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J Econ Entomol ; 112(4): 1760-1764, 2019 08 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31100119


Brontocoris tabidus Signoret (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is a zoophytophagous predator of lepidopteran defoliators of eucalyptus in Brazil. This predator complements its diet with plants, which is fundamental for its population maintenance. The objective was to evaluate the B. tabidus development, reproduction, and life table parameters in the field on Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. (T1), Psidium guajava Linn (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) (T2), or without plants (T3). The parameters estimated were: net reproductive rate (Ro); generation duration (DG); time for the population to double in size (TD); intrinsic population growth rate (rm), survival rate (lX), specific fertility (mx), life expectancy (ex), and mortality risk (qx). Ro, DG, TD, and rm were higher in the T1 and T2 than in T3. Plant presence favored the lx, mx, and qx. Ex values were 36.1 and 56.9 in the T3 and T1, respectively. The B. tabidus fertility, longevity, and life table parameters improvement on E. cloeziana and P. guajava plants are due to the water and nutrients obtained from them. B. tabidus can be reared with Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptara: Tenebrionidae) pupae on E. cloeziana or P. guajava plants in the field.

Heteroptera , Animals , Brazil , Fertility , Life Tables , Reproduction
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(1): 42-48, jan./feb. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-966565


Several studies have reported the importance of phytophagy in the history of life from predator stinkbugs. However, knowledge of the nutrients acquired by these insects, from plant materials, is scarce. The phytophagy studies of zoophytophagous predators benefit biological control programs, making them more effective, since the best resources may be offered to these insects, increasing the potential for predation and, thus obtaining, success in pest control. Thus, this study investigated the development and zoophytophagy of predator Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in eucalyptus seedlings, deficient in macronutrients. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse and the treatments consisted of individual nitrogen omission, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur nutrient solution, where the eucalyptus seedlings were being conducted. The pupae of Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Teneobridae) were offered ad libitum. The results of this experiment demonstrated the importance of nutrition in plants for the development and predation of P. nigrispinus. The plants deficient in nitrogen and magnesium reduce the predation efficiency of this zoophytophagous. The omission of calcium, magnesium and sulfur adversely affected the development of this insect predator, extending its immature stages. The proper nutritional balance of the plants is essential for the success in biological control programs that use zoophytophagous predators.

Diversos estudos têm relatado a importância da fitofagia na história de vida dos percevejos predadores. Porém, não se conhece quais são os nutrientes adquiridos por estes insetos nos materiais vegetais. Sabe-se que a fitofagia realizada pelos predadores zoofitófagos beneficia os programas de controle biológico, tornando-os mais eficazes, e que as plantas oferecem recursos que poderão aumentar o potencial de predação, garantindo o sucesso no controle de pragas. Deste modo, este trabalho investigou o consumo alimentar e desenvolvimento do percevejo Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), sob mudas de eucalipto, submetidas à solução nutritiva com omissão de macronutrientes. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação e os tratamentos consistiram na omissão individual de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e enxofre da solução nutritiva, onde as mudas de eucalipto se desenvolveram. Pupas de Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Teneobridae), foram oferecidas ad libitum. Os resultados deste experimento comprovaram a importância da complementação nutricional em plantas para o consumo alimentar e desenvolvimento do P. nigrispinus. A alimentação nas plantas em que o nitrogênio e magnésio foram omitidos diminuiu o consumo de biomassa animal das presas deste zoofitófago. E a omissão de cálcio, magnésio e enxofre afetou, negativamente, o desenvolvimento deste percevejo predador, prolongando seu estádio imaturo. O balanço nutricional adequado das plantas é fundamental para obter sucesso em programas de controle biológico em que se utilizam predadores zoofitófagos.

Plants , Food , Pest Control, Biological , Myrtaceae , Eucalyptus , Hemiptera , Pest Control
Microsc Microanal ; 21(6): 1514-1522, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26601683


Podisus distinctus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is a zoophytophagous insect with significant potential for use as a biological control agent in agriculture and forestry because their nymphs and adults actively prey on diverse insect species. The saliva of this insect possesses active substances that cause paralysis and death of the prey. As the first step in identifying compounds of P. distinctus saliva, this study describes the ultrastructure of the salivary glands of this predator. The salivary system of P. distinctus possesses a pair of main salivary glands with a short anterior lobe, a long posterior lobe, and a pair of tubular accessory glands. The main salivary gland of P. distinctus has no associated muscles, suggesting that the saliva-release mechanism occurs with the help of certain thorax muscles. The main salivary gland epithelium has a single layer of cells (varying from cubical to columnar) with cytoplasm rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, spherical granules of different sizes, a nucleus with a predominance of decondensed chromatin, and nucleolus. The apical cell region has a few short microvilli and the basal region has plasma membrane infoldings. The epithelium of the accessory salivary glands possesses a single-layered epithelium of cubic cells delimiting a narrow lumen. The apical cell region has a high density of microvilli and pleomorphic mitochondria, whereas the central cell region is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum with a well-developed nucleus and decondensed chromatin. The basal cell region is characterized by the presence of several basal plasma membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria and numerous openings to the hemocoel forming large channels. The ultrastructural characteristics suggest that the main salivary glands and accessory salivary glands play a vital role in protein synthesis for saliva production and that the accessory glands are involved in transport of materials of the hemolymph.

Rev. bras. entomol ; Rev. bras. entomol;55(2): 267-271, June 2011. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-593259


Effect of gossypol on survival and reproduction of the zoophytophagous stinkbug Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas). Gossypol is a sesquiterpene aldehyde found in cotton plants conferring resistance against herbivory. Although the effect of this sesquiterpenoid on insect pests of cotton is known, the interaction of this compound with zoophytophagous predators such as Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) has not been studied so far. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the purified gossypol on nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinus. Nymphs and adults of this predator were fed on Tenebrio molitor pupae and supplemented with solutions of gossypol at concentrations of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 percent (w/v) during the nymphal and adult stages or, only during the adult stage of P. nigrispinus. The nymphal stage of the predator was, on average, two days longer when suplemmented with gossypol. Emerged adults had lower fecundity and egg hatching, especially at the highest gossypol concentration (0.20 percent) ingested during the nymphal and adult stages. However, this predator was not affected when it ingested the compound only during the adult stage. P. nigrispinus can have delayed nymphal development and lower reproductive performance when ingesting the gossypol during the nymphal and adult stages, but only at higher concentrations of gossypol than that produced by cotton plants.

Efeito do gossipol na sobrevivência e reprodução do percevejo zoofitófago Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas). O gossipol é um aldeído sesquiterpeno produzido pelo algodoeiro que confere resistência contra a herbivoria. A interação deste sesquiterpeno com predadores zoofitófagos, como Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), é inexistente apesar do reconhecido efeito do gossipol sobre insetos pragas do algodoeiro. Assim, este estudo avaliou o efeito do extrato de gossipol sobre ninfas e adultos de P. nigrispinus. O predador foi alimentado com pupas de Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) e suplementado com soluções do gossipol nas concentrações 0, 0,05, 0,10 e 0,20 por cento (peso/volume) durante os estágios ninfal e adulto e somente durante o estágio adulto. A duração do estágio ninfal do predador foi em média dois dias mais longo quando suplementado com gossipol. Adultos oriundos de ninfas suplementadas com gossipol apresentaram menor fecundidade e viabilidade dos ovos, em especial na maior concentração (0,20 por cento). Contudo, adultos não foram afetados quando suplementados com gossipol somente durante este estágio. Os resultados demonstram que a ingestão prolongada do gossipol ocasiona efeito no desenvolvimento e reprodução do predador P. nigrispinus, porém somente em concentração superior àquela produzida naturalmente pela planta de algodão.

Neotrop. entomol ; 32(4): 677-684, Oct.-Dec. 2003. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-513668


Este trabalho investigou o efeito de seis plantas daninhas [Ageratum conyzoides L., Amaranthus hybridus L., Bidens pilosa L., Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.), Euphorbia heterophylla L., Ricinus communis L.] e do algodoeiro Gossypium hirsutum L cv. CNPA Precoce 1, na biologia de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas). Ovosdo predador foram fixados às plantas e, posteriormente, os insetos foram alimentados com pupas de Tenebrio molitor (L.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) até a morte. Para avaliar a preferência para oviposição, fêmeas acasaladas foram confinadas em gaiolas contendo plantas daninhas e algodoeiro, observando-se a seleção da planta para oviposição através do número de posturas e ovos. D. tortuosum propiciou o mais rápido desenvolvimento ninfal de P. nigrispinus. A viabilidade da fase ninfal não foi afetada em relação à espécie de planta e fêmeas produzidas em R. communis foram mais leves em relação às produzidas em G. hirsutum. Fêmeas mantidas em A. conyzoides tiveram maior fecundidade, enquanto aquelas mantidas em D. tortuosum, E. heterophylla e R. communis apresentaram a menor fecundidade. A taxa líquida de reprodução (Ro) e o tempo médio da geração (T) de P. nigrispinus foram maiores em A. conyzoides e menores em R. communis. A taxa intrínseca de crescimento populacional (r m) e a razão finita de crescimento (lambda) foram maiores em B. pilosa e menores em G. hirsutum. Dentre as plantas estudadas P. nigrispinus preferiu ovipositar em A. hybridus e B. pilosa. Os resultados sugerem que plantas daninhas como A. conyzoides, B. pilosa e A. hybridus podem beneficiar a colonização e manutenção de P. nigrispinus no agroecossistema algodoeiro por fitofagia.

This study investigated the effects of six weeds [Amaranthus hybridus L., Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.), Euphorbia heterophylla L., Ageratum conyzoides L., Bidens pilosa L., Ricinus communis L.] and the cotton plant Gossypium hirsutum L. CNPA Precocious 1 on Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) life history characteristics and oviposition behavior. The study begun with P. nigrispinus eggs placed on plants and caged throughout up to female death. Egg production and selected plant for oviposition by P. nigrispinus were investigated caging mated females on weeds and cotton plants simultaneously. Nymphal development of P. nigrispinus was shorter on D. tortuosum and longer on A. hybridus. Nymphal viability was not affected by any species of plant studied. Nymphs reared on R. communis produced females weighting less compared to the other plant species. The weed A. conyzoides promoted higher female fecundity compared to those females reared on D. tortuosum, E. heterophylla and R. communis. The demographic parameters net reproductive rate (Ro) and mean generation time (T) of P. nigrispinus were higher for females reared on A. conyzoides, while the intrinsic rate of population increase (r m) and finite rate of increase (lambda) suggest that better performance of the predator will be yielded on B. pilosa. The weed plants A. hybridus and B. pilosa were significantly preferred by P. nigrispinus females to lay eggs. These results suggest that the weeds A. conyzoides, B. pilosa and A. hybridus can benefit the colonization and maintenance of P. nigrispinus in the cotton ecosystem by phytophagy.