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Sci Total Environ ; 947: 174653, 2024 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39002588


Countries within the tropics face ongoing challenges in completing or updating their national forest inventories (NFIs), critical for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and for forest-related greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting. While previous studies have explored the integration of map information with local reference data to fill in data gaps, limited attention has been given to the specific challenges presented by the clustered plot designs frequently employed by NFIs when combined with remote sensing-based biomass map units. This research addresses these complexities by conducting four country case-studies, encompassing a variety of NFI characteristics within a range of AGB densities. Examining four country case-studies (Peru, Guyana, Tanzania, Mozambique), we assess the potential of European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) global biomass maps to increase precision in (sub)national AGB estimates. We compare a baseline approach using NFI field-based data with a model-assisted scenario incorporating a locally calibrated CCI biomass map as auxiliary information. The original CCI biomass maps systematically underestimate AGB in three of the four countries at both the country and stratum level, with particularly weak agreement at finer map resolution. However, after calibration with country-specific NFI data, stratum and country-level AGB estimates from the model-assisted scenario align well with those obtained solely from field-based data and official country reports. Introducing maps as a source of auxiliary information fairly increased the precision of stratum and country-wise AGB estimates, offering greater confidence in estimating AGB for GHG reporting purposes. Considering the challenges tropical countries face with implementing their NFIs, it is sensible to explore the potential benefits of biomass maps for climate change reporting mechanisms across biomes. While country-specific NFI design assumptions guided our model-assisted inference strategies, this study also uncovers transferable insights from the application of global biomass maps with NFI data, providing valuable lessons for climate research and policy communities.

Biomass , Climate Change , Environmental Monitoring , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Forests , Tanzania , Tropical Climate , Mozambique , Guyana , Greenhouse Gases/analysis
Carbon Balance Manag ; 14(1): 4, 2019 Apr 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31030302


BACKGROUND: Developing countries participating in the mitigation mechanism of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), are required to establish a forest reference emission level (FREL), if they wish to seek financial support to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. However, establishment of FREL relies heavily on the accurate estimates of carbon stock as one of the input variable for computation of the emission factors (EFs). The product of an EF and activity data, such as the area of deforestation, results in the total emissions needed for establishment of FREL. This study presents the carbon stock estimates for different land cover classes based on an analysis of Tanzania's national forest inventory data generated through the National Forest Resources Monitoring and Assessment (NAFORMA). RESULTS: Carbon stocks were estimated in three carbon pools, namely aboveground, belowground, and deadwood for each of the three land cover classes (i.e. Forest, non-forest, and wetland). The weighted average carbon stock was 33.35 t C ha-1 for forest land, 4.28 t ha-1 for wetland and 5.81 t ha-1 for non-forest land. The uncertainty values were 0.9% for forest land, 11.3% for wetland and 1.8% for non-forest land. Average carbon stocks for land cover sub-classes, which make up the above mentioned major land cover classes, are also presented in our study. CONCLUSIONS: The values presented in this paper correspond to IPCC tier 3 and can be used for carbon estimation at the national scale for the respective major primary vegetation type for various purposes including REDD+. However, if local based estimates values are needed, the use of auxiliary data to enhance the precision of the area of interest is recommended.

Carbon Balance Manag ; 11(1): 13, 2016 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27418944


BACKGROUND: A functional forest carbon measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) system to support climate change mitigation policies, such as REDD+, requires estimates of forest biomass carbon, as an input to estimate emissions. A combination of field inventory and remote sensing is expected to provide those data. By linking Landsat 8 and forest inventory data, we (1) developed linear mixed effects models for total living biomass (TLB) estimation as a function of spectral variables, (2) developed a 30 m resolution map of the total living carbon (TLC), and (3) estimated the total TLB stock of the study area. Inventory data consisted of tree measurements from 500 plots in 63 clusters in a 15,700 km2 study area, in miombo woodlands of Tanzania. The Landsat 8 data comprised two climate data record images covering the inventory area. RESULTS: We found a linear relationship between TLB and Landsat 8 derived spectral variables, and there was no clear evidence of spectral data saturation at higher biomass values. The root-mean-square error of the values predicted by the linear model linking the TLB and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is equal to 44 t/ha (49 % of the mean value). The estimated TLB for the study area was 140 Mt, with a mean TLB density of 81 t/ha, and a 95 % confidence interval of 74-88 t/ha. We mapped the distribution of TLC of the study area using the TLB model, where TLC was estimated at 47 % of TLB. CONCLUSION: The low biomass in the miombo woodlands, and the absence of a spectral data saturation problem suggested that Landsat 8 derived NDVI is suitable auxiliary information for carbon monitoring in the context of REDD+, for low-biomass, open-canopy woodlands.

Carbon Balance Manag ; 10(1): 28, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26692891


BACKGROUND: Airborne laser scanning (ALS) has emerged as one of the most promising remote sensing technologies for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) in forests. Use of ALS data in area-based forest inventories relies on the development of statistical models that relate AGB and metrics derived from ALS. Such models are firstly calibrated on a sample of corresponding field- and ALS observations, and then used to predict AGB over the entire area covered by ALS data. Several statistical methods, both parametric and non-parametric, have been applied in ALS-based forest inventories, but studies that compare different methods in tropical forests in particular are few in number and less frequent than studies reported in temperate and boreal forests. We compared parametric and non-parametric methods, specifically linear mixed effects model (LMM) and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN). RESULTS: The results showed that the prediction accuracy obtained when using LMM was slightly better than when using the k-NN approach. Relative root mean square errors from the cross validation was 46.8 % for the LMM and 58.1 % for the k-NN. Post-stratification according to vegetation types improved the prediction accuracy of LMM more as compared to post-stratification by using land use types. CONCLUSION: Although there were differences in prediction accuracy between the two methods, their accuracies indicated that both of methods have potentials to be used for estimation of AGB using ALS data in the miombo woodlands. Future studies on effects of field plot size and the errors due to allometric models on the prediction accuracy are recommended.

Carbon Balance Manag ; 10: 14, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26097502


BACKGROUND: REDD+ implementation requires establishment of a system for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of forest carbon changes. A challenge for MRV is the lack of satellite based methods that can track not only deforestation, but also degradation and forest growth, as well as a lack of historical data that can serve as a basis for a reference emission level. Working in a miombo woodland in Tanzania, we here aim at demonstrating a novel 3D satellite approach based on interferometric processing of radar imagery (InSAR). RESULTS: Forest carbon changes are derived from changes in the forest canopy height obtained from InSAR, i.e. decreases represent carbon loss from logging and increases represent carbon sequestration through forest growth. We fitted a model of above-ground biomass (AGB) against InSAR height, and used this to convert height changes to biomass and carbon changes. The relationship between AGB and InSAR height was weak, as the individual plots were widely scattered around the model fit. However, we consider the approach to be unique and feasible for large-scale MRV efforts in REDD+ because the low accuracy was attributable partly to small plots and other limitations in the data set, and partly to a random pixel-to-pixel variation in trunk forms. Further processing of the InSAR data provides data on the categories of forest change. The combination of InSAR data from the Shuttle RADAR Topography Mission (SRTM) and the TanDEM-X satellite mission provided both historic baseline of change for the period 2000-2011, as well as annual change 2011-2012. CONCLUSIONS: A 3D data set from InSAR is a promising tool for MRV in REDD+. The temporal changes seen by InSAR data corresponded well with, but largely supplemented, the changes derived from Landsat data.