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An. psicol ; 40(2): 272-279, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232721


Introduction: The scientific evidence regarding the effects of online social media use on the well-being of adolescents is mixed. In gen-eral, passive uses (receiving, viewing content without interacting) and more screen time are related to lower well-being when compared with active uses (direct interactions and interpersonal exchanges). Objectives:This study ex-amines the types and motives for social media usage amongst adolescents, differentiating them by gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as its effects on eudaimonic well-being and minority stress. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1259 adolescents, aged 14 to 19 (M= 16.19; SD= 1.08), analysing the Scale of Motives for Using Social Net-working Sites, eudaimonic well-being, the Sexual Minority Adolescent Stress Inventory, screen time and profile type. Results:The results found that longer use time is related to finding partners, social connection and friendships; that gay and bisexual (GB) adolescents perceive more distal stressors online;and that females have higher levels of well-being. Discus-sion: The public profiles of GB males increase self-expression, although minority stress can be related to discrimination, rejection or exclusion. Dif-ferentiated socialization may contribute to a higher level of well-being in females, with both active and passive uses positively effecting eudaimonic well-being in adolescents.(AU)

Introduction: The scientific evidence regarding the effects of online social media use on the well-being of adolescents is mixed. In general, passive uses (receiving, viewing content without interacting) and more screen time are related to lower well-being when compared with active uses (direct interactions and interpersonal exchanges). Objectives: This study examines the types and motives for social media usage amongst adolescents, differentiating them by gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as its effects on eudaimonic well-being and minority stress. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 1259 adolescents, aged 14 to 19 (M = 16.19; SD = 1.08), analysing the Scale of Motives for Using Social Networking Sites, eudaimonic well-being, the Sexual Minority Adolescent Stress Inventory, screen time and profile type. Results: The results found that longer use time is related to finding partners, social connection and friendships; that gay and bisexual (GB) adolescents perceive more distal stressors online; and that females have higher levels of well-being. Discussion: The public profiles of GB males increase self-expression, although minority stress can be related to discrimination, rejection or exclusion. Differentiated socialization may contribute to a higher level of well-being in females, with both active and passive uses positively effecting eudaimonic well-being in adolescents.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Online Social Networking , Social Media , Adolescent Health , Psychology, Adolescent , Motivation
Arch Cardiol Mex ; 93(Supl): 1-4, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37992703


On World Heart Day 2022, the Mexican Society of Cardiology, the Inter-American Society of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation collaborated on a communication regarding the increased risk of adverse cardiovascular health outcomes in transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals. This document, called the Tijuana Declaration, urged the global cardiovascular community to work toward understanding and mitigating this problem. This article aims to unpack the numerous factors that lead to it. An example is the social stigma faced by members of the TGD community, which leads to increased stress and risk for cardiovascular complications. TGD patients are also more likely to have insufficient access to health care, and those that do receive care are often faced with providers that are not adequately educated about the unique needs of their community. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that gender-affirming hormone therapies have an impact on cardiovascular health, but studies on this subject often have methodological concerns and contradictory findings. Decreasing the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events in this community requires interventions such as educational reform in the medical community, an increase in research studies on this topic, and broader social initiatives intended to reduce the stigma faced by TGD individuals.

En el Día Mundial del Corazón 2022, la Sociedad Mexicana de Cardiología, la Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología y la Federación Mundial del Corazón colaboraron en una comunicación sobre el aumento del riesgo de resultados adversos para la salud cardiovascular en individuos transgénero y de género diverso (TGD). Este documento, conocido como la Declaración de Tijuana, instó a la comunidad cardiovascular global a trabajar en la comprensión y mitigación de este problema. Este artículo tiene como objetivo desentrañar los numerosos factores que lo provocan. Un ejemplo es el estigma social enfrentado por los miembros de la comunidad TGD, lo que conduce a un aumento del estrés y el riesgo de complicaciones cardiovasculares. Los pacientes TGD también tienen más probabilidades de tener un acceso insuficiente a la atención médica, y aquellos que la reciben a menudo se enfrentan a proveedores que no están adecuadamente educados sobre las necesidades únicas de su comunidad. Finalmente, hay evidencia que sugiere que las terapias hormonales de afirmación de género tienen un impacto en la salud cardiovascular, pero los estudios sobre este tema a menudo tienen preocupaciones metodológicas y hallazgos contradictorios. Disminuir la incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares adversos en esta comunidad requiere intervenciones como la reforma educativa en la comunidad médica, un aumento en los estudios de investigación sobre este tema e iniciativas sociales más amplias destinadas a reducir el estigma enfrentado por los individuos TGD.

Cardiovascular Diseases , Transgender Persons , Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Heart , Heart Disease Risk Factors
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 209-225, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430596


Resumen En tiempos recientes, la literatura en psicología sobre orientación sexual ha pasado de centrarse en aspectos negativos experimentados por personas no heterosexuales a examinar factores que potencien el bienestar de estas. Estos estudios se han enfocado mayoritariamente en lesbianas y hombres gay (orientación hacia un único género o monosexual), mientras la inclusión de otras orientaciones, como bisexual y pansexual (orientaciones hacia más de un género o plurisexual) es un interés emergente. En Latinoamérica, un tema poco explorado en este sentido es la satisfacción vital y las variables asociadas, como el apoyo social y el revelar la orientación sexual, y cómo estas pueden variar entre personas de distintas orientaciones no heterosexuales. Por ello, el objetivo general de este estudio fue comparar el grado de revelación de la orientación sexual, el apoyo social percibido, la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ (sigla que incluye a lesbianas, gay, bisexual, transgénero, transexual, travesti, intersexual y queer) y la satisfacción vital entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays (LG), y bisexuales y pansexuales (BP). La muestra fue tomada entre 82 estudiantes universitarios LGBP, quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea que incluía datos sociodemográficos y escalas destinadas a evaluar las variables en estudio. Los resultados mostraron que estudiantes universitarios LG revelan más su orientación sexual que estudiantes BP. Igualmente, se destaca la asociación positiva entre el apoyo social percibido y satisfacción vital, y entre la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ y la revelación de la orientación sexual. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento sobre variables asociadas a la satisfacción vital según la orientación sexual, diferenciando entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays y estudiantes bisexuales y pansexuales.

Abstract In recent years, there has been a growing shift in research on sexual orientation. This focus has moved from centering on negative experiences, related to psychopathology and stigmatization, to examining subjective well-being factors in individuals belonging to these populations. In Latin American countries such as Chile, a scarcely explored link in this regard is satisfaction with life -the cognitive component of subjective well-being- and associated variables. The minority stress model indicates that individuals who belong to minority groups are exposed to additional stressors to which the general population is not exposed. These specific stressors are related to the marginalization, prejudice and exclusion suffered by the minority group of belonging. Researchers have shown that these stressors and their consequences may result in lower life satisfaction in non-heterosexual people compared to their heterosexual peers. Furthermore, different non-heterosexual orientations face specific forms of prejudice and, therefore, could experience a different impact on their life satisfaction. In this paper, the distinction is made between individuals with a monosexual orientation (towards one gender) and those with a plurisexual orientation, (towards more than one gender or independently of gender); namely, lesbians and gay men (LG) on the one hand, and bisexuals and pansexuals (BP) on the other. Research indicates that BP people experience lower levels of well-being than LG individuals. Compared to the latter, BP individuals tend to disclose their sexual orientation to a lesser extent, perceive less social support, and experience greater exclusion from community spaces destined to the general community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and other queer identities (LGBTIQ+). Moreover, these differences between non-heterosexual orientations in terms of life satisfaction have been little explored in Latin American university students. To fill this gap in the literature, the general objective of this study was to compare the levels of disclosure of sexual orientation, perceived social support, connectedness with the LGBTIQ+ community, and life satisfaction among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and pansexual university students. Four hypotheses were proposed that addressed the comparisons between LG and BP participants for these variables. A non-probability sample of 82 LGBP university students was recruited to answer an online questionnaire. Of the sample, 32.9 % were lesbian or gay, and 67.1 % were bisexual or pansexual. Most participants were women (67.1 %), compared to 29.3 % men and 3.7 % of another gender. The questionnaire consisted of a section of sociodemographic data, a sexual orientation disclosure scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the LGBTIQ + Community Connectedness Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Analyses included comparisons of means between groups. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted for the Connectedness Scale to test its validity. Results showed that LG and BP students reported similar levels of perceived social support, community connectedness, and life satisfaction, while LG students tended to disclose their sexual orientation to more people than BP students. A positive association was also found between perceived social support and life satisfaction, and between connectedness and disclosure of sexual orientation. The CFA showed that the Connectedness Scale is valid for its use in university samples in Chile and other Latin American populations. Limitations regarding sample size and recommendations for future research are discussed. This study contributes to the knowledge about variables associated with life satisfaction in non-heterosexual university students, highlighting the differential needs for support of those with a monosexual orientation (lesbians and gays) and those with a plurisexual orientation (bisexual and pansexual).

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(supl.3): 1-4, Oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527745


Abstract On World Heart Day 2022, the Mexican Society of Cardiology, the Inter-American Society of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation collaborated on a communication regarding the increased risk of adverse cardiovascular health outcomes in transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals. This document, called the Tijuana Declaration, urged the global cardiovascular community to work toward understanding and mitigating this problem. This article aims to unpack the numerous factors that lead to it. An example is the social stigma faced by members of the TGD community, which leads to increased stress and risk for cardiovascular complications. TGD patients are also more likely to have insufficient access to health care, and those that do receive care are often faced with providers that are not adequately educated about the unique needs of their community. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that gender-affirming hormone therapies have an impact on cardiovascular health, but studies on this subject often have methodological concerns and contradictory findings. Decreasing the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events in this community requires interventions such as educational reform in the medical community, an increase in research studies on this topic, and broader social initiatives intended to reduce the stigma faced by TGD individuals.

Resumen En el Día Mundial del Corazón 2022, la Sociedad Mexicana de Cardiología, la Sociedad Interamericana de Cardiología y la Federación Mundial del Corazón colaboraron en una comunicación sobre el aumento del riesgo de resultados adversos para la salud cardiovascular en individuos transgénero y de género diverso (TGD). Este documento, conocido como la Declaración de Tijuana, instó a la comunidad cardiovascular global a trabajar en la comprensión y mitigación de este problema. Este artículo tiene como objetivo desentrañar los numerosos factores que lo provocan. Un ejemplo es el estigma social enfrentado por los miembros de la comunidad TGD, lo que conduce a un aumento del estrés y el riesgo de complicaciones cardiovasculares. Los pacientes TGD también tienen más probabilidades de tener un acceso insuficiente a la atención médica, y aquellos que la reciben a menudo se enfrentan a proveedores que no están adecuadamente educados sobre las necesidades únicas de su comunidad. Finalmente, hay evidencia que sugiere que las terapias hormonales de afirmación de género tienen un impacto en la salud cardiovascular, pero los estudios sobre este tema a menudo tienen preocupaciones metodológicas y hallazgos contradictorios. Disminuir la incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares adversos en esta comunidad requiere intervenciones como la reforma educativa en la comunidad médica, un aumento en los estudios de investigación sobre este tema e iniciativas sociales más amplias destinadas a reducir el estigma enfrentado por los individuos TGD.

Ter. psicol ; 39(3): 353-374, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390470


Resumen: Antecedentes: Aunque en el mundo anglosajón la Terapia Afirmativa tiene un amplio recorrido con un respaldo empírico contundente, en Iberoamérica su desarrollo es reciente. Objetivo: Analizar la Evidencia Basada en la Práctica de una red de servicios de psicología afirmativa para personas LGTBIQA+ en Ecuador. Método: Estudio naturalístico en el que se analiza la Evidencia Basada en la Práctica generada usando el Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measure como herramienta de evaluación rutinaria para monitorizar los resultados de 101 consultantes que recibieron Terapia Afirmativa entre 2018 y 2020 en una red de servicios de psicología afirmativa para personas LGTBIQA+. Se evaluó el cambio estadísticamente significativo y el cambio confiable y clínicamente significativo. Resultados: Lxs participantes tenían en promedio 27.14 años. La mediana de sesiones fue seis. Hubo cambios estadísticamentes significativos para quienes completaron el cuestionario al menos dos veces. Se encontró un tamaño del efecto grande para el puntaje total y todas las dimensiones, a excepción de Riesgo. El 68% de los participantes presentaron mejoría. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que la Terapia Afirmativa minimiza el riesgo que trae consigo el estrés de minorías. Se invita a estudiantes, terapeutas y usuarios a aprender, adoptar y acudir a Terapia Afirmativa, respectivamente.

Abstract: Background: Although in the Anglo-Saxon world Affirmative Therapy has a long history with strong empirical support, in Ibero-America its development is recent. Objective: To analyze the Practice-Based Evidence of a network of affirmative psychology services for LGTBIQA+ persons in Ecuador. Methods: This is a naturalistic study analyzing Practice-Based Evidence generated using the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measure as a routine evaluation tool to monitor the outcomes of 101 clients who received Affirmative Therapy between 2018 and 2020 in a network of affirmative psychology services for LGTBIQA+ people. Statistically significant change and reliable, clinically meaningful change were assessed. Results: Participants were on average 27.14 years old. The median number of sessions was six. There were statistically significant changes for those who completed the questionnaire at least twice. A large effect size was found for the total score and all dimensions except for Risk. Sixty-eigth percent participants showed improvement. Conclusions: The results suggest that Affirmative Therapy minimizes the risk brought on by minority stress. Students, therapists, and clients are encouraged to learn, adopt, and use Affirmative Therapy, respectively.

Humans , Male , Female , Complementary Therapies , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Ecuador
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411807


En la población con incongruencia de género (IG) hay un alto número de personas con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA). Existe reciente y escaso conocimiento respecto de la co-ocurrencia de estas entidades, por lo que los objetivos de este estudio son, en primer lugar, realizar una revisión bibliográfica en relación a la prevalencia, etiología, desarrollo, salud mental en la población adolescente con esta co-ocurrencia IG, TEA y género diverso y a partir de esta descripción poder, en segundo lugar, entregar sugerencias para profesionales respecto del apoyo en evaluación e intervención de estas condiciones. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda en PUBMED, Scielo y Google académico, artículos en inglés y español, desde el año 2005 a 2021. Resultados: Se informa de una prevalencia de 5,0 a 26% aproximadamente de personas TEA en población IG, sobre todo en mujeres asignadas al nacer. En la evaluación se requiere profesionales que conozcan tanto el área de IG y TEA. No debe excluirse a las personas con TEA de las intervenciones médicas y se debe realizar seguimiento de las dificultades sensoriales. Conclusiones: Es importante apoyar a estas (os, es) adolescentes en la afirmación de sus necesidades de género de manera individual y/o grupal, al igual que a sus familias.

Abstract. Introduction: In the population with gender incongruence (GI), there is a high prevalence of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there is scarce and fairly recent knowledge about its co-occurrence. As a result, the purpose of this study is, first, to make a bibliographic review regarding the prevalence, etiology, development, mental health of the adolescent population with a co-occurrence of GI, ASD, and gender diversity, and from this description, to provide suggestions to professionals to support assessments and interventions when facing these conditions. Methods: A search was made in PUBMED, Scielo, and Google Scholar, for articles in English and Spanish, from 2005 to 2021. Results: A prevalence of approximately 5.0 to 26% is reported, of people with ASD in the GI population, especially among women assigned at birth. In the assessment, professionals that know both areas are required. People with ASD must not be excluded from medical interventions, and a follow-up must be made on sensory issues. Conclusions: It is important to support these adolescents, as well as their families, in the affirmation of their gender needs, whether individually and/or in groups.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/epidemiology , Gender Dysphoria/psychology , Gender Dysphoria/epidemiology , Mental Health , Prevalence
Psico USF ; 25(3): 403-414, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1135738


Este estudo buscou avaliar os efeitos de moderação do apoio social e da resiliência na relação entre o Estresse de Minorias (EM) e desfechos de saúde mental. Participaram desse estudo 337 mulheres, sendo 42,43% lésbicas (n = 143) e 57,57% bissexuais (n = 194), maiores de 18 anos (M = 26 anos; DP = 17,3). As participantes responderam escalas de homofobia internalizada, vitimização, revelação da orientação sexual, felicidade subjetiva, satisfação com a vida, depressão, ansiedade e estresse, apoio social e resiliência. Foi realizada uma modelagem por equações estruturais para verificar o impacto dos estressores de minorias nas variáveis de bem-estar (BES) e psicopatologia (PSP), além de testar se apoio social e resiliência moderavam essas relações. Os resultados demonstraram que a resiliência moderou a relação entre vitimização e psicopatologia. Implicações clínicas são apontadas ao longo do artigo. (AU)

This study aimed to evaluate the moderating effects of social support and resilience in the relationship between Minority Stress (MS) and mental health outcomes. A total of 337 women over 18 years of age (M = 26 years, SD = 17.3) participated in this study, including 42.43% lesbian, (n = 143) and 57.57% bisexual women (n = 194). The participants responded to scales that assessed internalized homophobia, victimization, disclosure of sexual orientation, subjective happiness, life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and stress, social support, and resilience. Structural equation modeling was performed to verify the impact of minority stressors on the well-being and psychopathology variables and to test whether social support and resilience moderated these associations. Results showed that resilience moderated the relationship between victimization and psychopathology. Clinical implications are discussed throughout the article. (AU)

Este estudio buscó evaluar los efectos de moderación de apoyo social y resiliencia en la relación entre el Estrés de Mínorías e indicadores de salud mental. En este estudio participaron 337 mujeres, siendo 42,43% lesbianas (n = 143) y 57,57% bisexuales (n = 194), mayores de 18 años de edad (M = 26 años, DP = 17,3). Los participantes respondieron escalas de homofobia internalizada, victimización, revelación de orientación sexual, felicidad subjetiva, satisfacción con la vida, depresión, ansiedad y estrés, apoyo social y resiliencia. Se realizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para verificar el impacto de los estresores de minorías en las variables de bienestar (BES) y psicopatología (PSP), además de testar si el apoyo social y la resiliencia moderaban estas relaciones. Los resultados demostraron que la resiliencia modera la relacción entre victimización y psicopatología. Implicaciones clínicas son señaladas a lo largo del artículo. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Anxiety/psychology , Personal Satisfaction , Social Support , Stress, Psychological , Bisexuality , Mental Health , Homosexuality, Female , Crime Victims/psychology , Depression/psychology , Resilience, Psychological , Homophobia/psychology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Happiness
Fam Process ; 59(3): 1209-1224, 2020 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31396965


This study explored how individual- and community-based resilience factors operated together in order to reduce risk of suicide for a sample of transgender therapy clients. We collected cross-sectional survey data from 106 transgender therapy clients at a local community center, including demographic information, experiences of relational support, participants' emotional stability, and risk for suicide. Results from our mediation analysis indicated that high levels of perceived relational support are related to reduced risk for suicide and that this happens by way of a person's emotional stability. Clinical implications for family therapists are discussed based on the significant indirect effect found in this study.

Este estudio exploró cómo los factores de resiliencia basados en individuos y comunidades operaron en conjunto para reducir el riesgo de suicidio en una muestra de clientes de terapia transgénero. Recopilamos datos de una encuesta transversal de 106 clientes de terapia transgénero en un centro comunitario local, incluyendo información demográfica, experiencias de apoyo relacional, estabilidad emocional de los participantes y riesgo de suicidio. Los resultados de nuestro análisis de mediación indicaron que niveles altos de apoyo relacional percibido se asociaban a un riesgo de suicidio reducido, y que esto se daba mediante la estabilidad emocional de la persona. Se discuten las implicaciones clínicas para terapeutas familiares basado del efecto indirecto significativo arrojado por el estudio.

Resilience, Psychological , Suicide/psychology , Transgender Persons/psychology , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Mediation Analysis , Middle Aged , Risk Factors , Social Support , Suicidal Ideation , Young Adult
Trends Psychol ; 27(3): 735-748, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043498


Abstract Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals may have lower levels of mental health compared to heterosexual people. This study examined the impact of sexual orientation on the components of minority stress (victimization, internalized homophobia and concealment of sexual orientation), and the moderating role of social and family support in the relationship between sexual orientation and minority stress components. A total of 715 LGB people participated in this study, of which 29.1% reported being lesbian (n = 208), 32.2% gay (n = 230) and 38.8% bisexual (n = 277). Their ages ranged from 18 to 70 years (M = 24.14, SD = 7.18). The questionnaire was disseminated through social networks and answered on an online platform. A path analysis with moderation effects was conducted to test the interactions between the variables sexual orientation, victimization, internalized homophobia and concealment of sexual orientation. No relationship was found between the variables cited, which can be explained by the sociodemographic characteristics (race/ethnicity, income, education) of the participants. These results may be associated with a response bias due to the profile of the participant sample of the present study.

Resumo Lésbicas, gays e bissexuais (LGB) podem apresentar menores níveis de saúde mental quando comparados a pessoas heterossexuais. Este estudo verificou o impacto da orientação sexual nos componentes do estresse de minorias (vitimização, homofobia internalizada e ocultação da orientação sexual), e o papel moderador dos suportes social e familiar na relação entre a orientação sexual e os componentes do estresse de minorias. Participaram deste estudo 715 pessoas LGB, das quais 29,1% afirmaram ser lésbicas (n = 208), 32,2% gays (n = 230) e 38,8% bissexuais (n = 277). Suas idades variaram de 18 a 70 anos (M = 24,14; DP = 7,18). O questionário foi divulgado por meio de redes sociais e respondido em uma plataforma online. Uma path analysis com efeitos de moderação foi conduzida para testar as interações entre as variáveis orientação sexual, vitimização, homofobia internalizada e ocultação da orientação sexual. Não foram encontradas relações entre as variáveis citadas, o que pode ser explicado pelas características sociodemográficas (raça/etnia, renda, escolaridade) dos participantes. Tais resultados podem estar associados a um viés de resposta oriundo do perfil da amostra participante do presente estudo.

Resumen Lesbianas, gays y bisexuales (LGB) pueden presentar menores niveles de salud mental en comparación con las personas heterosexuales. Este estudio verificó el impacto de la orientación sexual en los componentes del estrés de minorías (victimización, homofobia internalizada y ocultación de la orientación sexual), y el papel moderador de los soportes social y familiar en la relación entre la orientación sexual y los componentes del estrés de las minorías. En este estudio participaron 715 personas LGB, de las cuales el 29.1% afirmó ser lesbianas (n = 208), 32.2% gays (n = 230) y 38.8% bisexuales (n = 277). Sus edades variaron de 18 a 70 años (M = 24.14, DE = 7.18). El cuestionario fue divulgado a través de redes sociales y respondido en una plataforma online. Una ruta de análisis con efectos de moderación fue conducida para probar las interacciones entre las variables orientación sexual, victimización, homofobia internalizada y ocultación de la orientación sexual. No se encontraron relaciones entre las variables citadas, lo que puede ser explicado por las características sociodemográficas (etnia, renta, escolaridad) de los participantes. Estos resultados pueden estar asociados a un sesgo de respuesta proveniente del perfil de la muestra participante del presente estudio.