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Front Nutr ; 11: 1342682, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38988856


Introduction and objective: Nutritional therapy is a crucial component of treatment for severely burned patients. Although overly aggressive enteral nutrition immediately after burn injury has potential risks, nutritional disruption after a severe burn can also increase infection risk and delay wound healing. For approximately six decades, the Ruijin Hospital Burn Center has used two distinct approaches for patients during the early period after burn injury: complete fasting or adaptive feeding. Notably, adaptive feeding more closely resembles enteral nutrition. In this retrospective study, we analyzed factors influencing the selection of either modality, as well as the benefits of adaptive feeding. We sought to promote adaptive feeding as a precursor to initiating enteral nutrition. Patients and methods: This retrospective study analyzed medical data from adult patients with extensive burns between January 2009 and December 2020. All patients had been admitted to the burn department within 24 h after injury and had a burned area comprising >30% of total body surface area. Patients were divided into two groups: adaptive feeding and fasting. We examined the total burned area, full-thickness burned area, burn type, inhalation injury, start time of adaptive feeding, and start time of enteral nutrition. Outcome measures were 28-day mortality and hospital mortality. Results: Univariate analysis revealed significant differences in burn type, percent of total body surface area (TBSA), full-thickness burned area, and inhalation injury between the adaptive feeding and fasting groups (all p < 0.05). Linear regression analysis showed that full-thickness burned area and inhalation injury were the main factors influencing the start time of adaptive feeding in patients with severe burns (p < 0.05). After propensity score matching analysis, the results showed that the start time of enteral nutrition was significantly earlier in the adaptive feeding group (p < 0.01). However, overall mortality, 28-day mortality, and length of hospital stay did not significantly improve in the adaptive feeding group. The incidence of intolerance after enteral nutrition therapy did not significantly differ between groups. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that larger full-thickness burned areas and concomitant inhalation injury were the primary factors considered by physicians when selecting complete fasting for severely burned patients. Moreover, the results indicate that adaptive feeding improves nutritional therapy for severely burned patients by shortening the time between injury and initiation of enteral nutrition. Complete fasting due to concerns about extensive burned area and inhalation injuries does not reduce the incidence of enteral nutrition intolerance; instead, it delays the initiation of enteral nutrition.

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 103-111, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966095


Introduction: Current guidelines for the outpatient treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) recommend the provision of routine medications to all children at admission and prescribed medications as clinically indicated thereafter. The objective of this study was to describe the amount and purpose of medications prescribed during outpatient SAM treatment and explore the effect of routine antibiotics at admission on subsequent medication prescription. Methods: Medications prescribed during outpatient treatment were described by medication category, time from admission, and diagnoses among children with SAM in a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of 7-day amoxicillin use. Total medications were compared by parent trial intervention arm (amoxicillin vs placebo) and differences assessed using Χ2 and two-sample t-tests. Results: Of the 2399 children enrolled, 74.6% of children received ≥1 prescribed medication during outpatient treatment. Antipyretics/analgesics (44.1% of children), antimalarials (56.6%) and antibiotics (30.0%) were prescribed most frequently. Children who received placebo in the parent trial received fewer total medications (mean difference: -0.80, 95% CI: -0.96 to -0.65) and oral antibiotics (mean difference: -0.96, 95% CI: -0.99 to -0.92) during treatment compared with children who received routine amoxicillin. Conclusions: We found high rates of medication prescription during outpatient treatment for SAM, but fewer total medications and oral antibiotics prescribed to children receiving placebo in the parent trial. Our findings underscore the role of outpatient treatment programmes as an important source of medicine prescription and suggest that provision of antibiotics on a clinically indicated basis for outpatient SAM cases may be a strategy to support prudent antibiotic use in certain settings. Trial registration number: Registry (NCT01613547;

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 1-3, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966101
BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 68-77, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966103


Background: Significant research, regulatory bodies and even governmental resolutions have identified meaningful nutrition education for medical and other healthcare professionals as a priority. Doctors are well placed to provide nutrition care, yet nutrition education in medicine remains inadequate regardless of country, setting, or year of training. There remains a need to establish an accepted benchmark on nutrition competencies for medicine, as without consensus standards there is little likelihood of uniform adoption. Objective: This study aimed to establish consensus on nutrition competencies using a Delphi process to inform a framework for nutrition education in medicine. Methods: A three-round modified online Delphi survey of experts in healthcare practice, education and training, and experts by experience (service users) was conducted to provide a comprehensive consensus on nutrition competencies for medical practice. Results: Fifty-two experts (15.1% response rate) participated in Round 1, 42 completed Round 2 and 47 completed Round 3. Participants included medical professionals, dietitians, academics working in health professions education and policymakers from Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Northern Ireland. Twenty-seven service users (57.5% response rate) completed the Round 1 questionnaire, 19 completed Round 2 and 16 completed Round 3. By consensus, 25 nutrition competencies for medicine were defined. The service user panel identified an additional seven skills and attributes considered important in the receipt of nutrition care. Competencies that achieved consensus broadly fell into themes of team-based care, communication, professionalism (eg, attributes) and health promotion and disease prevention. This informs broad skills that may be taught in a nutrition context but could be included in other domains. Conclusions: The findings suggest doctors need the knowledge and skills to consider the findings from nutrition screening and assessment, coordinate nutrition care when an individual may benefit from further assessment or intervention and provide support for advice delivered by other experts as part of a multidisciplinary approach.

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 128-132, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966100


Background: The postpartum period is a vital phase for a mother as she undergoes a role transition in her life, in addition to physiological changes. Among all discomforts experienced during this period, constipation is more common and it can cause lifelong complications such as haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and anal fissures if left untreated. Adequate care, education and compliance with proper postpartum diet and exercise can prevent it. Aim and objective: This study intended to assess the effect of video-assisted teaching in preventing constipation among postpartum women in comparison with routine care. Settings and design: Antenatal outpatient department and postnatal ward. Experimental research design-randomised controlled trial. Methods and material: Totally, 160 antenatal women in the III trimester were selected by convenience sampling and randomised into study and control groups. Data were collected using a semistructured questionnaire. Postpartum women in the study group received video-assisted teaching regarding the postnatal diet and exercise for the prevention of constipation developed by the researcher with reference from books, journals, Indian council of medical research Recommended dietary allowances table and expert opinion. Postpartum women in the control group received routine care as a pamphlet regarding the care of women after delivery which was routinely given to all mothers along with the discharge slip. Constipation Assessment Scale was used to assess the presence of constipation at the end of second week of post partum. Statistical analysis used: Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: Data showed 27% of postpartum women in control group had constipation comparing to only 6.1% of the women in the study group (p<0.05). There was a significant association between consumption of fruits, green leafy vegetables, increased fluid intake, regular walking and the status of constipation (p<0.001). Conclusions: Video-assisted teaching was effective in preventing constipation among postpartum women.

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 14-25, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966106


Introduction: An earlier food survey showed dietary potassium deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Objective: To evaluate an adjunct role of oral potassium to reduce joint pain in RA. Methods: 172 consenting eligible symptomatic patients (median duration 6.5 years) on standard care were randomised into an assessor blind, parallel efficacy, controlled, prospective, multiarm single-centre study (80% power, drug trial design) of 16 weeks duration-arm A (potassium-rich vegetarian diet), arm B (arm A plus novel potassium food supplement) and arm C (control, regular diet). Standard efficacy (American College of Rheumatology recommendation) and safety and diet intake (3-day recall) were assessed at monthly intervals (protocol). Standard soft-ware package (SPSS V.20) was used for statistical analysis; analysis of variance), Mann-Whitney statistic and χ2 test.; significant p<0.05, two sided). Study arms were found matched at baseline. Background RA medication remained stable. Preset target for increased potassium intake (India standards) were mostly achieved and participants remained normokalemic. Results: 155 patients (90.1%) completed the study and several showed improvement (maximum improved measures in arm B). Potassium intervention was safe and well tolerated. Adverse events were mild; none caused patient withdrawal. On comparison, the mean change in pain visual analogue scale (-2.23, 95% CI -2.99 to -1.48) at week 16 (primary efficacy) from baseline was significantly superior in arm B (per protocol analysis). A high daily potassium intake (5-7.5 g, arm B) was significantly associated with low pain (study completion); OR 2.5 (univariate analysis), likelihood ratio 2.9 (logistic regression). Compliance (intervention), diet record and analysis, RA medication and absence of placebo were potential confounders. Conclusion: High oral potassium intake, based on a suitable vegetarian diet and food supplement, reduced joint pain and improved RA. It was a safe adjunct to standard care, Further validation studies are required. Trial registration: CTRI/2022/03/040726; Clinical Trial Registry of India.

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 7(1): 95-102, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966112


Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second-leading cause of death among Canadians. Clinical practice guidelines suggest that improvements to lifestyle, including dietary intake, can reduce the risk of CVD. Objectives: The primary aim of the study was to evaluate patient changes in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (Medi-Diet) from baseline to 4-week and 6-month follow-up after participating in a 4-week, group-based, interdisciplinary cardiovascular health programme run by healthcare professionals (HCPs) in a primary care setting. Secondary outcomes included changes in blood pressure, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), triglycerides, non-HDL-c and haemoglobin A1c% from baseline to 6 months, and changes in knowledge scores from baseline to 4 weeks and 6 months. This study further aimed to compare outcomes between in-person programme delivery and virtual programme delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Participants (n=31) attended the Get Heart Smart (GHS) group-based educational and lifestyle behaviour change programme at the East Elgin Family Health Team for 4 weeks. Participants were 18 years or older and were referred by a HCP or self-referred to the GHS programme. Changes in the above-mentioned outcomes were evaluated. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme moved to a virtual mode of delivery, with 16 participants completing the programme in a virtual environment. Two-way repeated-measures analyses of variance were performed to explore if there were significant differences from baseline to 4-week and/or 6-month follow-up between groups (in-person compared with virtual) and within the pooled sample. Results: At baseline and 4-week follow-up, there were significant between-group differences in knowledge scores. After 6-month follow-up, there were statistically significant within-group improvements in Medi-Diet scores and knowledge scores in the pooled sample (n=31), in-person sample (n=15) and virtual sample (n=16). Apart from triglycerides, changes in biomarkers were all non-significant. Conclusions: The GHS programme effectively facilitated long-term (6-month) improved cardiovascular/lifestyle knowledge and adherence to the Medi-Diet. Transitioning to a virtual programme delivery did not impact the program's ability to motivate nutrition-related behaviour change.

Oncol Lett ; 27(5): 214, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572061


Patients with gastric cancer and early gastric outlet obstruction often experience malnutrition and require various nutritional support strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of different preoperative nutritional treatments on their postoperative recovery and prognosis. The present retrospective study collected data from 467 patients with gastric cancer and early gastric outlet obstruction who underwent surgery at Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital (Harbin, China) between January 2016 and December 2018. All patients received preoperative nutritional treatment, with a mean treatment duration of 8.23±2.33 days. The present study analyzed associations and survival in different groups using χ2, independent-samples t-test, ANOVA and log-rank tests. Furthermore, single- and multi-factor survival analyses were conducted and nomograms and calibration curves constructed to investigate factors influencing patient survival. In this study, 230 patients (49.3%) received only parenteral nutrition (PN; Group 1), 162 patients (34.7%) received PN combined with enteral nutrition (EN; Group 2) and 75 patients (16.0%) received PN combined with a full- or semi-liquid diet (Group 3). No significant differences in clinical and pathological parameters were observed among the groups. However, Group 2 showed significant advantages in postoperative recovery, including faster time to first postoperative bowel sounds, flatus and bowel movement. Survival analysis indicated that Group 3 had shorter progression-free survival (χ2=30.485) and overall survival (χ2=31.249). Preoperative nutritional treatment was identified as an independent prognostic factor. Preoperative PN combined with EN proved advantageous for postoperative recovery of patients with gastric cancer and early gastric outlet obstruction. Furthermore, PN combined with full- or semi-liquid diets may not have fully met the nutritional needs of these patients, resulting in less favorable clinical outcomes.

Clin Nutr ESPEN ; 59: 149-153, 2024 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38220368


INTRODUCTION: Obesity is highly prevalent in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), particularly among adults. This condition, which can be morbid in many cases, is multifactorial and has a complex management. The purpose of our study was to describe the feasibility of achieving a better nutritional status, including normal weight in individuals diagnosed with PWS, through specific nutritional interventions within the framework of a transdisciplinary treatment and without resorting to pharmacological treatments or growth hormone (GH). METHODOLOGY: This observational study included patients with confirmed genetic diagnosis of PWS, receiving transdisciplinary treatment in a specialized rare diseases institution. Patients under treatment with GH and those under pharmacological treatment with nutritional objectives were excluded from the study. All patients attended our institution regularly on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Anthropometric records, including weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) were evaluated in each visit from treatment onset until the last check-up. RESULTS: We included 24 patients with confirmed genetic diagnosis of PWS. At baseline, 9 patients (38 %) had obesity grade III, 1 (4 %) of obesity grade II, 10 (42 %) of obesity grade I, 2 (8 %) of overweight, and 2 patients (8 %) with normal baseline weight. After a median duration of 52 months (interquartile range 23-116 months) of transdisciplinary nutritional treatment, we identified a significant reduction in BMI (baseline 40.2 ± 15.7 kg/m2 vs. follow-up 28.3 ± 6.7 kg/m2, p < 0.0001), without significant differences regarding height (baseline 1.45 ± 0.1 m vs. follow-up 1.48 ± 0.1 m, p = 0.09). CONCLUSION: In this study, we demonstrated that nutritional nonpharmacologic interventions immersed in a transdisciplinary treatment enabled a consistent and sustainable improvement in BMI and nutritional status among patients with PWS.

Human Growth Hormone , Prader-Willi Syndrome , Adult , Humans , Prader-Willi Syndrome/complications , Prader-Willi Syndrome/therapy , Prader-Willi Syndrome/chemically induced , Nutritional Status , Human Growth Hormone/therapeutic use , Human Growth Hormone/pharmacology , Body Mass Index , Obesity/complications , Obesity/therapy
Clin Nutr ESPEN ; 59: 225-234, 2024 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38220380


BACKGROUND & AIMS: One-third of hospitalised patients are at nutritional risk, and limited choice regarding meals and meal times, and inadequate nutritional support may contribute to inadequate nutritional intake during hospitalisation. The aim was to test the effect of a novel á la carte hospital food service concept as a stand-alone intervention and combined with individualised nutritional treatment. METHODS: Medical inpatients at nutritional risk were recruited for this three-arm quasi-experimental study. The control group received meals from the traditional bulk trolley food service system. Intervention group 1 (IG1) received meals from a novel á la carte food service concept with an electronic ordering system, whereas intervention group 2 (IG2) in addition to this received individualised nutritional treatment by a clinical dietitian. Nutritional intake and length of stay was measured, and patient satisfaction was assessed with purpose-designed questionnaires. RESULTS: 206 patients were included: 67 in the control group, 68 in IG1, and 71 in IG2. The proportion of participants reaching ≥75 % of both their energy and protein requirement was higher in IG1 compared to the control group (34 % vs. 12 %, p = 0.002) and higher in IG2 compared to IG1 (53 % vs. 34 %, p = 0.035). Length of stay was shorter in IG2 compared to the control group (6.0 vs. 8.7 days, p = 0.005). It was important to participants to be able to choose when and what to eat, and this preference was met to a larger extent in the intervention groups. CONCLUSION: The novel á la carte concept increases energy and protein intake in hospitalised patients, and the positive effects are increased, when the concept is used in combination with individualised nutritional treatment.

Food Service, Hospital , Nutritional Status , Humans , Energy Intake , Hospitalization , Eating
Rev. esp. anestesiol. reanim ; 70(7): 387-394, Agos-Sept- 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223996


Introducción: El paciente crítico afectado por SARS-CoV-2 tiene riesgo de desnutrición. La necesidad de evitar la sobrecarga de volumen y las maniobras que retrasan el logro de los requerimientos nutricionales como la pronación hacen que el abordaje nutricional de estos sujetos sea complejo. Para asegurar un tratamiento adecuado, se desarrolló un protocolo de soporte nutricional como guía de práctica clínica adaptado al paciente con COVID-19. Objetivo: Describir el protocolo de soporte nutricional creado en nuestro centro, el cumplimiento del mismo y analizar los resultados de su aplicación en los pacientes con SARS-CoV-2, ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) del Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (CHGUV) de marzo a mayo del 2020. Material y métodos: Diseño observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y longitudinal para evaluar el cumplimiento de un protocolo de soporte nutricional. Resultados: Se incluyeron 31 pacientes. No se pudo establecer un seguimiento nutricional en ocho de ellos. De los 23 restantes, ocho alcanzaron 80% de los requerimientos calóricos antes del décimo día tras el inicio del tratamiento (grupo buen cumplimiento) y 15 a partir del undécimo día (grupo mal cumplimiento). El grupo con buen cumplimiento obtuvo 75% (n = 6) de curación y 25% de éxitus (n = 2), en comparación con el grupo con «mal cumplimiento» donde 53% (n = 8) fueron dados de alta a planta vs. 47% (n = 7) que fallecieron (prueba X2, valor p = 0,019). Aquellos pacientes que alcanzaron 80% de las necesidades calóricas en algún momento del ingreso en UCI tuvieron menor duración de la hospitalización frente a los que no lo obtuvieron (mediana de días de ingreso = 14, rango intercuartílico [IQR] = 10-16 y mediana de días de ingreso = 22, IQR = 13-39, valor p = 0,025)...(AU)

Introduction: The critical patient affected by SARS-CoV-2 is at risk of malnutrition. The need to avoid volume overload and manoeuvres that delay reaching nutritional requirements such as pronation make the nutritional approach to these patients complex. To ensure adequate treatment, a nutritional support protocol was developed as a clinical practice guideline adapted to the COVID-19 patient. Objective: To describe and analyse the results of introducing a nutritional support protocol aimed at SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (CHGUV) from March to May 2020. Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal design to evaluate compliance with a nutritional support protocol. Results: Thirty-one consecutive patients were included but nutritional follow-up could not be performed in eight. Of the remaining 23 patients, only eight reached 80% of caloric requirements before the tenth day after starting treatment (good compliance group) and 15 after the eleventh day (poor compliance group). In the group with «good compliance» 75% (n = 6) were discharged and 25% died (n = 2), compared to the group with «bad compliance» where 53% (n = 8) were discharged and 47% (n = 7) died (Chi square test, p-value = 0.019). Those patients who reached 80% of caloric needs during ICU stay had a shorter length of stay compared to those who did not (median days of admission = 14, IQR = 10-16 and median days of admission = 22, IQR = 13-39, p-value = 0.025). Conclusions: Introducing a nutritional protocol during the first weeks of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic could improve clinical outcomes by promoting healing and reducing associated complications. (AU)

Humans , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Pandemics , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Nutrition Therapy/methods , 35170 , Longitudinal Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Critical Care , 52503
BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 6(1): 83-90, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37559960


Background: Diabetes care has traditionally not included nutrition therapy using carbohydrate restriction, nor has carbohydrate restriction been taught to registered dietitians (RDs) to support patients living with diabetes choosing this dietary approach. We aimed to describe the experiences and views of RDs caring for patients using therapeutic carbohydrate-restricted diets (TCR), particularly metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Subjects/Methods: A qualitative study design using free-text responses from an online needs assessment survey was employed. RDs who practised in Canada were invited (n=6640) and 274 completed the survey, with 45 respondents who regularly prescribed TCR to their patients providing open-text responses (2987 words), which were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: We identified four themes characterising Canadian RDs' experiences around prescribing TCR: interpersonal context, personal experience/knowledge, regulatory environment and patient-centredness. While these themes often interacted, each impacted TCR prescription uniquely, with patient-centred care at the core of reported experiences of prescribing. Conclusions: There exists a variety of experiences and perspectives related to prescribing of TCR among Canadian RDs caring for patients with diabetes, and all focus on the patient's needs, benefits and preferences. Prescribing TCR was often informed by the scientific literature yet also by RDs' experiential knowledge. Responses highlighted a desire for evidence-based educational materials and greater discussion within the diabetes nutrition community on this topic.

BMJ Nutr Prev Health ; 6(1): 46-55, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37559961


Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is often regarded as a progressive, lifelong disease requiring an increasing number of drugs. Sustained remission of T2D is now well established, but is not yet routinely practised. Norwood surgery has used a low-carbohydrate programme aiming to achieve remission since 2013. Methods: Advice on a lower carbohydrate diet and weight loss was offered routinely to people with T2D between 2013 and 2021, in a suburban practice with 9800 patients. Conventional 'one-to-one' GP consultations were used, supplemented by group consultations and personal phone calls as necessary. Those interested in participating were computer coded for ongoing audit to compare 'baseline' with 'latest follow-up' for relevant parameters. Results: The cohort who chose the low-carbohydrate approach (n=186) equalled 39% of the practice T2D register. After an average of 33 months median (IQR) weight fell from 97 (84-109) to 86 (76-99) kg, giving a mean (SD) weight loss of -10 (8.9)kg. Median (IQR) HbA1c fell from 63 (54-80) to 46 (42-53) mmol/mol. Remission of diabetes was achieved in 77% with T2D duration less than 1 year, falling to 20% for duration greater than 15 years. Overall, remission was achieved in 51% of the cohort. Mean LDL cholesterol decreased by 0.5 mmol/L, mean triglyceride by 0.9 mmol/L and mean systolic blood pressure by 12 mm Hg. There were major prescribing savings; average Norwood surgery spend was £4.94 per patient per year on drugs for diabetes compared with £11.30 for local practices. In the year ending January 2022, Norwood surgery spent £68 353 per year less than the area average. Conclusions: A practical primary care-based method to achieve remission of T2D is described. A low-carbohydrate diet-based approach was able to achieve major weight loss with substantial health and financial benefit. It resulted in 20% of the entire practice T2D population achieving remission. It appears that T2D duration <1 year represents an important window of opportunity for achieving drug-free remission of diabetes. The approach can also give hope to those with poorly controlled T2D who may not achieve remission, this group had the greatest improvements in diabetic control as represented by HbA1c.

Cancers (Basel) ; 15(15)2023 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37568634


Patients with pancreatic cancer who develop irreversible cancer cachexia have a life expectancy of less than 3 months. Therefore, it is extremely important to evaluate the patient's nutritional status as early as possible and to implement an appropriate nutritional intervention in order to reduce the risk of further weight loss and/or muscle loss, which affect the outcomes of cancer treatment and the correct nutritional treatment in patients with pancreatic cancer. A literature review was performed by using the PubMed and Cochrane quick search methodology. The main purpose of this review was to present the current approach to nutritional treatment in pancreatic cancer. The review included publications, most of which concerned clinical nutrition as part of the phase of treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer, nutritional and metabolic disorders in pancreatic cancer, and the period after pancreatic resection. Some of the publications concerned various nutritional interventions in patients with pancreatic cancer undergoing chemotherapy or surgical treatment (nutritional support before surgery, after surgery, or during palliative treatment). There is an unmet need for integrated nutritional therapy as a key part of the comprehensive care process for PC patients. Nutritional counseling is the first line of nutritional treatment for malnourished cancer patients, but pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy also constitutes the cornerstone of nutritional treatment for relieving symptoms of indigestion and maintaining or improving nutritional status.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37553014


INTRODUCTION: The critical patient affected by SARS-CoV-2 is at risk of malnutrition. The need to avoid volume overload and manoeuvres that delay reaching nutritional requirements such as pronation make the nutritional approach to these patients complex. To ensure adequate treatment, a nutritional support protocol was developed as a clinical practice guideline adapted to the COVID-19 patient. OBJECTIVE: To describe and analyse the results of introducing a nutritional support protocol aimed at SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (CHGUV) from March to May 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal design to evaluate compliance with a nutritional support protocol. RESULTS: Thirty-one consecutive patients were included but nutritional follow-up could not be performed in eight. Of the remaining 23 patients, only eight reached 80% of caloric requirements before the tenth day after starting treatment (good compliance group) and 15 after the eleventh day (poor compliance group). In the group with «good compliance¼ 75% (n=6) were discharged and 25% died (n=2), compared to the group with «bad compliance¼ where 53% (n=8) were discharged and 47% (n=7) died (Chi square test, p-value=0.019). Those patients who reached 80% of caloric needs during ICU stay had a shorter length of stay compared to those who did not (median days of admission=14, IQR=10-16 and median days of admission=22, IQR=13-39, p-value=0.025). CONCLUSIONS: Introducing a nutritional protocol during the first weeks of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic could improve clinical outcomes by promoting healing and reducing associated complications.

COVID-19 , Humans , Adult , COVID-19/therapy , SARS-CoV-2 , Critical Illness/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Clinical Protocols
Cancer Diagn Progn ; 3(4): 514-521, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37405225


BACKGROUND/AIM: Ensuring that postoperative gastric cancer patients receive sufficient oral nutritional supplementation (ONS) to prevent body weight loss (BWL) is a serious challenge. The present pilot study evaluated the feasibility and safety of small, frequent sip feeds (SIP) with super energy-dense ONS (SED ONS; 4 kcal/ml) in postoperative gastric cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients received 400 kcal/day of SED ONS in four, daily, 25 ml SIP for 12 weeks after gastrectomy. The primary outcome was the percentage of postoperative weight change. The expected mean weight change was 90% (10% standard deviation). A sample population of 14 patients, sufficient for a 95% confidence interval with a 10% margin of error, was enrolled. RESULTS: The mean weight change for patients receiving SIP with SED ONS was 93.8%. The mean SED ONS intake was 348 kcal/day. Thirteen patients consumed more than 200 kcal/day of SED ONS. One patient with a mean intake of 114 kcal/day had undergone total gastrectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: Small, frequent SIP with SED ONS was found to be feasible and safe in postoperative gastric cancer patients. A multicenter randomized controlled trial is warranted to determine whether SIP with SED ONS is effective in preventing BWL.

Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363692


Introduction: The critical patient affected by SARS-CoV-2 is at risk of malnutrition. The need to avoid volume overload and manoeuvres that delay reaching nutritional requirements such as pronation make the nutritional approach to these patients complex. To ensure adequate treatment, a nutritional support protocol was developed as a clinical practice guideline adapted to the COVID-19 patient. Objective: To describe and analyse the results of introducing a nutritional support protocol aimed at SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (CHGUV) from March to May 2020. Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal design to evaluate compliance with a nutritional support protocol. Results: Thirty-one consecutive patients were included but nutritional follow-up could not be performed in eight. Of the remaining 23 patients, only eight reached 80% of caloric requirements before the tenth day after starting treatment (good compliance group) and 15 after the eleventh day (poor compliance group). In the group with «good compliance¼ 75% (n = 6) were discharged and 25% died (n = 2), compared to the group with «bad compliance¼ where 53% (n = 8) were discharged and 47% (n = 7) died (Chi square test, p-value = 0.019). Those patients who reached 80% of caloric needs during ICU stay had a shorter length of stay compared to those who did not (median days of admission = 14, IQR = 10-16 and median days of admission = 22, IQR = 13-39, p-value = 0.025). Conclusions: Introducing a nutritional protocol during the first weeks of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic could improve clinical outcomes by promoting healing and reducing associated complications.

J. negat. no posit. results ; 8(1): 470-485, Jun 7, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220016


Objetivos: Este trabajo pretende analizar los consensos actuales acerca de cuándo se establece la finalización del tratamientodietético-nutricional de los TCA, así como qué requisitos se han de cumplir, en el contexto de un tratamiento multidisciplinar. Métodos: Para la elaboración de este trabajo se han consultado fuentes secundarias de información tales como las bases de datoselectrónicas PubMed, SciELO, y Dialnet Plus, en las que hemos introducido diferentes descriptores relacionados con nuestros objetivosy hemos seleccionado nuestros criterios de inclusión, recopilando un total de 20 artículos para su análisis. Resultados: La realidad actual de la recuperación de los TCA se entiende como una restauración del peso y la composición corporalexistiendo escasa evidencia sobre cómo han de ser las intervenciones dietéticas necesarias para mejorar la salud y la alimentación delas personas con trastornos alimentarios. Conclusiones: Uno de los motivos principales parece ser la escasez de estudios sobre la relación entre el comportamiento alimentariode los pacientes que recuperaron el peso, y sus resultados a largo plazo; por lo que parece necesario definir un protocolo dietético derecuperación cualitativo, a largo plazo, y con una menor probabilidad de recaídas.(AU)

Objective: This piece of work pretends to analyze the current consensus about when the completion of the dietary-nutritional treatmentof eating disorders is established, as well as what requirements must be met, in the context of a multidisciplinary treatment. Methods: For the elaboration of this work, secondary sources of information have been consulted, such as the electronic databasesPubMed, SciELO, and Dialnet Plus, in which we have introduced different descriptors related to our objectives and we have selectedour inclusion criteria, compiling a total of 20 articles for analysis. Results: The current reality of recovery from eating disorders is understood as a restoration of weight and body composition, with littleevidence on what the necessary dietary interventions should be like to improve the health and nutrition of people with eating disorders. Conclusions: One of the main reasons seems to be the scarcity of studies on the relationship between the eating behavior of patientswho regained weight, and their long-term results; Therefore, it seems necessary to define a long-term, qualitative recovery dietaryprotocol with a lower probability of relapse.(AU)

Humans , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Recurrence , Food and Nutrition Education , Diet, Healthy , Body Composition , 52503
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab ; 36(2): 167-173, 2023 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36524234


OBJECTIVES: Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inborn metabolic disease. The nutritional treatment with restricted intake of branched chain amino acids and prevention of leucine toxicity are crucially important for a favorable outcome. The aim of this study is to analyze the relation of blood leucine levels at diagnosis with future leucine tolerances, to determine whether any prediction about the future leucine tolerances or plasma leucine levels is possible by evaluating blood leucine levels at diagnosis. METHODS: The study group consisted of 45 MSUD patients. Leucine levels at diagnosis were compared with age at diagnosis, leucine tolerances, maximum leucine levels/ages, and average blood leucine levels. RESULTS: The mean plasma leucine level at diagnosis was 2,355.47 ± 1,251.7 µmol/L (ref: 55-164 µmol/L). The median age at diagnosis was 17 days. Leucine tolerances per kg body weight declined until the age of 8 years and stabilized subsequently. The average age of maximum leucine level during follow-up was 3.14 ± 1.92 years, and the mean maximum lifetime plasma leucine level on follow-up was 1,452.13 ± 621.38 µmol/L. The leucine levels at diagnosis did not have any significant relationship with lifetime leucine tolerances, maximum plasma leucine levels or mean plasma leucine levels. CONCLUSIONS: The plasma leucine levels at diagnosis did not have a predictive value for later leucine tolerances or plasma leucine levels. The maximum lifetime leucine level is likely to happen within the first 3 years of life, underlining the importance of good metabolic control and compliance to dietary treatment at early ages.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease , Humans , Child , Infant , Child, Preschool , Infant, Newborn , Leucine/metabolism , Amino Acids, Branched-Chain , Diet , Body Weight