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Fam Pract ; 2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221923


BACKGROUND: As cognitive impairment (CI) prevalence rises and primary care screening becomes commonplace, it is critical to understand how to support clinicians. We describe clinician-reported barriers to diagnosing and managing care for patients with CI in a health system with standardized screening. We also explore whether barriers differ by clinician type-physician or advanced-practice clinician (APC). METHODS: Theory-informed surveys were administered to primary care clinicians in a large integrated health system. The survey assessed barriers, confidence in diagnosing CI and managing CI care, beliefs about the consequences of diagnosing CI, and usability of the electronic health record (EHR) to diagnose and manage CI care; it also included open-ended response items. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to describe perceived barriers. Differences by clinician type were compared using chi-square. RESULTS: Of the 408 eligible clinicians, 249 started the survey and 247 completed the primary outcomes (61% response rate). Many said they were only a little or not at all confident in diagnosing (70%) and managing care for (60%) CI, with specific gaps in confidence in distinguishing types of dementia and having CI-related conversations with patients or family/care partners. APCs reported lower confidence than physicians. Other barriers were lack of time, low usability of EHR, and lack of family/care partner availability. These did not differ by clinician type. Open-ended responses suggest clinicians would like more support for CI care. CONCLUSION: Low levels of confidence among other barriers suggest an urgent need to develop and implement effective multifaceted strategies to improve CI care.

Eur Geriatr Med ; 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39242468


PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of satisfaction with meaningful activities and their performance on the memory function among community-dwelling older adults 3 years later. METHODS: A longitudinal analysis was conducted on 288 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years and more who had completed the survey in 2019 and 2022 as participants in the Tarumizu Study. Meaningful activities were assessed in 2019 using the Aid for Decision-Making in Occupation Choice for activities. Satisfaction with and performance of meaningful activities were assessed, and the bottom 25% were classified into two groups: low satisfaction and low performance. Memory function was assessed using the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology-Functional Assessment Tool in 2019 and 2022. Changes in memory function over 3 years were analyzed by satisfaction and performance of meaningful activities. RESULTS: Two-way analysis of variance with group (satisfaction with and performance of meaningful activities) and time (2019 and 2022) as factors showed no statistically significant group-time interaction for memory in the satisfaction with meaningful activities group (F = 1.4, p = 0.24). Meanwhile, a statistically significant group-time interaction was observed for memory in the meaningful activity performance group, indicating that high performance of meaningful activities may play a protective role against memory decline (F = 7.4, p = 0.007). CONCLUSION: Higher performance of meaningful activities may protect against age-related changes in memory. A careful assessment of meaningful activities, and engagement that enhances performance may be useful in designing health support against memory decline.

Can Geriatr J ; 27(3): 324-344, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234282


Background: While the benefits of exercise on cognitive functions have already been reviewed, little is known about the impact of exercise on language performance. This scoping review was conducted to identify existing evidence on exercise-induced changes in language performance in healthy aging individuals and adults with stroke or neurodegenerative conditions. Methods & Results: Using the Arksey and O'Malley framework, 29 studies were included. Eleven studies in healthy aging indicated enhanced language performance, with 72.72% having significant improvement in semantic/phonological Verbal Fluency (VF) following exercise. Among 18 studies on older adults with stroke or neurodegenerative conditions, 11 reported better language performance, with 44.44% having significant improvement in picture naming/description and semantic/phonological VF by exercise. The seven remaining studies reported no significant change in language performance in persons with stroke or neurodegenerative conditions. Conclusion: Overall, exercise interventions showed improvement in language performance in healthy aging, while selective enhancement was shown for language performance in persons with either stroke or neurodegenerative conditions.

Arch Gerontol Geriatr ; 128: 105618, 2024 Aug 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255655


Social isolation matters for health and longevity, but little research examines transitions into or out of social isolation or whether transitions are gendered or socially patterned. We described gender-specific trends in breadth and lack of social participation over 6 years overall and by age, country of origin, geographic location, education, wealth, and household income. We used three waves of CLSA data to evaluate changes in social isolation (0-1 activities) and broad social participation (5+ activities) in adults aged 45-75 (n = 24,788), by gender and socio-demographics, in linear and multinomial logistic regressions with post-estimated predicted probabilities. The number of social activities decreased over time, with greater declines for women. About half the sample (more men than women) stayed not highly socially active (<5 activities) and almost 1 in 5 became not highly socially active. Most adults (77 %) remained not socially isolated and 14 % became or remained socially isolated. Women were more likely than men to remain not highly socially active and less likely to have multiple social isolation transitions. Broad social participation changed over time for several subgroups of women and men, with gender differences notable for income levels. Social disparities in social isolation transitions differed by gender only for education. Older age and socioeconomically disadvantaged adults had higher probabilities of becoming socially isolated or becoming less socially active. Findings indicated the diversity of social activities declined as Canadians age into later life and transitions in both social isolation and social participation differed between genders, especially for specific vulnerable subpopulations.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248724


Remembering our decisions is crucial - it allows us to learn from past mistakes and construct future behavior. However, it is unclear if age-related memory declines impact the memorability of older adults' decisions. Here, we compared younger and older adults' ability to remember their decisions. In Studies 1 and 2, participants made choices between two objects based on their star rating (shopping context) or circle count (neutral context) and later remembered what they chose. while Study 3 tested participants' memory for active vs. passive decisions. Overall, we found no evidence for age differences in the ability to remember decisions. Furthermore, age did not interact with context - both similarly benefitted from making and remembering their decisions in a more shopping-like context. These results reveal an aspect of cognition that appears to be preserved in healthy aging. Highlighting such aspects can help improve older adults' self-perceptions and reframe the narrative around aging.

Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(5): 101515, 2024 Jun 27.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226620


The aim of this review was to know the existing scientific production on therapeutic exercise in older adults. A bibliographic search was carried out on 2023 January in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and Sportdiscus databases. Selection criteria were: people aged 65 and above, healthy or with any pathology, and therapeutic exercise programs exclusive or associated with other complications. Language, publication date, and study design were not limited. Data extracted were: year, study type, design and methodology, country of the study and specialty of the journal where it was published. 1094 studies were obtained from 1967 to 2021. The scientific production had a slow evolution until the 2010s when the number of articles began to be significant. According to the types of study, 6.9% were systematic review, 90% research studies, 0.5% opinion studies, and 2.6% other types of studies. The most abundant specialties are geriatrics and gerontology (38.8%), and rehabilitation (16.1%), concentrating more than 50% of the total production. According to the study countries, only 4 concentrated 50% of the publications: the United States (29.16%), Australia (7.95%), Canada (7.31%) and the United Kingdom (6.95%).

SSM Popul Health ; 27: 101703, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220297


In the context of the "Chinese Differential Mode of Association" in traditional Chinese culture, this paper examines the heterogeneous effects of interpersonal interactions in different relationships on older adults' depressive emotions from a cultural-psychological perspective. Results using data from Chinese General Social Survey demonstrate that: interactions with children are the most helpful in reducing perceived depression for the elderly, followed by communications with siblings and relatives. However, interactions with friends and other fellows do not significantly reduce older people's perceived depression. This reflects the "Chinese Differential Mode of Association" in interpersonal relationships. When using different perceived depression measures, and Double Debiased Machine Learning (DDML) approaches for robustness and endogeneity tests, above findings are very robust. The impact mechanism is that interactions with children and siblings reduce depressive emotions by decreasing older adults' sense of loneliness, while communications with others do not have such a significant effect. This paper further discusses the roles of different types of interactions with adult children. It is found that receiving and providing emotional support can prominently decrease depressive emotions for older people, whereas the effects of monetary support and non-material assistance are less pronounced. In addition, interpersonal interactions' impacts are more significant for those who are female, older than 75 and with poorer health, as well as older people who exercise less frequently, have higher social status, and hold more traditional beliefs. In the current context of active promotion of healthy aging, findings of this paper have important implications for a deeper understanding and scientific management of depressive emotions among the elderly.

Australas J Ageing ; 2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222465


OBJECTIVE: This study assessed perceived acceptability of online rural volunteer-led exercise classes among volunteer leaders and older people during the COVID-19 pandemic and interrogate differences in acceptability between older people who were currently participating in regular exercise and those who were not. METHOD: A case study was conducted of an existing volunteer-led exercise program using a cross-sectional preintervention survey (38 volunteer exercise leaders and 172 program participants). RESULTS: Thirty per cent (n = 11) of the volunteer leaders reported an interest in running the online classes. Motivations included providing opportunities for participants and keeping themselves and participants fit. Thirty-four per cent (n = 42) of the older participants reported an intent to join the online classes, which was primarily attributed to the desire to keep active and to socialise. However, over 60% of the respondents across both categories did not want to engage in online exercise classes. This was primarily attributed to a preference for face-to-face classes and lack of confidence in conducting or using online activities or services. Older participants who did not regularly exercise were statistically more likely to report perceived challenges attending an online class, and to identify the use of internet-based technologies as a barrier to attendance. CONCLUSION: Digital literacy was a challenge for the older respondents, particularly for those who were not currently engaged in regular exercise. Organisations implementing online exercise programs should recognise that this form of delivery will pose challenges to cohorts of rural older people who are not undertaking regular physical activity and address the individual and environmental barriers to digital uptake.

Exp Gerontol ; 196: 112568, 2024 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222856


Normal aging presents subtle cognitive changes that can be detected before meeting the criteria for Mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Older people with low cognitive reserve and who receive limited cognitive stimulation are at greater risk of deterioration. In this regard, cognitive stimulation (CS) has been identified as an intervention that reduces this risk, provided that its design takes into account the differences in the level of cognitive reserve (CR) acquired throughout life and the baseline level of cognitive functioning. The general objective of this study is to evaluate, through a randomized clinical trial, the effectiveness of a computerized cognitive stimulation program, designed and adapted from Occupational Therapy based on the level of cognitive reserve in older adults in Primary Care. 100 participants will be randomized in a stratified manner according to the level of cognitive reserve (low/moderate/high), assigning 50 participants to the control group and 50 participants to the intervention group. The intervention group will carry out a computerized cognitive stimulation intervention designed and adapted from occupational therapy according to the level of cognitive reserve, through the "stimulus" platform. The main result expected to be achieved is the improvement of higher brain functions. As secondary results, we expect that those cognitive aspects most vulnerable to aging will decrease more slowly (in areas such as memory, executive function, attention and processing speed), and that the cognitive reserve of the participants will increase, in addition to being able to balance gender differences in these aspects. We think that these results can have a positive impact on the creation of adapted, meaningful and stimulating CS programs in older adults to prevent MCI and experience healthier aging.

Popul Health Metr ; 22(1): 23, 2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223533


BACKGROUND: The Decade of Healthy Aging (2021-2030) emerges as a 10 years strategy to improve the lives of older adults, their families, and the communities in which they live. One of the actions defined in this framework is related to improving the measurement, monitoring, and understanding of characteristics, factors, and needs related to aging and health. The aim was to analyze and assess the process of construction and development of the Strategic Information System on Health, Funcional Dependence and Aging (SIESDE, for its acronym in Spanish). SIESDE will provide strategic information in Mexico at the municipal, state, and national levels that support the public policies on healthy aging. METHODS: The system processes and analyzes the data sources of the Health Information Systems and the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information. SIESDE comprises three components: (1) Design, construction, and evaluation of the indicators; (2) storage, management, and visualization, and (3) diffusion and translation of information. RESULTS: A total of 135 indicators were built on seven themes: (1) demographic, socioeconomic, and aging conditions, (2) health, (3) functional dependence, (4) healthy aging, (5) health services, (6) social and physical environments, and (7) complex indicators. CONCLUSIONS: SIESDE is an effective system for providing an overall view of health, aging, and functional dependence.

Healthy Aging , Humans , Mexico , Aged , Health Status , Health Information Systems , Aging , Aged, 80 and over
Work ; 2024 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240613


BACKGROUND: In most Western countries, senior workers have increased their participation in the workforce. However, at the same time, early retirement also increases. The reasons behind this early exit from the workforce are still unclear. OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study aims to explore the antecedents of and experiences with a voluntary exit from working life before the expected retirement age of 65 in Sweden. METHODS: Data consist of semi-structured interviews with 18 participants who exited working life between the ages of 61-63. In Sweden, these ages are considered as an early exit from working life since, for many years, the expected retirement age has been 65. Qualitative content analysis with an abductive approach was utilized. RESULTS: The analysis revealed four sub-themes: 1) Health benefits with an early exit from working life (with the categories: own health status, the possibility for recovery time, and avoidance of strain); 2) Having economic conditions that enable an early exit from working life (with the categories: offers from the employer and financial compromises); 3) Social benefits with an early exit from working life (with the categories: enabling more time with my social network and avoidance of unsatisfying social work environment); 4) Self-fulfillment activities during the senior years (with the categories: enabling time for activities beyond work and avoidance of decreased job satisfaction. CONCLUSION: This variety of antecedents of and experiences with a voluntary early exit from working life before the expected retirement age highlights that the ongoing increased statutory retirement age also increases the risk for extended inequalities among the aging population.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1304517, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253036


Purpose: Successful sentence production requires lexical encoding and ordering them into a correct syntactic structure. It remains unclear how different processes involved in sentence production are affected by healthy aging. We investigated (a) if and how aging affects lexical encoding and syntactic formulation during sentence production, using auditory lexical priming and eye tracking-while-speaking paradigms and (b) if and how verbal working memory contributes to age-related changes in sentence production. Methods: Twenty older and 20 younger adults described transitive and dative action pictures following auditory lexical primes, by which the relative ease of encoding the agent or theme nouns (for transitive pictures) and the theme and goal nouns (for dative pictures) was manipulated. The effects of lexical priming on off-line syntactic production and real-time eye fixations to the primed character were measured. Results: In offline production, older adults showed comparable priming effects to younger adults, using the syntactic structure that allows earlier mention of the primed lexical item in both transitive and dative sentences. However, older adults showed longer lexical priming effects on eye fixations to the primed character during the early stages of sentence planning. Preliminary analysis indicated that reduced verbal working memory may in part account for longer lexical encoding, particularly for older adults. Conclusion: These findings indicate that syntactic flexibility for formulating different grammatical structures remains largely robust with aging. However, lexical encoding processes are more susceptible to age-related changes, possibly due to changes in verbal working memory.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1416214, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253284


Background: Falls frequently occur among the older adult population. In this study, we examined the variations in fall incidence across different regions over time, focusing on the disparities between urban and rural areas among older adult Chinese individuals, Healthy aging is comprised of five dimensions: (1) absence of chronic diseases, (2) good physical functioning, (3) normal cognitive function, (4) active social participation, and (5) absence of depression. Additionally, we explored the relationship between healthy aging and the occurrence of falls in middle-aged and older adults. Falls are defined as events that occurred within the past two years. Results: Among 9,918 participants, 33.8% lived in urban areas and 23.0% achieved healthy aging. In contrast, 66.2% resided in rural areas with 16.5% achieving healthy aging. In 2011, rural residents had a higher fall incidence rate (17% in rural vs. 13.5% in urban); by 2020, the fall rate remained higher in rural areas (19.5% in rural vs. 17.3% in urban). Unhealthy aging (HR = 1.08, 95%CI: 1.00-1.16) were risk factors for falls. Subgroup analysis revealed that in rural areas, unhealthy aging increased the risk of falls. In urban areas, the increased risk of falls associated with unhealthy aging was not significant (Rural HR = 1.11, 95%CI:1.01-1.22; Urban HR = 1.05, 95%CI: 0.93-1.18). Conclusion: Healthy aging may be more strongly associated with a lower risk of falls in rural areas, while this association might be less pronounced in urban areas due to different environmental and social factors. This highlights the need for environment-specific fall prevention strategies and targeted measures for the older adult.

Accidental Falls , Healthy Aging , Rural Population , Urban Population , Humans , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , China/epidemiology , Male , Aged , Female , Incidence , Longitudinal Studies , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Middle Aged , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Aged, 80 and over
Nutrients ; 16(17)2024 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39275194


As the population ages, promoting healthy aging through targeted interventions becomes increasingly crucial. Growing evidence suggests that dietary interventions can significantly impact this process by modulating fundamental molecular pathways. This review focuses on the potential of targeted dietary strategies in promoting healthy aging and the mechanisms by which specific nutrients and dietary patterns influence key pathways involved in cellular repair, inflammation, and metabolic regulation. Caloric restriction, intermittent fasting, the Mediterranean diet, as well as the ketogenic diet showed promising effects on promoting healthy aging, possibly by modulating mTORC1 AMPK, an insulin signaling pathway. By understanding the intricate interplay between diet and molecular pathways, we can develop personalized dietary strategies that not only prevent age-related diseases, but also promote overall health and well-being throughout the aging process.

Caloric Restriction , Diet, Ketogenic , Diet, Mediterranean , Fasting , Healthy Aging , Humans , Caloric Restriction/methods , Healthy Aging/physiology , Signal Transduction , Aging/physiology , Intermittent Fasting
Nutrients ; 16(17)2024 Sep 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39275358


Despite beneficial cardiovascular effects, substantial long-term modulation of food pattern could only be achieved in a limited number of participants. The impact of attitude towards healthy nutrition (ATHN) on successful modulation of dietary behavior is unclear, especially in the elderly. We aimed to analyze whether the personal ATHN influences 12-month adherence to two different dietary intervention regimes within a 36-month randomized controlled trial. METHODS: 502 subjects were randomized to an intervention group (IG; dietary pattern focused on high intake of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), plant protein and fiber) or control group (CG; dietary recommendation in accordance with the German Society of Nutrition) within a 36-month dietary intervention trial. Sum scores for effectiveness, appreciation and practice of healthy nutrition were assessed using ATHN questionnaire during the trial (n = 344). Linear regression models were used to investigate associations between ATHN and dietary patterns at baseline and at month 12. RESULTS: Retirement, higher education level, age and lower body mass index (BMI) were associated with higher ATHN sum scores. ATHN was similar in CG and IG. Higher baseline intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and fiber as well as lower intake in saturated fatty acids (SFA) were associated with higher scores in practice in both groups. The intervention resulted in a stronger increase of UFA, protein and fiber in the IG after 12 months, while intake of SFA declined (p < 0.01). Higher scores in appreciation were significantly associated with higher intake of fiber and lower intake of SFA in the CG at month 12, whereas no associations between ATHN and macronutrient intake were observed in the IG after 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: While ATHN appeared to play a role in general dietary behavior, ATHN did not affect the success of the specific dietary intervention in the IG at month 12. Thus, the dietary intervention achieved a substantial modification of dietary pattern in the IG and was effective to override the impact of the individual ATHN on dietary behavior.

Diet, Healthy , Diet, High-Protein , Fatty Acids, Unsaturated , Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Diet, Healthy/psychology , Diet, Healthy/methods , Fatty Acids, Unsaturated/administration & dosage , Patient Compliance , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/administration & dosage , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dietary Proteins/administration & dosage , Body Mass Index
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can ; 44(9): 376-384, 2024 Sep.
Article in English, French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264761


INTRODUCTION: Older adults with higher needs are ideal candidates for social prescribing interventions, given the complex and intersectoral nature of their needs. This article describes findings from a developmental evaluation of 19 social prescribing programs for older adults at risk of frailty. METHODS: An evaluation of the programs was conducted from 2020 to 2023. We used data from three components of the evaluation: (1) initial evaluation data collected in 2020 and 2021; (2) program profiles developed in 2022; and (3) co-creation sessions conducted in 2023. RESULTS: From startup until March 2023, the programs served a total of 2544 older adults. The community connectors identified factors at the individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy levels that contributed to the successful implementation and delivery of their programs (e.g. physician champions, communities of practice, strong pre-existing relationships with the health care system), as well as challenges (e.g. limited capacity of family physicians, lack of community resources). There was strong agreement among community connectors that successful social prescribing programs should include the following core elements: (1) making connections to needed community resources; (2) co-creation of a wellness plan with long-term clients or clients who require intensive supports; (3) ongoing follow-up and check-ins for clients with wellness plans; and (4) an assessment and triaging process for the prioritization of clients. CONCLUSION: To leverage the full potential of social prescribing interventions, it is essential that programs engage with a range of health and social care providers, that community connectors are skilled and well supported, and that adequate investments are made in the nonprofit and voluntary sector.

Program Evaluation , Humans , British Columbia , Aged , Capacity Building , Female , Male , Frailty , Health Promotion/methods , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Aged, 80 and over , Social Work/organization & administration , Frail Elderly
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can ; 44(9): 385-391, 2024 Sep.
Article in English, French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264762


Executive summary: The age of Canada's population is increasing, necessitating innovative methods and tools for assessing the needs of older adults and identifying effective health and social prescriptions. In Alberta, a community-based, senior-serving organization undertook the development and piloting of the Healthy Aging Asset Index, an assessment tool and social prescribing guide for use by a variety of professionals within the community. Tool development was rooted in medical complexity assessment and social work practice, and adhered to the determinants of healthy aging established by Alberta's Healthy Aging Framework, which is based on the determinants of healthy aging published by the World Health Organization. Results from the pilot showed improvement in the functionality of older adults within the determinants over time, as they were supported in addressing areas of personal vulnerability. Adopting tools such as the Healthy Aging Asset Index can bring cohesiveness to the support that older adults receive across the care continuum and has the potential to shift the balance of care away from the health system and towards the community, thus improving the capacity of health systems and government to meet the needs of Canada's older adults.

The Healthy Aging Asset Index (HAAI) is an assessment tool that can be used to guide social prescribing by a variety of professionals in the community. The determinants of healthy aging can be used to inform social prescriptions in different domains. The HAAI can support shifting care away from the health system and into the community, and improve the capacity of health systems. Further investment is needed to support the implementation of the HAAI and social prescribing pathways within community-based organizations.

L'indice des ressources pour un vieillissement en bonne santé (HAAI) est un outil d'évaluation de la prescription sociale utilisable par divers professionnels de la collectivité. Utiliser les déterminants du vieillissement en bonne santé peut éclairer la pratique de la prescription sociale dans différents domaines. L'outil HAAI peut aider à offrir certains soins en milieu communautaire plutôt qu'au sein du système de santé, améliorant ainsi la capacité des systèmes de santé à fournir des soins. Des investissements supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour soutenir la mise en oeuvre de l'outil HAAI et les parcours de prescription sociale au sein des organisations communautaires.

Healthy Aging , Humans , Aged , Alberta , Social Determinants of Health , Male , Female , Pilot Projects , Aged, 80 and over
J Aging Health ; : 8982643241279879, 2024 Sep 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262273


OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether functional social support-the degree to which one perceives support is available when needed-is associated with executive function, a key cognitive domain for everyday functioning and adaptation to change. METHODS: Analyses (n = 23,491) utilized cross-sectional data from the Comprehensive cohort of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), a population-based study of community-dwelling adults aged 45-85 years. Executive function was assessed by neurocognitive battery. Perceived social support was measured using the 19-item Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey. Logistic regression models were adjusted for sociodemographic, health, and social covariates. RESULTS: Positive social interactions as well as affectionate and emotional/informational functional social support were positively associated with executive function. DISCUSSION: Social support plays an important role in cognitive health. Diversifying social programming beyond tangible social support to target other subtypes of support may help preserve executive function in middle-aged and older adults.

Exp Gerontol ; 196: 112567, 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236871


OBJECTIVES: Intrinsic capacity impairment results in poor outcomes among older adults. Here we tested handgrip strength as a screening tool for IC impairment in community-dwelling older adults in Xinjiang, China. We assessed the diagnostic accuracy and established optimal cut-off points for handgrip strength in the detection of intrinsic capacity impairment. METHODS: In total, 1072 participants were included using a multilevel random sampling method. Intrinsic capacity was constructed according to the definition of the Integrated Care for Older People screening tool proposed by the WHO. RESULTS: Altogether, 73.4 % (787/1072) participants had intrinsic capacity impairment. The prevalence of intrinsic capacity impairment for hearing, vision, mobility, cognition, psychological, and vitality domains was 8.6 %, 4.8 %, 39.6 %, 47.3 %, 12.0 %, and 18.8 %, respectively. The adjusted odds ratios [95 % confidence interval) for handgrip strength was 0.935 [0.914-0.956]. The area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curve for handgrip strength of older men, and handgrip strength of older women with intrinsic capacity impairment were 0.7278, and 0.7534, respectively. The handgrip strength cut-off points were 28.47 kg (60-69 years), 25.76 kg (70-79 years), and 24.45 kg (≥80 years) for men, and 20.75 kg (60-69 years), 19.90 kg (70-79 years), and 16.17 kg (≥80 years) for women. CONCLUSIONS: Handgrip strength can be used as a convenient tool for evaluating intrinsic capacity. Weak handgrip strength and low education level were associated with intrinsic capacity impairment in community-dwelling older adults in Xinjiang. Using the cut-off points of handgrip strength for different age groups and genders, older adults with impaired intrinsic capacity can be identified, which may reduce the occurrence of adverse outcomes.