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Phys Rev E ; 106(5-2): 055208, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559450


We establish multicomponent 1+ injection into a charge breeder electron cyclotron resonance ion source and an associated computational procedure as a noninvasive probe of the electron density n_{e}, average electron energy 〈E_{e}〉, and the characteristic times of ionization, charge exchange, and ion confinement of stochastically heated, highly charged plasma. Multicomponent injection allows refining the n_{e}, 〈E_{e}〉 ranges, reducing experimental uncertainty. Na/K injection is presented as a demonstration. The 〈E_{e}〉 and n_{e} of a hydrogen discharge are found to be 600_{-300}^{+600}eV and 8_{-3}^{+8}×10^{11}cm^{-3}, respectively. The ionization, charge exchange, and confinement times of high charge state alkali ions are on the order of 1 ms-10 ms.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(2): 021102, 2022 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35232141


The high magnetic confinement provided by the minimum-B structure of electron cyclotron resonance ion sources (ECRIS) hosts a non-equilibrium plasma, composed of cold multi-charged ions and hot electrons whose energy can expand up to ≈1 MeV. With a very limited accessibility, the ECR plasma is difficult to study. The x-ray photons generated by the interaction of the warm and hot electron populations within the plasma, as well as the photons generated by electrons lost to the chamber wall, are a signal of great interest as it gives an insight to the properties of the ECR plasma. After an introduction presenting the mechanism generating the x rays in ECRIS, this Review presents the methodology to measure x rays both for volumetric measurements and plasma imaging. The main insights of those measurements are presented. Prospects of x-ray measurements to better understand the plasma dynamics are finally highlighted.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(4): 043305, 2020 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32357720


Permanent magnet multipoles (PMMs) are widely used in accelerators to either focus particle beams or confine plasma in ion sources. The real magnetic field created by PMMs is calculated by magnetic field simulation software and then used in particle tracking codes by means of a three dimensional magnetic field map. A common alternative is to use the so-called "hard-edge" model, which gives an approximation of the magnetic field inside the PMM assuming a null fringe field. This work proposes an investigation of the PMM fringe field properties. An analytical model of the PMM magnetic field is developed using the Fourier multipole expansion. A general axial potential function with a unique parameter λ, able to reproduce the actual PMM magnetic field (including its two fringe fields) with an explicit dependence on the PMM length, is proposed. An analytical first order model including the axial fringe field is derived. This simple model complies with the Maxwell equations [curl(B) = 0 and div(B) = 0] and can replace advantageously the "hard-edge" model when fast analytical calculations are required. The higher order analytical multiple expansion model quality is assessed by means of χ2 estimators. The general dependence of the potential function parameter λ is given as a function of the PMM geometry for quadrupole, hexapole, and multipole, allowing one to use the developed model in simulation programs where the multipole geometry is an input parameter.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(5): 052302, 2018 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864837


The conceptual design of a fourth generation hybrid electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source operated at 60 GHz is proposed. The axial magnetic mirror is generated with a set of three Nb3Sn coils, while the hexapole is made with room temperature (RT) copper coils. The motivations for such a hybrid development are to study further the ECR plasma physics and the intense multicharged ion beams' production and transport at a time when a superconducting (SC) hexapole appears unrealistic at 60 GHz. The RT hexapole coil designed is an evolution of the polyhelix technology developed at the French High Magnetic Field Facility. The axial magnetic field is generated by means of 3 Nb3Sn SC coils operated with a maximum current density of 350 A/mm2 and a maximum coil load line factor of 81%. The ECR plasma chamber resulting from the design features an inner radius of 94 mm and a length of 500 mm. The radial magnetic intensity is 4.1 T at the wall. Characteristic axial mirror peaks are 8 and 4.5 T, with 1.45 T minimum in between.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 02A725, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931943


Several ion source related research and development projects are in progress at the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä (JYFL). The work can be divided into investigation of the ion source plasma and development of ion sources, ion beams, and diagnostics. The investigation covers the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) plasma instabilities, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and visible light emission, photon induced electron emission, and the development of plasma diagnostics. The ion source development covers the work performed for radiofrequency-driven negative ion source, RADIS, beam line upgrade of the JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS, and the development of a new room-temperature-magnet 18 GHz ECRIS, HIISI.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 02A733, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931951


The SPIRAL2 injector, installed in its tunnel, is currently under commissioning at GANIL, Caen, France. The injector is composed of two low energy beam transport lines: one is dedicated to the light ion beam production, the other to the heavy ions. The first light ion beam, created by a 2.45 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source, has been successfully produced in December 2014. The first beam of the PHOENIX V2 18 GHz heavy ion source was analyzed on 10 July 2015. A status of the SPIRAL2 injector commissioning is given. An upgrade of the heavy ion source, named PHOENIX V3 aimed to replace the V2, is presented. The new version features a doubled plasma chamber volume and the high charge state beam intensity is expected to increase by a factor of 1.5 to 2 up to the mass ∼50. A status of its assembly is proposed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 02A736, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931954


The long-term operation of high charge state electron cyclotron resonance ion sources fed with high microwave power has caused damage to the plasma chamber wall in several laboratories. Porosity, or a small hole, can be progressively created in the chamber wall which can destroy the plasma chamber over a few year time scale. A burnout of the VENUS plasma chamber is investigated in which the hole formation in relation to the local hot electron power density is studied. First, the results of a simple model assuming that hot electrons are fully magnetized and strictly following magnetic field lines are presented. The model qualitatively reproduces the experimental traces left by the plasma on the wall. However, it is too crude to reproduce the localized electron power density for creating a hole in the chamber wall. Second, the results of a Monte Carlo simulation, following a population of scattering hot electrons, indicate a localized high power deposited to the chamber wall consistent with the hole formation process. Finally, a hypervapotron cooling scheme is proposed to mitigate the hole formation in electron cyclotron resonance plasma chamber wall.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 02B510, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26932063


The present paper summarizes the results obtained from the past few years in the framework of the Enhanced Multi-Ionization of short-Lived Isotopes for Eurisol (EMILIE) project. The EMILIE project aims at improving the charge breeding techniques with both Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS) and Electron Beam Ion Sources (EBISs) for European Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facilities. Within EMILIE, an original technique for debunching the beam from EBIS charge breeders is being developed, for making an optimal use of the capabilities of CW post-accelerators of the future facilities. Such a debunching technique should eventually resolve duty cycle and time structure issues which presently complicate the data-acquisition of experiments. The results of the first tests of this technique are reported here. In comparison with charge breeding with an EBIS, the ECRIS technique had lower performance in efficiency and attainable charge state for metallic ion beams and also suffered from issues related to beam contamination. In recent years, improvements have been made which significantly reduce the differences between the two techniques, making ECRIS charge breeding more attractive especially for CW machines producing intense beams. Upgraded versions of the Phoenix charge breeder, originally developed by LPSC, will be used at SPES and GANIL/SPIRAL. These two charge breeders have benefited from studies undertaken within EMILIE, which are also briefly summarized here.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(2): 02A922, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24593501


A new superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) is under development at LBNL to harness the winding techniques of a closed-loop sextupole coil for the next generation ECRIS and to enhance the capability of the 88-in. cyclotron facility. The proposed ECRIS will use a superconducting closed-loop sextupole coil to produce the radial field and a substantial portion of the axial field. The field strengths of the injection, central and extraction regions are adjusted by a three solenoids outside the closed-loop sextupole coil. In addition to maintaining the typical ECRIS magnetic field configuration, this new source will also be able to produce a dustpan-like minimum-B field to explore possible ECRIS performance enhancement. The dustpan-like minimum-B field configuration has about the same strengths for the maximum axial field at the injection region and the maximum radial pole fields at the plasma chamber walls but it can be substantially lower at the extraction region. The dustpan-like minimum-B will have a field maximum Bmax ≥ 2.6 T for operations up to 18 GHz with a ratio of Bmax/Bres ≥ 4 and higher ratios for lower frequencies. The field maxima of this new source can reach over 3 T both at the injection and the plasma chamber walls which could also support operation at 28 GHz. The source will be built of cryogen-free with the magnets directly cooled by cryo-coolers to simplify the cryostat structure. The source design features will be presented and discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(2): 02A932, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24593511


A number of superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources use gyrotrons at either 24 or 28 GHz for ECR heating. In these systems, the microwave power is launched into the plasma using the TE01 circular waveguide mode. This is fundamentally different and may be less efficient than the typical rectangular, linearly polarized TE10 mode used for launching waves at lower frequencies. To improve the 28 GHz microwave coupling in VENUS, a TE01-HE11 mode conversion system has been built to test launching HE11 microwave power into the plasma chamber. The HE11 mode is a quasi-Gaussian, linearly polarized mode, which should couple strongly to the plasma electrons. The mode conversion is done in two steps. First, a 0.66 m long "snake" converts the TE01 mode to the TE11 mode. Second, a corrugated circular waveguide excites the HE11 mode, which is launched directly into the plasma chamber. The design concept draws on the development of similar devices used in tokamaks and stellerators. The first tests of the new coupling system are described below.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(2): 02A946, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24593525


The SPIRAL 2 facility, currently under construction, will provide either stable or radioactive beams at high intensity. In addition to the high intensity of stable beams, high charge states must be produced by the ion source to fulfill the RFQ LINAC injection requirements: Q/A = 1/3 at 60 kV ion source extraction voltage. Excepting deuterons and hydrogen, most of the stable beam requests concern metallic elements. The existing 18 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) Phoenix V2 designed at LPSC Grenoble has been used for the tests and will be the source for the SPIRAL 2 commissioning. The tests performed at LPSC for calcium ((40)Ca(14+) and (40)Ca(16+)), nickel ((58)Ni(19+)), and sulfur ((32)S(11+)) are described and discussed. Due to the very high charge states required, the oven method has been chosen. An intensity of 1 pµA has been reached for those elements. The performance and the beam stability have been studied using different buffer gases, and some ionization efficiency preliminary results are given.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(2): 02A339, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380186


A review of today achieved A∕Q = 3 heavy ions beams is proposed. The daily operation A∕Q = 3 ion beam intensities expected at Spiral2 are at the limit or above best record 3rd generation electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) intensities. The necessity to build a new fully superconducting to fulfill these requirements is outlined. A discussion on the volume of the future source is proposed and the minimum value of 12 liters is derived. An analysis of the x-ray absorption superconducting ECRIS is presented based on VENUS experimental data and geometry. This study underlines the necessity to include a complete x-ray study at the time of source conception. The specifications foreseen for the new ECRIS are presented, followed with the roadmap for the design.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(2): 02A344, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380191


The new ECR ion source PantechniK Indian Superconducting Ion Source (PKISIS) was recently commissioned at Pantechnik. Three superconducting coils generate the axial magnetic field configuration, while the radial magnetic field is done with the multi-layer permanent magnets. Special care was devoted to the design of the hexapolar structure, allowing a maximum magnetic field of 1.32 T at the wall of the 82 mm diameter plasma chamber. The three superconducting coils using low temperature superconducting wires are cooled by a single double stage cryo-cooler (4.2 K). Cryogen-free technology is used, providing reliability and easy maintenance at low cost. The maximum installed RF power (18.0 GHz) is of 2 kW. Metallic beams can be produced with an oven (T(max) = 1400 °C) installed with an angle of 5° with respect to the source axis or a sputtering system, mounted on the axis of the source. The beam extraction system is constituted of three electrodes in accel-decel configuration. The new source of Pantechnik is conceived for reaching optimum performances at 18 GHz RF frequencies. PKISIS magnetic fields are 2.1 T axial B(inj) and 1.32 T radial field in the wall, variable B(min) with an independent coil and a large and opened extraction region. Moreover, PKISIS integrates modern design concepts, like RF direct injection (2 kW availability), dc-bias moving disk, out-of-axis oven and axial sputtering facility for metal beams. Finally, PKISIS is also conceived in order to operate in a high-voltage platform with minor power consumption.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(2): 02A906, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380247


As the most ambitious concept of isotope separation on line (ISOL) facility, EURISOL aims at producing unprecedented intensities of post-accelerated radioactive isotopes. Charge breeding, which transforms the charge state of radioactive beams from 1+ to an n+ charge state prior to post-acceleration, is a key technology which has to overcome the following challenges: high charge states for high energies, efficiency, rapidity and purity. On the roadmap to EURISOL, a dedicated R&D is being undertaken to push forward the frontiers of the present state-of-the-art techniques which use either electron cyclotron resonance or electron beam ion sources. We describe here the guidelines of this R&D.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(2): 02A909, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380250


The injection of a 1+ beam into an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) charge breeder is classically performed through a grounded tube placed on its axis at the injection side. This tube presents various disadvantages for the operation of an ECR charge breeder. First experiments without a grounded tube show a better use of the microwave power and a better charge breeding efficiency. The optical acceptance of the charge breeder without decelerating tube allows the injection of high intensity 1+ ion beams at high energy, allowing metals sputtering inside the ion source. The use of this method for refractory metallic ion beams production is evaluated.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(2): 02A915, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22380256


The SPIRAL 2 facility is now under construction and will deliver either stable or radioactive ion beams. First tests of nickel beam production have been performed at GANIL with a new version of the large capacity oven, and a calcium beam has been produced on the heavy ion low energy beam transport line of SPIRAL 2, installed at LPSC Grenoble. For the production of radioactive beams, several target∕ion-source systems (TISSs) are under development at GANIL as the 2.45 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source, the surface ionization source, and the oven prototype for heating the uranium carbide target up to 2000 °C. The existing test bench has been upgraded for these developments and a new one, dedicated for the validation of the TISS before mounting in the production module, is under design. Results and current status of these activities are presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(2): 02A303, 2010 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20192324


The 14 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source at University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics (JYFL) has been operated in pulsed mode in order to study the plasma breakdown and preglow effect. It was observed that the plasma breakdown time and preglow characteristics are affected by seed electrons provided by a continuous low power microwave signal at secondary frequency. Sustaining low density plasma during the off-period of high power microwave pulses at the primary frequency shifts the charge state distribution of the preglow transient toward higher charge states. This could be exploited for applications requiring fast and efficient ionization of radioactive elements as proposed for the Beta Beam project within the EURISOL design study, for example. In this article we present results measured with helium and neon.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(2): 02A316, 2010 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20192337


The physics background requiring a very intense multicharged heavy ion source for Spiral2 is explained. The new Spiral2 low energy beam line dedicated to the heavy ions production and equipped with PHOENIX V2 ECRIS is presented. A status of the A-PHOENIX commissioning at 18 GHz is summarized. A new hybrid ECRIS concept with a cryogenic permanent magnet hexapole is proposed as an improvement of A-PHOENIX technology.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(2): 02A324, 2010 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20192345


LPSC has been involved for several years in a challenging research and development program on the production of pulsed ions beams with high ionization efficiency primarily dedicated to radioactive ion beams. The generation of the high magnetic field requires the use of helix techniques developed at Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses. As a first approach, a cusp structure has been chosen. 3D simulations were used to define the geometry of the helices. The computer aided design of the mechanical parts of the magnetic structure has been performed at LPSC and was optimized to decrease the total volume of the source. The first 60 GHz magnetic structure (helices coils in their tanks, electrical, and water cooling environment) should be available before the end of 2009.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(2): 02B314, 2010 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20192437


In order to drastically reduce the power consumption of a microwave ion source, we have studied some specific discharge cavity geometries in order to reduce the operating point below 1 W of microwave power (at 2.45 GHz). We show that it is possible to drive an electron cyclotron resonance ion source with a transmitter technology similar to those used for cellular phones. By the reduction in the size and of the required microwave power, we have developed a new type of ultralow cost ion sources. This microwave discharge system (called COMIC, for COmpact MIcrowave and Coaxial) can be used as a source of light, plasma or ions. We will show geometries of conductive cavities where it is possible, in a 20 mm diameter chamber, to reduce the ignition of the plasma below 100 mW and define typical operating points around 5 W. Inside a simple vacuum chamber it is easy to place the source and its extraction system anywhere and fully under vacuum. In that case, current densities from 0.1 to 10 mA/cm(2) (Ar, extraction 4 mm, 1 mAe, 20 kV) have been observed. Preliminary measurements and calculations show the possibility, with a two electrodes system, to extract beams within a low emittance. The first application for these ion sources is the ion injection for charge breeding, surface analyzing system and surface treatment. For this purpose, a very small extraction hole is used (typically 3/10 mm for a 3 microA extracted current with 2 W of HF power). Mass spectrum and emittance measurements will be presented. In these conditions, values down to 1 pi mm mrad at 15 kV (1sigma) are observed, thus very close to the ones currently observed for a surface ionization source. A major interest of this approach is the possibility to connect together several COMIC devices. We will introduce some new on-going developments such as sources for high voltage implantation platforms, fully quartz radioactive ion source at ISOLDE or large plasma generators for plasma immersion, broad or ribbon beams generation.