biguttulate with an average length of 6.6 µm and width of 2.10 µm. Colonies were identified as Phomopsis longicolla Hobbs (1). PCR amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA of three isolates using primer pair ITS4/ITS5 (3) was followed by sequencing and BLAST analysis and showed a 95% homology with the sequence of the ITS region of rDNA of P. longicolla (1). Digestion of PCR-amplified DNA with AluI yielded two restriction fragments of sizes consistent with those reported for P. longicolla (2). Koch's postulates were established with three isolates tested for pathogenicity on Valencia peanut cv. Val-C at the four- to six-leaf stage using stem and root inoculations. Stems were injected with conidial suspension (106 conidia/ml) with a hypodermic needle or stabbed at the cotyledon axils with a sterile toothpick dabbed into an exuded conidial drop. Control plants were stem injected with distilled water or stabbed with a sterile toothpick. For root inoculation, plants were uprooted, washed free from soil, and inserted up to the crown into a 50-ml plastic test tube containing 40 ml of conidial suspension (25,000 conidia/ml) or sterile distilled water. For each method, eight plants were inoculated with each isolate, and four plants served as control. All inoculation methods were performed on the same day and repeated three times. Inoculated plants were covered with a clear plastic bag that was removed after 4 days. Plants were placed at 30°C under a 14-h photoperiod for 2 weeks. On stem-inoculated plants, light-to-dark brown discoloration formed at the sites of inoculation and expanded up and down the stems, which became brown, resulting in plant death within 10 to 14 days. On root-inoculated plants, browning of crown areas progressed up the stems, followed by plant death. P. longicolla was recovered from all inoculated plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. longicolla on peanut in New Mexico and the United States. This report demonstrates the association of P. longicolla with peanut and its ability to cause stem blight. The occurrence and extent of this disease may be of a concern, because on other crops, Phomopsis diseases can cause significant reduction in seed germination, plant vigor, and yield. References: (1) T. W. Hobbs et al. Mycologia 77:535, 1985. (2) A. W. Zhang et al. Plant Dis. 81:1143, 1997. (3) A. W. Zhang et al. Phytopathology 88:1306, 1998.

Plant Dis ; 93(4): 428, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30764249


Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae, is a common disease of chile pepper (Capsicum annuum) in New Mexico. In August of 2007, wilted plants with vascular discoloration in the stem typical of infection by V. dahliae occurred in several fields in Luna County in southern New Mexico. In one field, Verticillium wilt incidence was between 60 and 70%. Approximately 30% of the field was infested with Physalis wrightii (Wrights groundcherry) and Anoda cristata (spurred anoda), and 60% of the field was infested with Ipomoea purpurea (tall morningglory). Except for vascular discoloration found in a few plants of Wrights groundcherry and spurred anoda, there were no other symptoms observed in the weeds present. Previously, Wrights groundcherry and spurred anoda were demonstrated as hosts to V. dahliae (2); however, to our knowledge, tall morningglory was not. A 5-cm segment was cut from the lower part of the stems and upper part of the tap roots of six tall morningglory plants and two chile pepper plants. The segments were washed, surface disinfested for 2 min in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, and cut into pieces that were plated onto water agar. Mycelial colonies emerging from the pieces were transferred to either potato dextrose agar, prune extract agar, or Czapek-Dox agar medium. Putative V. dahliae isolates from tall morningglory and chile pepper plants were identified based on characteristic morphological features when cultured on prune extract medium (2,3). In addition, PCR of fungal DNA and sequencing the amplicons using primer pair ITS4/ITS6 showed a 99% homology with the sequence of the rDNA ITS of V. dahliae (1). Pathogenicity tests were conducted with two isolates of V. dahliae from tall morningglory and one from chile pepper. In the first of two methods, four pots were infested with conidia of each isolate (2 × 107 conidia per 500 cm3 of soilless mix) and planted (five seeds per pot, thinned to three seedlings) with chile pepper cv. AZ-20, which is susceptible to V. dahliae. Three noninfested pots served as the control. Pots were placed in a growth chamber at 26/20°C day/night temperature. In the second method, plants (cv. AZ-20) at the 6- to 8-leaf stage were inoculated in a greenhouse with V. dahliae by dispensing 5 ml of a conidial suspension (4 × 106 conidia/ml) into the root plug prior to transplanting. Four root plugs were inoculated per isolate and there were three noninoculated root plugs. Both experiments were repeated once. Isolates of V. dahliae recovered from tall morningglory and chile pepper were pathogenic on chile pepper. Leaf chlorosis, leaf drop, wilting, and vascular discoloration were observed within 8 weeks after sowing into infested soil or within 6 weeks after inoculation into the root plugs of transplants. No symptoms were observed on noninoculated plants. V. dahliae was reisolated from the stems of all symptomatic plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report to document the recovery of V. dahliae from tall morningglory and its pathogenicity on chile pepper. References: (1) P. V. Pramateftaki et al. J. Fungal Genet. Biol. 29:19, 2000. (2). S. Sanogo and M. Clary. Plant Dis. 87:450, 2003. (3) P. W. Talboys. Plant Pathol. 9:57, 1979.

Phytopathology ; 97(1): 37-43, 2007 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18942934


ABSTRACT Phytophthora capsici and Verticillium dahliae are two mycelial microorganisms associated with wilt symptoms on chile pepper (Capsicum annuum). Both pathogens occur in the same field and can infect a single plant. This study examined the nature of the co-occurrence of P. capsici and V. dahliae. Chile pepper plants were inoculated with each pathogen separately or with both pathogens concomitantly or sequentially. In concomitant inoculations, plants were inoculated with a mixture of zoospores of P. capsici and conidia of V. dahliae. In sequential inoculations, plants were inoculated with zoospores of P. capsici 4 days prior to inoculation with conidia of V. dahliae, or plants were inoculated with conidia of V. dahliae 4 days prior to inoculation with zoospores of P. capsici. Stem necrosis and leaf wilting were visible 3 to 4 days earlier in plants inoculated with both P. capsici and V. dahliae than in plants inoculated with P. capsici alone. Stem necrosis and generalized plant wilting were observed in plants inoculated with P. capsici alone, and stem necrosis, generalized plant wilting, and vascular discoloration were observed in plants inoculated with both P. capsici and V. dahliae by 21 days after inoculation. These symptoms were not observed in control plants or plants inoculated with V. dahliae alone. The frequency of recovery of V. dahliae from stems was approximately 85 to 140% higher across inoculum levels when plants were inoculated with both P. capsici and V. dahliae than when plants were inoculated by V. dahliae alone. Similarly, the frequency of recovery of V. dahliae from roots was approximately 13 to 40% higher across inoculum levels when plants were inoculated with both P. capsici and V. dahliae than when plants were inoculated by V. dahliae alone. There was no apparent antagonism between the two pathogens when they were paired on growth media. In general, when P. capsici and V. dahliae were paired on growth media, mycelial growth of each pathogen grown alone was not significantly different from mycelial growth when the pathogens were paired. Results suggest that wilt development is hastened by the presence of both P. capsici and V. dahliae in the same plants. The presence of P. capsici and V. dahliae in the same inoculum court enhanced infection and colonization of chile pepper by V. dahliae.

Plant Dis ; 91(9): 1077-1082, 2007 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30780644


A sclerotia-forming fungus was isolated from a peanut field in eastern New Mexico, where Valencia peanut is grown. The isolated fungus was typified by its darkly pigmented mycelium when grown on culture media, with pigmentation influenced by media. The optimal temperature range for mycelial growth was 20 to 25°C. In pathogenicity tests, the fungus caused water-soaked and light tan lesions on stems at points of inoculation, and lesions progressed up the stems into petioles followed by collapse of leaves. White fluffy mycelium and sclerotia were present on inoculated plants. Based on the examination of morphological and cultural characteristics of sclerotia, apothecia, asci, and ascospores, the isolated fungus with darkly pigmented mycelium on culture media was identified as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. This study is the first report of S. sclerotiorum on peanut in New Mexico.

Plant Dis ; 90(8): 1110, 2006 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30781320


During 2004 and 2005, two fields in Luna County and one field in Doña Ana County in southern New Mexico displayed pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo cv. Magic Lantern) plants with necrotic spots on leaves and dark brown and water-soaked lesions on petioles, vines, and fruits. Lesions on several fruits were covered with white mycelial mats that were also visible in the lumen when fruits were sectioned. Areas of fields with plants displaying these symptoms ranged from 2 to 5%. Within affected areas, percentage of plants with symptoms ranged from 75 to 100%. Samples of leaves, vines, and fruits were collected for isolation of putative causal agents. In all instances, mycelial colonies emerged from leaf, vine, and fruit tissues placed on water agar and incubated at 23 to 25°C. Colonies were transferred to potato dextrose agar and V8 agar media for identification. Two mycelial isolates yielding cultures with white and stellate mycelium were recovered. Biometric data were collected on 50 sporangia produced using the mycelium-agar-disc-in-water method (1) under continuous fluorescent light for 7 days at room temperature. Sporangia were caducous, ellipsoid, and papillate with an average length of 42.6 µm and average breath of 25.6 µm. Sporangia had long pedicels with an average length of 71.5 µm. Oogonia that formed only when the isolates were paired with an opposing mating type tester of Phytophthora capsici had an average diameter of 29 µm with amphigynous antheridia. Both isolates were of mating type A1. These morphological features and biometric data are consistent with those reported for P. capsici (2). The two recovered isolates of P. capsici were tested in the greenhouse for pathogenicity on the pumpkin cv. Magic Lantern. In each of two trials, 25 plants at the first fully expanded leaf stage were inoculated by dispensing 5 ml of zoospore suspension (2,000 zoospores per ml) of each isolate on top of the soilless mix around the base of each plant. Within 5 to 7 days of inoculation, symptoms were visible as girdling, dark brown lesions on stems. Samples of stems from 10 infected pumpkin plants were plated on water agar. P. capsici was recovered from all sampled plants. Control plants (noninoculated) did not display any symptoms. Pumpkin isolates also were inoculated onto 30 chile pepper (Capsicum annuum) plants of cv. AZ-20, which is susceptible to P. capsici. In each of two trials, 15 chile pepper plants at the 6- to 8-leaf stage were inoculated by the same method used for pumpkin plants. Within 7 to 10 days, dark lesions appeared on stems followed by defoliation and wilting. P. capsici was recovered from sampled stem segments. Control plants (noninoculated) did not display any symptoms. Infection of pumpkin by P. capsici has been reported in several states in the United States such as Illinois, Michigan, and North Carolina (3). However, to our knowledge, this is the first report of P. capsici on pumpkin in New Mexico, and it has implications for chile pepper, a major crop in southern New Mexico known to be susceptible to P. capsici. The first occurrence of P. capsici on chile pepper was reported in 1922 (4). Pumpkin and chile pepper are grown in the same fields. In light of the cross-infectivity of P. capsici to both crops, it is not advisable for growers to continuously rotate pumpkin and chile pepper. References: (1) S. S. A. Al-Hedaithy and P. H. Tsao. Mycologia 71:392, 1979. (2) D. C. Erwin and O. K Ribeiro. Phytophthora Diseases Worldwide. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN. 1996. (3) M. K. Hausbeck and K. H. Lamour. Plant Dis. 88:1292, 2004. (4) L. H. Leonian. Phytopathology 12:401, 1922.

Plant Dis ; 90(3): 291-296, 2006 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30786551


Statewide surveys of commercial chile pepper (Capsicum annuum) fields were conducted in New Mexico from 2002 to 2004 to gain information on the incidence of diseases with wilt symptoms and their causative agents. Fifty-nine fields were surveyed during the course of this 3-year study when chile pepper plants were at growth stages from green fruit to beginning red fruit. All fields were affected by diseases with wilt symptoms. The proportion of total field area exhibiting symptoms of wilt spanned from less than 1% to over 80%. Field diagnostics along with laboratory assays of wilted plants revealed that the wilting was caused by Phytophthora capsici and Verticillium dahliae. The two pathogens were both found in 80% of the fields, and occurred together in some wilted plants in 12% of the fields. Average incidence of plant infection (number of plants infected with P. capsici or V. dahliae out of 5 to 25 wilted plants sampled) varied from approximately 40 to 90% for P. capsici, and from 18 to 65% for V. dahliae. Incidence of plant infection by P. capsici was approximately 40% less in fields with drip irrigation than in fields with furrow irrigation. In contrast, incidence of plant infection by V. dahliae was approximately 32% greater under drip irrigation than under furrow irrigation. In pathogenicity tests, isolates of P. capsici and V. dahliae caused symptoms in inoculated chile pepper identical to those in field-grown chile pepper plants. Results indicate that diseases with wilt symptoms are well established in chile pepper production fields, with P. capsici and V. dahliae posing the most serious challenge to chile pepper producers in New Mexico.

Plant Dis ; 88(9): 1049, 2004 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812238


Onions are an important crop for New Mexico with 7,700 acres (3,116 ha) harvested in the state in 2003 (3). In 2002, onions of several cultivars were first noticed with diamond-shaped chlorotic or bleached lesions on seed stalks or leaves, typical of those reported for Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV). A more widespread survey of breeding stocks and commercial onion fields revealed similar symptoms on thrips-infested onions in Dona Ana and Rio Arriba counties. Incidence of disease symptoms ranged from <0.5 to nearly 30%. Symptomatic leaves were assayed for the presence of IYSV using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; Agdia, Elkhart, IN) and antisera acquired from Agdia. Symptomatic leaves from breeding and commercial fields tested positive for IYSV. The virus was transmitted by Thrips tabaci from symptomatic onions to three onion cvs. New Mex Mesa, New Mex Vado, and New Mex Cryspy in growth chamber tests. All three cultivars showed symptoms of IYSV and tested positive for the disease using ELISA. However, New Mex Vado and New Mex Cryspy cultivars each showed 24% infection (4 infected plants of 17 tested) compared with 59% infection (10 infected plants of 17 tested) for New Mex Mesa, suggesting that not all cultivars are equally susceptible to the virus. To our knowledge, this is the first report of IYSV in onions in New Mexico, which has also been reported in the western United States in Idaho, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington (1,2,4). References: (1) L. J. du Toit et al. Plant Dis. 88:222, 2004. (2) J. M. Hall et al. Plant Dis. 77:952, 1993. (3) National Agricultural Statistics Service, On-line publication. USDA, 2004. (4) H. F. Schwartz et al. Plant Dis. 86:560, 2002.

Plant Dis ; 88(2): 205-209, 2004 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812429


The response of chile pepper to salinity and infection by Phytophthora capsici was assessed under greenhouse conditions in plants susceptible or resistant to P. capsici. Additionally, the effect of salinity on mycelial growth and production of sporangia and zoospores by P. capsici was evaluated in the laboratory. Salinity treatments consisted of varying levels of electrical conductivity (from 1.8 to 14.4 dS/m) achieved by amending irrigation water or growth media with a mixture of sodium chloride and calcium chloride. In plants susceptible to P. capsici, disease severity increased by approximately 1.3 to 2.7-fold with increasing salinity level, whereas no such effect was observed in plants resistant to P. capsici. Mycelial dry weight increased by 8 to 16%, and radial growth of mycelium was augmented by 5 to 30% with increase in salinity level. Production of sporangia and zoospore formation were reduced by approximately 3 to 85 and 1 to 93%, respectively, under saline conditions. These results indicate that salinity may predispose susceptible chile pepper plants to infection by P. capsici.

Plant Dis ; 87(4): 450, 2003 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30831856


In July 2002, in the course of field surveys for Verticillium dahliae in chile pepper (Capsicum annuum), three weed species, Physalis wrightii (Wright groundcherry), Anoda cristata (spurred anoda), and Proboscidea louisianica (devil's-claw), were found with symptoms of vascular necrosis in three fields in Luna County and two fields in each Hidalgo and Doña Ana counties in southern New Mexico. Across the three weed species, vascular area with necrosis was approximately 5 to 15%, and was rated on longitudinal crown and stem sections (1). Except for a few plants of P. wrightii that had leaves with necrotic margins in one field in Luna County, no other symptoms were observed. The three weed species were at growth stages between flowering and fruit set. Isolates recovered from the vascular tissue were identified as V. dahliae based on morphological features when cultured on prune extract medium (2). Two isolates of V. dahliae from each weed species, along with an isolate from chile pepper, were grown on potato dextrose agar at 20, 25, or 30°C for 12 days. There was no significant difference in radial growth among isolates at the three temperatures, and maximum radial growth occurred at 25°C. The isolates were tested for pathogenicity on the chile pepper cv. NM 6-4 in the greenhouse. In each of the three trials, 15 plants were inoculated each by root dipping (1) in 20 ml conidial suspension (106 conidia/ml) of each V. dahliae isolate. Control plants were root dipped in sterile distilled water. Symptoms of foliar wilting with 75 to 100% vascular necrosis (1) were observed in all plants 4 weeks after inoculation. V. dahliae was recovered from symptomatic plants (2). To our knowledge, this is the first report that V. dahliae recovered from P. wrightii, A. cristata, and Proboscidea louisianica is pathogenic to chile pepper. Control of Wright groundcherry, spurred anoda, and devil's-claw may be important in the management of V. dahliae in chile pepper. References: (1) R. G. Bhat and K. V. Subbarao. Phytopathology 89:1218, 1999. (2) P. W. Talboys. Plant Pathol. 9:57, 1960.