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Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210198, 2022.
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442843


Integrating warm-climate forage legumes into grass monocultures has received significant research attention during the past 70 years, but widespread adoption by end users has been elusive. The objectives of this review are to provide historical context regarding legume use in warm-climate grasslands; synthesize the current literature addressing contributions to grassland ecosystem services of warm-climate, grass-only vs. legume-grass mixed swards; and consider how to achieve more widespread adoption of legume technology in warm climates. For this review, warm-climate grasslands are considered those in areas between latitudes 30° N and 30° S, where C4 perennial grasses dominate. The literature suggests measurable advantages in animal performance, soil carbon accumulation, and nutrient cycling of legume-grass mixtures are most likely when grass-only swards receive little or no N fertilizer. Advantages are less or may disappear when mixtures are compared with grasses receiving high N fertilizer rates. In contrast, amelioration of greenhouse gas emissions is often most pronounced for mixtures when compared with grass-only swards receiving high rates of N, because of the magnitude of N fertilizer effects on emissions. Going forward, there is need to focus on selecting for, and thoroughly documenting legume persistence, achieving low-risk and affordable legume establishment methods, assessing compatibility of legumes in mixture with grasses prior to legume cultivar release, emphasizing adoption of both legume species and optimal management practices, and recognizing scientists must assume a larger and more intentional role in encouraging adoption by end-users of research innovations, in addition to our traditional role in technology and product development.(AU)

Pasture , Ecosystem , Fabaceae/chemistry
Front Plant Sci ; 8: 2074, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29276521


Forage production is primarily limited by weather conditions under dryland production systems in Brazilian semi-arid regions, therefore sowing at the appropriate time is critical. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the CSM-CERES-Pearl Millet model from the DSSAT software suite for its ability to simulate growth, development, and forage accumulation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.] at three Brazilian semi-arid locations, and to use the model to study the impact of different sowing dates on pearl millet performance for forage. Four pearl millet cultivars were grown during the 2011 rainy season in field experiments conducted at three Brazilian semi-arid locations, under rainfed conditions. The genetic coefficients of the four pearl millet cultivars were calibrated for the model, and the model performance was evaluated with experimental data. The model was run for 14 sowing dates using long-term historical weather data from three locations, to determine the optimum sowing window. Results showed that performance of the model was satisfactory as indicated by accurate simulation of crop phenology and forage accumulation against measured data. The optimum sowing window varied among locations depending on rainfall patterns, although showing the same trend for cultivars within the site. The best sowing windows were from 15 April to 15 May for the Bom Conselho location; 12 April to 02 May for Nossa Senhora da Gloria; and 17 April to 25 May for Sao Bento do Una. The model can be used as a tool to evaluate the effect of sowing date on forage pearl millet performance in Brazilian semi-arid conditions.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 28(4): 375-383, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459023


This experiment evaluated a pensacola Bahiagrass pasture (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé). It was conducted near Gainesville, Florida, USA, to measure the effect of pasture management on biomass allocation (kg ha -1) of herbage, litter, root+rhizome, as well as forage quality. Treatments were three continuously stocked (low, moderate, and high, receiving 40, 120, and 360 kg N fertilizer ha-1 yr-1and with stocking rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 AU ha-1, respectively) and one rotationally stocked (RS; 7 -d grazing and 21-d rest periods; N rate of 360 kg ha-1 yr-1, 1 AU = 500 kg) pasture. The root+rhizome biomass was 4 to 12 times greater than herbage biomass. There was no effect of treatment on root+rhizome biomass. The root+rhizome biomass decreased during the grazing season. The greater manageme nt intensity imposed on high and RS pastures resulted in greater herbage biomass. The root/herbage ratio decreased with the intensification of management. The litter biomass turned to be greater than herbage biomass in the high and RS treatment, characteri zing the different cycling pattern that goes through the animal excretions. Treatments affected neither herbage NDF nor IVDOM, but increasing management intensity tended to result in high IVDOM.

Visando medir efeitos do manejo da Bahiagrass cv. pensacola (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé) na repartição de biomassa (kg ha-1) das folhas+colmos, serrapilheira, raízes+rizomas, e valor nutritivo da forragem, foi instalado um experimento próximo a Gainesville, Flórida, EUA. Tratamentos: três manejos contínuos (não intensivo, moderadamente intensivo, altamente intensivo, recebendo 40, 120, e 360 kg N ha -1 ano-1 e com lotação de 1,2; 2,4 e 3,6 UA ha-1, respectivamente) e um tratamento de manejo rotacionado (7 dias de pastejo e 21 dias de descanso), recebendo 360 kg N ha-1 ano-1 e 3,6 UA ha-1 (1 U A= 500 kg). A biomassa de raízes+rizomas foi superior a de folhas+colmos. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos na biomassa de raízes+rizomas. A biomassa de raízes+rizomas decresceu durante a estação de pastejo. A maior intensidade de manejo dos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado resultou em maior biomassa de folhas+colmos. A relação raiz/parte aérea decresceu com a intensificação do manejo. A biomassa de serrapilheira foi superior a de folhas+colmos nos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado, privilegiando a ciclagem de nutrienes via excreção animal. Os tratamentos não afetaram a FDN nem a DIVMO da forragem, mas intensificação do manejo tende a elevar a DIV MO da forragem.

Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 28(4): 375-383, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-724878


This experiment evaluated a pensacola Bahiagrass pasture (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé). It was conducted near Gainesville, Florida, USA, to measure the effect of pasture management on biomass allocation (kg ha -1) of herbage, litter, root+rhizome, as well as forage quality. Treatments were three continuously stocked (low, moderate, and high, receiving 40, 120, and 360 kg N fertilizer ha-1 yr-1and with stocking rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 AU ha-1, respectively) and one rotationally stocked (RS; 7 -d grazing and 21-d rest periods; N rate of 360 kg ha-1 yr-1, 1 AU = 500 kg) pasture. The root+rhizome biomass was 4 to 12 times greater than herbage biomass. There was no effect of treatment on root+rhizome biomass. The root+rhizome biomass decreased during the grazing season. The greater manageme nt intensity imposed on high and RS pastures resulted in greater herbage biomass. The root/herbage ratio decreased with the intensification of management. The litter biomass turned to be greater than herbage biomass in the high and RS treatment, characteri zing the different cycling pattern that goes through the animal excretions. Treatments affected neither herbage NDF nor IVDOM, but increasing management intensity tended to result in high IVDOM.

Visando medir efeitos do manejo da Bahiagrass cv. pensacola (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé) na repartição de biomassa (kg ha-1) das folhas+colmos, serrapilheira, raízes+rizomas, e valor nutritivo da forragem, foi instalado um experimento próximo a Gainesville, Flórida, EUA. Tratamentos: três manejos contínuos (não intensivo, moderadamente intensivo, altamente intensivo, recebendo 40, 120, e 360 kg N ha -1 ano-1 e com lotação de 1,2; 2,4 e 3,6 UA ha-1, respectivamente) e um tratamento de manejo rotacionado (7 dias de pastejo e 21 dias de descanso), recebendo 360 kg N ha-1 ano-1 e 3,6 UA ha-1 (1 U A= 500 kg). A biomassa de raízes+rizomas foi superior a de folhas+colmos. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos na biomassa de raízes+rizomas. A biomassa de raízes+rizomas decresceu durante a estação de pastejo. A maior intensidade de manejo dos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado resultou em maior biomassa de folhas+colmos. A relação raiz/parte aérea decresceu com a intensificação do manejo. A biomassa de serrapilheira foi superior a de folhas+colmos nos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado, privilegiando a ciclagem de nutrienes via excreção animal. Os tratamentos não afetaram a FDN nem a DIVMO da forragem, mas intensificação do manejo tende a elevar a DIV MO da forragem.

Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 28(4): 375-383, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762830


This experiment evaluated a pensacola Bahiagrass pasture (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé). It was conducted near Gainesville, Florida, USA, to measure the effect of pasture management on biomass allocation (kg ha -1) of herbage, litter, root+rhizome, as well as forage quality. Treatments were three continuously stocked (low, moderate, and high, receiving 40, 120, and 360 kg N fertilizer ha-1 yr-1and with stocking rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 AU ha-1, respectively) and one rotationally stocked (RS; 7 -d grazing and 21-d rest periods; N rate of 360 kg ha-1 yr-1, 1 AU = 500 kg) pasture. The root+rhizome biomass was 4 to 12 times greater than herbage biomass. There was no effect of treatment on root+rhizome biomass. The root+rhizome biomass decreased during the grazing season. The greater manageme nt intensity imposed on high and RS pastures resulted in greater herbage biomass. The root/herbage ratio decreased with the intensification of management. The litter biomass turned to be greater than herbage biomass in the high and RS treatment, characteri zing the different cycling pattern that goes through the animal excretions. Treatments affected neither herbage NDF nor IVDOM, but increasing management intensity tended to result in high IVDOM.

Visando medir efeitos do manejo da Bahiagrass cv. pensacola (Paspalum notatum Flüggeé) na repartição de biomassa (kg ha-1) das folhas+colmos, serrapilheira, raízes+rizomas, e valor nutritivo da forragem, foi instalado um experimento próximo a Gainesville, Flórida, EUA. Tratamentos: três manejos contínuos (não intensivo, moderadamente intensivo, altamente intensivo, recebendo 40, 120, e 360 kg N ha -1 ano-1 e com lotação de 1,2; 2,4 e 3,6 UA ha-1, respectivamente) e um tratamento de manejo rotacionado (7 dias de pastejo e 21 dias de descanso), recebendo 360 kg N ha-1 ano-1 e 3,6 UA ha-1 (1 U A= 500 kg). A biomassa de raízes+rizomas foi superior a de folhas+colmos. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos na biomassa de raízes+rizomas. A biomassa de raízes+rizomas decresceu durante a estação de pastejo. A maior intensidade de manejo dos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado resultou em maior biomassa de folhas+colmos. A relação raiz/parte aérea decresceu com a intensificação do manejo. A biomassa de serrapilheira foi superior a de folhas+colmos nos tratamentos altamente intensivo e rotacionado, privilegiando a ciclagem de nutrienes via excreção animal. Os tratamentos não afetaram a FDN nem a DIVMO da forragem, mas intensificação do manejo tende a elevar a DIV MO da forragem.